Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Eomecon: Music-making, Sharing my caring and loving in these emails with you, Thinking about taking piano lessons with P toward 2-hand Scottish Country Dance music up-to-speed, and 2-hand blues' playing improvisation, What was it like in the '70s at Cal/UC Berkeley and Stanford? I have some inklings, but would like to explore this fulsomely newly, new 'social science' method I'm calling 'ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy,' And WUaS Psychiatric Psychoanalysis (with avatar bots eventually?), Collaboration with Stanford Medicine? How many countries is psychiatry psychoanalysis in?' - and couldn't really find a list, Then found this "List of essential writings in Psychoanalysis" (below too) - which could be an interesting way to code a DoctorBot


Hi M,

My meeting with Alexa in video was good this morning. Out of this, I followed up with my email below to the Stanford and Harvard graduate schools of education.

Per our conversation last night about music-making, and my druthers being piano-playing over choral singing - but both socially, ... these Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument came to mind again afterward - http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm ...

I think I'd like to take weekly hour-long fall and spring piano lessons with Patti C, - focusing on two handed Scottish country dancing piano and blues' piano - by sitting beside her on the piano bench, and growing with setting further goals per above etc - socially. (And I could sing with her as well:). Lack of monies is an issue still however.

It's getting hot here, will put the laundry on the line, and head to the UC Berkeley Anthro library for a physical copy of a book - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1038838839329009665 ... Have you used World Catalog here before, which helps locate physical copies of books near you?

Time to pack up the musical instruments ...

L, Scott

. . .

Hi Janet and Javier, (and Laura, - and Alexa and Karen at HGSE),

Greetings. I just had a great 25 minute video-meeting with Alexa Kutler in the Harvard Graduate School of Education about hosting ScratchEd Meetups, (and potentially with Lego Robotics' Meetups with the Scratch drag and drop programming language), and I'm writing to followup about my inquiry of August 23rd to you. Would it be possible please to host these out of the Stanford GSE, and potentially in conjunction with the SFUSD, so that elementary and high school teachers can gain some 'teaching programming' and 'teaching robotics with programming' skills - and for credit even? And, if this might be possible, what might be the next steps please to explore this further? Stanford GSE students could certainly get involved in this as well in a wide variety of ways.

(Again, I'm also exploring another position at Stanford - potentially to teach courses - for which I have a meeting in late September with the Stanford Peace Innovation Institute). Thank you.

Thanks too for your excellent Stanford Center to Support Excellence in Teaching talks.

Best regards, Scott
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/09/goldbug-hot-springs-searched-on-west.html
- The 'programming' label in my blog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/programming - with much about Scratch


Hi M,

Sharing my caring and loving in these emails with you, (or seeking to at least). (And here too is a place, a wiki subject page at World Uni for open teaching and learning, for everyone to share ideas about caring and loving - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Caring_and_Loving).

Thinking about taking piano lessons with Patti toward 2-hand Scottish Country Dance music up-to-speed, and 2-hand blues' playing improvisation, sitting next to her on the bench (for four hands and
musical-conversation especially), and breaking down goals weekly to build with and re Yo yo Ma and Wynton Marsalis's Guidelines for Practicing a Musical Instrument - http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm ...

You might enjoy these two emails I just sent to Patti and Janet S (who's from Seattle went to Stanford in the mid-1970s in English and lives now in Berkeley with her partner M):


Hi Patti and Janet,

Nice to make music with you after the summer last night at Open Band. Appreciating the 12 people who came to play (more than the usual 10), Patti, and appreciate too your energy in this. The thought crossed my mind that the musicians group last night was a bit like being in the Harbin warm pool together (especially when Linda, whom I like a lot, was sharing a more 'structured' SCD teachers' way of thinking, and what I'd call Scottish as well - and about SCD dancing and teaching in St. Andrew's as well).

Thanks Janet for coming to play as well! It made me glad to see you after many months.

Appreciating too the west coast thinking you both head in. :)

Warm regards, Scott

~~~ https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand

Hi Patti and Janet from here,

A bit out of the box, what was it like in the '70s at Cal/UC Berkeley and Stanford? I have some inklings, but would like to explore this fulsomely newly. And how could we add all of these memories, experiences and understandings, ethnographically shared, into a realistic virtual earth (think Google Street View with time slider with avatar bots and a film-to-3d app too) and with even a new 'social science' method I'm calling 'ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy' https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy ?

Friendly regards, Scott
~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (here's the Harbin gate in Google Street View - "walk" down the road '4 miles' to Middletown and 'amble' around the streets there, if inclined)
~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook
~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~


Developing such a team way of thinking for me on the west coast feels much much more individualistic, but maybe my group will begin with a partner and build out from there. :)

What are you up to today, and how are you?

L, Scott

 * * *

(I never heard back from Dr. Prober ... )

September 27, 2017

Stanford Medicine - Dr. Charles Prober

Dear Bob,

Thanks so much for meeting with me this morning at Stanford Medicine, and concerning Stanford Medicine and World University and School Medicine (where World University and School is like CC MIT OpenCourseWare in 5 languages with CC Wikipedia in 301 languages). 

As you suggested, it would be great to talk further with Stanford's Dr. Charles Prober about developing together online: 

- Medical Schools for online MD degrees, in all ~200 countries' official languages (perhaps beginning with online PA degrees)

- Medicine OpenCourseWare (potentially CC-4 licensed and paralleling CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare in its 5 languages - which CC World University and School is planning to accredit upon for online free CC OCW-centric Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, and MD as well as IB high school degrees in all ~200 countries' official languages). 

- Teaching Hospitals in all ~200 countries' official languages and even for developing online robotic surgery, for example, as well as for a) rural, b) space, c) ship and d) wilderness medicine, perhaps building on Dr. Sanjeev Arora's Project ECHO (for ~140 diseases, mentoring and with specialist MDs to rural populations - per his recent Stanford Grand Rounds). ... and with Stanford and Duke's Google Project Baseline too.

- and again re collaboration between Stanford Medicine and World University and School Medicine.

Would it be possible please to talk further with Dr. Prober about this? 

Thank you again so much for our meeting!

Best regards, 

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* *

Psychoanalysis (PLANNED IN ~200 countries' official / main languages) -

Psychiatry -

Psychotherapy -

World_University_Medical_School -

September 7, 2018

I just searched on and looked up "how many kinds of psychoanalysis are there?" and found only mentions of Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis.

September 8, 2018

Dear L, (J and E),

I don't think there's an 'action minute' in WUaS monthly business meeting that will arise from these my concerns about Dr. A.V. ... - but so noted (whistle-blown, in a sense). I also think that WUaS Medical Schools collaborating with Stanford Medicine in all ~200 nation states and their languages is most important here. (I sometimes end up taking a kind of " Yoga hippy ecology" - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html - approach to such unethical actions / behavior - where a kind of ecology will eventually emerge to change things). These 'Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations' - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html - do include the idea of people doing Yoga and seeking Lacanian MD psychoanalysis psychiatric help if needed. And I wonder if Dr. A.V. would benefit from seeing a Stanford psychiatrist  Lacanian MD psychoanalyst in these regards.

More about psychoanalysis here
- https://www.simplypsychology.org/psychoanalysis.html

- https://careersinpsychology.org/psychoanalysis/

I also think WUaS Psychiatry - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry - might be able to begin to develop and train such MDs, and benefit eventually remuneratively from this - and re all ~200 countries' Ministries of Health and similar - and we might even be able to offer our services to Stanford Medicine eventually too. Here are two recent postings about developing psychiatry in new ways re a realistic virtual earth, with some Stanford psychiatrists - https://plus.google.com/u/1/+ScottMacLeodWorldUniversity/posts/7Khiw4qwQUG and https://plus.google.com/u/1/+MeetingWorldUniversityFriends/posts/j1V6hrTU8pX (and also re my whistle-blowing about the SF QM some months ago, in the back of my mind here).

Talk with you soon, L, in WUaS Monthly Business Meeting. And thank you.

Sincerely, Scott

September 8, 2018

Dear L, E and M,

Good WUaS business meeting this morning ... and we just had a small earthquake, with some after tremors ... (did you feel this, E?)

Searched on "psychoanalysis and avatars bots" and found quite a bit, including Woebot,  the work of Alison Darcy in the Stanford psychiatry department - fascinating ...










How to help write the code for a Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist Chabot ... (perhaps talk with C.A. MD and J.A. MD re their father G.A. MD who was a Lacanian psychoanalytic psychiatrist ... and could say why in a wide variety of ways ... and since their mother also went to MIT).


GLAD TOO edX is in SPANISH re a WUaS MBM item ... https://www.edx.org/es ...  and MITx in edX with which I hope WUaS can collaborate.

Sincerely, Scott


September 11, 2018

Hi L, M and E,

Re connecting further with Bob Harrington MD and WUaS Medicine (for medical schools in ~200 countries' languages) with Stanford Medical School, and thinking too in terms of how Stanford's Dr. A.V., and UC Berkeley Law's W. K., conceptually, could see a MD Lacanian psychiatric psychoanalyst for 4-5 years 4 times a week - so they conceivably wouldn't harm any more people potentially -  and offering online psychoanalysis at WUaS in ~200 countries' languages, and eventually even with AI and machine learning and chat bots and avatar bots ...

I was searching a little further about -

'How many countries is psychiatry psychoanalysis in?' - http://www.wpanet.org/detail.php?section_id=11&content_id=529 - and couldn't really find a list.

Then found this "List of essential writings in Psychoanalysis" (below too) - http://www.wpanet.org/detail.php?section_id=11&content_id=527 - which could be an interesting way to code a DoctorBot for research into psychiatry psychoanalysis and psychotherapy interactively with people as well. Couldn't find a list of essential writings in Lacanian Psychoanalysis yet, and it might make sense to code two very different psychoanalysis DoctorBots ...

All this said, I think both Stanford's Dr. A. V., and UC Berkeley Law's W. K. would benefit much from going through psychiatric psychoanalysis, and maybe not harm people as a consequence as well. Online therapeutically as well? My interactions with both of them have raised serious ethical questions about their behaviors.

Don't have much to offer them beyond a kind of Yogic code of ethics, newly construed - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html.

Sincerely, Scott

List of essential writings in Psychoanalysis

THE LIST March 2003

BION, W. R. Brazilian lectures (1974) Rio de Janeiro, Imago Editoria, reprinted in London by Karnac Press: Sao Paulo 1973 lecture VI

FERENCZI, Sandor. The confusion of tongues between adults and children; in Final contributions to the problems and methods of psychoanalysis. London, Karnac Books, 1980, pp. 156-167

FREUD, Anna. Mechanisms of defense, Chapter 4 in The ego and the mechanisms of defense. New-York, International Universities Press, 1946

FREUD, Sigmund Introductory lectures and parapraxes (1916) in Introductory lectures on psychoanalysis. Standard Edition, London, Hogarth Press, vol 15-16/24, part 1 (1953-1974)

FREUD, Sigmund in Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety. Standard Edition, London, Hogarth Press, pp. 75-174, Chapter II

KLEIN, Melanie. Early stages of the Oedipus conflict in Contributions to psychoanalysis. London, Hogarth Press,1928

LACAN, Jacques The mirror stage as formative of the function of the I , in Ecrits : a selection. New York, W.W. Norton, 1982

WINNICOTT, D. W. The Capacity to be alone (1958) in Collected Papers Through paediatrics to psychoanalysis. London, Tavistock, 1958

Found this when searching on 'List of essential writings in Laconian Psychoanalysis'


* *

If you've ever text-chatted, or instant-messaged, - with an old friend, for example, in what could be construed as psychotherapeutic ways you'll understand how very very far machine learning, artificial intelligence and avatar bots have to go until they become MD psychoanalytic psychiatrists able to synthesize and understand in human cultural contexts and languages an analysand's 5-year 5-days a week sessions with a MD psychoanalyst communicatively - since such text sharing sentence by sentence can be construed in so many ways, and how one responds offers nearly infinite possibilities as well - and psychotherapeutically.



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