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Golden toad: 'Ok, CAWS! (the wiki-like co-authoring system)' - Co-Authoring Wiki System, Here's a different view on what a collaborative learning (and re Co-Authoring Wiki-based System) platform might seek to facilitate: Truth Prevails (Vincit Veritas) - which is a letter written by the acting President of Reed College about what Reed seeks to teach, "Excellent! What are some of the challenges you anticipate could crop up as you integrate the front end and back end pieces?," Coding for an universal basic income for peoples and learners and wiki teachers in all 7,097 living languages, and for all 7.5 billion people ... and re identity questions is a biggie ... Wikidata/Wikibase is in about 300 languages, with communities, so that leaves about 6,800 living languages, and Wikidata is a good language and coding base for this.... 'populate this list' ...


Co-Authoring Wiki System ...

Ok, CAWS! (the wiki-like co-authoring system, not the other one) -- it's been 11 years since the initial study, and MIT Lab folks have been puttering around some since.

Anyone know about a usable CAWS interface / platform / app in 2018? Would be perfect for our research team.. other wiki-like alternatives for co-authored welcomed, please include links so we can check them out!

This paper is HUGE so please only read the abstract from around p21 http://openaccess.city.ac.uk/19018/1/Al-Ashaikh%2C%20Reem%28Redacted%29.pdf

"Collaborative learning is known as an effective learning method and various different kindsof technologies have been developed to support and facilitate collaborative learning. Many ofthese technologies are used to support the functional activities of a group of learners byenabling students to communicate, share documents and materials, track the work of thegroup, or distribute and allocate tasks."

Many thanks,Scot

Check out Miraheze Mediawiki -

https://twitter.com/miraheze/status/1040848571233431552 - which is the front end I.T. for Wikipedia, and last time I heard about 3,000 other wikis were using it.

It's free, I think, and it can connect with Wikidata / Wikibase structured knowledge database as its "back end" - in ~300 languages.

I touch on both Miraheze Mediawiki and Wikidata's Wikicite here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/09/sarcodes-engineered-ai-still-matters.html.

I'm also an appreciator of Google classroom for collaborative learning - as well as the many group video conference technologies out there.

And the "Threads"' software in the HarvardX / edX / JuryX course is designed around collaborative learning in the helpful edX platform with other possible related technologies.

And I may be facilitating ScratchEd drag and drop programming language MeetUps at Stanford in the future. And Scratch is also great for collaborative coding.

Wikia wiki could be an option as well.

Lastly the conference method of teaching and learning, engaged in at Reed, is very much collaborative learning - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning (this is also Miraheze Mediwiki) - with some similarities to seminars and the Socratic method.

Reem, author of the paper, just started an interesting thread in the Wikimedia Libraries' email list. I didn't realize he was in London.

Thanks for the paper and question,

      From: Scott MacLeod
 To: Scot Campbell ; Koh Fujinaga ; Ants Fraser Fujinaga ; Scott MacLeod  
 Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 6:47 PM
 Subject: Re: looking for a few good CAWS

Thank you very much, Scott.  I'll check it out!



Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Wed, Sep 19, 9:44 AM (2 days ago)
to scpromediaScottKohAnts
Thanks, Scot, as well for your email.

In some ways collaborative learning is about people talking together - dialogue with specific questions (eg what is 'citizenship' in ancient Greece re Reed College's conference method in Hum 110, or this Socratic dialogue's question -  as I see it. So group video conferencing or HarvardX JuryX's "Threads" web chat software or ScratchEd's group post-it approaches for learning coding with this drag and drop programming language as CAWS all can facilitate this.

Cheers, Scott


Scot Campbell

Wed, Sep 19, 12:39 PM (2 days ago)
to meScottKohAnts
Good calls there, I will check out Threads and ScratchEd too.

Was it difficult to launch your own full wiki platform (last year I think?). Curious what some of the technical/collaboration/communications challenges were, and might continue to be, in guiding your team in that start-up effort.


Someone over in Romania, thanks to Wikidata's Product Manager Lydia Pintscher in Berlin, was very helpful in setting WUaS's new Mediawiki up. I think it could be easy, but folks would have to read the online guidelines.

Join the Wikidata email list if you haven't already - wikidata@lists.wikimedia.org.

WUaS has two wings - A) non-profit 501 c 3 CC-4 MIT OCW-centric in 5 languages with Wikidata in 300 languages, and B) for-profit general stock company planned in all ~200 countries' official languages - and is planning for all of Wikimedia's ~300 languages initially, and has yet to join our "front end" in Miraheze Mediawiki - e.g. - 
- with our "back end" in Wikidata/Wikibase, A) for students and B) e.g. for inventory in a bookstore, and re machine translation for our 7,097 living languages' academic press with machine translation.

This will be a good CAWS platform, to be sure ... :)

Cheers, Scott

So, World Univ & Sch' planned Hum 110 course online would be another CAWS ... accessible from here for credit eventually at WUaS  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Humanities ...

Cheers, Scott

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch
- https://twitter.com/WUaSPress

Excellent! What are some of the challenges you anticipate could crop up as you integrate the front end and back end pieces?



Coding for an universal basic income for peoples and learners and wiki teachers in all 7,097 living languages, and for all 7.5 billion people ... and re identity questions is a biggie ... 

MIT's Neha Narula, Joi Ito - and Drummond Reed (re identity qs - all on Twitter here - https://twitter.com/WUaSPress) ?


- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch
- https://twitter.com/WUaSPress

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This transmission and any attachments are intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under applicable federal or state laws.  If the reader of this transmission is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by email or telephone.

I see, yes. Is there a CMS function here as well, for storing active contents such as films and books to share?


Scot Campbell

AttachmentsWed, Sep 19, 3:49 PM (2 days ago)
to meScottKohAnts
Found this also, new draft Creative Computing Curriculum Guide 3.0 (geared to teaching young learners, draft attached)

Seeking to facilitate wiki adding all open libraries in all 7100 living languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Library_Resources - so am waiting on Wikidata / Wikimedia coding developments in some of these regards. Wikidata/Wikibase is in about 300 languages, with communities, so that leaves about 6,800 living languages, and Wikidata is a good language and coding base for this.... 'populate this list' ...

Re Scratch, check this out too ... much from Harvard GSE's Prof Karen Brennan - ScratchEd Meetup Guide - http://scratched.gse.harvard.edu/meetups/files/Guide_20160904.pdf -

A growth story for the internet ... and we've already got about 725 wiki pages in WUaS Mediawiki ... 

Cheers, Scott

Thanks for the ScratchEd Meetups pdf, it really fits what we are doing now!


Great, Scot, 

Am exploring facilitating monthly ScratchEd Meetups out of the Stanford GSE. Maybe we could explore teaming up in these regards for both A) Scratch drag and drop programming and B) Lego robotics - WeDo2 and Mindstorms EV3 - with programming? 

Cheers, Scott 

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

Hi Scot, Koh and Ants, 

Re a 
-Co-Authoring Wiki System 
I found this about 
CAWS from MIT CSail 

And here's a different view on what a collaborative learning (and re Co-Authoring Wiki-based System) platform might seek to facilitate: Truth Prevails (Vincit Veritas) - https://mailchi.mp/c572272a33ba/important-announcement-from-reed-college-1501685?e=8cc6d04b0f - which is a letter written by the acting President of Reed College about what Reed seeks to teach. - Scott

Defined wiki in ethno-wiki-virrual-world-graphy yesterday as "Co-Authoring Wiki System" platform here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/09/heteractis-magnifica-culture-of.html ... and hope to blog further about some of this today.



Scot Campbell

4:57 PM (5 hours ago)
to meKohAntonia
Yes, I've known about those European resources, they were among my initial finds. Nice letter from Reed, do you know of any prototypes that might model those values?



I think that WUaS can develop these Reed educational goals, for example, in Google group video Hangouts, and eventually INTO a realistic virtual earth (so 10 person group video into avatar bots in Google StreetView/ Maps/ Earth etc. with Time Slider as classrooms and STEM field sites), and emerging out of, for example, this wiki platform and the academic and open-ended subjects here - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects ...

Cheers, Scott

* *

Hi Scot, Ants and Koh,

In terms of taking this idea of CAWS - Co-Authoring Wiki System - further explicitly in the direction I've been writing about for years now re the creation of a realistic virtual earth that we can all add to, including with wiki-text  (think Google Streetview with TIME SLIDER, Maps, Earth, Translate plus), I just created the following Tweet:

adding TEXT to google street view (re social science method ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy @WorldUnivAndSch - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy)
- https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/streetview-overlays
adding PHOTOS to streetview

- https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1043886091059617794

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1043885686565130240

- https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1043885636569034753

- https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1043885983127678977

How best to add Mediawiki / Wikidata/Wikibase to Google Street View then, (and re security Qs etc too)?

Cheers, Scott
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/09/goldentoad-ok-caws-wiki-like-co.html



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