Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Elephant: MuseScore | Free music composition and notation software - 'We connected a piano to the internet. It's ready to play your score!' - http://pianolive.musescore.com/ - WUaS Music School, Educational Software, and Music Composition, and this article to the Piano, "In a study by Harvard graduate Chia-Jung Tsay, nearly all participants — including highly trained musicians — were better able to identify the winners of classical music competitions by watching silent video clips than by listening to audio recordings," Connecting MuseScore to your piano opens up musical worlds :)


Cool ...

'We connected a piano to the internet. It's ready to play your score!'


Reunion on a Steinway piano


... will look to add the helpful MuseScore | Free music composition and notation software - http://musescore.org/ - (with bagpipe register, and already at the

WUaS Music School - http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/World_University_Music_School#Select_Programs.2C_Applications.2C_Languages.2C_Software ...

Bagpipe Tutorials ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Bagpipe_Tutorials ...

Educational Software ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Educational_Software ... and

Music Composition ... http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Composition) and the above article to the

Piano wiki subject page and others at WUaS ... http://worldumiversity.wiki.com/wiki/Piano ...


"In a study by Harvard graduate Chia-Jung Tsay, nearly all participants — including highly trained musicians — were better able to identify the winners of classical music competitions by watching silent video clips than by listening to audio recordings."

http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2013/08/the-look-of-music or

Why? ... may add to Piano wiki subject at WUaS … http://worldumiversity.wiki.com/wiki/Piano ...


It certainly is counter-intuitive - fascinating.


Develop one's own bodymind language as a musical performer for improved playing?


And connecting MuseScore to your piano opens up worlds :)


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