Saw the recent film "Lincoln" (in the Cuttyhunk Methodist Church, with its new African American, summer minister Wesley Williamson) and was impressed with its language in particular ...
Emerging out of abolitionism, I also wondered in what ways Friendly/Quaker testimonies, as practices, might have taken away the seeds of that very bloody American civil war ...
SPICES: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity (Honesty), Community, Equality, and Stewardship
An Introduction to Quaker Testimonies.
Quaker testimonies.
Quaker Testimonies.
The Quaker Testimonies.
S-P-I-C-E-S: The Quaker Testimonies.
(which you'll also find here Quakers - Religious Society of Friends - ... and as a nontheist F/friend, as well - ...
See, too,
"Giant Pandas: SPICES - Simplicity, Peace, Integrity (Honesty), Community, Equality, and Stewardship, Quaker-informed WUaS's mission and vision to provide online, MIT OCW-centric, universal education, with university and high school degrees"
Within the context of, for example, dramatizations of epic, historical events, SPICES (and vis-a-vis WUaS, too), I continue to explore how to generate loving bliss neurophysiologies as and when one wants them, and as human primates ...
I'm glad Steven Spielberg made this film and Rev. Wesley Williamson showed it.