Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Ram cichlid: Electric church music ... Blockchain ledger and one specific book title "Naked Harbin Ethnography" - explored further, How blockchain ledger works, A) Vermont house ex. video, B) 1,2,3 things blockchain ledger does, C) When block chains start to work for a particular automobile's resales, and then with replacement parts inside over time, it begins to get complex, D) Blockchain with robotics' systems ex. video re MIT conference, E) And I'd bet that TRUST through coding can be maintained even with - "MIT Technology Review - Once hailed as unhackable, blockchains are now getting hacked" - Thinking through both blockchain, as well as some implications for the WUaS bookstore and WUaS hospitals * * * Also re a realistic virtual earth and WUaS online hospitals, to digitize both of Stanford's hospitals, some of Kaiser's Hospitals, Brown University's Butler psychiatric hospital, - for Electronic Health Records with real time video into the future for tele-robotic brain surgery at the atomic level before and after, with a single cryptocurrency in all ~200 countries' with blockchain ledger for hospital technologies, Medical School's publications etc. * * * Blockchain ledger is potentially revolutionary (and possibly as revolutionary as the Internet itself I've heard)


Electric church music ...

Electric church music? Jimi Hendrix Live Full Concert 1969 Amazing Clear Footage >>> Blues too & More here - - ~
Electric church music?
Jimi Hendrix Live Full Concert 1969 Amazing Clear Footage
>>> https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Rock_and_Roll ... Blues too https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Blues & https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/1960s More here -https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - @WorldUnivAndSch @HarbinBook @TheOpenBand ...

- https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1101959966301147136


* * * 

Hi M,

Nice birthday brunch with E ...

How about turning some of your emails to A.B. or other friends into 1200 word weekly writing projects ? How's your weekend gone? 

Am curious, in learning about how block chain ledger works further, how in selling my Harbin ethnographic book to, say, students in a course I'm teaching, where each hypothetical PDF formatted copy I or the WUaS bookstore sells to each student could be a block in a NHE transaction record chain. This would allow resale too, so that upon a student reselling my 'Naked Harbin Ethnography' (NHE), a new block would be added to the NHE blockchain, thus preserving copyrighted intellectual property, (because both the books file format and the block in the chain were cryptographically coded locked) in a way that isn't really possible with PDF documents currently (and on the hardware side - someone has to buy an extra and special hardware device, like the Kindle, with its proprietary file format, to lock in their intellectual property to a specific copy of a specific book - and not many people have Kindle reading devices, and which could involve someone else having access to a Kindle and access to that file format for resale).

Vermont house ex. video - 

1,2,3 things blockchain ledger does ex. video - 

1 Tracks transactions
the way it tracks and stores data is in a CHAIN of blocks

2 Decentralized and distributed so it creates TRUST in the data (2:20)
solves a cryptographic puzzle as first step to adding a block in the ledger

3 Dramatic lessening of intermediaries -
i.e. such as bankers/lawyers etc. (3:20)

When block chains start to work for a particular automobile's resales, and then with replacement parts inside over time, it begins to get complex - and remunerative. Heard these folks at Stanford - 

Blockchain with robotics' systems ex. video re MIT conference -

And I'd bet that TRUST through coding can be maintained even with - "MIT Technology Review - Once hailed as unhackable, blockchains are now getting hacked" -  

Just thinking through both blockchain, as well as some implications for the WUaS bookstore and WUaS hospitals. 

It would be interesting too re a realistic virtual earth and WUaS online hospitals, to digitize both of Stanford's hospitals, some of Kaiser's Hospitals, Brown University's Butler psychiatric hospital, - for Electronic Health Records with real time video into the future for tele-robotic brain surgery at the atomic level before and after, with a single cryptocurrency in all ~200 countries' with blockchain ledger for hospital technologies, Medical School's publications etc. ... 

Blockchain ledger is potentially revolutionary (and possibly as revolutionary as the Internet itself I've heard).

Good luck with your writing project! And talk with you soon. (Maybe blockchain ledger will contribute to improving business ethics too! :)






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