Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Saussurea obvallata: [Wiki-Medicine] Wiki Project Med in Tunisia * * * Looks like the new 2018 Lego Powered Up trains can work with Lego robotics like WeDo2 and thus with Scratch 3.0 drag and drop programming language, Robotics and Scratch from home, and in a realistic virtual earth - am thinking BRICK STREET VIEW in Google Street View * * * The idea of community isn't so much in the air as it was in the early '80s (when people were still talking about beginning hippy communes, and going back to the land' * * * Hamilton the musical is indeed revolutionary in an American way... as World Univ & Sch is quite radical too

Next: Kinnaur Kailash: Glad you'll connect with Sandy especially in seeing Hamilton! He's a child of the '60s like I am ... and we both are a bit hippy too (he had much longer hair than I did :), Saussurea obvallata: [Wiki-Medicine] Wiki Project Med in Tunisia * * * Realistic virtual Harbin / earth building still developing as ethnographic field site, and World Univ & Sch classrooms & STEM field sites for http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy?m=0 ... ~ Visit the virtual Harbin gate here http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~ February 2015: Big Sur coastline: Esalen and Harbin books, My upcoming (in 2015) book: "Naked Harbin: Harbin Hot Springs Actual/Virtual Ethnography – Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture & Clothing-Optional, Virtual Harbin,"

[Wiki-Medicine] Wiki Project Med in Tunisia

Dear Houcemeddine, Wikidatans and All,

Thank you for this information. And thanks for sharing about Wiki Project Med in Tunisia on August 18, 2018 in Skype with Nancy Gertrudiz in Mexico and myself then (which I web logged about here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/08/crossota-millsae-deep-sea-hydrozoan-one.html) and partly thanks to Denny Vrandecic, I think, too.

Thank you too for your emails at the time, Houcemeddine, and your interest in WUaS's online medical schools - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School - as well. WUaS has this fairly new WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki (2017) because WUaS donated ourselves to Wikidata for co-development in 2015. And soon this "front end" will connect with Wikidata / Wikibase as a "back end." So this "front end" - e.g. https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital - is where we'd likely add risk factors in your Aug 2018 presentation re Wikidata as a "back end" and in Arabic and in ~300 languages. And World Univ & Sch (which CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric in its 5 languages) is currently in communication with Stanford Medicine - e.g. see: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/prothonotary-warbler-bppe-licensing.html -  about related OpenCourseWare for WUaS's online medical schools (planned in ~200 countries' official / main languages) - since MIT doesn't have a medical school, and thus no OpenCourseWare.

I found the slide presentation which you just shared helpfully informative. Thank you again.

Sincerely, Scott MacLeod
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Scott_WorldUnivAndSch -


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.


Dear all,

I thank you for your efforts. I was recently honoured to participate to the annual meeting of Wiki Project Med. However, I found that there is a lack of knowledge of what we are doing for Wiki Project Med in Tunisia although I am a long-term wikimedian. Effectively, on March 19, 2019, it has been 10 years since I became a wikimedian. I also found that a part of my speech about why we gave up contributing to Medical Wikipedia editing was not clear. That is why I decided to share with you a file in which you can find how Wiki Project Med works in Tunisia and what we have done until 2019 for promoting medical editing and usage of wikis in Tunisia. This file is currently available in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikimedia_TN_-_Wiki_Project_Med.pdf. I invite you to read it and provide us comments about what we do.

Yours Sincerely,
Houcemeddine Turki (he/him)

Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Undergraduate Researcher, UR12SP36
GLAM and Education Coordinator, Wikimedia TN User Group
Member, WikiResearch Tunisia
Member, Wiki Project Med
Member, WikiIndaba Steering Committee
Member, Wikimedia and Library User Group Steering Committee
Co-Founder, WikiLingua Maghreb
Founder, TunSci

* * * 

Looks like the new 2018 Lego Powered Up trains can work with Lego robotics like WeDo2 and thus with Scratch 3 ... more opportunities for robotics and Scratch programming in multiple languages ... blogged about this here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/western-meadowlark-world-univ-sch-live.html ...

Robotics and Scratch from home, and in a realistic virtual earth - am thinking BRICK STREET VIEW in Google Street View - and with Scratch for programming are an ongoing focus. Please keep us posted if OzoBot Evo starts working with Scratch or if you find other great home robotics (toward free-to-students' online CC-4 MIT OCW-centric degrees in many languages).

Are you home in Colombia now, Bernardo?

Keeping in touch, Scott :)

* * * 

Community (radical too?)

Hi M,

Observations about life continue in email and blog ... and re "community"

Amthinking the Brooklyn street house (a 'Reed house,' a collective house, and kind of a "hippy commune") in Portland, Oregon (in which I lived on and off for a number of years), and Pendle Hill near Swarthmore College (but basically completely separate) in PA as community contexts where I met my wonderful friends) 

S was a Reed undergraduate in English (and then transferred to UW), and I may have just graduated, and A, was visiting a Quaker study center from the DDR at the time, (because the Berlin wall hadn't come down yet), and also was a bit without a clear career -  community context being important here in my interpretation of why and how we connected (and which was an active interest of mine at the time too - the idea of 'communities' ... create community at Stanford by communicating about this ? ... where Stanford also is so international, and where the idea of community isn't so much in the air as it was in the early '80s (when people were still talking about beginning hippy communes, and going back to the land' (and at Stanford I'm also a member of the general public creating CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch online, and which itself doesn't really have a community yet, even newly defined online). Both S and A were quite pretty (radiant even), around 23 yo, and with backgrounds / roots in G language-speaking countries - although Susan was from the state of Washington with grandparents I think in Vermont. Hmmm... attractiveness speaks to me ... 

So I ask myself, what community, besides Stanford, could I become part of around here, where I'd meet a smart wonderful 26 year old, or a 32 yo - re the above, and who was also still fairly 'clear' (i.e. un-crazed by 'city animals' or US 'city culture' ) re the above? Not necessarily a MD by any means ... so circulating ... networking ...

But I also think E.W. (S.S.W.'s wife) is perhaps a very relevant model here ... she who was around 35 or 36 yo and wanted to have a child, and Stuart in his mid-60s was happy to become a Dad. So on with circulating ...

Got a little further with the BPPE licensing application today (the writing of which doesn't inspire me) ... although daily blogging continues to. You might enjoy this brief new poem from 2 days ago 

Deep in the data set weeds,
We wade on,
Machine learning in Web

(Wild World Wide Web Wold Weedy Womb)

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/zostera-wild-world-wide-web-wold-deep.html - which is kind of funny, because I think it's what a lot a lot of top programmers are doing these days (esp. out of Stanford).

May head to Stanford CCRMA music event - https://events.stanford.edu/events/829/82908/ (https://events.stanford.edu/today/ ) - in an hour. 

Do you hear music or participate in a book group this evening? Hoping you're having a good weekend, Ma!


* *
Hi M, 

Nice to talk yesterday evening. I think of Pittsburgh having some anglophilic streams of thinking, maybe more so than in the SF Bay Area. In a related vein, here too are the 2 Richard Dawkins' Tweets I mentioned, which might interest you:

Another petition, I’m afraid, but very important for saving hedgerows. And birds.
I’ll be in the Oxford contingent, London, Sat.  All indications suggest this march will be EVEN bigger than last time
Leavers, if you think The People want Brexit you’ve nothing to fear from People’s Vote. Between Remain & No-Deal-or-a-deal-if-one-emerges

I guess these are both personalized examples - re Dawkins - of British democracy in action (re your interest in the political process too).

Am hanging up a new (very inexpensive, and therefore good value) wine glass rack with some line that I might use on Cuttyhunk for Turk's head brace-lets - https://youtu.be/0jtk1Uc4s_4 ...

Good WUaS live Hangout on Air - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/western-meadowlark-world-univ-sch-live.html - plus other bagpiping ideas with information technologies - re Google's new AI Bach Doodle. 

In beginning to save posts from my G+ Profiles (since consumer G+ is closing down) which process is also a bit of a slog, first re Yoga Mac Flower G+ profile - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/03/ashoka-tree-yoga-mac-flower-g-posts.html - I think I also got prepared further for the slog of the BPPE licensing application for WUaS.

SCD Open Band this evening - and re my upcoming in 2020 "Honey in the Bag" Scottish small pipes' CD.

What do you have planned for this week?  (What's your writing project?) Have a great week!


Hi M,

Wine glass rack is now suspended and is a good fit (I need to undo the
new line that's suspending the rack, and turn the rack around ... but
it's great over all), out of window site lines, and will free up
some counter and shelf space. I like it!

Am about to play small pipes a bit before heading out to Open Band ...

Blog post grows more interesting -
- with more and more Lego Robitics' Tweets ... now newly with Lego
Powered Up Trains ... that can also use the Scratch programming
language, and with Lego WeDo2.0 and Mindstorms' EV3 educational
robotics ...

How was your day?

L, Scott

Hi Ma,

What are you up to today?

Partner to be will possibly be someone I don't know yet ... someone completely unexpected .... On the other hand, ...

would it be possible to connect at Stanford and potentially in the Stanford bookstore (like taking with Heather McKay, who's married to David, near the two rolling carts with the $1 books' exchange - which are behind me from where I sit playing the keyboard and small pipes in Open Band - at the back of the St. Clement's Hall ? Then invite a new friend eventually back to Canyon, and then after beginning a family, move into a house next door along the ridge? Could happen ... still circulating ...

It's funny that the BPPE licensing application will give me/WUaS a GREAT opportunity for WUaS to collaborate with the state of California, and in ways that will help World Univ & Sch a lot, after all these years ... yet it's a slog. Am posting item 12 below to show you what I mean.

L, Scott

Identify and describe the educational program(s) the institution
offers or proposes to offer.
If the educational program is a degree program, identify the full
title including the name of a specific major field of learning
involved, which the institution will place on each degree awarded.
List the following for each educational program offered:
1. The admissions requirements, including minimum levels of prior
education, preparation, or training;
2. If applicable, information regarding the ability-to-benefit
examination as required by section 94904 of the Code.
3. The types and amount of general education required.
4. The title of the educational programs and other components of
instruction offered.
5. The method of instruction.
6. The graduation requirements.
7. If the educational program is designed to fit or prepare students
for employment in any occupation, identify each occupation and job
title to which each educational program is represented to lead.

* *

HAMILTON the musical 

Hi M,

Some good news, I think, below. Will check into "Hamilton" tickets in the $90-120 range - thank you again for these Xmas / birthday presents!

L, Scott 


Hi Ma, 

What are you up to today? How are you? 

Might explore the online "Hamilton" ticket route for a Wednesday in the next week or two ...  since it's pouring rain on and off here, and yet a walk from Berkeley to Rockridge BART in a sprinkle, and seeing "Hamilton" today, could be great because it's raining. 


Am curious about Islamic federation of charitable giving to other monotheistic traditions. Would like to further cultivate pacifist Muslim-related traditions ... possibly building out of the Friends' school in Ramallah, for example, taught in Arabic, and international baccalaureate too. Pacifism, peace movements and nonviolence groups exist in Iran, Afghanistan ... and pacifism in monotheistic religions are touched on here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacifism (search on Islam, for example).

"Hamilton" is a complex story:


The play has two acts, telling Hamilton's story through major events in his life and American history. It tells Hamilton's life from beginning to end along with various other characters such as Marquis De Lafayette, Aaron Burr, John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan, Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, Angelica Schuyler, Phillip Hamilton and former presidents George Washington, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.[15]

Act I[edit]

The musical begins with the company summarizing Alexander Hamilton's early life as an orphan on the island of Nevis ("Alexander Hamilton"). After arriving in New York in 1776, Hamilton meets Aaron BurrJohn LaurensMarquis de Lafayette, and Hercules Mulligan ("Aaron Burr, Sir"), and impresses them with his rhetorical skills ("My Shot"). They affirm their revolutionary goals to each other ("The Story of Tonight"). AngelicaEliza, and Peggy are then introduced ("The Schuyler Sisters"). King George then insists on his authority ("You'll Be Back"). During the New York and New Jersey campaign, Hamilton accepts a position as George Washington's aide-de-camp ("Right Hand Man"), instead of field command.
Hamilton meets, falls in love with, and marries Eliza Schuyler ("Helpless"), as her sister Angelica suppresses her feelings for the sake of their happiness ("Satisfied"). After the wedding, Hamilton, Laurens, Lafayette and Mulligan drink together, while the three poke fun at Hamilton for getting married. Burr walks in on the group, unexpected by Hamilton to be attending. Burr congratulates Hamilton on his position as aide to camp of Washington; Hamilton confesses that he would much rather have Burr's position on the battlefield ("The Story of Tonight (reprise)"). Burr reflects on Hamilton's swift rise while considering his own career as more cautious ("Wait For It").
Conditions are worsening for the continental army, and Hamilton's constant pleading to Washington for a command continue to be shot down. Washington grants a command to General Charles Lee, who is clearly unfit to be leading one. After being fired by Washington, Lee goes on a tirade against Washington, claiming him to be unfit to lead. Though Hamilton wishes to challenge Lee, he is commanded not to by Washington. Since Hamilton is unable to challenge Lee, Laurens does ("Stay Alive") and thus duels Lee, with Hamilton and Burr as their seconds. Laurens injures Lee, who in turn yields ("Ten Duel Commandments"). Hamilton is temporarily suspended by Washington ("Meet Me Inside") over the duel, and is sent home. There, Eliza reveals that she is pregnant with her first child, and asks Hamilton to simply slow down to take in what has happened in their lives ("That Would be Enough"). After Lafayette convinces France to get involved on the colonists' side ("Guns and Ships"), he urges Washington to call Hamilton back to help plan the final Siege of Yorktown. Washington agrees, but explains to Hamilton - who is convinced he should die a martyr and a hero in war - that he should be careful with his actions, because whatever he does will be known for ages to come ("History Has its Eyes on You"). Hamilton agrees to join, and reflects that he now has something to live for (a wife and a child on the way), and will give up on his efforts to die in war. At the Siege of Yorktown, Hamilton meets up with Lafayette to take down the British, revealing that Mulligan was recruited as a spy, helping them figure out what to do to trap the British and win the war ("Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)").
Soon after the victory at Yorktown, Hamilton's son, Philip is born, while Burr has a daughter, Theodosia ("Dear Theodosia"). Hamilton receives word that his friend Laurens has been killed in a seemingly pointless battle, and throws himself into his work ("Tomorrow There'll Be More of Us"). He co-authors The Federalist Papers and is selected as Secretary of the Treasury by newly elected President Washington. Angelica moves to London with her new husband ("Non-Stop").

Act II[edit]

At the beginning, Thomas Jefferson returns to America from being the U.S. ambassador to France ("What'd I Miss"). In 1789, Jefferson and Hamilton debate the latter's financial proposals at a Cabinet meeting. Washington pulls Hamilton aside, and tells him to figure out a compromise to win over Congress ("Cabinet Battle #1").
Eliza and her family - along with Angelica, back from London - travel upstate during the summer, while Hamilton stays home to work on the compromise ("Take a Break"). Hamilton begins an affair with Maria Reynolds, making him vulnerable to her husband's blackmail ("Say No To This"). Hamilton, Jefferson and James Madison create the Compromise of 1790 over a private dinner, exchanging Hamilton's financial plan for placing the country's permanent capital on the Potomac River. Burr is envious of Hamilton's sway in the government and wishes he had similar power ("The Room Where It Happens").
In another Cabinet meeting, Jefferson and Hamilton argue over whether the United States should assist France in its conflict with Britain. This decision is not subject to congressional approval, and Washington ultimately agrees with Hamilton's argument for remaining neutral ("Cabinet Battle #2"). In the wake of this, Jefferson, Madison, and Burr decide to join forces to find a way to discredit Hamilton in Washington's eyes ("Washington on your Side"). Washington decides to retire from the presidency, and Hamilton assists in writing a farewell address ("One Last Time").
John Adams becomes the second President and fires Hamilton, who publishes an inflammatory critique of the new president as a response ("The Adams Administration"). In the face of accusations of speculation of government funds by Jefferson, Madison, and Burr - and out of fear of his affair being used against him in his political career ("We Know") - Hamilton chooses to publicize his affair ("Hurricane") in the Reynolds Pamphlet ("The Reynolds Pamphlet"), damaging his relationship with Eliza ("Burn"). Their son Philip dies at the age of 19 in a duel with George Eacker due to a critical speech given by Eacker about Alexander ("Blow Us All Away"/"Stay Alive (Reprise)"), causing a reconciliation between Alexander and Eliza ("It's Quiet Uptown").
Hamilton's endorsement of Jefferson in the presidential election of 1800 ("The Election of 1800") results in further animosity between Hamilton and Burr, who challenges Hamilton to a duel via an exchange of letters ("Your Obedient Servant"). During the duel, both Burr and Hamilton fire at each other after ten paces, with Hamilton intentionally missing his shot. Hamilton dies as a result, with Eliza and Angelica at his side. Burr laments that even though he survived, he is cursed to be the villain who killed Hamilton ("The World Was Wide Enough"). The close of the musical is a reflection on historical memory and "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story".

Hadn't heard from B for what seems like almost a year or two (except of a Xmas card) in text this morning. 

Decided not to go to "Hamilton" today after all ... 

Nice to do supported head stand and shoulder stand yesterday ... :a kind of Yoga celebration)

L, Scott

- Scott MacLeod 


Hi M, 

How was your day? How are you? I didn't head to "Hamilton" today but I hope to soon. 

Am glad that Joyce Ajlouny is general secretary / head now of old Quaker American Friends Service Committee (since 1917) ... https://www.afsc.org/media-kit/bios/joyce-ajlouny ... https://www.afsc.org/story/afsc-announces-new-general-secretary-joyce-ajlouny ... Quakers are very fore-sighted ... and Joyce, whom I've met at Palo Alto Friends, was the Director at the Quaker Ramallah Friends' School, which she like her father/parents also attended. She brings a kind (of) Quaker / Muslim perspective to AFSC  ... and probably speaks and knows the Arabic-language and Islamic world's 26-27 countries better than most Friends or Americans, I'd think. (And re other Islamic countries, like Iran, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, etc. ... there's the U.N., Stanford, international law, and history ... )

Diverse world re monotheistic religions (CMJ) ... (am sad about the attacks on 2 Mosques in NZ in this connected world). Friends are in many countries and cities including http://quaker.org.nz/meeting/christchurch. Unitarians Universalists too - https://www.cinch.org.nz/categories/a-z/u/763/entries/3086 ... Sometimes familiar networks such as thee can help change the culture that gave rise to this massacre in Christchurch where 51 people died - as well as media attention ... 

.@AFSCSanDiego joined #SanDiego Muslim community in a candlelit vigil to remember the 51 lives taken in #Christchurch #NewZealand. Speakers delivered powerful statements against Islamophobia, white supremacy, & called to take action centered in revolutionary love.

...  I sense a kind of hippy-informed integrity partly thanks to meditation, but think s/he may have been 'through the wringer' with violence perpetrated against him/her, for a variety of reasons ... blah ... 

Diversity navigation re life and culture and religion and internet ... (Can't see in Google search that there are many hippies in NZ ... :)

L, Scott


Hi M,

Bringing someone here to Canyon, like S.S.W. brought E.R.W.s home to his home in northern NH / VT?

I brought Stefan Mueller, a German graduate student to visit Canyon in 2009 (but some people can find Canyon a bit possibly scary) ... and gave brought only a handful of other friends (relatively few in number) ...  To be seen ...

Am checking into "Hamilton: The Musical" tickets again.
Interesting talk at Stanford on health care financing and re possibly artificial intelligence and WUaS hospitals, and medical schools.

How was your day?


Hi S, 

And, yes, I am going to be able to see it too.  I am planning to  drive to Kennet Square, pick up Pe ...  We have tickets for Friday, April 5 and Sandy is planning to join us.  I’m so glad we’ll all have a chance to see it - so we can compare notes.  I, too, am trying to prepare by listening to Chernow’s abridged Hamilton bio. on CD’s and listening to the lyrics that I also borrowed from the library.  There’s another book I checked out of the library called Hamilton, The Revolution - by Miranda and someone else.  Has the lyrics in much larger print - and is annotated with fascinating comments about the lyrics and reasons for doing it the way they did.  You might try to get that book too - 

It’s finally in the sixties for maybe the first time.  And the cooper’s hawks have settled in next door - but much higher up - this time in Dennis’ tree.  

Hope you are having a good week.

L, M


Hi M, 

Thanks so much! Will seek to get and listen to C's Hamilton on the OverDrive Library App soon.

Have a great time in NYC at Hamilton, and say hi to Sandy and Peg! An adventure! Looking forward to hearing about this NYC-wise.

Could be great if I connect further with ... (and kind of like Peter and Sue too), if she could possibly be interested in moving back to PGH in some years and even to raise a family - re in a nice house (which could appeal) in a somewhat safe and civil city.

Hamilton the musical is indeed revolutionary in an American way... as World Univ & Sch is quite radical too.

L, Scott



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