Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Leaf beetle (Lilioceris lilii): Yo-Yo Ma's playing of Bach's glorious Cello Suites, and my ongoing exploration of eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology when and as one wants this, and in a NtF way too


Thanks so much Barbara, Bill and Non-theist Friends, 

Feels somehow very Quakerly (to me) for Yo-Yo Ma to witness (in the manner of Friends in many ways) to a kind of social and political injustice by playing his cello at the US- Mexico border as a way to create unity, or reconciliation, or bring people together in a divisive / divided place (literally between nation states), - but this time via music and in a sense therefore non-theistically Friendly-wise (to me) since the idea of the divine, the inner light, the spirit, God/Goddess isn't in this F/friendly air, in this friendly witness with social justice in mind. How about you?

Re Yo-Yo Ma's playing of Bach's glorious Cello Suites, and my ongoing exploration of eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology when and as one wants this, and in a NtF way too - so not waiting on the Divine Light, or an idea of the spirit, or similar to move one, Quaker-wise, to the valley of love and delight re the old Shaker / Quaker hymn - it's these two Ma versions of the 6 Bach Cello Suites that get me 'there' again and again - https://youtu.be/lNmrCMCvbFg (with the pink cover) and https://youtu.be/CTQvAFk0E6Q (this PBS version) - to qualities of loving bliss neurochemistry, or neural cascades of pleasure, to describe this in different words, and experientially, Friendly-wise. What brings you to qualities of bliss - or getting in the zone of 'love and delight' brain chemistry-wise perhaps as one observes this too re meditation, and re questions of consciousness as well? A conversation about the variety of (meditative?) qualities of loving bliss neuro-chemistries can generate further explorations. (And sometimes it just bubbles up when I'm sitting in the Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool re meditation there - oh, how to understand this further to possibly help facilitate other people eliciting this?:)

Have recently created a Pinterest Board called "loving bliss (eliciting this neurophysiology)" - https://www.pinterest.com/sgkmacleod/loving-bliss-eliciting-this-neurophysiology/ - and while I've explored some of these ideas and experiences somewhat in these 5 letters - http://scottmacleod.com/links.htm - and related, it's in trying to add images re these neural experiences in ways that actually get me "there" (like music does) ... or could get you there (pick your music, or images, or media or mdma or ...), that I found myself seeking to explore loving bliss eliciting in new ways (re Pinterest Boards as a image-oriented catalog of ideas). So on the above Board, you'll see some A) Grateful Dead images, B) Nikhil Bannerjee Raga images (particularly when he was playing in the late 1960s / early '70s and in Berkeley and Amsterdam as I understand this), C) Yo-Yo Ma images, D) a model of the MDMA molecule, and lastly E) Matisse's 'Life of Joy,' or 'Joy of Life' (which?:) painting, which I've long had posted to my Friends' Dalton Letter - http://scottmacleod.com/daltonletter.htm (near the bottom) - with many references to Quakers and NtFs as well. 
Guess I'm a bit of a bird of paradise re eliciting loving bliss neurophysiology, and am interested in exploring this further re conversation teaching and learning. (There's an editable wiki subject for this at World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Loving_Bliss_(eliciting_this_neurophysiology) - so please edit away, and re the NtF wiki school(s in many languages eventually) as well - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nontheist_Friends_(atheist_Quakers%3F) .

Am listening to Yo-Yo Ma play 1, 4, 5 presently -  https://youtu.be/lNmrCMCvbFg - and it's so lovely! :) Is it possible to 'heighten' or deepen this consciously, as if by meditating or sitting in Friends' Meeting or in the warm pool at Harbin (from home in a virtual Harbin from a bath tub?:) There's an aspect of letting go - inner bodymind releasing action - where loving bliss seems to bubble up / flow more intensely (for me) ... what is this consciousness re related meditation process (I ask myself)?  ... but further way opening ahead ... 

How about all of you and eliciting loving bliss and especially possibly re NtF meditation? And what do you think about Yo-Yo Ma's playing Cello at the border? (Thanks for sharing these with the list, Bill and Barbara).

NtF Friendly Cheers, Scott



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