Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Asian bleeding-heart: Warmth in Yoga?, Visions for Yoga, Angela and Victor's Yoga, Am not into Iyengar Yoga myself, - and while my Yoga is partially Angela & Victor inspired (inner body movement-wise, creative inner exploration envisioning-wise, as well as aesthetically-artistically), it's also partly a process of inner bodymind discovery over the years ... * * * Getting the virtual TRAVEL experience down to a realistic virtual Harbin (similar to actually doing this, but very different of course) ... would be great * * * Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations rainbow line

Previous: Yellow flax or Pyoli (Nepali flower): Appreciating Jane Goodall's understanding, affection for, & touch too, of this common chimp … as it's released back to wild. The inter-species communication https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Interspecies_Communications … here esp is amazing (wild:) & re Harbin? Chimp seems happy, excited & well * * * Hi Sunheart, How be you? Further musings about online psychotherapy and re WUaS Lacan ... Sophia the Robot: "I have a small hobby in interpreting human dreams. Would you like to tell me about one of yours?" * * * Lacan Bot? #LacanBot lacan to say in language sonething one thinks might be difficult to say, because one's inhibited from saying it for some reason, can be therapeutic, and even help one understand one's own unconscious > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis … ~ A Lacan Bot? Sophia the Robot (David Hanson & Co) Am curious too about emerging chat bot information technologies and psychotherapy - https://mental.jmir.org/2017/2/e19/ - "Delivering Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Young Adults With Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety" * * * Grateful Dead ~ China Cat Sunflower/I Know You Rider 08-26-1971 Gaelic Park Bronx NY incredible show: https://archive.org/details/gd1971-08-26.sbd.miller-rolfe.32303.flac16 ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Grateful_Dead @WorldUnivAndSch (@TheOpenBand) TIME SLIDE to '71 to Gaelic Park in Google Street View - while soaking?

Dear Linda (who teaches Yoga in Pennsylvania),

Appreciating your seeking "to know myself as a loving being and to share that love with those I encounter" in your Yoga teaching much - and re questions of consciousness (which I'm exploring in innovative ways perchance), as well as your nurturing approach re supporting people's Yoga journeys (and metaphorically too). I enjoy facilitating gentle, restorative approaches (and with language) in asana-informed movement - inner body feeling wise too (re Angela's 'inner body' focus). I left strong, yet therapeutic, Iyengar Yoga re the 2 year IYISF certificate program I went through in 1 year (~1991-1992, partly due to a good practice thanks to Dona Holleman's self-published "Yoga Syllabus for Teacher and Student" and its companion "Asana in Photo" books - and I also studied with Dona in both Seattle and Italy in the '90s) having first taken a course with Angela and Victor in around 1984 in Portland, Oregon, and appreciating their free-spirited hippy Yoga creativity. I also enjoy facilitating wondrous inner explorations, re envisioning, and which seem to open ways of becoming aware inwardly, newly, and releasing-wise in the process.

Warmth is another aspect of Yoga exploration / generation which I think might be more readily explorable in Pittsburgh than out west. And greetings from the very diverse Stanford Univ CoHo cafe with a bunch of high-achievers, on a Sunday afternoon on a very beautiful May day. Great to open this conversation as well Linda. :)  And thanks for your emails, Linda! 

With warm wishes, Scott

On Sun, May 5, 2019 at 1:38 PM Linda Meacci Yoga <info@lindameacciyoga.com> wrote:
Dear Scott,

I'm seek to know myself as a loving being and to share that love with those I encounter. I also interested in supporting people in their journey. I like teaching a strong asana practice and teaching people about their physical bodies and how our minds, emotions and spirit can also benefit.

Thanks for asking Scott.

Sending very warm wishes!


Linda Meacci                    Bob Bishop

Principal Instructor          Retreat Coordinator

(412) 427-4781                 (412) 855-6375 

On Sat, May 4, 2019 at 10:52 PM Scott MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Linda,

Could you please add this email to your list as well. Thanks. What are you seeking in your teaching?

Namaste, Scott

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 10:39 AM Scott MacLeod <scottmacleod100@hotmail.com> wrote:
Dear Linda, 

Thanks so much for your email. I enjoyed too your videos here - http://www.lindameacciyoga.com/seeksun2019

Could be interesting to teach 2-3 classes of Yoga per week in Pittsburgh 5-10 years from now, if I were to move back with a young family. And possibly to explore co-teaching a class re Angela & Victor's approach to co-teaching. (It's interesting to me to see where the BKS Iyengar's legacy with the Yoga school he started in 1975 in Pune, India, has gone, - in Google Street View -https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ramamani+Iyengar+Memorial+Yoga+Institute/@18.533582,73.838649,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x256821ed070d8e28!8m2!3d18.533582!4d73.838649 - and where his daughter Geeta or perhaps now only his son now are its heads, I think - "Its directors are Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar, Geeta S. Iyengar and Prashant S. Iyengar" (http://bksiyengar.com/modules/Institut/RIMYI/rimyi.htm). BKS Iyengar seems to have created a financially successful school as well, and careers for Iyengar teachers - https://iynaus.org/study/teachers - and schools too, all around the world as well; I was able to find Janet MacLeod, Julie Lawrence, and Julie Gudmestad, but not Manouso Manos, in this directory just now, for example). Angela and Victor continue to teach around the world and in their Yoga center in Eftalou on Lesvos in Greece, and ask interesting questions -http://www.angela-victor.com/content/who-are-we-anyway - as well :) 

Would love to keep this conversation open for the future, Linda. 

Namaste, Scott

Scott MacLeod

World University and School

P.O. Box 442,
(86 Ridgecrest Road),
Canyon, CA 94516

415 480 4577

Skype: scottm100

From: Linda Meacci Yoga <info@lindameacciyoga.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 4:37 PM
To: Scott MacLeod
Subject: Re: A Second Date for Tuscany Retreat: Please Read and Reply

Dear Scott,

Very nice to hear from you. Are you still living on the West Coast? When you visit the 'burgh? I have my plate pretty full at the moment but I'm always open to collaborating. What venues are you most comfortable teaching in?

What are you most interested in teaching these days?

If you have any collaboration ideas, put them out there.

Many thanks for reaching out.



Linda Meacci                    Bob Bishop

Principal Instructor          Retreat Coordinator

(412) 427-4781                 (412) 855-6375 

On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 1:20 PM Scott MacLeod <scottmacleod100@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Linda, 

Thanks for this email. Could be fun to explore co-teaching Yoga in Pittsburgh some time in the future 🙂 How are you? Your Yoga travels sound fun! 



Dear Linda, 

Thanks again for your emails. 

Am not into Iyengar Yoga myself, - and while my Yoga is partially Angela & Victor inspired (inner body movement-wise, creative inner exploration envisioning-wise, as well as aesthetically-artistically), it's also partly a process of inner bodymind discovery over the years ... Will let you know when I'm next in town, and looking forward to exploring collaboration in 5-10 years if I move back to Pittsburgh (with a young family:). Am curious to innovate with facilitating online A&V-creatively inspired Yoga - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga (in many languages, and in group video) - and re wiki World University and School, as well.  

Namaste, Scott

Scott MacLeod

World University and School

P.O. Box 442,
(86 Ridgecrest Road),
Canyon, CA 94516

415 480 4577

Skype: scottm100

From: Linda Meacci Yoga
Sent: Sunday, May 5, 2019 1:41 PM
To: Scott MacLeod
Subject: Re: A Second Date for Tuscany Retreat: Please Read and Reply

Dear Scott,

I am always open to collaborating. I will check out the links that you sent. I don't really practice Iyengar yoga, but I do focus on internal alignment and healthy movements in the joints including the spine.

Who knows if I will still be in Pittsburgh in 5 or 10 years, but if I am I am open.

I hope you are well in theses moments. And if you come to town, let me know.



Linda Meacci                    Bob Bishop

Principal Instructor          Retreat Coordinator

(412) 427-4781                 (412) 855-6375 

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 1:39 PM Scott MacLeod <scottmacleod100@hotmail.com> wrote:
Dear Linda, 

Thanks so much for your email. I enjoyed too your videos here - http://www.lindameacciyoga.com/seeksun2019

Could be interesting to teach 2-3 classes of Yoga per week in Pittsburgh 5-10 years from now, if I were to move back with a young family. And possibly to explore co-teaching a class re Angela & Victor's approach to co-teaching. (It's interesting to me to see where the BKS Iyengar's legacy with the Yoga school he started in 1975 in Pune, India, has gone, - in Google Street View -https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ramamani+Iyengar+Memorial+Yoga+Institute/@18.533582,73.838649,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x256821ed070d8e28!8m2!3d18.533582!4d73.838649 - and where his daughter Geeta or perhaps now only his son now are its heads, I think - "Its directors are Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar, Geeta S. Iyengar and Prashant S. Iyengar" (http://bksiyengar.com/modules/Institut/RIMYI/rimyi.htm). BKS Iyengar seems to have created a financially successful school as well, and careers for Iyengar teachers - https://iynaus.org/study/teachers - and schools too, all around the world as well; I was able to find Janet MacLeod, Julie Lawrence, and Julie Gudmestad, but not Manouso Manos, in this directory just now, for example). Angela and Victor continue to teach around the world and in their Yoga center in Eftalou on Lesvos in Greece, and ask interesting questions - http://www.angela-victor.com/content/who-are-we-anyway - as well :) 

Would love to keep this conversation open for the future, Linda. 

Namaste, Scott

Scott MacLeod

World University and School

P.O. Box 442,
(86 Ridgecrest Road),
Canyon, CA 94516

415 480 4577

Skype: scottm100

From: Linda Meacci Yoga <info@lindameacciyoga.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 4:37 PM
To: Scott MacLeod
Subject: Re: A Second Date for Tuscany Retreat: Please Read and Reply

Dear Scott,

Very nice to hear from you. Are you still living on the West Coast? When you visit the 'burgh? I have my plate pretty full at the moment but I'm always open to collaborating. What venues are you most comfortable teaching in?

What are you most interested in teaching these days?

If you have any collaboration ideas, put them out there.

Many thanks for reaching out.



Linda Meacci                    Bob Bishop

Principal Instructor          Retreat Coordinator

(412) 427-4781                 (412) 855-6375 

On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 1:20 PM Scott MacLeod <scottmacleod100@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Linda, 

Thanks for this email. Could be fun to explore co-teaching Yoga in Pittsburgh some time in the future 🙂 How are you? Your Yoga travels sound fun! 


Scott MacLeod

World University and School

P.O. Box 442,
(86 Ridgecrest Road),
Canyon, CA 94516

415 480 4577

Skype: scottm100

From: Linda Meacci Yoga <info@lindameacciyoga.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 11:31 AM
To: Scott MacLeod
Subject: A Second Date for Tuscany Retreat: Please Read and Reply

Possibility of a second retreat in Tuscany this fall.
View this email in your browser

April 24, 2019

Dear Friends and Fellow Yogis,

Retreat is sold out: We had a great response to the announcement of our “il dolce momento” Tuscany Yoga Retreat (Oct 19-26, 2019), and all the spots have been filled. (If you missed the original retreat announcement, please see below for more information.)

Possibility of a second retreat: We are now considering the possibility of offering a second retreat at the same venue, Locanda Cugnanello, either the week before or the week after the Oct 19-26 retreat, with a similar itinerary. Whether we do this or not depends on the level of interest and what we can arrange with the retreat venue.

Let us know if you’re interested: If you think you might still be interested in attending a Tuscany retreat this October, we’d ask that you please fill out a one-minute survey to let us know your interest level and preference of dates. Please click on the link below to complete the survey:


Note: We are not asking for a commitment, just an indication of potential interest. If you have interest, please take a moment to complete the survey. The sooner we receive responses, the sooner we can make a determination as to whether or not we will offer the second retreat. Thank you!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Retreats, Workshops and Private Instruction
(412) 427-4781
Original Retreat Announcement . . .

il dolce momento 
Tuscany Yoga Retreat

Radicondoli, Italy
October 19-26, 2019
I came to realize why the Renaissance thrived in this region:
it was the light.

April 12, 2019

Dear Friends and Fellow Yogis,

We are over the moon to announce our fall yoga retreat in Tuscany: il dolce momento (the sweet moment), to be held October 19 – 26, 2019, near the town of Radicondoli. We will be living and playing in the Tuscan hills, with a restored 800-year-old villa named Locanda Cugnanello as our home for the week.

This experience is near and dear to my heart, because my father’s family is from the countryside of Toscana. I made my first visit when I was just nine years old, and that's when I saw my first olive tree and experienced for the first time the joy of playing in the summer light and warmth of the Tuscan sun. When I was a young adult I lived in Florence and spent weekends in the countryside with my cousins. In those years, I came to realize why the Renaissance thrived in this region: it was the light. It is the light that is so special. And the masterpieces, artisans, food, culture, people and the land itself fill you up with life!

So now I am thrilled to be able to invite you to join me for il dolce momento in Tuscany this fall. We will experience many sweet moments together as we practice yoga and immerse ourselves in the history, culture and natural beauty of this land and the gracious hospitality of its people—exploring the countryside, towns and farms, and enjoying wines and culinary delights.

No yoga experience is necessary---all are welcome to join us on this adventure! Retreat details can be found on the il dolce momento retreat web page. A few highlights are included below.

Please consider joining me on this Tuscan adventure. I would love to practice, commune, laugh, explore, and share my love of Italy and the Tuscan hills with you! For more information or to request a registration form, please click the button below.

Linda M.
THE VENUE: Locanda Cugnanello
Cugnanello is an 800-year-old villa nestled in the Tuscan hills that has been tastefully renovated to provide modern creature comforts while retaining the charm and character of its medieval roots. The meals are fresh and locally sourced, and complimentary wine is provided with dinner. Hiking is plentiful in the surrounding countryside.
To learn more about the venue, visit www.cugnanello.com.
Varies day to day, as we leave time in our schedule to explore Tuscany. We will enjoy some combination of the following:
  • Sunrise contemplation
  • Early morning active practice
  • Mid-morning therapeutic movement
  • Evening gentle practice
We have two day-trip excursions planned: one to Volterra, a vibrant town off the beaten path known for its alabaster craftsmanship and its place in history as one of the most important Etruscan cities; and the other to Siena, which we'll visit on the day of its weekly local street market to shop, people-watch and explore the ancient town, including its renowned Duomo and Piazza del Campo. We'll also have an afternoon agriturismo outing in Radicondoli, where we'll visit a local family-owned working farmto learn aboutcheese and olive oil production. We'll also take time to visit a vineyard for a winery tour and wine-tasting.
There will be a variety of other activities available throughout the week, including:
  • Massage
  • Hiking
  • Cooking lesson
  • Wine-tasting on-site at Cugnanello
  • Horseback riding
  • Bike rental and/or guided bike tour
  • Swimming
  • Boccia ball
  • Sand volleyball
  • Fitness room

Retreats, Workshops and Private Instruction
(412) 427-4781

* *
Dear Linda, 

Thanks so much for your email. I enjoyed too your videos here - http://www.lindameacciyoga.com/seeksun2019

Could be interesting to teach 2-3 classes of Yoga per week in Pittsburgh 5-10 years from now, if I were to move back with a young family. And possibly to explore co-teaching a class re Angela & Victor's approach to co-teaching. (It's interesting to me to see where the BKS Iyengar's legacy with the Yoga school he started in 1975 in Pune, India, has gone, - in Google Street View - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ramamani+Iyengar+Memorial+Yoga+Institute/@18.533582,73.838649,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x256821ed070d8e28!8m2!3d18.533582!4d73.838649 - and where his daughter Geeta or perhaps now only his son now are its heads, I think - "Its directors are Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar, Geeta S. Iyengar and Prashant S. Iyengar" (http://bksiyengar.com/modules/Institut/RIMYI/rimyi.htm). BKS Iyengar seems to have created a financially successful school as well, and careers for Iyengar teachers - https://iynaus.org/study/teachers - and schools too, all around the world as well; I was able to find Janet MacLeod, Julie Lawrence, and Julie Gudmestad, but not Manouso Manos, in this directory just now, for example). Angela and Victor continue to teach around the world and in their Yoga center in Eftalou on Lesvos in Greece, and ask interesting questions - http://www.angela-victor.com/content/who-are-we-anyway - as well :) 

Would love to keep this conversation open for the future, Linda. 

Namaste, Scott

Hi Linda, 

Thanks for this email. Could be fun to explore co-teaching Yoga in Pittsburgh some time in the future 🙂 How are you? Your Yoga travels sound fun! 


* * * 

Hi M, 

Getting the virtual TRAVEL experience down to a realistic virtual Harbin (similar to actually doing this, but very different of course) ... would be great for even thinking about moving back to Pittsburgh in some years ... (with ...? and to raise a family) ... and because Pittsburgh would have much more community than my life here, I'd think ... 

Interesting to explore the idea of raising a young family in Pittsburgh, and even buying a house also possibly on Juniata ... a GREAT realistic virtual HarbinHot Springs, for field work, soaking and visiting, could make this especially interesting - and combined with a couple of annual trips out west with World Univ & Sch students for actual field work. :)

(Am also interested in teaching at World Univ & Sch online  )

L, Scott


Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations

rainbow line




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