Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Cream-spot tiger butterfly: "Society, Information Technology, and the Global University," ... and newly a course about virtual Harbin Hot Springs and ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, with regard to Research Topics * * * & Re Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html, Envisioning co-teaching-wise, inviting Angela and Victor to teach in Pittsburgh, would certainly help build a Yoga co-teaching culture there, They both have a lot of draw, and their "organizer" Patricia Schneider (and her husband, Andrew Junker, inventor of brainfingers.com) both live in Yellow Springs, OH (a somewhat hippy town even in the 2000s, In Pittsburgh, they'd bring a lot of closet Yoginis / Yogis out of the woodwork, who could still continue to take classes * * * Re-found a book I had begun about Angela and Victor's Yoga: ) http://www.scottmacleod.com/AVGreetings.htm ~

Next: Camellia japonica: photos of seemingly unused pool Great for soaking in too It's the SOCIALTY of Harbin's pool area of hanging out that's interesting to explore creating newly online in Digital Masks How best online to extended these ways of being social brainstorming-wise - Robots to clean it up? * * * All 14.5 billion years of universe at atomic, cellular & StreetView levels+ in #RealisticVirtualHarbinEarth #RealisticVirtualEarth for #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital Watsu research https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Watsu_-_water_shiatsu … (e.g. in Google StreetView/Maps/Earth TensorFlow+ @WorldUnivAndSch ~ * * * Google Keynote (5/7/19) re-watching re A) actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' research project, and virtual visiting in mind, as well as B) World Univ & Sch (and re John Hennessy too, Alphabet's Chair) in mind * * * MIT TechReview: 'Google backs a bid to use CRISPR to prevent heart disease'… Is this a BIG beginning of combining CRISPR with #RealisticVirtualEarthforCRISPR eg in Google StreetView w TIME SLIDER/Maps/Earth @TensorFlow ?, Google Pixel 3a XL Review SMART PHONE, Wondering if YOU & I will eventually be able take photos of ATOMIC MOLECULAR NANO levels INTO pixels with the 'nano SIM card' ... & for a #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualUniverse #RealisticVirtualEarthforSTEM Waiting for #ActualVirtual, #PhysicalDigital pixel medicine some years out, For dentistry too - planned in ~200 countries' official languages / 7,111 known living languages (thinking Google Translate) * * * Happy Mother's Day to you and all you mother's in this "Re: Scots' history (was: A doll party tea! :)" thread, and to your mother's too, sons!

Seeking to teach again as World University and School licenses with the state of California's BPPE ...

Society, Information Technology, 
and the Global University ~


... and newly a course about virtual Harbin Hot Springs and  ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, with regard to

Research Topics


  • Virtual Harbin generation (realistic)
  • Realistic virtual earth / cosmos generation, group build-able at atomic/molecular, neuronal/cellular, and streetview/behavioral levels
  • Avatar robotics' design and printing of 3D place / avatar bots
  • Brain chemistry - a) loving bliss and b) consciousness as awareness - research and modeling (re e.g. modeling mouse and fly brains with AI)
  • Wiki ethnography generation
  • Field work to actual Harbin Hot Springs


* * *

& Re

Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations

rainbow line



Linda, Re furthering envisioning co-teaching-wise, inviting Angela and Victor to teach in Pittsburgh would certainly help build a Yoga co-teaching culture there ... They both have a lot of draw, and their "organizer" Patricia Schneider (and her partner/husband, Andrew Junker, inventor of brainfingers.com) both live in Yellow Springs, OH (a somewhat hippy town even in the 2000s, when I visited it 10 or 15 years ago), and A&V often teach a course there - http://www.angela-victor.com/content/schedule - like Angela is this October 19-23, 2019 ... In Pittsburgh, they'd bring a lot of closet Yoginis / Yogis out of the woodwork, who could still continue to take classes with us over the year, for example - and ahead in 5-10 years :) ~Scott

On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 4:42 PM Scott MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Linda, 

Am liking these new perspectives from Angela and Victor, and which might somehow be interesting to 'riff' with if you and I explore co-teaching in 5-10 years: 

"We came together after many years of teaching yoga in different countries. Our combined teaching was held together by a similar worldview and the common concept that asana practice, breath and meditation should celebrate the physical, as well the emotional and spiritual aspects.

For us teaching together is an unplanned 'duet' where we open a unique discussion and practice to evolve in the moment as inspiration or questions from the class arise." http://www.angela-victor.com/content/who-are-we-anyway

(Am keeping tuned to possibilities of teaching in VR / AR and in a realistic virtual earth - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/plumeria-flowers-frangipani-yoga-yo-yo.html - where VR and AR are whole new worlds of 'PROPS' I haven't explored very much yet ... :)

Appreciating too Angela's focus here on joy ... 
Nov 2019
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Finding Back our Joy
Angela Farmer

And here is an unusual and personal way to delve into essentials for Life and Yoga, leaving behind tradition and styles, teachings and form… listening within and following with feeling, to discover the amazing Joy of our own and uniquely personal practice.

All re envisioning and exploring collaborating teaching-wise in 5-10 years, Linda, 

Namaste, Scott :)

On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 11:43 AM Scott MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Linda, 
Yo Yo Ma 's cello and Bach cello suites as Yoga is part of my vision for sharing the gift of Yoga in teaching ... where a Yoga teacher is a kind cello and everybody in course are violas, violins, celestas ... 
I also find much creativity in breathing (pranayama) explorations ... and re a kind of poetry (Angela sees things and shares about this in such mind-expanding ways imagistic-ally:) and re ... https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/asian-bleeding-heart-warmth-in-yoga.html ... as well. 
Envisioning-wise further, would you like to explore co-teaching a class or two in 5-10 years on a Saturday or Sunday morning in the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts at 5th and Shady in this area leading up to the stairway - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Pittsburgh+Center+For+The+Arts/@40.4523734,-79.920197,3a,106.9y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1shttp:%2F%2Fvp.cdn.cityvoterinc.com%2FGetImage.ashx%3Fimg%3D00%2F00%2F00%2F00%2F81%2F04%2F8104-301450.jpg%26ar%3Dmaintain!2e7!3e27!6s%2F%2Flh4.googleusercontent.com%2Fproxy%2FCTi9uxEEM-Ioq7WTIPgXWfZOorje3glDBmrE3FVANYoCqlvoxUhSg_UuwnAQxq1U81lxhTm-Ssh73OFEdFViSFWYu93DjR7HTaIEK3xkd8iIA8k6FqHU37TrHJLfWU1_NlfS3zgc76guKDhcXudwc9ergasI_w%3Dw203-h152-k-no!7i467!8i350!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x1d8e58d234839b9f!8m2!3d40.4523734!4d-79.920197 ? :) ? (There's also a 3rd floor space in a Homewood Carnegie Library (7101 Hamilton Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15208) which is lovely for teaching Yoga in) ... to become central to population centers in a distributed way around Pittsburgh, and not just in Squirrel Hill at S.H.Y. ... but having good props in a very beautiful space can facilitate the Yoga journey in amazing ways (e.g. a rolling floral suitcase with sticky mat, 3 blankets, bolster, 2 blocks, 2 belts could be cumbersome for many:) ... 
am finding this interesting too - https://www.yogiapproved.com/yoga/increase-yoga-class-size/ ... (15-20 people per class, 2-3 times per week?:)
7 Effective Tips For Yoga Teachers to Build Your Class Size -
1. Talent and Experience
2. Maintain Palpable Passion
3. Promote, Promote, Promote
4. Student-Teacher Connection
5. Balance Dynamism and Accessibility
6. Use Your Words
7. Creative Sequencing

Angela and Victor do these really well as well. :) (Mary Dunn whom I wanted to study with also maintained palpable passion:)
Having taught Yoga before in Pittsburgh too, I could see teaching a course at the Pittsburgh Center for the Art on Monday and Thursday mornings during the school year over decades ... 
Namaste, Scott

On Sun, May 5, 2019 at 5:01 PM Scott MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Linda,
> Appreciating your seeking "to know myself as a loving being and to share that love with those I encounter" in your Yoga teaching much - and re questions of consciousness (which I'm exploring in innovative ways perchance), as well as your nurturing approach re supporting people's Yoga journeys (and metaphorically too). I enjoy facilitating gentle, restorative approaches (and with language) in asana-informed movement - inner body feeling wise too (re Angela's 'inner body' focus). I left strong, yet therapeutic, Iyengar Yoga re the 2 year IYISF certificate program I went through in 1 year (~1991-1992, partly due to a good practice thanks to Dona Holleman's self-published "Yoga Syllabus for Teacher and Student" and its companion "Asana in Photo" books - and I also studied with Dona in both Seattle and Italy in the '90s) having first taken a course with Angela and Victor in around 1984 in Portland, Oregon, and appreciating their free-spirited hippy Yoga creativity. I also enjoy facilitating wondrous inner explorations, re envisioning, and which seem to open ways of becoming aware inwardly, newly, and releasing-wise in the process.
> Warmth is another aspect of Yoga exploration / generation which I think might be more readily explorable in Pittsburgh than out west. And greetings from the very diverse Stanford Univ CoHo cafe with a bunch of high-achievers, on a Sunday afternoon on a very beautiful May day. Great to open this conversation as well Linda. :)  And thanks for your emails, Linda!
> With warm wishes, Scott
> On Sun, May 5, 2019 at 1:38 PM Linda Meacci Yoga <info@lindameacciyoga.com> wrote:
>> Dear Scott,
>> I'm seek to know myself as a loving being and to share that love with those I encounter. I also interested in supporting people in their journey. I like teaching a strong asana practice and teaching people about their physical bodies and how our minds, emotions and spirit can also benefit.
>> Thanks for asking Scott.
>> Sending very warm wishes!
>> Peace
>> Linda
>> http://www.lindameacciyoga. com/
>> info@lindameacciyoga.com
>> Linda Meacci                    Bob Bishop
>> Principal Instructor          Retreat Coordinator
>> (412) 427-4781                 (412) 855-6375
>> On Sat, May 4, 2019 at 10:52 PM Scott MacLeod <yogamacflower@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Linda,
>>> Could you please add this email to your list as well. Thanks. What are you seeking in your teaching?
>>> Namaste, Scott
>>> On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 10:39 AM Scott MacLeod <scottmacleod100@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Linda,
>>>> Thanks so much for your email. I enjoyed too your videos here - http://www.lindameacciyoga.com/seeksun2019
>>>> Could be interesting to teach 2-3 classes of Yoga per week in Pittsburgh 5-10 years from now, if I were to move back with a young family. And possibly to explore co-teaching a class re Angela & Victor's approach to co-teaching. (It's interesting to me to see where the BKS Iyengar's legacy with the Yoga school he started in 1975 in Pune, India, has gone, - in Google Street View -https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ramamani+Iyengar+Memorial+Yoga+Institute/@18.533582,73.838649,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x256821ed070d8e28!8m2!3d18.533582!4d73.838649 - and where his daughter Geeta or perhaps now only his son now are its heads, I think - "Its directors are Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar, Geeta S. Iyengar and Prashant S. Iyengar" (http://bksiyengar.com/modules/Institut/RIMYI/rimyi.htm). BKS Iyengar seems to have created a financially successful school as well, and careers for Iyengar teachers - https://iynaus.org/study/teachers - and schools too, all around the world as well; I was able to find Janet MacLeod, Julie Lawrence, and Julie Gudmestad, but not Manouso Manos, in this directory just now, for example). Angela and Victor continue to teach around the world and in their Yoga center in Eftalou on Lesvos in Greece, and ask interesting questions - http://www.angela-victor.com/content/who-are-we-anyway - as well :)
>>>> Would love to keep this conversation open for the future, Linda.
>>>> Namaste, Scott
>>>> http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html
>>>> http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm
>>>> https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/black-eyed-susan-angela-and-victor-yoga.html
>>>> Black-eyed Susan: Angela and Victor yoga * * * Putting a very beautiful Mother's Day gift in the mail for you * * * Coping? Desiderata? Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations, Communication with people, Writing, Daily sitting ~ meditation * * * Could be interesting t
>>>> Hi M, Putting a very beautiful Mother's Day gift in the mail for you, M, and which I got last year at Reed in June, made by a former Ree...
>>>> scott-macleod.blogspot.com
>>>> --
>>>> Scott MacLeod
>>>> http://scottmacleod.com/
>>>> World University and School
>>>> http://worlduniversityandschool.org/
>>>> P.O. Box 442,
>>>> (86 Ridgecrest Road),
>>>> Canyon, CA 94516
>>>> 415 480 4577
>>>> scott@scottmacleod.com
>>>> Skype: scottm100
>>>> ________________________________
>>>> From: Linda Meacci Yoga <info@lindameacciyoga.com>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 4:37 PM
>>>> To: Scott MacLeod
>>>> Subject: Re: A Second Date for Tuscany Retreat: Please Read and Reply
>>>> Dear Scott,
>>>> Very nice to hear from you. Are you still living on the West Coast? When you visit the 'burgh? I have my plate pretty full at the moment but I'm always open to collaborating. What venues are you most comfortable teaching in?
>>>> What are you most interested in teaching these days?
>>>> If you have any collaboration ideas, put them out there.
>>>> Many thanks for reaching out.
>>>> Peace
>>>> Linda
>>>> http://www.lindameacciyoga. com/
>>>> info@lindameacciyoga.com
>>>> Linda Meacci                    Bob Bishop
>>>> Principal Instructor          Retreat Coordinator
>>>> (412) 427-4781                 (412) 855-6375
>>>> On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 1:20 PM Scott MacLeod <scottmacleod100@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Linda,
>>>>> Thanks for this email. Could be fun to explore co-teaching Yoga in Pittsburgh some time in the future 🙂 How are you? Your Yoga travels sound fun!
>>>>> Warmly,
>>>>> Scott
>>>>> https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga

* * *
Re-found a book I had begun about Angela and Victor's Yoga: )


Angela and Victor's Yoga :)

Through their yoga, Angela and Victor are extraordinary guides to the world of the inner body. Through movement and yoga they dive deep and unbury many 'energies' of life, including its light and playful sides, as well as some shadowy ones, to come to a kind of inner body flow. Their explorations can help you come in contact with your inner body, exploring many aspects of life as energy through movement. For the people who enjoy their courses, this exploration of the inner body can be profound and healing. What's the inner body? How to experience it? Let's explore.




Inner Body


In general, their yoga is sattvic - loosely meaning illuminating, calming, and easing - and, in my experience, moves toward a kind of grace. Angela and Victor's exploration of energy, and their use of language and, particularly, imagery from nature in relation to the body, are unique, subtle and liberating, as well. Their work is insightful, deep and pleasurably opening. If, when practicing, you come upon emotions like aggression, anger, loneliness, frustration, or other 'negative' ones, it's not the yoga they teach. Be present. Try to relax a little, explore what comes up, visit with a friend, laugh and start again with releasing and moving exploratorily.


Partner Work


Shadow Side

Your experiences in their courses may be very different from anything conveyed here on the web or through other media or texts. Their humor, interactiveness and the social, aural and visual experiences they shape in their courses make the learning unique. (The remarkable and unique-to-the-individual physical adjustments/changes in movement and in poses, which they share in class, are difficult to convey through this media, and thus a serious deficit here). They teach a kind of spontaneous movement welling up from insight, from their own unique and often sublime views. Finding your own unique ways with yoga and movement is part of what they teach.


Energy Work




From the late 1960s through the early 1980s, they studied with B.K.S. Iyengar and others, but have since created their own approach. While both worked for many years with Iyengar, Victor, in particular, worked very closely with him, and makes fascinating, personal, physical adjustments. With remarkable vision and language, Angela explores fluidity, using, for example, water or wind as metaphor for the inner body, to open so many ways of coming in touch with it. Similarly, she also explores ways to come in touch with one's own inner teacher. Angela and a group of women interested in her teaching have met almost every year, for many years, in a women-only retreat at Harbin Hot Springs. The opportunity there to explore Angela's far-reaching interest in the feminine, without men, has made for some flourishing gatherings. In their courses, they explore an amazingly wide variety of movements, energies, meanings, and ideas - what comes up - including exploring creativity itself, in relation to yoga.



Some Guided Explorations

In exploring their 'play' through this web site, deemphasize these texts, photos and videos, to some degree. Through the 'physical' body, Angela & Victor explore movement and energy in their teachings: some asana (yoga position)-related movement, many subtle, breath-related movements, and - using imagery from the natural world, wonderful metaphors and language - welcome, mindful, inner releases and energetic flows; dead and inanimate things don't move, so they don't seek to hold poses rigidly, inside or outside. For them yoga isn't "the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind" (Patañjali) but rather coming in touch with, and exploring your inner body and teacher with awareness and movement, and finding a kind of flow, which might include, however, a profound and welcome easing of the mind. And while one of them teaches, the other is often exploring things in his or her own body, resting and/or listening, and modeling this as well. Their deep questioning of authority and tradition opens horizons. How to find your own freedom and creative exploration with yoga is what they teach.

Yoga Philosophy

A & V Media Index

A & V Bibliography

From my perspective, they offer a kind of development in yoga, and certainly their own view of it. From this perspective, they teach a profound, imaginative and beneficial releasing, easing and 'energy-related' opening of the bodymind. By energy, they mean your own experiences, thoughts, feelings, motivations, subtle leanings, and imaginings, among other things, which guide people, - experienced in your own bodymind. Please don't systemize this, - they don't, and they encourage people not to, as well; it's probably impossible. In their view, yoga as a kind of core life experience isn't systemizable; doing so kills the life of it. Instead, experience and play with this inner movement and awareness. Bring impressions, observations and meanings from the world around you into your bodymind, and explore them in your inner body, sometimes in poses, learning from them. Yoga becomes an ongoing, artistic discovery. In their courses, this is often done with friends, and with Angela & Victor as guides. Yoga with them can sometimes be as enjoyable as going to the beach with friends, or to a very fun party, and lead to so much. In my experience their approach is very social, supportive and loving. It can also lead to cathartic, emotional releases. In many of the following texts, photos and videos, A & V teach a specific movement / action, and/or awareness. They encourage people taking their classes to move when they want. The movements and positions depicted here offer ways to explore the freeing up of energy. This can often lead to experiences of personal freedom, bringing you alive.

So what's new or different with their yoga? New principles, new concepts, new awarenesses? Compared with what? Angela & Victor offer an imaginative approach to exploring inwardly with your awareness through movement, energy-work and a far-reaching knowledge of the body (including its musculo-skeletal-physiological-neural, etc., 'mechanics' informed by asana) in positions and movement, as well as ways to experience the inner body as delightfully and fascinatingly interconnected, through relatively unstructured classes. Their stories help you experience this. In so doing, they have shaped and discovered their own unique, unfolding approaches. They question the idea of needing a teacher at all to explore one's own inner body, yet they are skillful guides, often by intuiting and understanding where individuals in their classes are 'coming from' and what they want - often through movement - and then opening ways to realize this, - seemingly quite mysteriously. They also create a space for you to listen to your own intuition, and act on this. 

Teaching together, they offer two distinct perspectives, which they weave together into a conversation and a (usually:) shared vision of the inner body/teacher. They are partners in so many ways, unusual in the world of yoga, and its long traditions, long conceiving of their teaching together as a yoga marriage. And while also long skeptical of the institution of marriage, they are marrying in the autumn of 2008 in Eftalou, Lesvos, Greece.

In some ways, Angela & Victor teach ways for you to find your own freeing, creative and happy way, partly through yoga, but especially through coming in touch with your inner body. They're innovative. They might explore, for example, what bliss is, in class, - how one might experience this. They aren't interested in starting something called Angela & Victor Yoga. They're bohemian, free-spirited, iconoclastic, alternative, maverick, independent and creative. Beginning, perhaps in part, as hippie yogis in the 1960s, they draw from counterculture, to teach a kind of underground yoga, with very unique skills. As yogis, teachers and artists, they create anew and shape a kind of free-spiritedness through yoga. If their language, vision, images, approaches to movement, as well as their energy-exploration, work for you to facilitate release, integration, creative exploration, and help to heal your wounds, as well as allow you to experience new vistas on being, - enjoy!

I first took a course with them in 1984. I see this web site as an opportunity to share my experience of, to translate and find the right language for, the way they teach subtle awarenesses leading to inward releases, through engaging yoga, - so that you might experience it. And in the context of yoga exploration and practice, to relate how you might bring your awareness pleasurably inwardly while practicing to find new, beneficial approaches to life, on your own, at home or with friends.

Angela & Victor often teach in beautiful places. They've recently built their 'Eftalou Yoga Hall,' in Eftalou near Molivos, on the island of Lesvos, in Greece. After their classes, people in their courses often go to natural hot springs and the ocean to bathe or share a meal with friends. It's not a yoga you're probably familiar with yet. They explore a kind of interconnectedness, as many yoga practitioners do, but Angela and Victor's teachings and style are unique, and through them you may soar. Angela and Victor's yoga is fun and respects your experience, so keep your common sense as you explore what they teach. And while I have selected certain themes which they often re-visit in their teaching, their yoga can lead in many to-be-created directions. Moving from the inside, they eschew/avoid the limitations of tradition, religion, authority, etc., to seek and find the freedom of the inner body/teacher, thus teaching ways to continue to move out of/ away from 'boxes,' (including any boxes/themes/ideas shaped by a web site about their teaching). Angela & Victor thus would encourage people to keep exploring, to stay out of the boxes that people continue to make, and to find your own freedom. Perhaps this web site can be a helpful starting place for this. 

I'd like to dedicate this web site to Victor & Angela and people touched by their yoga.

Scott MacLeod

Print Angela & Victor's Yoga (.doc)

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