Hi M,
Nice to talk again yesterday evening. Shared this with E the other evening after we had talked when I was at Stanford:
Nice to talk earlier. What's the name of the Atul Gawande article on computing and medicine you mentioned? Is this it?
"Why Doctors Hate Their Computers:
Digitization promises to make medical care easier and more efficient. But are screens coming between doctors and patients?"
By Atul Gawande November 5, 2018
And found these in these regards -
Psychoanalytic - Friendly Universities/Programs
List of schools of psychoanalysis
- interesting.
Coming back to 'Communication in the family re family identification (identity?) is something I find helpful - but not always easy. (And ... A California School of Psychoanalysis with a focus on communication, as well as re Lacan, John Money, a humans as primates-focus, an evolutionary biology focus, brain science focus, re Castells' emotion and cognition re his focus on the brain (in Communication Power 2009/2013)... and esp. language-wise?),'
Am curious too how to plan for improving on existing psychiatry departments in US universities' medical schools, and at Kaiser Permanente, and in each of all ~200 countries' medical schools, (and maybe even as Stanford Medicine builds a new psychiatric wing, about which I heard some residents give presentations a few weeks ago). Stanford psychiatry seems to take a multi-modal approach these days.
Am curious how online psychiatry, psychotherapy, and esp. psychoanalysis, could be made better ... and even eventually with seemingly 'sentient' avatar bots ... If someone were seeing a Yale-trained psychiatrist in Marin County a couple of times a year - not psychoanalytically trained - in what ways could such very well-trained and smart MD psychiatrists get access further to online psychoanalytic training, and also help develop related theorizing of online psychoanalysis (eventually in multiple languages) with regards to existing opportunities for psychoanalytic training. An additional two years of psychoanalytic study for certificate, plus two years, 4-5 times per week of being a training analysand online? How could outcomes be measured - re people learning about their own unconscious minds (a goal of psychoanalysis) - and psychoanalysis quality improved especially?
Love, Scott
major critiques of Freudian schools of psychoanalysis
Critique of Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis: Freud's Revolutionary Approach to Human Personality
major critiques of Lacanian schools of psychoanalysis
* *
- École Européenne de Psychanalyse (EEP) (Europe)
- International Psychoanalytical Association (founded 1910) http://www.ipa.org.uk
- La Nueva Escuela Lacaniana (NEL) (Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia and Miami)
- World Association of Psychoanalysis (founded 1992) http://www.wapol.org/
- School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field (EPFCL-IF) http://www.champlacanien.net
- Federation of the European Schools of Psychoanalysis (FESP) http://www.efsp.eu/en/index.htm
- International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy http://www.iarpp.net
- Fundación Descartes http://www.descartes.org.ar/
- Escuela de la Orientación Lacaniana http://www.eol.org.ar (Buenos Aires), http://www.eolcba.com.ar (Córdoba), http://www.elrosario.com.ar[permanent dead link](Rosario), https://web.archive.org/web/20060206140626/http://www.unl.edu.ar/eol/ (Santa Fe)
- Asociación de Psicoanálisis de La Plata (La Plata) http://www.aplp.org.ar/
- Foro Analítico del Río de la Plata - EPFCL (Buenos Aires) http://www.forofarp.org
- New Lacanian School (NLS) (Brussels) http://www.amp-nls.org/
- Escola Brasileira de Psicanalise (EBP) - http://www.ebp.org.br/
- Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano (EPFCL) - http://www.campolacaniano.net
- Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise Integrativa (SBPI) - http://www.sbpi.org.br
- Sociedade Paulista de Psicanálise - http://www.sppsic.org.br
- Institute for the Advancement of Self Psychology (IASP) http://iasptoronto.com/
- Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis (TICP) http://ticp.on.ca/
- Toronto Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (TPS) https://torontopsychoanalysis.com/
- The Western Branch Canadian Psychoanalytic Society (WBCPS) http://www.wbcps.org/
- University of Exeter http://cedar.exeter.ac.uk/
- New Lacanian School (NLS)
- Philadelphia Association
- Association Psychanalytique de France http://associationpsychanalytiquedefrance.org/
- École Freudienne de Paris (1964–1980)
- École de la Cause Freudienne (ECF) (Paris) http://www.causefreudienne.org
- École Lacanienne de Psychanalyse http://www.ecole-lacanienne.net/
- Société psychanalytique de Paris http://www.spp.asso.fr/
- Société psychanalytique de recherche et de formation (SPRF) http://sprf.asso.fr/sprfwp/
- Scuola Lacaniana di Psicoanalisi del Campo Freudiano (Rome) https://web.archive.org/web/20060207002330/http://www.scuolalacaniana.it/
- Scuola di psicoanalisi dei Forums del Campo lacaniano http://www.campolacaniano.net
- Lebanese Association for the Development of Psychoanalysis (ALDeP) http://www.aldep.org
- École Lacanienne de Psychanalyse https://web.archive.org/web/20130515005323/http://ecole-lacanienne.com/
- Nueva Escuela Lacaniana del Campo Freudiano (NEL) (Lima) http://www.nel-amp.com
- Portuguese Psychoanalytical Society http://www.sppsicanalise.pt/a-sociedade/corpos-sociais-spp/
- Escuela Lacaniana de Psicoanálisis del Campo Freudiano (Barcelona) https://web.archive.org/web/20060306091522/http://www.elp-debates.com/
- Escuela de Psicoanálisis de los Foros del Campo lacaniano http://www.campolacaniano.net
- Institut International de Psychanalyse et de Psychothérapie Charles Baudouin (Geneva) http://www.institut-baudouin.org[permanent dead link]
- Academy of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis http://www.acapnj.org
- American Institute for Psychoanalysis http://www.aipnyc.org
- Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis (founded 1973) http://www.bgsp.edu
- Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (founded 1931) http://www.bpsi.org
- California Graduate Institute (founded 1968) https://web.archive.org/web/20060908053515/http://www.cgi.edu/
- Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies http://www.cmps.edu
- Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis (founded 1932) http://www.chicagoanalysis.org
- Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research http://psychoanalysis.columbia.edu/
- Emory University Emory University Psychoanalytic Institute http://atlantapsychoanalysis.com/training/emory-university-psychoanalytic-institute/
- Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity http://www.ipssny.org
- Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis http://www.icpla.edu
- Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy + Psychoanalysis, Washington, DC http://icpeast.org
- Menninger Foundation (founded 1919) http://www.menningerclinic.com
- National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis (founded 1948) http://www.npap.org
- New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (founded 1911) http://www.nypsi.org
- New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis http://postdocpsychoanalytic.as.nyu.edu
- Newport Psychoanalytic Institute http://www.npi.edu
- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center, New York, NY http://www.ppsc.org
- San Francisco Psychoanalytic Society and Institute (founded 1942) http://sf-cp.org
- St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute http://www.stlpi.org
- Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis (founded 1952) http://www.westernnewengland.org
- William Alanson White Institute (founded 1946) http://www.wawhite.org
Friends' Hospital in Philadelphia is the older mental hospital in the US (1813)
And potentially a remarkable resource for further theorizing this.