WUaS Live Hangout on Air - May 27, 2019
World Univ and Sch Law Schools, Teaching a single cryptocurrency? Your Questions ...
Dear Tanya and Fritz,
Nice to participate with you in the WUaS Live Hangout on Air - May 27, 2019. Text chat and Hangout URL are below.
Cheers, Scott
World University & School News and Q & A Live Hangout on Air— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) May 26, 2019
https:// https://t.co/DZJYZUiWSs. com/WorldUnivandSch
Mon May 27 '19 at 10 am PT, 6pm UTC/GMT
Topic: @WorldUnivAndSch& @WUaSPress in https://t.co/LRKdU7cdv4 ~
Hosted by @ScottMacLeod
~ info @ https://t.co/N22Ucd0wg2 ~
10:04 AM
Welcome Fritz
10:05 AM
Hi Scott, thanks for the invitation to join.
I can hear Tanya? but can't hear you, Scott. So, still some technical issues...
Fritz Lebowsky muted you.
10:07 AM
Can you hear Tanya now?
10:08 AM
Yes I can hear Tanya, but my own voice has also problems.
Fritz Lebowsky muted you.
10:14 AM
Say more
Fritz Lebowsky muted you.
10:17 AM
Fritz Lebowsky left group chat.
Fritz Lebowsky joined group chat.
10:21 AM
Hi Scott & Tanya, now I can hear both of you!
However my microphone still has problems.
All types of biases in AI are critical. Absolute quantitates like stock prices might be highly exposed to 'hidden' manipulation.. .
Absolute quantities like stock prices might be highly exposed to 'hidden' manipulation.. .highly difficult to analyze in todays world of AI competitive advantages towards private business performance...
10:37 AM
How to best deal with competitive justifications that are not fully connected with authentic emotional intelligence...like in law suits.
I will think about some emerging ideas...
Tanya Tomato left group chat.
10:41 AM
Thank you Scott, and Tanya, looking forward to join soon again.
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
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Doug and All,
As a follow up, these are approximately the questions I asked you after your "The Monopoly Problem" panel:
If Google's TensorFlow hypothetically could be coded to deliver a daily stock price for each of all companies that used it, and in each of all ~206 countries (per 2016 Olympics) and in their official languages - thinking internationally re anti-trust, free speech and the internet - and if the WUaS Press / Corp could hypothetically, and as an example re other countries, list itself on each of all of these stock exchanges in all countries (that had them, particularly the nascent ones in Africa for example), what implications would there be for anti-trust law for Google TensorFlow Stock Price Generator in America? (The WUaS Press seeks to explore being listed this way on all ~200 stock exchanges, if possible, re learning how this is done). And if Stanford Law faculty / the World University and School online law schools' faculties in each nation states' language could teach courses to companies about how to list their companies on this hypothetical TensorFlow daily stock price generator on all stock exchanges, what implications would that have for Google as a platform re the questions you were all addressing at the Stanford Law "Free Speech and the Internet" conference on Friday and Saturday?
(As a preamble to 2: and in a related vein, at a key coding moment for WUaS, when we'd like to code and make interoperable our "front end" WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School - with our "back end" Wikidata / Wikibase (in Wikipedia's ~300 languages), for example - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q8012895 - which is the Q item for Stanford Law School - and see too https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Identifiers) - but focus on planning to code for wiki schools in each all 7,111 known living languages, World University and School would also like to explore coding for all 7.5 billion people on the planet in all ~200 countries. If WUaS could do this, could WUaS also facilitate Universal Basic Income experiments in each of all ~200 countries?)
And World University and School seeks too to facilitate via our law schools' faculties teaching about a single cryptocurrency (am following the the MIT DCI - https://twitter.com/mitDCI -and the Director of the MIT DCI, Neha Narula, in these regards -
No, you're really not. This is gaslighting bullshit. The entire thread is a travesty.— Neha Narula (@neha) May 26, 2019
Always question, never settle, and know that there are lots of us who try to debate, criticize, learn, and improve without being jerks. https://t.co/YbGmBSo2GO
https://twitter.com/neha/status/1132737827282800642) with blockchain ledger backed by some number of all ~200 countries' central banks (am thinking the Euro in 19 out of 28 EU countries, but not yet a digital currency), and even to explore distributing this via Universal Basic Income experiments (much like the state of California's UBI experiment with Stockton California residents, and Finland's - so a state-citizen relationship), - and perhaps via Google Plus (Ted Ulliyot). What implications would this and the above have for 'platform, free speech and the internet questions re Google,' and potentially with regards to Stanford / WUaS Law Faculties teaching the law about this?
All the best, Scott
I explore this ideas further verbally in today's WUaS Live Hangout on Air from about 19:00 minutes forward:
And have blogged about this conference here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/three-sisters-oregon-stanford-law-free.html
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Rhizome: WUaS Live Hangout on Air 5/27/19: Law Schools, Teaching a single cryptocurrency? Your Questions, Stanford Law - 'FREE SPEECH AND THE INTERNET'
(See too 'Three Sisters (Oregon): Stanford Law ...'https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/three-sisters-oregon-stanford-law-free.html)