Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Galápagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus): Family history - MacLeod / Brown / Gilbert / Briscoe / Chadbourne / Lincoln / Kirkbride * * * Both the last names of my father, after James Edward McLeod, and my mother's maiden name Janet Kirkbride Brown, a James A. Brown - 'MacLeod' and 'Brown' - were from Scotland apparently, and I haven't yet found any evidence of who preceded them in Scotland * * * the Chadbourne line is supposed to go back to Edward I * * * Doing Genealogical history via information technologies a flow experience for me - absorbed mind (re Cziksznetmihalyi's book "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" of the same name * * * One genealogy tree for 7.5B people - in WikiTree - with a DNA focus?


Scott MacLeod
Jul 12, 2019, 12:57 PM (2 days ago)
to Susan, Janie, Karen, Scott, Ann, catherinemuller57, MacLeod

Dear Susan, (Ma, and Karen, Ann and Cathy),

Warm greetings from Canyon, California 94516 (my home of 12 years in the SF Bay Area, in Oakland's watershed forest), Susan. How are your artistic creations growing - http://www.susanharvey.com/shabout.html?

I've recently been developing a family history tree in Ancestry.com to my amazement - it's a far-reaching & brand new approach to even history (collectively bringing documents together, for ex.) - and wanted to ask if you have the Gilbert family history papers you created years ago in a digital format which you would be willing to share please again? Was it in 1988 that you shared this great resource at the Gilbert / Brown + Family Reunion in Estes Park, CO, or was it since then?

In Ancestry.com - and here's a sharable link for my 629 ancestors I've found so far ... https://ancstry.me/2l5kUSq - I can't seem to find who came before William Gilbert and Mildred Docia Holland (my great grandparents). Who came before William Gilbert and Mildred Docia Holland?  I'm currently in the process of getting the AncestryDNA kit as well.

I'm thankful to my first cousin Mark MacLeod (Gordon's brother's Bruce's son now in Newfoundland) for sharing his very extensive MacLeod family tree in Ancestry, and pointing me in this direction.

How are you and what news? (Am continuing to develop MIT OpenCourseWare-centric World University and School, continuing with my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project, and writing my 4th book to be published this autumn - amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity - and continuing too to seek a partner with whom to start a family here!)

Warm regards, Scotty
Have blogged here about how Ancestry.com is 'blowing my mind' a little :) -
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/07/blue-ash-fraxinus-quadrangulata.html
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/07/aurorae-boreraig-isle-of-skye-scotland.html

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.

* *

Aurorae: Boreraig, Isle of Skye, Scotland, this cairn to the MacCrimmon pipers, hereditary bagpipers to the Clan MacLeod, but I don't recall (from the 1970s) this particular event of John MacFadyen piping, Musings about the latent, very latent, Scottish IDENTITY I think I learned, and with regards to this web pages' pictures - http://www.clan-macleod-scotland.org.uk/clan-history * * * A kind of a latent MacLEOD identification seemed to happen in our family from when I was 10 or 11 or so at least, I think Dad, with his very Scottish name, Gordon Kenneth MacLeod MD (my name too - Gordon Kenneth MacLeod III, where my nickname is Scott ... and that Dad ... until he became a medical doctor), MacLeod family history emails with my cousin Mark MacLeod, Genealogy and DNA - "I hope that with enough MacLeod DNA we might be able to reduce the uncertainty on where James Edward McLeod was born" - before he arrived on Prince Edward Island in the 1850s, (Ancestry.com related pages/links here - http://scottmacleod.com/family.htm) * * * Having recorded all of the bagpiping tunes in the College of Piping's Green Tutor Vol. 1 on the Scottish Small Pipes on an A chanter, and appreciating how this goal of recording so that others learning the SSP in A could learn with a Tutor (by playing with eventually), I think I'm now going to try to record as many tunes from the CoP Green Tutor Vol. 1 as possible that work on the Scottish Small Pipes on a D chanter - and soon on B flat chanter, which is coming in the mail, Just began a Scott Gordon Kenneth MacLeod family tree in WikiTree - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/MacLeod-2524 ~

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/07/aurorae-boreraig-isle-of-skye-scotland.html -

* *
Mark MacLeod
Jul 12, 2019, 5:25 PM (2 days ago)
to me


Sounds like you're having fun with Ancestry.com. I also find genealogy interesting from a historical point of view. I have new respect and interest in history as a result. Finding the basic facts is fun - e.g. dates for birth, marriage, immigration, offspring - but it is the back stories that are most fun. For example, my mother is descendant from one of the 'King's Daughters', as are many French-Canadians (https://fillesduroi.org/index.php).

One bit of advice that I don't always follow. Ancestry will often provide a 'hint' that is a link to someone else's tree. I have found these trees to be at times very unreliable sources. Some genealogists have been very careful but I've seen some trees with little to no primary sources and mistakes get repeated. I'm far from an expert but I try hard to add primary sources first and then compare to the work of others.

I presume you've seen Jen MacLeod's 'Generations' document. I think it is the best written record of the MacLeod's starting with James Edward. I'm excited to collaborate on 'version 2'.


Susan Harvey
Fri, Jul 12, 5:27 PM (2 days ago)
to Janie, Karen, Scott, Ann, catherinemuller57, me, MacLeod

Got your interesting letter and will reply soon.  Brother Pete Gilbert has info on Gilberts and I have forwarded your letter to him.

Susan Gilbert Harvey
Rome, GA

Karen Leighty
Fri, Jul 12, 6:35 PM (2 days ago)
to me, Susan, Janie, Scott, Ann, catherinemuller57, MacLeod

Dear Scott— Your cousin Erica has stirred interest in getting all the Gilbert/Kirkbride stuff we have digitized.  Many of the photos never got captioned, so we’re doing some but guess and by golly.  Cousin Kenny had done an Ancestry.com in 1988, so what you find there  now will probably be more updated.  I’ve been adding to my notes of some of the stories about how grandmother Agnes got here w her parents Jane and George. And we have bits from Uncle Warren about Uncle Johnny (Agnes’ lillllttle brother) and his life as a miner in gold Hill.  My scanner crashed, so progress on this did also...
   Am visiting Sister Leslie in her...uh, facility here in Penna.  So, More anon.
Cousin K~~

Washington DC area


Scott MacLeod
Fri, Jul 12, 6:51 PM (2 days ago)
to Alden, Karen, Susan, Janie, Scott, Ann, catherinemuller57, MacLeod

Hi Mark, Alden, Susan, Karen, Janie, Ann and Cathy,

Thanks for all of your emails, Mark, Susan and Karen! I began the following email in reply to Mark, but there are family history in this of us all. Here's the sharing link from my recent foray into Ancestry.com - https://ancstry.me/2JvBqVG - which has been fascinating. (How are you, Alden? Looking forward to hearing from you further, Susan and Karen).

Mark and All, Ancestry.com is very fun. Am appreciating your writing style as well in these regards. Your mother, and the 'King's Daughters' Association in Canada, is a fascinating back story - you have a lot of great Canadian ancestry, Mark!

I'm finding interest today in seeing how far back I can go, and have gotten to a 10th great grandfather from England (name: Hull). And I haven't yet been able to connect up my mother's father Alexander Chadbourne Brown via Gen. Benjamin Lincoln (who accepted the sword of surrender in the American revolution) - and some other Chadbourne family members who were 'actors' in history - with Humphrey Chadbourne on the Pied Cow in the 1630s, son of William Chadbourne from England, and where the Chadbourne line is supposed to go back to Edward I, - but I think this connection is there. (There is/was a Chadbourne Family Association in Maine re this http://www.chadbourne.org/Piedcows/Issue15.pdf too; One Tom Eschweiler who's ancestor married a Chadbourne/Lincoln came to a Brown-Briscoe Family reunion around 1984? in Chicago (at my mother's 1st cousin Alden Briscoe's), and was the president of the Chadbourne Associatino at the time I think. and this was informative. My mother's mother invited him to this reunion).  I also reportedly have an ancestor one Jeremy O'brien who was supposed to fire the first naval shot of the American revolution, and I haven't located him either yet.

And in a mostly English-American and Scottish-American lines of Oscar Gilbert's (mother's grandfather) and Agnes Kirkbrides (mother's grandmother), I think I have two native American ancestors, possibly a Cherokee from Tennessee, and one so-called 'Pocahantas' from Virginia before this (but this is a family story with some speculation).

Both the last names of my father, after James Edward McLeod, and my mother's maiden name Janet Kirkbride Brown, a James A. Brown - 'MacLeod' and 'Brown' - were from Scotland apparently, and I haven't yet found any evidence of who preceded them in Scotland. Ancestry.com may open the way to these lines eventually.

Have seen a Jen20 in Ancestry.com who is Jen MacLeod in ND, I think, a number of times, but haven't seen her 'Generations' document yet. Can you possibly share an Ancestry.com link to it, Mark? Looking forward to seeing the updated 'Generations' document too!

Aggregating family evidence in Ancestry.com is also rewarding thanks to distributed computing, - but I do so judiciously nevertheless. And I find the hints from several generations ago rewarding and generally sound to follow up on - since many people may have settled on the same evidence, and when evidence is scant.

I hope to add further key back stories here - http://scottmacleod.com/ScottMacLeodFamilyHistory.htm (accessible from http://scottmacleod.com/family.htm) - soonish, and would add your James Edward McLeod and Ernest McLeod's having kids' in their 60s and 70s and 80s' story if it's ok with you.

How to connect with Stanford librarian Hilary T in some of these regards I wonder?

Glad you're having fun with exploring this history and these questions, Mark! It's a flow experience for me - absorbed mind (re Cziksznetmihalyi's book "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" of the same name - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/flow%20the%20psychology%20of%20optimal%20experience - in my daily blog, also something of a writing flow experience:).

Warm regards, Scott

CV: https://goo.gl/JZheSb

Scott MacLeod - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod

World Univ and Sch Twitter - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch

Languages - World Univ - http://twitter.com/sgkmacleod

WUaS Press - https://twitter.com/WUaSPress

“Naked Harbin Ethnography” book (in Academic Press at WUaS) - http://twitter.com/HarbinBook

(OpenBand (Berkeley) - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand ) )

Mark MacLeod
Sat, Jul 13, 4:10 AM (1 day ago)
to me


I sent you a link to Jen's document via Dropbox. Let me know if you have any issues. I've marked it up a bit. There are a few minor errors and omissions as is always the case with genealogy but overall it is a very well-researched piece of work! It's ready for expansion - perhaps a chapter on the Brown family!

I've done quite a bit of work on the Newfoundland connection through Mary Glynn, Ernest MacLeod's first wife. I also have found a lot of info on George S MacLeod, son of James Edward MacLeod and Ann Bulger. He settled in Portland Maine.

There is a male bias in genealogical work. For example, we are very interested in James Edward's origins but relatively uninterested in the origins of Margaret Emma Barns/Barnes. I've tried to avoid this but I've not been very successful :-)


Scott MacLeod
Sat, Jul 13, 9:21 AM (1 day ago)
to Mark


Thanks so much. I haven't had access to Dropbox for many years, and don't know why. Would be interested in seeing Jen's paper. Right now, the paragraphs in previous emails and on family history pages on web are the extent of any chapter on the Brown family history. (Am working on my next book of poetry due out this autumn, and have a next actual-virtual Harbin ethnographic project in the works too, as well as a Stanford-MIT STEM ethos ethnographic comparison since the 1960s book project in mind too).

I found it interesting that Inverness-shire extends to the Hebrides in Scotland here - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverness-shire. As I'm remembering family history mostly from my mother's mother (below), Rachel Gilbert Brown, and my father, I recall one other story from my father (Gordon Kenneth MacLeod MD) about a sheep being stolen in Scotland. Don't recall any other details at all (speculation - James Edward McLeod's line? Legal questions? Feed family? Due to scarcity, a shitty culture of opportunity / caring for all it peoples in Scotland? Reason to leave Scotland for opportunity in Canada?). Moral questions re genealogy I think about (a little): and while I think the Brown/Chadbourne line and MacLeod lines have good/great histories in these senses (re American history / Revolution / immigration), I speculatively wonder whether my father told me this sheep stealing story as an example of possibly questionable-ness re good / bad (possibly illegal in a time of scarcity?) family history issues. It's interesting how family history can become learning narratives for offspring (like me).

In thinking about family history, and especially in writing about it, there's an interesting generative aspect to it (ie with much symbolic significance) I find fascinating and explore. Ancestry.com, and our current flurry of email conversations is part of this generation, as I see it. May blog about some of this today.

I also really would like to add and highlight what I like and recall about my family history (especially these 5 1st cousins, sister and brother: Janie (my mother JKBM), Ted (Theodore Chadbourne) Brown of Oregon, brothers John and Alden Frank Briscoe, and Denny (Edward Depue) Titus and their forebears etc. - whose vision of goodness and smarts resonate with me).

Am curious with Ancestry.com and other software, where we as end users will begin to see machine learning playing an ever increasing role in our history writing too. (For example, I've seen some notes in Ancestry that some of the documents were found by AI or similar, as a very early beginning in this process .... and then into avatar bots - James Edward McLeod brought alive from photos into a realistic virtual earth, am thinking Google Street View with Time Slider with its Pegman and with Second Life, but not cartoon-esque:).

In updating this soon - http://scottmacleod.com/ScottMacLeodFamilyHistory.htm (accessible from http://scottmacleod.com/family.htm) - will seek to spell Bolger as Bulger ...

Yes, agreed re male bias in genealogy (even in old anthropological studies of kinship which focus on polyandry in Tibet / Nepal (not polygyny, & for example - re passing on land, for ex.), but I also think the potential to follow up on the evidence for Margaret Emma Barns/Barnes, for ex., via Margaret's entries in Ancestry is an equalizer in these regards. (Whoever's minding and developing the Ancestry.com proprietary software makes me not want to put all my eggs in one basket, so am keeping this in mind too - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/MacLeod-2524 - and even possibly in some years re a collaboration or merger of the two somehow).

Have you at all checked into the genealogists among the 10 MacLeod societies world wide - http://www.clan-macleod-scotland.org.uk/clan-history (accessible from - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/07/aurorae-boreraig-isle-of-skye-scotland.html) (which are probably possibly pretty loosey-goosey compared with Ancestry).

Am seeking to begin my own MacLeods at some point soon-ish ... and am in a kind of waiting mode (in the Light?) in these regards as I continue to circulate in seeking a girl friend / partner / wife / mom-to-be ... re genealogy questions esp.

Cheers, Scott

Scott MacLeod
Sat, Jul 13, 12:47 PM (1 day ago)
to Mark

Hi Mark,

As a follow up: well, it looks like this morning your files opened up to me further significantly, Mark (some days after you changed the settings).

And this morning too, I just got an email from Ancestry with a blank name:

"[thumb up] now has access to all the great work you put into your tree.
Congrats— accepted your invitation to the MacLeod (& Brown) Family Tree.

At Ancestry, we’re passionate about helping people discover their unique stories, and creating collaborative connections like this can be a powerful tool."

And am not sure who this refers to - you possibly?

All a bit curious communications-wise ... as I make further inferences/hypotheses about Ancestry.com's development and approaches toward both sharing/collaboration, as well as other related Ancestry issues. Appreciating the mission and collaboration orientation of WikiTree - https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/MacLeod-2524 - and find it interesting that the number at the end is close to my SS number re its plans for a single family tree (presumably of all 7.5 billion people, which WUaS is seeking to develop in for a number of reasons - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - in 711 living languages too) Am wondering too why I can't access certain names even with their 'hints' green leaves - like Benjamin Lincoln "We’re sorry but this feature is temporarily unavailable", William Gilbert, Mildred Docia Holland Gilbert, Elizabeth Cutler from the 1500s  - and similar. Also appreciating that WikiTree has a DNA focus, like Ancestry. I'm guessing their platform policies have developed with time - and pragmatically re the benefits of sharing, as well as possibly issues are families and identities even.

Am finding Ancestry interesting, and its databases will grow as more people contribute. The DNA potential questions it will address (with a large database) are also potentially fascinating.

Am appreciating our email conversations and your Ancestry tree re learning as well, Mark.

Did you ever go to these, Mark - http://www.thescottishgames.com/ - when you were studying at Stanford? At these Scottish Games in Pleasanton (8/31-9/1 this year), California (which is the 154th consecutive Scottish Highland Gathering and Games!), Mrs. Tammie Vawter 'Mrs. MacLeod' - who's so great :)  and knows so much MacLeod history, and who runs the Clan MacLeod tent at Highland Games throughout California - may be a resource re Macleod Society genealogists / genealogy questions too in all 10 societies worldwide even. :)  ('MacLeod Society Worldwide' wiki subject page - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects - isn't yet begun again - may add a genealogy / DNA focus to this, brainstorming-wise with time:).

Cheers, Scott

Mark MacLeod
Jul 13, 2019, 5:31 PM (19 hours ago)
to me


I've attached Jen's document. It's big but it may get through.

I attended a MacLeod clan gathering once but for the life of me I can't recall where it was.

Ancestry software is not great. Things work and then they don't. At times, trying again after only a few seconds does the trick.

I did not receive an invitation to review your site other than using the link that you sent around. I suspect a non-Ancestry user in your 'To' list clicked on the link.

It's fun to think about one tree for 7.5B people but in the meantime were stuck building mini trees and sharing them around. I suspect AI is embedded in Ancestry software. The hints are at least one result. The results of searches are generally well organized with the most likely matches first. I wish it was all free but I can appreciate that there is considerable cost digitizing paper records.



Thanks for Jen's great and somehow beautiful "History of the MacLeods through Generations" document (subtitled potentially something like "James Edward McLeod through Jen MacLeod'???). What a trove of family history resources! And an interesting interpretation (hers & her family's, I'd hazard) somehow culturally even of her MacLeod family history (I write here as an anthropologist too, as well as a family member). All historical / social science writing in my mind ... in a big picture sense, genealogically too - and very helpful documents for future generations. Will seek to somehow come into conversation with it, as I update - http://scottmacleod.com/ScottMacLeodFamilyHistory.htm - post with what I learn from Ancestry - and re https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/MacLeod-2524 too. I wonder if that's Bruce, not Gordon jr./MD, with Margaret and other son, my uncle Paul Roger on the 24th out of 26 search hit on 'Gordon' since Bruce and Paul PR were so tall - and taller than Gordon at 6'2" - where I'm 6'3 3/4" for the genealogy record. (Page numbers could be a positive addition to this "Generations" doc too). These ....@worlduniversityandschool.org email addresses (all Google Education) have unlimited storage apparently, so am glad too this big file came through too to this email address. Looking forward to your co-edits to Jen's "Generations" if this is in the works.

I've attached a MacLeod bagpiping talk "MacLeod Piping Stories Traditions and some of PM Donald MacLeod's Bagpipe Music by Scott MacLeod June 2011" I wrote and gave at the 2011 gathering of Pacific Clan MacLeod FYI. I could include Tammie Vawter aka "Mrs. MacLeod Pacific" in a future introduction if that would interest you - she's so so knowledgeable about MacLeod history - and might have good ideas about how to go back to James Edward McLeod's predecessors re MacLeod genealogists too. 

Seeking to further document all of this email genealogy conversation here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/07/galapagos-penguin-spheniscus-mendiculus.html - dated yesterday.
There's a kind of identity-zing 'flow' experience-wise I experience in exploring / writing this kind of history. (Am thinking about it neurophysiology-wise too re questions of consciousness, and anthropologically as well :)

Cheers, Scott

And thus far:
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/07/galapagos-penguin-spheniscus-mendiculus.html
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/07/blue-ash-fraxinus-quadrangulata.html
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/07/aurorae-boreraig-isle-of-skye-scotland.html



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