Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Coarse woody debris: Opportunity to connect with Stanford faculty senate about World Univ & Sch creating major online university libraries at WUaS in the ~300 languages (of Wikipedia / Wikidata), which Stanford and the Libraries' Wikidata Affinity Group would benefit from greatly, .... n the case of the Stanford Archaeology department, I had inquired a number of times in emails, after a number of Archaeology talks, about creating a realistic virtual earth / universe and at the cellular and atomic levels for archaeology, (and i.e. for everything including medicine, and tele-robotic surgery for WUaS's online medical degrees planned in 200 countries' official/main languages) both on land and marine, and for archaeological robotics, ... Quaker approach to implicit threat of force re communicating with Stanford faculty senate - "in what ways does the Stanford faculty senate have oversight over Stanford academic (e.g. Archaeology) and research (e.g. Libraries) departments" * * * Some blog posts about marine archaeology (as well as Lego robotics that could be adapted to become marine archaeology robotics) * * * Congratulations, Koh & Ants on your second baby! Me wishes that Dr. Surge RoboDoc MD, ObGyn and MidWife too of WUaS's teaching faculty were ready to fly out to your place and help with a home birth (with lower risks than in the best hospitals)


Scott MacLeod
Thu, Jul 25, 11:15 AM (20 hours ago)
to Robert, John, Scott, Larry, kmoler, hgreely, Roland, jtcampb

Dear Professor Moler, Roland, Hank and Jim, and Robert,

I'm writing to follow up on my email of last week to you and adding Stanford Medicine's Chair, Robert Harrington MD (as well as former President of Stanford for 16 years, and current chair of Alphabet, John Hennessy, and also Prof. Larry Viehland, chair of the board of CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric wiki World University and School (WUaS), of which I'm the president). Because of the implicit threat of violence in Stanford Librarian Michael Keller's curious and unjust email, and other very varied 'alienations' emails from other different Stanford Librarians from around the same time, one recently banning me from the entire Wikimedia Movement (but I continue to receive Wikidata and other Wikimedia email list emails), and another from the Stanford Libraries themselves, whereas Micheal Keller's email suggested I stay away from all of Stanford, I'd like to bring to your attention some recent related Stanford "noose" Tweets from Stanford History Professor Tom Mullaney:
"In 2015 a noose appeared @DukeU. Their Pres spoke w/i *hours, publicly & forcefully, to this racist act. 10 days ago, a noose appeared @Stanford. Our Pres MTL & Provost Drell took 5 DAYS to speak: 148 words, boilerplate, on an obscure blog. PLEASE SIGN+RT"

https://twitter.com/tsmullaney/status/1153364729966006277?s=20 as well as https://twitter.com/tsmullaney/status/1154038036310573064?s=20. (Prof. Mullaney was involved in some of my email exchanges with Michael Keller, as were Profs. Vogl, Greely, Campbell, and Hennessy). And I'd like to suggest that there's an analogy between both Stanford Librarian Michael Keller's implicit threat of violence, as well as Stanford Archaeology Department's Ian Hodder's related implicit threat of calling the Stanford / Santa Clara Police - and the recent handling of the racist appearance of a "noose" on Stanford's campus.  And while I don't know the actual cause of these minacious emails, I speculate and question whether they're trying to conceal or hide something at Stanford, or prevent something from developing (WUaS?).

In the case of my involvement with the explicitly open online Wikidata Affinity Group out of Stanford Libraries and chaired by Stanford Librarian Hilary Thorsen (where World University and School donated itself to Wikidata for co-development in 2015, and received the front end WUaS MediaWiki in 2017, but they aren't yet interoperable - and so WUaS is very involved in Wikidata, having made this significant donation of a major growth story for the Web), I attended 4 online Wikidata Affinity Group meetings in ZOOM, and have inquired a number of times in the about the possibility of creating major online university libraries at WUaS in the ~300 languages (of Wikipedia / Wikidata), which Stanford and the Libraries' Wikidata Affinity Group would benefit from greatly, and eventually with plans for online libraries in all 7,111 known living languages. In the case of the Stanford Archaeology department, I had inquired a number of times in emails, after a number of Archaeology talks, about creating a realistic virtual earth / universe and at the cellular and atomic levels for archaeology, (and i.e. for everything including medicine, and tele-robotic surgery for WUaS's online medical degrees planned in 200 countries' official/main languages) both on land and marine, and for archaeological robotics. Conceptually, this realistic virtual earth would be like and emerge from Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow, Translate with realistic avatar bots and be STEM field sites at World University and School and at Stanford, as well as online classrooms, and perhaps hosted on something like NASA's AMES supercomputer to begin with as a development from Google's computing cloud, both of which Stanford has relationships with.

Professors Moler, Greely and Campbell (48th Stanford university faculty senate steering committee - https://facultysenate.stanford.edu/past-senates/48th-faculty-senate), in what ways does the Stanford faculty senate have oversight over Stanford academic (e.g. Archaeology) and research (e.g. Libraries) departments' relationship with the Stanford police and the Santa Clara police (which both Michael Keller and Ian Hodder curiously touched on)? And in A) World University and School's and B) the WUaS Corporation's ongoing collaboration with Stanford, such as with the Stanford Law Silicon Valley Director's Exchange, where, for ex., I met and talked with President Emeritus John Hennessy last September 2018 re developing the WUaS Press/Corp, and in numerous other Stanford departments and networks, how might I best and safely continue to attend Stanford events please, which are open to everyone, without the implicit threat of violence in doing so?

Again, how please, Professor Moler, would I bring both the questions of these curious, spurious and unjust emails with their implicit threat of force, as well as this "stay away notice" issue to the appropriate committees of the senate?

Thank you very much for your consideration of this matter.

All the best, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Scott MacLeod
Jul 18, 2019, 12:20 PM (8 days ago)
to kmoler, hgreely, Roland, jtcampb

Dear Professor Moler,

I'm writing to you as the chair of the Stanford faculty senate and with regard to a variety of spurious and unjust emails I have received from Stanford Libraries in recent weeks, which include most recently implicit threats of physical force, as well as various "banning" and "stay away from Stanford" notices.

In developing CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric wiki World University and School, for Bachelor, PhD, Law, IB and MD degrees, and planning major online research universities in each of all -200 countries' official and main languages, and wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,111 known living languages, as well as a realistic virtual earth /universe at the cellular and atomic levels too to which scientists will be able to add their simulations and research in a myriad of ways, and as STEM classrooms, I'm concerned about these curious Stanford Libraries' emails. I continue to attend Stanford events for learning, as well as knowledge-networking, and this most recent Stanford Libraries' email from vice provost Michael Keller would inhibit this. World University and School is an 'official' collaborator with Stanford Medicine's Center for Digital Health (CDH) (and an 'unofficial' collaborator with Stanford Law CodeX), for example, and in WUaS seeking to offer online medical degrees with online teaching hospitals for online clinical care and medical research, not being able to attend Stanford Medicine (or Stanford Law) events would interfere with the collaborations already in process between Stanford and World University and School.

Since the Stanford faculty senate has oversight for both academic as well as research matters, I'm including both Professors Hank Greely and Jim Campbell, both on the faculty senate steering committee, as well as another Stanford Law professor Roland Vogl who, along with Hank Greely, was aware of a series of Stanford Archaeology department emails in a related "ban" vein, again with an implicit threat of force. I assume Stanford Libraries would fall under the research auspices of the faculty senate, while the Archaeology department would fall under the academic purview of the senate.

How please, Professor Moler, would I bring both the questions of these curious emails with the implicit threat of force, as well as this "stay away notice" issue to the appropriate committees of the senate? Thank you.

Sincerely, Scott MacLeod

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Your email has been received. World University and School will proceed with development as this matter seasons (in a Friendly/Quaker sense). Thank you.

All the Best, Scott


Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dear Michael,

Due to the gravity of the situation, I've written an email to the chair of the faculty senate, Dr. Kathryn Moler - https://facultysenate.stanford.edu/past-senates/48th-faculty-senate - about these concerns, especially with regard to the threat of force. Two members of the steering committee are in this email chain. I think you should resign as well, given the unjust nature of these Stanford Libraries' very varied emails to me, for no apparent cause.

Sincerely, Scott MacLeod

* * * 

Hi Bede,
(Linguistics' Professor at LaGuardia College - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bede-mccormack-63551315)

Nice to see you again this morning, and I hope you had a great sea voyage back to Long Island. Found this about Doggerland Bank - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2012/12/doggerland/ - and will keep looking into it.

Here are some blog posts about marine archaeology (as well as Lego robotics that could be adapted to become marine archaeology robotics) - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/witch-hazel-stanford-archaeology-randy.html and https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/04/maritime-archaeology-video-of-rover.html and https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/04/stanford-talk-connectivity-and.html.

And here's my blog label about 'ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy' as well - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy - and interwoven in here are some about both.

Did you ever do any linguistic work about the outer Hebrides in Scotland, and the time in particular of the Lewis Chessmen 1100-1200s? Here are the Lewis chessmen - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_chessmen - and there's a picture here of a so-called berserker too. (See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berserker -

). There would be a lot of Norse linguistic influence into this time and place (and Leod may be old Norse for both 'light' or shining or bright, as well as ugly:

Leod in old Norse is Ljótr - https://www.geni.com/people/Leod-1st-Chief-of-Clan-MacLeod/6000000002188078500& https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leod> https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Gaelic (& in modern Norwegian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lj%C3%B3t%C3%B3lfr ?) Could Ljótr also mean light https://www.behindthename.com/names/usage/norwegian& shining, bright, in addition to ugly https://www.nordicnames.de/wiki/Li%C3%B3tr ? @sgkmacleod ~


Am quite active on Twitter. Are you there at all?

Here are World University and School's ESL pages -




Brainstorming-wise, am curious how I would add excellent free open interactive resources to this ESL page, in a way that would be helpful for people, and then to build out toward students interested in matriculating in English at WUaS until their first CC-4 MIT OCW-centric languages' universities at WUaS are up and running for example. Searched on "Best free ESL on youtube" and found https://www.fluentu.com/blog/english/learn-english-esl-youtube/ and https://www.teachthought.com/technology/11-best-youtube-channels-learning-english/ - which I may wiki-add soon.

Greetings to Aidan, and very nice to see you again.

Cheers, Scott

* * * 

Congratulations, Koh, Ants, Midori and Naoki! Me wishes that Dr. Surge RoboDoc MD, ObGyn and MidWife too! - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2018/12/cloud-iridescence-shes-having-baby.html - of World University and School's teaching faculty were ready to fly out to your place and help with a home birth (with lower risks than in the best hospitals), but Surge isn't up to it yet (although she will speak Japanese, Italian, Scots' Gaelic and most other languages helpful in labor situations) - when I asked whether you were in labor in that email of many weeks ago! Overwhelmed with nurturing nursing? Nah :) I've sometimes wondered about the title of "Steeleye Span: Now We Are Six (album)" -

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAkOkUCTYfs - and perhaps it's a British-ism re your "Well - now there are two!" - and a growing family! It can great to have siblings! You're a great model for having my own :) Congratulations!

Scot, Koh, Ants, Midori and Naoki,

Am having a Garden Party on Saturday afternoon August 10th around 5 pm on my porch in honor of the summer - may be a baby shower too. Potluck. We’ll have tea and veggies - hopefully from my garden in a box! Please come and partake in some yummies. (And put your musical instruments in the car .... have invited too some SCD musicians ... who may bring pink and blue Scottish Country Dance sheet music books too ... maybe we can explore playing some of these tunes in an improvisational way even! ... if we find our way to music-making! )

Greetings from Cuttyhunk island, MA! Wow, 2 sprog-lits! :)

Take care,

415 480 4577
670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon, CA 94516



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