Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Trout lily (Erythronium dens-canis): Communicating & Connecting - re 'sending love' (the far-reaching wondrous emotional qualities of this) ... Re George A, caring, and a kind of moral ethic (which he thought about too explicitly, both re his Lacanian psychiatric realism, and in many other ways I think), I recall him talking about - "Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you" as a version of the 'Golden Rule' * * * re #Wikidata Q item numbers & how #SingleCryptocurrency with blockchain ledger on bank cards, smartphones, paper & coin money might be coded re #UniversalBasicIncomeExperiments #UBI for both #AlleviatingPoverty worldwide for all 7.5 billion people+ see: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Identifiers ~


Hi Ma,

Hoping you've had a good week on Cuttyhunk.

Thanks for your 'sending love' email 2 days ago, and by extension your 'sending love' return phone call soon thereafter. In the new subject heading of this thread - communicating & connecting - is embedded the idea of community (and the words, idea-wise too, re-arranged are only missing the letter 'y'), an idea and experience I've long been interested in cultivating and generating (at least since high school and college years with my interest in hippy communes, for example). Cuttyhunk island in the 1970s forward has been a prime example of this unfolding lived & living experience of community (and with a kind of great political envisioning as well - progressively & contributing to creating a better world).

So why write about this, and even from a kind of experience of its lack in my 'bodymind' (early this morning, and now and then), somehow psychologically too? Having woken up early while it's still dark, and gotten a haircut (a kind of mainstreaming thing) yesterday, would writing about this, consciousness-wise, and with language, give rise or generate aspects of 'communicating & connecting' that I experience as lacking, in this moment? (Realism & George Alexander MD's thinking come to mind here - e.g. that "love and $2.25 will get you a cup of coffee," i.e. that love, and possibly too re 'communicating & connecting' this, could be a bit unreal; and further, that love is not in the material world - of money and exchange, that is, or the 'real' world for that matter. (I'd rather go to evolutionary biology' logically, than say to modern societies - eg big cities, eg in France, America etc.) (And as a correlate, depressingly or not for me, "money makes the world go around,' said naively - and so not love or caring). Remembering this logic and George's thinking, I learned from this (his deeply cynical view? even seemingly craven and worse at times to me - "amoral" in his own logical, philosophical, psychoanalytic, MD language - i.e. expressing a kind 'truth'), while I railed inside too against its lack of idealism, or lack of 'love' even. How could G think these ways?). 

So I appreciate your recent 'sending love' email from Cuttyhunk a lot -  thank you. Because in communicating this in words as you (and I have done with each other - and for much of my life as well), I think we generate a bit of loving or caring neurophysiology even where and when it might have been missing or absent or lacking. Perhaps women and men 'communicate & connect' differently around the idea experiences of love and caring anyway (and culturally too - ie Japanese men care and communicate differently about this than American men, and similarly Japanese women care and communicate differently about this than American women). You as mother love perhaps like many other mothers love ... wonderfully so for me (you're wonderful, Ma!) ... but why this my ongoing seeking of communicating & connecting and love and caring (giving & receiving), now in language (I ask myself in writing these words)? Am reminded of the spiritual 'Sometimes I feel like a motherless child' (https://youtu.be/ZXg9UFUXFXU - Odetta) - and wonder too how to communicate & connect with many who might seek love and caring too, and share love and care with them (would this be possible digitally and virtually as well - there's a lot of love lacking in the world, on some accounts) ... (And re & via World University & School's loving & caring wiki subject - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Caring_and_Loving - as well as /Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and /Counseling wiki subjects, planned in many languages) and with the clear thinking of a George A (where his realism and unique ability to think - and his readings of and in history and psychiatry - might have isolated him even. As a Lacanian MD psychoanalyst, his own childhood and upbringing and partnering may have contributed to this too, I write in a psychoanalytic vein).

If I were seeing a -.-. or beginning a family, with these ideas of 'communicating & connecting' care and love with regard to community generation - as conscious envisioning - in American society, in the 2020s, what might emerge in language and words about this? More words?

Re George A, caring, and a kind of moral ethic (which he thought about too explicitly, both re his Lacanian psychiatric realism, and in many other ways I think), I recall him talking about -
"Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you" as a version of the 'Golden Rule' that George A once shared with me, and which he didn't want me to repeat or somehow ascribe to him (as I recall). Not sure why. Maybe he recognized this version of the Golden Rule's superior logic as a rule (and that such thinking and words have significance - even for amoral George, for ex.), and possibly that he broke it (in relation to me too?), felt guilty, and was using language in a Lacanian sense to converse with me about this - total speculation here. 

And yet philosophically is this 'golden rule' a better logic, philosophically compared with the familiar moral trope, expressed in language? (George was philosophy and logically inclined - as am I a little (in contra-distinction to religion too) - and George was also a learner in these regards, whereas Dad wasn't so much in these regards too, by way of comparison; Dad operated somehow more instinctually, although he was an amazing learner re medicine too, for ex.). Not sure whether George 'broke' his version of the golden rule or not, or why he didn't want me to ascribe this to him. 

But re 'communicating & connecting' and 'sending love' - re both men & women differentially - & re realism and 'rocking' wondrous community over a unfolding lifetime, re clear thinking and logic esp., I think my experiences of a lack of love come and go. Yet this experience of a lack of love for me, and also of seeking to generate community and thus love and care for people in the communities, is a golden band of opportunities to explore and to generate caring & loving further.

In celebrating Barbara Salisbury's birthday yesterday morning for 20 minutes! in Berkeley, I did experience a culturally (she's English / British) familiar kind of caring and community that was connecting & great albeit brief. It was a kind of 'sending care' but in a face to face meeting and visit, and communication-wise it was received. And we generated this by meeting and visiting around her birthday. (Something positive male and female-wise here and communication-wise).

And re George A's realism above, and re lack of monies in the world for many - billions of people even (called poverty) - I think universal basic income experiments  thanks to information technologies could change this, as expressions of caring and loving, - and especially NEWLY I.T.-wise with regards to communicating and connecting (e.g. if people could get free money as UBI to many cups of coffee for $2.25). 

But I continue to wonder about 'sending love' (Barbara is one ex. here) re other non-pecuniary non-monetary ways and expressions of caring ... and emotionally too ... 

Musings about love and daring caring here in this email, Ma ...

But it's the emotional qualities I know and associate with 'sending love'& 'receiving love' in communicating with you, Ma, - that are primarily the focus of this email. How to generate these (and share them too - with others, as far-reaching expressions of caring too) is a fascinating ongoing exploration of mine. (See for example these 2 wiki subjects at World Univ & Sch even ... https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Caring_and_Loving and https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Loving_Bliss_(eliciting_this_neurophysiology) where 'loving bliss - eliciting this neurophysiology' is much more about the emotions and feelings of qualities of this emotional experience of care and love too in the brain and bodymind even.  

... which is all to say, Ma, thank you for your wonderful love! Communicating and connecting with regard to caring and loving, and which exploration can be fascinatingly further generative too ... 

Hoping it is so for you further somehow on Cuttyhunk in wondreful ways this summer.

Love, Scott

* * *

re Wikidata Q item number ... and how a SINGLE cryptocurrency with blockchain ledger on bank cards, smartphones and on paper and coin money might be coded ... and with regard to Universal Basic Income experiments as a way of both alleviating poverty worldwide for all 7.5 billion people, as well as distributing a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (think European Union - Euro Zone in 19 / 28 nation states writ on 150? of 200 countries), see -



re #Wikidata Q item numbers & how #SingleCryptocurrency with blockchain ledger on bank cards, smartphones, paper & coin money might be coded re #UniversalBasicIncomeExperiments #UBI for both #AlleviatingPoverty worldwide for all 7.5 billion people+ see: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Identifiers ~


All 7.5 billion people on planet a Wikidata Q-item number? And re You at World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - for matriculated WUaS students in all 200 countries (& re SINGLE cryptocurrency in same) & re wiki learners & teachers in all 7,111 living Languages for #UBI experiments?




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