Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Centaurea cyanus (Bachelor's button): Great World University and School Logos and updates thereof for both wings, build out these two web sites / WINGS / separate legal entities in the Google ecosystem - and from FIRST "Google My Business" which the WUaS Non-profit is in as of yesterday - https://g.page/world-university-and-school?share - (and importantly because WUaS is in Google for Nonprofits) * * * Reed College - Forum for Advancing Reed (FAR) and World University and School collaborations?, Libations, lectures, and lists! ... "Introducing Audrey Bilger, President-Elect of Reed College" - Dear President Bilger, Hearty congratulations on becoming president of Reed College.

Next: Linnéa: Visit virtual Harbin Hot Springs from here - https://twitter.com/HarbinBook - and from Youtube videos as well, simply by 'stepping' into these film worlds? :) My next upcoming book "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually!" will focus on some of these questions - in poetry ... Am seeking for this - https://g.page/world-university-and-school?share - to turn into a virtual world campus for WUaS eventually too - and a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (glad Harbin added more photos recently from the Harbin Mainside area 3.5 years after the Valley fire) ~ for actual-virtual STEM ethnographic research and visiting, and with avatar bots - and at the cellular and atomic levels (for brain research on enjoyment, for ex.), besides at the Street View level. Google Expeditions - https://edu.google.com/products/vr-ar/expeditions/?modal_active=none ? Cyark world heritage - https://twitter.com/CyArk ? Tour builder - https://tourbuilder.withgoogle.com/ ? Tour creator https://vr.google.com/tourcreator/ ? Welcome to Tour Creator-Create Tour - https://poly.google.com/creator/tours/ ?

Thanks so much, Peter, for your great World University and School Logos and updates thereof.  

Am working on updating these Logos on WUaS web sites for both wings:

Now how to build out these two web sites / WINGS / separate legal entities in the Google ecosystem - and from FIRST "Google My Business" which the WUaS Non-profit is in as of yesterday - https://g.page/world-university-and-school?share - (and importantly because WUaS is in Google for Nonprofits).

Am including as attachments the two simple idea-rich 'header images' which are on WUaS Twitters: 

'WUaSorg Flyer Matriculating students all degrees Landscape'

'WUaS Press Corporation Bookstore Landscape'

Need to get the WUaS Corporation bookstore for sales of these books, for ex. - https://amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity - started in Google Ecosystem - and as a for profit general stock company at WUaS Corp / Press too! 

Thanks so much for the Logo updates!

Regards, Scott

Beginnings of @WorldUnivAndSch 's online CAMPUS! on #Google https://g.page/world-university-and-school?share Excellent-Becoming ONLINE wiki #MIT, #Harvard, #Stanford, #Oxbridge of internet in all ~200 countries' main languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States for free-to-students' CC-4 OpenCourseWare degrees!


* * * 

Hi Konrad, Keith and Govind, 

Looking forward to the Forum for Advancing Reed - https://www.reed.edu/advancing-reed/ - in September. 

And great to share a table with you at Reed Reunions this past June, Keith and Govind. Konrad and Govind, I'd like to introduce you to one another: Govind is on the World University and School Board, if you don't know each other. Konrad (https://iris.reed.edu/directory/alum/111574) is a Trustee at Reed, on the left in the picture below. Govind (https://iris.reed.edu/directory/alum/124722), will you be there at Reed's FAR? Keith?  

Re FAR, am exploring in writing here how World University and School might be of benefit to Reed - and potentially re careers for Remedies.

First, World University and School would like to explore offering a required Hum 110 course online - inspiring especially - that we might call Hum 101 and also for developing the conference method online (in group video to begin) at World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning - and eventually in 200 countries' official languages. So WUaS would seek to hire, for example, to hire Reedies who have gone on to graduate school to be graduate student instructors in this as WUaS develops.  

Second, WUaS would like to offer graduate school opportunities to Reedies - and for online Ph.D. degrees, as well as online MD and Law degrees, and eventually in ~200 nation states' languages, online. WUaS is in the process of licensing for Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees with the state of CA's BPPE presently. 

Third, WUaS would like to hire faculty and staff eventually from among Reedies. 

Fourth, WUaS also in 2017 became a second parallel legal entity - the WUaS Corporation - which is a for-profit general stock company. And WUaS would like to explore collaborating with FAR in developing this both online and on-the-ground with time. Reed could advance far with this wing, especially - and re collaboration! 

Fifth, coding opportunities at World University and School are enormous for Reedies! (WUaS is quite Google-centric, as well as Wikidata-centric). 

Have just added some of this to Reed's IRIS in my networking fields too re:

Reed Networking in IRIS alumni directory ...

  • Expanded description of your work
  • Please describe how you would like to help Reed students and alumni.
  • Areas of interest (Based on the Center for Life Beyond Reed’s Communities of Purpose)
  • Areas of research
  • Professional associations
  • Certifications and specialized training
  • Conferences attending/ attended

Keith (https://iris.reed.edu/directory/alum/111534), let's talk further about the development of a realistic virtual earth for bioinformatics with time (am thinking Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth ... with CRISPR and Tensorflow +). 

WUaS is currently seeking funding to begin licensing with the state of California, as you can see in the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Minutes from 8/17/19:

In addition to World Univ & Sch seeking the initial ~$5,000 to begin licensing with the state of California's Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE), WUaS is sekeing concurrently the initial ~ $12,000 + monies to begin the accreditation process, and then initial monies to begin to hire student interns such as Reedies, to develop WUaS, as well as financial commitments of monies for licensing, accreditation and hiring in 2020 and beyond.

So, am curious about ways to advance Reed by collaboration with World Univ & Sch. There's remarkable FAR growth potential here exp.

See some of you in person on the weekend of 14 September, and possibly some of you online too then! :)

All the best, Scott

Beginnings of @WorldUnivAndSch 's ONLINE campus! on #Google https://g.page/world-university-and-school?share Excellent-Becoming ONLINE wiki #MIT, #Harvard, #Stanford, #Oxbridge of internet in all ~200 countries' main languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States for free-to-students' CC-4 OpenCourseWare degrees!

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Introducing Audrey Bilger, President-Elect of Reed College

Dear President Bilger, 

Hearty congratulations on becoming president of Reed College. 

Sincerely, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 



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