Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Ox-eye daisy: Intentional community?, Philosophy, A bit of Yogic thinking ... Creating World Univ & Sch as an online intentional community. How? ... in a realistic virtual earth in Google Street View (to which we could all add resources and help create this) ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg and with avatar bots eventually (~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~) how would we develop this as an intentional community? Beginning with Hippies


Scott MacLeod
Aug 30, 2019, 11:01 AM (1 day ago)
to Sunheart, Angela, victor, Sunheart, Ed, s, Eric, sajjad, Scott, Byron, JoAnne, Lynn, ganeshadas, Lafcadio, Roz, Roz, me

Hi Sunheart, Angela and Victor, 

Am curious about your thinking re creating World University and School as an online intentional community. How? From your perspectives, what's an intentional community (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intentional_community)? If we were to enter into World Univ & Sch here in a realistic virtual earth in Google Street View (to which we could all add resources and help create this) ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg and with avatar bots eventually (~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~) how would we develop this as an intentional community? Beginning with Hippies - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hippies - and - You at World University - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University on the wiki-teacher and wiki-learning side ... Group video conferencing into avatar bots and ... ? 

Jaima, Scott



San Francisco Bay Area - East Bay Hills

415 480 4577

World University and Schoo's wiki, 'Yoga,' subject page - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga :) - with an invitation to 'edit this page' and explore yoga.

* * * 

Angela Farmer
Fri, Aug 30, 1:06 PM (22 hours ago)
to me

Dear Scott

Good luck with your dreams and projects.
What you feel and think is all that matters and if it comes from a place in your heart that really wants to express your soul personally and so benefit others...be assured it will manifest in some form and in its own time.
That is what I have learned.

I am not an Internet person and my life is full already and fulfilling with my practice, my teaching and an evolving project to bring more help to refugees.

I wish you success and joy on Your path
Much love


Scott MacLeod
Fri, Aug 30, 1:49 PM (21 hours ago)
to Sunheart


You might appreciate what Angela Farmer (who's great like you!) just wrote to me:

Dear Scott

Good luck with your dreams and projects.
What you feel and think is all that matters and if it comes from a place in your heart that really wants to express your soul personally and so benefit others...be assured it will manifest in some form and in its own time.
That is what I have learned.

I am not an Internet person and my life is full already and fulfilling with my practice, my teaching and an evolving project to bring more help to refugees.

I wish you success and joy on Your path
Much love, Angela

A good starting place for building intentional community online ... start from the heart ?

Warm regards, Scott

Scott MacLeod
Fri, Aug 30, 2:48 PM (20 hours ago)
to Angela

Dearest Angela,

Thanks for your wisdom, - so much appreciated. Am tuning into what I 'feel and think is all that matters and if it comes from a place in {my} heart that really wants to express {my} soul personally and so benefit others ... be assured it will manifest in some form and in its own time.'

Although you being not an email person, am appreciating reading your email, and so quickly in response to mine thanks to the Web - incroyable!

Do you happen to know a Linda Meacci (see email below), who's a Yoga teacher in Pittsburgh, PA, ...  Part of my heart that really wants to express my soul personally and so benefit others involves beginning a family and raising my kids  ... and J is beautiful in these regards. I may seek to explore co-teaching Yoga with Linda in Pittsburgh at some point. Perhaps if I explore coming back to Pittsburgh and Yellow Springs for your course, we can explore this further. :)

Much love, Scott
~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html ~

Hi Linda,

I hope this email finds you well. How are you?

Am thinking of heading to take a Yoga course with Angela in Yellow Springs, Ohio - https://angela-victor.com/content/schedule - from Sat 10/19-Wed 10/23. Would you have any interest in heading there together and going to some or all of this? Angela is wondrous - and Yellow Springs is relatively close to Pittsburgh.

Blogged further about some of our May envisionings:) https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/05/cream-spot-tiger-butterfly-society.html

Exploring returning to Pittsburgh in late 2020 or 2021 (and possibly to begin a family and raise kids there as well), - and for teaching Yoga in Pgh too (even as I grow MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch). (First places that come to mind for teaching Yoga in Pgh are the Friends' Meeting House in Shady Side, the (pretty) Homewood Library branch 3rd floor room, where I've taught before, and possibly the Mellon Park Arts' Center - Pittsburgh Center for the Arts ).

Warm regards, Scott
- http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html

Scott MacLeod
Fri, Aug 30, 7:59 PM (15 hours ago)
to Angela


In addition to beginning a family -

... J is a good actress as you'll see in the 4 minute video at the top here ... http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/08/arctic-raspberry-philosophy-in-this-blog.html?m=0 - and it's to be seen if she's a good egg as well -

... my heart's a little in traveling up to Harbin, soaking in the warm pool, and writing ethnographically about this too re both the actual, as well as the 'virtual' :)

Am discerning (a Quaker word) about inviting J to your Yoga course in Yellow Springs - SA 10/19 - W 10/23 - but there aren't any hot springs there! :)

Love, Scotty

* * * 

Victor Van Kooten
12:57 AM (10 hours ago)
to me

Dear Scott, 
The world is an invisible concept and as I internalize the world, borders disappear! Countries are no more! And I myself disappear in it. Great fullness is all that remains, which gets destroyed as soon as one of my daily tasks comes knocking. But I am able to go back to that warmer feeling once more, until the pressure of the task makes me come back to the outer world. Sometimes I know that I have several things waiting that expect my attention. That is confusing so I have to go to one and then the other and the boundaries of the present world have returned. When I ask myself : how about Scotty's world university, I get confused for the world is an area just around me and the rest is as abstract as it is when I withdraw into the deeper levels. 
When you want me to talk about the external world university, I agree it is a fantasy world, a virtual reality and not real. For me not worth thinking about, for it would drive me into a confusing and paralyzing state of helplessness ....
It seems fine for you though, but do not ask me to join , please.
LOVE, victor  

Sent from my iPad

Scott MacLeod
8:06 AM (3 hours ago)
to victor

Dear Victor,

Thanks for your worldly email. When I read about it - your writing about your world (in your Yoga Hall school in Eftalou in Greece?) - I enter into your world and learn via these digital communication technologies, which are all external to my inner world of meditation ~ inner releasing action (relaxation response) ~ soaking in the Harbin warm pool socially/with people all around ~ Yogic sitting in warm water. These communication technologies via your writing too open your world to me. When I come to your course in Yoga learning in Greece, I may have read your Yoga web site inviting this joining possibility. The world (work too) of World univ & sch mediated by information technologies just outside people ("an area just around me"), where we will freely learn & teach (wiki-wise) will include soaking meditation in the virtual Harbin warm pool for learning and undoing ... one joins by typing on the iPad, watching an Angela & Victor Yoga video from Yoga ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga ( https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Subjects ) ~ getting into one's bathtub with digital mask holding smartphone and hanging out at Harbin, and undoing as learning & joining & connecting. The open wiki side of this world school is as you like it (yoga-wise to).

For those who study at Uni Amsterdam, MIT, Stanford, Oxbridge and now join in World Univ & Sch online for MIT OCW-centric degrees, their lists of things to do in the world, task-wise, for learning, will be different joining-wise too.

The world symbolically mediated, whether learning Yoga from you in your school or online, meditating, or visiting Harbin, generates reality - the real - in our bodyminds.

Into sitting in meditation for me here, where these little borders of 26 letters, and the borders surrounding images (like the Twitter bird I see on my smart phone) will soon disappear. Sitting and yogic communication - both good.

Methinks intentional community for me may have to emerge in beginning a family (and not in any emergence from communities' thinking out of the '60s & '70s.

And onto the ongoing creation of our worlds ... painting after painting and letter after letter ... thanks to beautiful language!

Love from your friendly Yogic human primate learner, :) Scott

* * * 

Considering " on-line , Intentional , Common-Unity , Principles ... The sense of : Holistic-Natural ; Human-Potential-Support [ @ the personal & collective level ] ; and the practical application of universal-spiritual algorithms [ vis-a-vis Singularity University guidance ] ... ' To Awaken , and share my authentic feelings-thoughts-&-actionable intelligence ... I am efforting to experience becoming: Happiness-Healthiness-&-Strength [ borrowing the thoughts of Wim Hof ] plus following the Grace-Flexibility-&-Focus ... with sincerity & guilelessness ... [ all metaphors of Love ]... Jai Ma-Ha-Va ! ... Sunheart ...😇😁😁

Thanks for your wondrous email-thinking reply to begin, Sunheart,

When I riff with your idea-riff re intentional community online at a virtual Harbin inclusive of soaking in our home bathtub with a digital mask holding our smartphones, the water we might be soaking in at home is the 'natural' and the 'holistic' ...  relaxation response meditation with serene beings (eventually realistic avatar bots of you and me ... and everyone at Harbin? in real real time?), now virtual is One-Common-Unity, created intentional via the virtual - voila: community? Not quite for me ... sometimes isolated, sometimes alone-feeling, but then too the digital absorbed mind flow-experiences offset the non-connecting ... but how to creating virtually 3 soakings per day from home with sociality, and connecting online, swimmingly?  Power of the mind Dutch yogically? - https://youtu.be/cyobOABtGAE ??? - https://youtu.be/C4E6wtGCOnQ ??? - glad both Victor van Kooten's and Angela Farmer  got back to me to same email questions ... may blog today about all of your wisdom.

Besides 'troopbonding' as informing this human primate's reading of community, I suppose this is my vision of community with kind of both thinking/researching/academic and Harbin intentions ...
Best to be able to research, study & teach from virtual Harbin or home @HarbinBook #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualUniverse #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics in new WUaS Google platform https://t.co/OgzmltXTNA where John Hennessy is Alphabet's Head


Looking forward to reading more of what you share - your thinking ... a kind of email connecting community :) via the intention in writing!

Jaima, Scott


Re community and 'troopbondage' as a kind of principle, I head here - http://scottmacleod.com/anthropology/determinism.htm - and with some further John Money thinking from same book here - http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html - the other principles in these 'concepts of determinism' being 'pairbondage,''abidance,''ycleptance' and 'foredoomance.' Appreciating the realism here re community post 1960s, and post India-ashram, beyond a Jacques Lacan MD concept of the 'real' as 1 of 3 registers, the others being the 'symbolic' and the 'imaginary.' The real for Lacan is hard to define, but as examples could include the 'table' in front of you which your computer is on, or the 'wolf' as predator, and predation in evolutionary biology for example, and riffing-wise. My community - my troop bond is pretty distributed in life in general - ie not place or local centric. 

Yclepting idea (see John Money above) - to name, call, or style - would include naming the idea of 'intentional community' as well as the idea of awakening or happiness. ... 

So how would community as communitas - and in a very positive sense now - manifest itself in a realistic virtual Harbin / Earth i.e. (in thinking communitas, am thinking a Grateful Dead concert, 1965-1979, or soaking serenely with others in the Harbin warm pool, or sitting in silence in Quaker Meeting where centering down meditation emerges that's flourishing with bliss bubbling up? Time to sit intentionally in our bathtubs in warm water with digital mask visiting virtual Harbin and soaking in virtual Harbin with other eventually realistic - communicating too - avatar bots to soak with, as well as hang out with on the virtual sun deck? 

All re riffing with principles of intentional community idea where Money's concepts of determinism came to mind .. .:) ... with love explorations inherent in this all ... 

Jaima, Scott

- Scott MacLeod 



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