Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Klamath Mountains (ecoregion): "Registration confirmation to Google for Nonprofits Live Stream Series" * * * Dear Stanford Professors Roland Vogl, John Hennessy, Robert Harrington MD, Hank Greely, and Prof. Larry Viehland, Chair of the World Univ & Sch Board * * * Reed College-World Univ & Sch collaborations?


Scott MacLeod
Sat, Aug 31, 10:24 AM (2 days ago)
to Larry, Scott, Roland Vogl, John Hennessy, Robert Harrington MD, Hank Greely (Stanford Professors),

Dear Larry, and All,

I don't see everything that will develop with 501 c 3 World University and School being newly and officially in Google for Nonprofits as Google creates this further, but I think one important connection is how Google for Nonprofits develops with Intuit's QuickBooks (and TurboTax) and re WUaS as a non-profit being in QuickBooks via TechSoup. I think that Intuit being near Stanford with John Hennessy connections may possibly also help focus Intuit on digital currency questions - with WUaS potentially focusing planning for coding for all 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q item number, re universal basic income experiments (for alleviating poverty), (and avatar bot electronic medical records too). Here UBI experiments would be a way to distribute a single digital currency with blockchain somehow backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks or legal systems (am thinking state of California's Stockton UBI experiment, as model for state/central bank > UBI > probably accessible partly via a bank card or smartphone or similar).

May find out more at or after Google for Nonprofit's September 10th training for managing volunteers ... https://events.withgoogle.com/google-for-nonprofits-live-stream-series/ ...

Sincerely, Scott

Scott MacLeod
Founder, President, Professor

World Univ and Sch Twitter - http://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch

Languages - World Univ - http://twitter.com/sgkmacleod

WUaS Press - https://twitter.com/WUaSPress

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.


Hi Candace,

Thanks for your great email.
Alas that you won't be at Reed on the weekend of Sat 14 Sept. Am posting below an email to a number of Reedies who may be there and re Workd Univ & Sch- Reed collaboration potentials.
I really enjoyed learning more about your family. You're quite fluid in how you get around and navigate the National Parks' system too - and with happy campers at home. Am hoping with my kids to be very loving, and also with my wife, to have very high standards (per Harvard Prof. Jai Mehta here - https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/ed/18/08/making-jal-mehta) - beside their being rock stars. :) Where might my family be 'evolving' ie living? Could be Pittsburgh PA where my mother lives, or out here in the SF Bay Area in East Bay MUD (Canyon 94516). Still Sri seeking a great fit of a partner. 

The timing of your lovely family-oriented email is auspicious as well, since I was driving along beautiful Skyline Drive heading back to Canyon 94516 where I live when it arrived on smartphone. In my circulating in seeking a partner, the woman I had just seen at Spectator Books in Piedmont could have been the daughter of a Lutheran minister as well! Could she also be a Reedie or a MD (near Oakland's Kaiser Permenante's Fabiola building/center)? Here's what I shared with my friend E, also a MD in the SF Bay Area, and my mother:

"Just shared this with my mother, E:   Hi M! As I was walking around Oakland ... saw a lovely woman to my eye, wearing clogs like my friend Ed often wears when we get together, in a great used bookstore in Piedmont, no rings on her 4th fingers, 30~ish, looking single and attractive (if not completely happy) but we didn't speak - head back to same next week? To be seen ... My friend E a MD at KP called me on Wednesday right at the most beautiful part of a walk I was on in East Bay MUD. Not sure about this serendipity and GPS and Kaiser, but I'll hold out hope for a GPS introduction with this woman. What do you have planned for this week, M? L, Scott" 

So how's life, Candace, now in your new Parks' location? Just blogged about 'intentional community,' Yogic philosophy and Harbin (my actual-virtual ethnographic field site) here -

Ox-eye daisy: Intentional community?, Philosophy, A bit of Yogic thinking ... Creating World Univ & Sch as an online intentional community. How? ... in a realistic virtual earth in Google Street View (to which we could all add resources and help create this) ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg and with avatar bots eventually (~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~) how would we develop this as an intentional community? Beginning with Hippies

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/08/ox-eye-daisy-intentional-community.html with insights further into develop a realistic virtual earth - and re your Dad translating the Bible too perchance. Sounds like your Dad is a hermeneuticist - https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/hermeneutics/. I searched on "Schaffer Lutheran minister bible translation" but didn't find anything yet. Is your Dad online?

Not sure how HR at World University and School will develop, but perhaps Reed's HR - https://www.reed.edu/human_resources/ - in collaboration with WUaS could take this on re both hiring Reedie graduate student instructors (at other universities) to teach Hum 101 online at WUaS, as well as staff. Unfortunately as you may have seen in the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting recent emailings, World Univ & Sch still doesn't have any resources whatsoever to speak of!
Continuing to seek a friend / partner / wife / mom-to-be who's a great fit, and with whom I connect and who's smart, to begin a family ... and maybe your email is "Parks' auspicious" in these regards. :) GPS and Google Maps are interesting new networks.

If you're ever in the SF Bay Area and want to hike in East Bay MUD, or need a place to stay in my front room in beautiful Canyon 94516, please let me know. Am heading to Reed probably via the Klamath-Siskyou Ecoregion (per David Rains Wallace's "The Klamath Knot" book which came out in 1983) in SW Oregon on the coast on the way up to Reed FAR. Do you know this area?

Warm regards, Scott

Thought about including you, Candace, in this email too (since I sent it to Nathalia King too), but am doing so now:

Dear Konrad, Nathalia (King), Keith, Reed, Govind and Larry (both Govind and Larry are on the Board of World Univ & Sch), 

Am re-sending this email to you from 21 August 2019: 

Hi Konrad, Keith and Govind, 

Looking forward to the Forum for Advancing Reed - https://www.reed.edu/advancing-reed/ - in September. 

And great to share a table with you at Reed Reunions this past June, Keith and Govind. Konrad and Govind, I'd like to introduce you to one another: Govind is on the World University and School Board, if you don't know each other. And Konrad (https://iris.reed.edu/directory/alum/111574) is a Trustee at Reed, on the left in the picture below. Govind (https://iris.reed.edu/directory/alum/124722), will you be there at Reed's FAR? Keith?  

Re FAR, I'm exploring in writing here how World University and School might be of benefit to Reed - and potentially re careers for Remedies.

First, World University and School would like to explore offering a required - and inspired - Hum 110 course online which we might call Hum 101, and also for developing the conference method online (in group video to begin) at World University and School - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning - and eventually in 200 countries' official languages. So WUaS would seek to hire, for example, Reedies who have gone on to graduate school to be graduate student instructors to teach Hum 101 online as WUaS develops.  

Second, WUaS would like to offer graduate school opportunities to Reedies - and for online Ph.D. degrees, as well as online MD and Law degrees, and eventually in ~200 nation states' languages, online. WUaS is in the process of licensing for Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees with the state of CA's BPPE presently. 

Third, WUaS would like to hire faculty and staff eventually from among Reedies. 

Fourth, WUaS also in 2017 became a second parallel legal entity - the WUaS Corporation - which is a for-profit general stock company. And WUaS would like to explore collaborating with FAR in developing this both online and on-the-ground with time. Reed could advance far with this wing, especially - and re collaboration! 

Fifth, coding opportunities at World University and School are enormous for Reedies! (WUaS is quite Google-centric, as well as Wikidata-centric). 

Have just added some of this to Reed's IRIS in my networking fields too re:

Reed Networking in IRIS alumni directory ...

  • Expanded description of your work
  • Please describe how you would like to help Reed students and alumni.
  • Areas of interest (Based on the Center for Life Beyond Reed’s Communities of Purpose)
  • Areas of research
  • Professional associations
  • Certifications and specialized training
  • Conferences attending/ attended

Keith (https://iris.reed.edu/directory/alum/111534), let's talk further about the development of a realistic virtual earth for bioinformatics with time (am thinking Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth ... with CRISPR and Tensorflow +). 

WUaS is currently seeking funding to begin licensing with the state of California, as you can see in the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Minutes from 8/17/19: 

In addition to World Univ & Sch seeking the initial ~$5,000 to begin licensing with the state of California's Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE), WUaS is sekeing concurrently the initial ~ $12,000 + monies to begin the accreditation process, and then initial monies to begin to hire student interns such as Reedies, to develop WUaS, as well as financial commitments of monies for licensing, accreditation and hiring in 2020 and beyond.

So, am curious about ways to advance Reed by collaboration with World Univ & Sch. There's remarkable FAR growth potential here esp.

See some of you in person on the weekend of 14 September, and possibly some of you online too then! :)

All the best, Scott

Beginnings of @WorldUnivAndSch 's ONLINE campus! on #Google https://g.page/world-university-and-school?share Excellent-Becoming ONLINE wiki #MIT, #Harvard, #Stanford, #Oxbridge of internet in all ~200 countries' main languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States for free-to-students' CC-4 OpenCourseWare degrees!

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

which I blogged about here - 

Reed regards, Scott



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