Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Ancient woodland: Nontheist Friends (Quakers) Network in Britain ... And while NtFs have chosen so far not to hold Silent Meetings in the manner of Quakers or NFriends or NtFfriends online * * * PDFs into free MuseScore with its bagpipe 'register' - and newly with Google's Bach AI Doodle music composing software - for somehow exploring optimal-for-bliss generation harmonies and composing, on the bagpipe 9 note Mixolydian scale * * * Glad "Internet Yoga for Back Care" :) is opening complementary new avenues in these regards.


Ancient woodland: Nontheist Friends Network in Britain - your mention of 8 billion people; Sitting in the Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool akin to sitting in Quaker Silent Meeting virtually from home & from bathtubs in http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg @HarbinBook ~ https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/ancient-woodland-nontheist-friends.html ~



Scott MacLeod
11:30 AM (0 minutes ago)

to Non-theist, nontheist-friends@googlegroups.com, Planning, annemhelm, Meeting

Hi Trevor (in Britain), Non-theist Friends' Network (British Isles), Atheist Quakers, and Non-theist Friends-NtFs (mostly in US),

Just getting back to this email and your WordPress post - https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/2019/08/26/quaker-advices-and-queries-for-nontheists. Appreciating its NFN and NtF focus, as well as its focus on 8 billion people - and especially its focus on NFN language or discourse, culturally and re these British Isles' Friends. Have just blogged yesterday about 7.5 billion people in 3 ways - 1) free universal highest quality online education (MIT OCW-centric in its 5 languages), 2) Universal Basic Income experiments to distributed a single cryptocurrency backed/regulated by some number of ~200 countries' central banks, and to alleviate poverty, and 3) potentially universal highest quality online health care and re 'avatar bot electronic medical records' here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/shoaling-and-schooling-stanford-center.html. (The Friendly-informed charity 501 (c) (3) World University and School - since 2010 - also seeks to develop a parallel business educational services' wing, and incorporated in 2017 as a separate legal entity for this - also potentially serving 7.5 billion people). I appreciate too the epistolary qualities of your post - it feels like a wonderful sharing from a Yearly Gathering of Friends - with good and wise news. Thanks too for your NFN growth in the British Isles, and around the world.

In response to the first query in your post "So, what can we say?" - I think you're saying it, and have said it, and that it's in saying it - sharing this good message (a kind of NFN Friendly / Quaker evangelism???) that is what's happening in our own NFN or NTF gatherings. That is: it's the conversation, language, discourse, sharing via good communications that is what I inwardly receive from your "Advices and Queries." So glad to be having this unfolding conversation. And thank you so much! Good communication such as this can reach so many more than the small numbers of unprogrammed Friends around the world, and the even smaller number of non-theist Quakers (re the 'power' of the symbol, or the word).

While I also think it's gatherings of Friends that have given rise to good messages such as yours over these 370 years, it's interesting to me that gatherings of atheist Quakers, and non-theist Friends of many varieties, are significantly meeting online these days and via communication technologies (and also in some annual on-the-ground meetings). And while NtFs have chosen so far not to hold Silent Meetings in the manner of Quakers or NFriends or NtFfriends online, I'd like to introduce you all to Anne Marie Helm, whom I think grew up among Quakers in the Washington DC area, and went to Sidwell Friends. She now lives in Nashville, Tennessee, and in recently emailing with her, I found the Nashville Quaker Meeting in Google Street View. The Nashville Quaker Meeting looks interesting in Street View - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Friends+Meeting+Nashville/@36.1572255,-86.8156218,15z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x9a09c648c2b073b1!2sFriends+Meeting+Nashville!8m2!3d36.1571383!4d-86.8158069!3m4!1s0x0:0x9a09c648c2b073b1!8m2!3d36.1571383!4d-86.8158069 - which she hasn't yet attended, but may explore doing so (but not in Google Street View yet!:) Also 'out of the box' (although am myself a member of RSOF), I find sitting in the Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool akin to sitting in Silent Meeting and seek to facilitate this experience virtually from home, and even from our bathtubs (of all places!) ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~ and via information technologies. By introducing Anne Marie here, I also hope to share these non-theist Friendly email communications - http://www.nontheistfriends.org/ (accessible too from - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nontheist_Quakers) and https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/ with her. It would be great for those (NtFs) who are interested to eventually be able to attend Quaker Meeting online in Google Street View, as I see this (and potentially either in conjunction with a monthly Meeting on the ground, or independently).

Yet to further bring in another strand of British non-theism, as well as humor: Richard Dawkins here - https://twitter.com/RichardDawkins - appears to be Tweeting Cleese (of Monty Python renown - er clown:) -

https://twitter.com/center4inquiry/status/1169622272237289478 - in the Morning Heresy from the Center for Inquiry! Go figure :) ~ https://twitter.com/JohnCleese.

Thanks for your email.

Friendly regards, Scott

- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/nontheist%20Friend
- https://twitter.com/scottmacleod
- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch
- http://quakerquaker.org/profile/ScottMacLeod

- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.

Hi Trevor (in Britain), Non-theist Friends' Network, (some atheist Quakers here too) and Non-theist Friends,

Appreciating too your focus on what I'll call Young Friends' Advices, pp 79-81 - http://www.yqspace.org.uk/system/files/content//Living_our_beliefs_2nd.pdf (https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/2019/08/26/quaker-advices-and-queries-for-nontheists/) - although I read them through a NtF / AQ lens, and think about them too in terms of both their wisdom, but also in terms Friendly conversation / communication, which bear inquiry (especially in the sense of Richard Dawkins' Center for Inquiry as well).

Have blogged about some of this here today - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/ancient-woodland-nontheist-friends.html - as well as music software and related ideas, and re Yoga for back care. 

Nontheist Friendly cheers, Scott
PS this Tweet - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1170754341801644033 - touches on some all this as well, including especially the meditation aspect of sitting in a kind of NtF Silent Meeting.
Ancient woodland: Nontheist Friends Network in Britain - your mention of 8 billion people; Sitting in the Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool akin to sitting in Quaker Silent Meeting virtually from home & from bathtubs in http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg
 ~ https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/ancient-woodland-nontheist-friends.html ~

* * *
PDFs into MuseScore for writing harmonies in bagpipe music?
Music composing software with Google Doodle Bach AI for composing:

(Here's the free MuseScore composing software - https://musescore.org/en/3.0).

Scott MacLeod
Wed, Sep 4, 3:30 PM (4 days ago)
to Patti, Bruce, David, Heather, Barbara

Hi Patti,

Am making headway with my Scottish small pipes''Honey in the Bag' album planned for 2020. Looking forward to Open Band this Monday.

Am curious to explore composing harmonies on this album, by bringing tunes from Monday SCD into MuseScore or similar from PDFs, for ex. I'd like to explore this on both a D chanter as well as newly with a B flat chanter, sheet music-wise and re dubbing/recording. If you've come across any composing software that imports PDFs seamlessly into writable sheet music, please let me know! MuseScore while having a bagpipe 'register,' doesn't import PDFs seemlessly. Thank you.

See you all soon!


- https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1166051770373562368

Patti Cobb
Fri, Sep 6, 1:17 PM (2 days ago)
to me, Bruce, David, Heather, Barbara

Hi Scott,

I don’t know how to do this. If you figure it out, let ME know! Thanks,


Scott MacLeod
Sep 7, 2019, 12:50 PM (20 hours ago)
to Patti, Bruce, David, Heather, Barbara

Hi Patti,

Am looking around for this and will let you all know if I find it. My druthers would be something like PDFs into free MuseScore with its bagpipe 'register' - and newly with Google's Bach AI Doodle music composing software - for somehow exploring optimal-for-bliss generation harmonies and composing, on the bagpipe 9 note Mixolydian scale. Am staying tuned. See you Monday.


* * *
Yoga for back care:

Scott MacLeod
Sat, Sep 7, 9:07 AM (23 hours ago)
to Barbara

Hi Barbara,

Thanks for your email! Sorry your back pain is such slow healing. Re further information triage, it occurs to me that a combo Iyengar Yoga Instructor / physical therapist could be helpful - and especially in learning about one's own body through asana, while also doing poses PT-wise that might address the issue of your herniated disk. While a call to Janet MacLeod (originally from the Isle of SKYE), who isn't a PT, but is a senior Iyengar Yoga instructor might be informative, or to Judith Lasater, who is a PT and sort of a senior Iyengar Yoga instructor, - it could be they'd suggest you take some classes, or they could suggest something completely different.

Would you like to meet at that Gypsy place (Cafe Roma) in Elmwood e-Berezerekeleye tomorrow morning, Sunday, sometime between 9 and 11, or even (out of the box-wise) come over to Canyon, and sit in our own little Quaker Meeting here for 30 minutes or so - or 10 minutes if sitting that long would be too much - and lying on one's back in Quaker Meeting would be great! too in these regards ... (and re Yoga books' returning too).

Cheers, Scott
Dawkins' here - https://twitter.com/RichardDawkins - appears to be Tweeting Cleese - https://twitter.com/center4inquiry/status/1169622272237289478 - in the Morning Heresy from the Center for Inquiry! Go figure :)


Scott MacLeod
Sat, Sep 7, 9:24 PM (11 hours ago)
to Barbara

Hi Barbara,

Sounds good. I JUST SEARCHED ON: "yoga for herniated disk" and found this impressive video -

https://youtu.be/bvLpOGy22Nc - by a Physical Therapist. Could be worth experimenting here with videos AND search words. This one is also impressive -

https://youtu.be/8R-KGyTvjnA. Appreciating the cat and dog tilts with leg extensions ... as well as extending the spine, and strengthening the core, and too the traction on the spine.

I didn't search yet on "exercises for herniated disk lying on back" ... and you may well have a variety of better words to search on.

Hoping your gradual recovery continues, Barbara!  :)

Yoga books anon is good. (My seeking a partner here to begin a family continues! - and am putting the information out there).


Sat, Sep 7, 10:54 PM (9 hours ago)
to me

Thanks for the links Scott and your creative approach to healing and regaining strength.! I will check them out and continue my own search too.

Glad 'Internet back healing' or "Internet Yoga for Back Care" :) is opening complementary new avenues in these regards.

Hoping your healing and regaining strength proceeds apace!



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