Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Desolation wilderness: Brilliant Google for Nonprofits : "Manage your Volunteers with Google Products" session 9/10/19 - https://youtu.be/-0fZ41yl4q4 Helpful for @WorldUnivAndSch in structuring managing volunteers, & eg with another Development group, & for Board Meetings IT-wise: worlduniversityandschool.org ~ * Text chat from Live Stream below:


Brilliant Google for Nonprofits :
"Manage your Volunteers with Google Products" session 9/10/19 - https://youtu.be/-0fZ41yl4q4 Helpful for @WorldUnivAndSch in structuring managing volunteers, & eg with another Development group, & for Board Meetings IT-wise: worlduniversityandschool.org ~


Text chat from Live Stream below:

Google for Nonprofits
​Hello! You can ask your questions on this chat, and we'll try to either answer them during the livestream or directly in this chat box!

Google for Nonprofits
​Welcome everyone! We'll get started in about 4 minutes. Thanks for joining!

​would you be able to send out a transcript or slides to all of the participants?
Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines.

Scott MacLeod
​Thanks so much for offering "Manage your Volunteers with Google Products"

Google for Nonprofits
​Slides will not be shared, but the recording will be available through this same link, and we also have an How-to Guide that we'll post as a comment as soon as the livestream is over!

Google for Nonprofits
​Thank you for attending, Scott!

Larisa Schelkin
​Thank you! Greetings from Boston!

Scott MacLeod
​I haven't yet looked too closely at https://events.withgoogle.com/google-for-nonprofits-live-stream-series/previous-live-streams/#content ... but am curious which stand out.

​greetings from VEGAS

Sangeeta Saxena
​Hello from Boston

Barb Lownsbury
​hello from Cincinnati!

Alissa CenterstageTheatre
​Hello from the Seattle area

Bindu Vyas
​greetings from Boston

Kalin Salman
​hello from AR

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​hello from Oklahoma

William Bessette
​Hello from Costa Rica!

Rajan Narayanan
​Hi from Maryland

American Renascent Center-GLGM
​hello everyone

St. Thomas of Canterbury
​Will we be able to watch this after the fact?

Ouida Duncan
​greetings from Queens, New York

elijah montgomery smith
​Hi From Missouri

Satish Gupta
​Satish Gupta from Cleveland OH

Google for Nonprofits
​A great audience from all over the US and beyond!

Ana-Astrid Molina
​Hello from Maryland!

Kate Schachter
​Madison WI checking in

Mollie Hartford-Chamberland
​Hello from Massachusetts. I have questions about how to migrate an existing google drive account to a gsuite for nonprofits. Hope this gets addressed. Thanks!

St. Thomas of Canterbury
​Also, greetings from Albuquerque, New Mexico!

Google for Nonprofits
​The recording will be available through this same link.

St. Thomas of Canterbury
​Fantastic-- thank you!

Ouida Duncan
​We are interested in securing liability insurance for our board of directors. If anyone has recommendations, please share.

John Martin
​Hello from Colombia 😃

Google for Nonprofits
​Here is how to upgrade to G Suite for Nonprofits if you are already on a paid G Suite version: https://support.google.com/nonprofits...

Cheryl Gowing
​Hi- from South Florida!

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​what was that site again

St. Thomas of Canterbury
​Can you put that link in the chat?

Lea VanMerkestyn
​Hello from Collierville TN

Michel Yeager
​what was that link they displayed. i didn't catch it. someone walked into my office

Google for Nonprofits
​Here is the How-to Guide: http://goo.gle/how-to

Eric Wooten
​Hello from Savannah, GA!

Michel Yeager
​thank you

Ouida Duncan
​How do we directly connect with the Non-Profit team at Google to establish a potential strategic partnership for a future Youth Mentoring and Coaching program focused on STEM careers?

Jim Dakin

Tania Biswas

American Renascent Center-GLGM
​even though this is live at this moment in a couple hours they're going to repost it for everyone to be able to watch the video again.

Mollie Hartford-Chamberland
​If we don't already have a paid gsuits (rather the free google drive with a regular google/gmail account) can we still upgrade to google for nonprofits?

Scott MacLeod
​Ouida Duncan - World University and School seeks to offer online MIT OCW-centric free-to-students' licensing in CA degrees worlduniversityandschool.org re other strategic partnership possibilities

Tania Biswas
​Hi from Anudip Foundation ,Kolkata, India

Google for Nonprofits
​Partnerships with nonprofits is not a service that we offer, but you can keep an eye on the Google.org Impact Challenge website: https://www.google.org/our-work/googl...

Google for Nonprofits
​Please see this resource to know how to activate G Suite for Nonprofits from scratch: https://support.google.com/nonprofits...

Amy Curcio
​Are we able to import contacts into forms via the use of Labels in Gsuite? I've had issues with calendar/labels for a while now, and that functionality would be especially useful for sending surveys.

Google for Nonprofits
​Hi Amy, do you mean labels in Gmail?

elijah montgomery smith
​is there any relevant differences between short answers and paragraph answers? or is it just the size of the answer box in the form

Cheryl Gowing
​I've had difficult setting up Google for Non-Profit, because my 'real 'work already has a Google enterprise membership, so I keep getting blocked when trying to complete the setup,

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​Did the T-Shirt size populate on its own?

Amy Curcio

Breakthrough Cincinnati Official
​Can we upload documents to Google Forms? Ie: have volunteers sign contracts, etc.

Asociación Mibu
​¿Se sabe algo de App Market para Noprofi?

Greg Hersey
​What are the best dimensions for form headers?

​[message retracted]

Oklahoma Performing Arts

Alissa CenterstageTheatre
​Is there a way to have preset time slots and have them choose the slots they want?

​When sharing, why would we not see the option to share publicly. On my forms, I only see "requires sign in"

Guard Up's Guardian Adventures & STEM Summer Camps
​Does this form allow for Conditionals - where new fields show up depending upon specific answers?

​Can you allow your participant in form to add an image?

G Hage
​Is there a limit on the number of questions?

Christopher Newell
​Can fields like e-mail, or phone number, be "masked" to ensure that they are properly formatted? (like all numbers for phone)

​what is the add collaborators at the bottom of the send area

Google for Nonprofits
​Yes! Conditionals are available on Forms. please see this: https://support.google.com/docs/answe...

Google for Nonprofits
​You can set up the form in a way that it does not collect the email address of the respondent.

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​Can they submit payments through the forms or be redirected to a different page to make payments

Kalin Salman
​what will it say when they finish filling out the form? how do they send it back? can they upload it

Guard Up's Guardian Adventures & STEM Summer Camps
​Secondng the question on collecting payments!

Jennifer Green
​Does the information collected separate so that you are not sorting through the info?

Kalin Salman
​yes same. if they have to pay for a shirt

Sanam Karki
​when will Google for Non Profit be available to countries like Nepal? can you let us know that would be a great help

Luke Walrath
​Agreed on payment submission. Is there a way to integrate with a processor like PayPal or Stripe?

Google for Nonprofits
​Payments can't be submitted through forms.

Amy Curcio
​How about importing contacts with labels?

Google for Nonprofits
​To submit an answer, people will just go through the Form and hit submit. All answers are automatically stored in a Spreadsheet!

Google for Nonprofits
​Hey Amy, what labels are you referring to? Gmail labels?

Amy Curcio
​In my Contacts, there are groups of volunteers with different labels. I want to be able to send a survey to specific contacts with that label. Is there any way to do that?

Amy Curcio
​(I am not able to send emails through Calendar because the autosuggest does not include the Label functionality) - wondering if that has been accounted for in Forms

Google for Nonprofits
​You should create a Google Group with each of the contacts of the label, and share the Form with that group. https://support.google.com/groups/ans...

Wealthy Habits
​Can it be connected to salesforce? For example is candidates fill the form and submit their resume, can it be directly taken to salesforce?

Lea VanMerkestyn
​Can the answers be imported to Contacts?

Ziad Mansoor
​greeting from ITMAM _ Yemen

NC GreenPower
​Hello from Raleigh NC! I have an issue with the email associated with our Google account. Where can I get help with that? I've tried online forms and can't get assistance. Thank you!

Ana-Astrid Molina
​how to import answers?

​can you text though group or hangout?

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​So... you can create a "sub" group within groups, right?

Cheryl Gowing
​Must group members have google accounts?

Google for Nonprofits
​Google Sheets integration with Salesforce: https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/...

Amy Curcio
​This nested architecture seems difficult from a UX perspective. Why can't we use the labeling system to avoid the manual curation of group membership?

Scott MacLeod
​In that Google NPs could also be potentially focused toward fundraising for us (worlduniversityandschool.org), could you please suggest some additional form edits in these regards, brainstorming-wise?

Ana-Astrid Molina
​Where is the groups feature?

Google for Nonprofits
​G Suite support is available 24/7 via G Suite Admin Console. https://support.google.com/a/answer/1...

Google for Nonprofits
​It is a good feedback, Amy! Thanks for sharing, I'll pass it along to our team.

John Martin
​Perfect information about groups!

Scott MacLeod

Al Wilson
​I might have missed this. IS there a way to put people in a group via the form?

Florida Native Plant Society
​can the form be connected to CiviCRM?

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​but within the "group" the @xyz must the domain, right?

Google for Nonprofits
​To start creating your Groups, here is the link: https://groups.google.com/a/google.co...

Google for Nonprofits
​Yes, it must be the domain of the email of the person. Can also be their personal email.

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​thank you

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​oh... so it can be their personal email... hm.

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​WOW! we need a "sheets" tutorial!!

Google for Nonprofits
​@Al Wilson: To put people in the Group, you'll just copy and paste their contacts from the Spreadsheet. The recording will be available, so you can see the steps again!

Al Wilson
​You can only add a few at a time.

Al Wilson
​There is gotta be a better way than copy and pasting.

Ruth's Way
​wait, I'm not sure how you were able to create the group from the sheets document? It looked like you just added a comma at the end of the 1st email address?

Amy Curcio
​(which is why filtering and selecting by labels integrating contacts into forms would be helpful)

Ana-Astrid Molina
​What's the difference between Gmail labels and groups?

Google for Nonprofits
​Labels are like folders, you can not send emails or invite labels to a calendar event.

GACI Global
​Can all email recipients see each other's email addresses?

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​good question GACI Global

Bennett PTSA
​Can your members unsubscribe from a group?

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​yes - can volunteers unsubscribe?

Google for Nonprofits
​Yes, members can unsubscribe: https://support.google.com/groups/ans...

Oklahoma Performing Arts

Google for Nonprofits
​We are very glad to hear that! Thank you for your kind feedback!

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​Is the unsubscribe within the form?

patience Roberts
​This is very helpful. Thank you

Gen W
​So are you saying all volunteers would see the emails from the other volunteers, or is it only the sender that gets the responses?

Melissa Abernathy
​can volunteers sign up on forms without having a google account? Can they be added to a google group without a google account? A lot of our volunteers are not techies & can't easily/won't adapt.

Ana-Astrid Molina
​Is this feature the same one that appears in the ad in window, where you create users?

Ana-Astrid Molina
​Admin homw window

Barb Lownsbury
​Can you hide email addresses?

Rainie B. Jueschke, CFRE
​Can you demonstrate how document share works?

GACI Global
​@Ruth's Way they put a comma in a separate field & then combined the 2 fields (email address & comma) to make a third field with the email address with a comma after it & copied & pasted that field.

Kathleen Beisly
​I missed the first part of the call, where do we find this function?

NC GreenPower
​This is GREAT, by the way - very helpful. Learning more about how much functionality Google offers. :)

Oklahoma Performing Arts
​say that one more time please

Al Wilson
​@Barb Lownsbury Everyhting they said is true.

Alicia Harrison
​Can they respond to just the group administrator?

Al Wilson
​@Alicia Harrison Yes, that is one of the options.

Google for Nonprofits
​You can add non-Google Accounts to a Group. People without a Google Account can also fill in forms, with some limitations. Please see this: https://support.google.com/docs/threa...

Kathleen Beisly
​Is the Google site private or public? We'd want to ensure that our volunteer names are kept private

John Martin
​Hi, we have a domain for our non-profit but we'll have another domains with same name but special extension, is possible use this other domain with my non profir account?

elijah montgomery smith
​What is the difference between the old and new google sites?

Ouida Duncan
​is there an additional cost to set up and/or maintain Google Sites?

Google for Nonprofits
​The Site can be shared with specific people only. E.g., you can have one for your Board and one for the Volunteers. Sharing is very similar to Docs sharing.

Google for Nonprofits
​Google Sites is free as part of G Suite for Nonprofits!

Roy Jefferson
​Is it possible to rewatch this livestream?

John Martin
​Yes Roy 😃

Google for Nonprofits
​Yes, the recording will be available through this same link.

John Martin
​I'm not from Google, I only saw tha past replies!

Google for Nonprofits
​The new Google Sites has an improved UX and improved customization options!

Ouida Duncan
​is there an e-commerce feature on Google sites to collect donations?

Google for Nonprofits
​No, we do not recommend to use Sites for external websites.

Monica Metzler
​So do people have to "ACCEPT" the invitation in the email in order to view the site? What if they miss that email?

Google for Nonprofits
​For external-facing website, Google has partnered with companies that offer website creation that doesn't require that you know HTML. https://support.google.com/a/answer/3...

Google for Nonprofits
​If they miss the email, the website will be visible anyway, as long as they have access!

Jim Dakin
​Is there a "lite" version which people can deal with on their cell phones? I deal with older adults who struggle even to use Doodle. Generally find myself falling back to simple email approaches.

Google for Nonprofits
​Please see details on how to publish and share your Google Site: https://support.google.com/sites/answ....

Step Up For Mental Health
​Make sure it's just 24, because the host is 1 person, just a tip.

Google for Nonprofits
​@Jim Dakin, what product are you referring to?

Take Back Our Airwaves
​Can you do menus on Google Sites? What are the tools for managing a complex website with more than one page?

Alissa CenterstageTheatre
​​is there a way for forms entries to feed into a calendar, ie. people sign up for a date slot and it feeds to our calendar?

Step Up For Mental Health
​love this new feature, thanks!

Cheryl Gowing
​Do users have to download anything when going into a hangout for the first time?

Google for Nonprofits
​You can create different sections on Google Sites, however, you have limited customization options, as the tool is meant for internal use.

​through google sites, is there a way to send sms text messages?

Google for Nonprofits
​@Alissa, Form doesn't yet send a calendar invite. You may explore custom calendars with appointments slots! https://support.google.com/calendar/a...

Google for Nonprofits
​Texting isn't available on Google Sites.

Alissa CenterstageTheatre
​thank you

Google for Nonprofits
​As we are approaching the end of the livestream, please do not forget to share your feedback. It takes only 2 minutes and it is very valuable to us! https://forms.gle/6uu6LwFqaFEynMKGA

Rainie B. Jueschke, CFRE
​sounds like this works best for a meeting where there is one presenter in front of a computer with camera and microphone?

Tatyana Ferguson
​For the site, can the site we create be embedded on our website ?

Barb Lownsbury
​Super helpful Ladies! Thank you 😃

Cheryl Gowing
​will the recording include the chat content? You have a number of very useful links included in your responses 😃

Gender Bands
​Can I make a calendar for the volunteer group and have another calendar for myself?

Barb Lownsbury
​Good question Tatyana Ferguson!

Google for Nonprofits
​It will, and we'll share the most useful resources as a comment!

Rainie B. Jueschke, CFRE
​Is there anyway to participate in a google hangout so we know what it is like? A sample or something?

Step Up For Mental Health
​great webinar! More please, keep them coming! Glad sites is added some new features, will check it out.

Kathleen Beisly
​@Cheryl, you can copy-paste the chat content into a word doc

Step Up For Mental Health
​Gender Bands: Yes, you can, you can create many calendars

Take Back Our Airwaves
​If possible, please answer my query regarding the ability of Sites to manage complex websites with multiple web pages.

Scott MacLeod
​Thanks so much, Meredith & Trish! Brilliant!

Ouida Duncan
​thank you

patience Roberts
​Thank you

Gender Bands
​Step up mental health, thank you. How?

Step Up For Mental Health
​where is the list again?

Scott MacLeod
​Will the chat also be available in the video recording?

Ouida Duncan
​very informative

Kathleen Beisly
​Thank you - good call

Skip Shuda
​nice job... thank you

Tim Sieber
​Thanks so much!

Gen W
​Thank you for the informative session!

Google for Nonprofits
​Customization options are limited with Sites, so you can not create a complex website.

​Thank you!@

Sangeeta Saxena
​Thanks you

Glenn Dunki-Jacobs
​Thank you for the presentation. Very informative

Take Back Our Airwaves
​Thank you! Very helpful!

Terry Bushell
​Thank you! Very informative!

Tania Biswas
​Thanks a lot it was very informative and helpful.

Bindu Vyas
​Great, thank you

Carol Staropoli
​Thank you.

Alan Silva
​Pretty good!

Google for Nonprofits
​Please share your feedback! https://forms.gle/6uu6LwFqaFEynMKGA

GACI Global
​Thank you

Eric Wooten
​Thank you!

Jennifer Green

GWHS Alumni Assn SF CA
​Thanks, all!

Google for Nonprofits
​Thank you everyone for attending and for your questions!

Scott MacLeod
Say something...


Google for Nonprofits

Manage your Volunteers with Google Products


with Meredith Delich

Trish Deely



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