Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Old-growth forest: In ~200 countries' main languages @WorldUnivAndSch, it's the scale (and quality CC-4 @MITOCW) of online university & high school degrees eg https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ph.D._Degrees_at_World_University_and_School that WUaS plans to offer that is unique, not to mention wiki schools for open teaching & learning in 7,111 + known living languages * * * Thanks to Quaker Friends in Oregon for housing me while I attended Reed College's 'Forum for Advancing Reed' (FAR), * * * Oregon radicalism * * * Would especially explore writing a book about Oregon as a hippy heaven haven in the 1960s &'70s, - but after writing an ethnographic comparison of the innovative STEM ethos's of MIT and Stanford since the 1960s (see related blog posts) * * * How best to create and head into a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory - and re ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, and especially with regard to the 1960s and 1970s on the West Coast and around the world too? ... Am thinking Google Street View with TIME SLIDER where we can all add our on videos, patch them together, and convert the people into interactive conversant avatar bots for ongoing history interviews and new generation thereof


In ~200 countries' main languages @WorldUnivAndSch, it's the scale (and quality CC-4
@MITOCW) of online university & high school degrees eg https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ph.D._Degrees_at_World_University_and_School that WUaS plans to offer that is unique, not to mention wiki schools for open teaching & learning in 7k + languages


In ~200 countries' main languages @sgkmacleod, it's the scale (& quality: STEAM CC-4
@MITOCW) of online university & high school degrees eg https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ph.D._Degrees_at_World_University_and_School that WUaS plans to offer that is unique, not to mention wiki schools for open teaching & learning in 7k + languages


We asked OCW fans why the site is important to them. Here is what one learner had to say.  http://ocw.mit.edu


* * *
Scott MacLeod
8:50 AM (1 hour ago)
to Janie

Hi M,

Made it back at  am, with 2 very worthwhile '15 minute sleeps' along the way. NW Oregon to the SF Bay Area - a long drive (and vehicle is working well) ... and got a kind of Taoist 'wu wei' as "non-action" as car washing in the rain in both places yesterday! :)

So nice to talk with you as a friend (and esp. as my mother - who is almost 'asleep') ... which kind of for me psychologically, I'd say, 'normalizes' things ... even as I seek a partner for family, re 'pair bonding' - http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/05/sweet-birch-questions-of-determinism-on.html) - which can be a uniquely biological normalizing experience. Was glad to see all the Reed women in Portland who as a group seemed like kind of 'normal' women (even while being Reedies who think, and can think differently, and as writers do & can too, for example.

Glad too to have stayed with Carl & Trudy in these regards. They have a good pretty new relationship as partners, Trudy having moved in to Carl's 'messy' place about 2 years ago, and also with Carl having grown up among Oregon Quakers, and their both having lived through the '60s and 1970s in Eugene Oregon - with Oregon hippies and Oregon radicalism as part of their fabric of life, and where Trudy too is from Hermiston, OR (and Herndon was printed in Gmail:) ... and David Herndon is the former UU minister of the 1st UU church of Pgh) in eastern Oregon.

How psychologically in the above senses to seek and find a friend, girl friend, partner, wife, mom-to-be from Canyon, California' I wonder? People pair all the time (Desiderata''love' sentence - "Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass" .... https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html) ... so your observation in your recent 'odds and ends' email thread - to go to meetings and put it out there on the web that I'm seeking a partner on the internet makes much sense. Carefully. I learn from you here in California which can be a place of questioning norms, in its sociocultural fabric of life and history over more than century.

So thanks for the talking which felt even a bit more normal yesterday evening than in recent past (even as you were or are falling asleep). Psychologically, I'm curious too about Dad's 'ire' in my not having partnered yet, where I think connecting with a woman for family would dissolve this issue. Perhaps bagpiping lessons re connecting with a teacher for further learning (and Finlay has his own kids, so is a father), and realizing World Univ & Sch, and writing poetry & ongoing book writing, actual-virtual Harbin and realistic virtual earth project, and creativity in general, will contribute to this process of connecting with a partner somehow as well - meetings and internet-wise too. So thank you M for talking and communicating, and I appreciate what I learn in doing so too.

Hoping you have a great week, and let's be in touch soon.

Sending much love,

Talked some with Carl and Trudy about Oregon radicalism especially coming out of the 1960s and 1970s, the hippy freedom seeking movement +

As a 20 year old, Having lived in Portland, Oregon, from 1979 - 1987 while studying at Reed College for an undergraduate degree in Religion (in many ways, the social science of) and German, I absorbed, explored and lived some of the progressive and radical thinking there (re involvement in, for example, the non-violent Cathedral Forest Action Group, seeking to preserve the miniscule amount of Old Growth Forest left west of the Cascade mountain ranges, - and partly through the Quaker Meeting)

Learned from Trudy about the clashes between anti-fas (anti-fascists) and patriot prayer folks in Portland.

Searched in Google and found:

"The 15 most fascinating Portland radicals ever" - oregonlive.com

From John Reed to Fay Stender, let's consider the most memorable radicals who spent valuable time in the Rose City.'


"The Radical Middle Class:
Populist Democracy and the Question of Capitalism in Progressive Era Portland, Oregon"




"Eleanor Baldwin and the Woman’s Point of View:
New Thought Radicalism in Portland’s Progressive Era"

Also with an interest in how "The Ranch" in Antelope, Oregon, lead, when it closed, to many Sanyassins heading to Harbin Hot Springs in northern California (another expression of Oregon radicalism, coming out of the 1960s and '70s), Trudy mentioned a book by Les Zaitz -

"Apocalypse Here" -

Found too -

"Rajneeshpuram, an Experiment to Provoke God"
1993, 56 minutes
Empowered by their Indian guru, thousands of new-age disciples flock to an abandoned cattle ranch in central Oregon, with dreams to build a city.

"Read The Oregonian's original 20-part investigative series on Rajneeshees"






Rajneeshpuram (~1981-1987) -

Am recalling some folks I knew at Harbin Hot Springs in the early 2000s who were Osho's Sannyasins aka Rajneeshis (one from Germany, one from California, and kind of a couple I think) who found the Rajneeshi's Ashram in Pune, India, possibly in the 1970s very liberating sexually and spiritually as well. Another became a Harbin medical doctor, and have been amazed, as an anthropologist, how many sannyasins gravitated to Harbin after the ranch in Antelope closed, and interested in why, somehow socioculturally, as well ...

Would especially explore writing a book about Oregon a hippy heaven haven in the 1960s & '70s, but after writing an ethnographic comparison of the innovative STEM ethos's of MIT and Stanford since the 1960s (see related blog posts).


How best to create and head into a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory - and re ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy, and especially with regard to the 1960s and 1970s on the West Coast and around the world too? ... Am thinking Google Street View with TIME SLIDER where we can all add our on videos, patch them together, and convert the people into interactive conversant avatar bots for ongoing history interviews and new generation thereof)

Monday, September 16, 2019, 12:30

Hi M,

Nice to be back in Canyon on a beautiful fairly cool day. Although I didn't talk with Friends Carl Thatcher or Jerry Gabay in Portland, Oregon, about my whistle blowing at the San Francisco Quaker Meeting re my concerns for the safety of kids from adults, or about what I think could be a need for psychiatry (and re legal questions) for a number of adults and children there, am glad Friends' Hospital in Philadelphia has a consultation phone number posted on their web site, and re a Quaker-informed psychiatric hospital outside California and with its curious recent developments, post Stonewall let's say, and also perchance outside the KP system, and related CA health provider systems. (I actually have some concerns that the complexity of issues here weren't addressed by individuals there or esp. by the Quaker Meeting itself).

And I also didn't say anything about my recent whistle-blowing at Stanford re potential ethical and legal questions, and contacting the Stanford faculty senate about this a number of times, but still not hearing back from them. (And I have some concerns that the ethical or legal issues here were also not yet addressed by the Stanford faculty senate).

Am hoping Tom and Dominic here in Canyon are connecting further, possibly re something like father-in-law and son-in-law relationship questions, and that Dom and Lindsay are successful in trying to have a child next year. Dom and Lindsay seem pretty separate from Tom (and I don't see all 3 of them very much at all).

I guess I have an interest in questions of psychology and psychiatry as suggested above, (and even re what I learned from George A), and hope to facilitate further benefits of psychiatry and related thinking online at World Univ & Sch. Would or could Gabrielle Hildebrand (who's great in so many ways), a Reed friend, and chemistry major, who's now a skillful life coach, and lives in SF with her kids potentially help head this up? I haven't talked with Gabrielle in some months, but she's both wonderful! and smart in these regards (and may also have had her hands' full with her husband too, even, who was at Reed for about a year, in 1979, before dropping out - and who is a friend too from that time). Jim's father has a Ph.D. from MIT, I think, and his parents live in Woodside, CA, not far from Stanford. (And Jim's nickname is Woody:)

But avatar bot psychotherapy and psychoanalysis - re a kind of George Alexander MD, and which avatar bots/chat bots might remember an individual's life history and learn from this, and be able to converse appropriately psycho-therapeutically - are potentially remarkable and fascinating developments re psychotherapy as information technology exchange - re language use, Lacan, talk therapy and the value of related conversation. Perhaps World Univ & Sch will be able to facilitate this, as well! :)

Methinks writing with you is a kind of exploration of some related questions, and potentially very valuable, re language use per George A's Lacanian psychoanalytic MD thinking.

Blogged a little this morning about the previous email I sent you today - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/old-growth-forest-in-200-countries-main.html- and much more re World Uni and Oregon radicalism in creative and interesting ways.

What are you up to this week?

And very nice to have talked with you yesterday evening, M!

Sending love, Scott

Psychiatry -

Psychoanalysis -

Psychotherapy -

Scott MacLeod
12:34 PM (1 minute ago)
to Carl, trudynutter, Peter, Jerry, Carl, Scott

Dear Carl and Trudy,

Thanks so much for your kind hospitality over the weekend, and very nice to visit with you as well. And very nice to have seen you, Jerry, at Wajan's on Thursday. Sorry to have missed you, Peter, there, as well!

(I blogged a bit about Oregon radicalism and what we talked about, Carl and Trudy, here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/old-growth-forest-in-200-countries-main.html - and lightly about Quakers as well).

Thanks again so much for your hospitality while I attended the Reed FAR weekend (and re exploring World University and School collaborations).

Friendly regards, Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School
- http://worlduniversityandschool.org

- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.


Old-growth forest: In ~200 countries' main languages @WorldUnivAndSch, it's the scale & quality of CC-4 @MITOCW for online university & high school degrees eg https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ph.D._Degrees_at_World_University_and_School Oregon radicalism #Quaker Friends, @Reed_College_'s(FAR) @HarbinBook ~
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/old-growth-forest-in-200-countries-main.html ~




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