Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Rosa acicularis: 'Walk in the Light' song (Quaker song, and re culture?), Ethnomusicological history of "Walk in the Light," but it could make for interesting research - and re questions of cultures esp. And thru time. Ethnomusicological reseach at Haverford, Swarthmore, Earlham and at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre and Britain Yearly Meeting in London. Part of this could involve performance - how technically to sing it beautifully, re innovation - and online .. and to further WUaS online libraries too * * * Online Psychoanalysis? Innovations in theory? * * * A World Univ & Sch School of Psychoanalysis with a focus on communication, as well as re Lacan, John Money, a humans as primates-focus, an evolutionary biology focus, brain science focus, re Castells' emotion and cognition ... and esp. language-wise? ... and NEWLY with a theoretical focus on 'information technology' (ie words and language) exchange re culture (re anthropology) and identity? * * * Just wanted to remind you if you'd like the opportunity to center down in online Quaker Meeting (any time!), here's one * * * Wild Yogi interview with Angela and Victor - Their teaching style is playful, emotionally freeing and deeply personal :)


Hi M,

Came across these 'Walk in the Light' song words from the culture of Quakerism - http://quakerismtoday.blogspot.com/2008/10/quaker-song-walk-in-light.html?m=1 - raising some intercultural Quaker questions for me, - possibly from a few centuries ago.

Am in touch a bit with Amy Hesse '03-Biology re her invitation to me to join a Reed Career Alliance video call on Thursday, but without her following up.

Am curious how she as a 37yo-something Assistant Alumni Director, and a Reed alumna, might know of some 28yo-something MD Reedies in the SF Bay Area, for ex., possibly interested in beginning a family, and might even arrange an introduction ...

Just texted this to Ed in these regards as well -

"Hello Ed, How's your weekend going? Met 3 interesting UC Berkeley Cal students the other day ... similar connecting potential in another context perchance ... one was connecting positively with me, with her friends encouragement, language-wise ... with backgrounds in a distant developing country, ... appreciated the connecting impetus coming from one ...
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/ ... could happen too through blog ... How's your week shaping up as well? cheers, Scott"

Seeking a friend, and putting it out there, and good to have attended the Reed FAR meetings in these regards re your 'Odds and Ends' thread, Ma!


Scott MacLeod
Sep 28, 2019, 7:49 PM (14 hours ago)
to Janie

Hi Ma,

I don't know the ethnomusicological history of "Walk in the Light," but it could make for interesting research - and re questions of cultures esp. And thru time. Ethnomusicological research at Haverford, Swarthmore, Earlham and at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre near Birmingham, and Britain Yearly Meeting in London. Part of this could involve performance - how technically to sing it beautifully, re innovation - and online .. and to further WUaS online libraries too.

I first explore Walk in the Light here recently https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/andes-reed-college-thank-you-for-your.html?m=0 and re a Turkish re-Tweet from IBM's and MIT's Jim Spohrer.

Am seeking to learn how further to play Scottish Small Pipes movingly for my upcoming 'Honey in the Bag' album too (thinking Yo Yo Ma's Bach Cello Suites here ...) interesting learning questions ... rewriting the practicing word once again.

Will share some WUaS wiki school's about these questions later. But you'll find these subjects -





Music school

- here -

Time to bagpipe a little this evening, after printing the SCD sheet music for Monday evening.

Love, Scott

* *
... and NEWLY with a theoretical focus on 'information technology' (ie words and language) exchange re culture (re anthropology) and identity? ...

(Posted this one before potentially)

Scott MacLeod
Thu, May 16, 1:23 PM
to Janie

Hi Ma,

Nice to talk again yesterday evening. Shared this with Ed the other evening after we had talked when I was at Stanford:

Nice to talk earlier. What's the name of the Atul Gawande article on computing and medicine you mentioned? Is this it?

Why Doctors Hate Their Computers
Digitization promises to make medical care easier and more efficient. But are screens coming between doctors and patients?
By Atul Gawande November 5, 2018


And found these in these regards -

Psychoanalytic - Friendly Universities/Programs
(by http://faculty.csuci.edu/kevin.volkan/)

List of schools of psychoanalysis

- interesting.

Coming back to 'Communication in the family re family identification (identity?) is something I find helpful - but not always easy. (And ... A California School of Psychoanalysis with a focus on communication, as well as re Lacan, John Money, a humans as primates-focus, an evolutionary biology focus, brain science focus, re Castells' emotion and cognition ... and esp. language-wise?),'



Am curious too how to plan for improving on existing psychiatry departments in US universities' medical schools, and at Kaiser Permanente, and in each of all ~200 countries' medical schools, (and maybe even as Stanford Medicine builds a new psychiatric wing, about which I heard some residents give presentations a few weeks ago).

Am curious how online psychiatry, psychotherapy, and esp. psychoanalysis, could be made better ... and even eventually with seemingly 'sentient' avatar bots ... If someone were seeing a Yale-trained psychiatrist in Marin County a couple of times a year - not psychoanalytically trained - in what ways could such very well-trained and smart MD psychiatrists get access further to online psychoanalytic training, and also help develop related theorizing of online psychoanalysis (eventually in multiple languages) with regards to existing opportunities for psychoanalytic training. An additional two years of psychoanalytic study for certificate, plus two years, 4-5 times per week of being a training analysand online? How could outcomes be measured - re people learning about their own unconscious minds (a goal of psychoanalysis) - and psychoanalysis quality improved especially?

Love, Scott

major critiques of Freudian schools of psychoanalysis


Critique of Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis: Freud's Revolutionary Approach to Human Personality

major critiques of Lacanian schools of psychoanalysis






Scott MacLeod
8:10 AM (1 hour ago)
to Janie

Hi Ma,

How have your last two long days gone? How are you and how's the weather?

Circling around to this thread from mid-May, am curious how to move beyond even Lacanian psychoanalysis re this helpful overview - https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/psychotherapy/jacques-lacan-best-and-least-known-psychoanalyst - and perhaps with ideas from John Money PhD re online effective measurable psychoanalysis (?), given human individuality, perhaps eventually with AI and machine learning ... and even in a virtual Harbin Hot Springs, depending ...

Appreciating that Friends Hospital (1813) is behaviorally oriented but recognize this only goes so far and might not address issues relevant to someone seeking psychotherapy or psychoanalysis.

Just emailed Carl and Larry:

"Some of the schools (first as wiki subjects) WUaS will begin to develop with time include accrediting and licensing Medicine and Law schools in many languages, including

Psychiatry with ...
Psychoanalysis: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Psychoanalysis

Psychology: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Psychology

Psychotherapy: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Psychotherapy

Psychiatry: http://worlduniversity.wikia.com/wiki/Psychiatry
(Old links)

Seeking to begin the licensing process with BPPE for Bachelor and PhD degrees, which precede medicine and law - planned in all countries' main languages. WUaS is exploring building out of/collaborating with Friends Hospital (1813) in Philadelphia -

For example, see -

"In what ways could Friends' Hospital, the oldest private psychiatric hospital in the nation (1813) https://friendshospital.com/programs-and-services/, best inform ONLINE World University & School Psychiatry https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry& in ~200 countries' languages? And Is Friends' Hospital still Quaker?"

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/water-striders-eurekalert-mit.html?m=0 - and re my whistleblowing at SFFM with regards to issues with kids, and bringing law and psychiatry to the Meeting."

But psychoanalysis+ given human subjectivity (and theorizing) seems both like it could help people - the only thing that might when other modalities don't - and also deeply problematic for a variety of reasons .... Hmmm

Yet I appreciate the thinking that (Lacanian psychoanalyst MD) George, and Brig, explored in these regards themselves, and for the benefit of their kids who seem happy and in good careers.

Hmmm ... glad we've been thinking along these lines and in medical schools too re psychoanalysis nevertheless. And there's probably already a successful (and also not so) history of practicing psychoanalysis online to build from.

I think thinking about the mind and bodymind is the way to go though.

Love, Scott

I come back too in some of the above regards to the Desiderata which Lacanian psychoanalyst George Alexander MD stood by (literally, posted on his wall at the Quaker Continuing Care Center as it was :) ... https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html ...

* * *

NtFs, non-theist Quakers, atheist Friends, friends, 

Appreciating too the sense of goodness in this far-reaching interview, and re Alex @CosmicSkeptic :) - https://youtu.be/tsLEf1Uwb5o

Just wanted to remind you if you'd like the opportunity to center down in online Quaker Meeting (any time!), here's one - http://quakerworship.org/enter.asp - and while I posted about a number of these online Quaker Meetings years ago to this NtF list (including holding some NtF non-theist Friends' Quaker Silent Meetings, NtFs have so far chosen not to organize NtF Quaker Meeting online or on-the-ground as a group). 

NtFriendly Cheers, Scott
Blogging today much about Quakers, as well as exploring developing and facilitating online psychoanalysis at World University and School  

* * *

Hi Linda, 

What do you think of this Wild Yogi interview with Angela and Victor? 

Interview with Angela Farmer & Victor Van Kooten https://wildyogi.info/en/issue/interview-angela-farmer-and-victor-van-kooten-unique-way… Based on the island of Lesvos in Greece, #AngelaandVictorsYoga have been teaching together since they met more than 25 years ago. Their teaching style is playful, emotionally freeing and deeply personal :)

Appreciating much their playful, emotionally freeing and deeply personal approaches to Yoga :)

And partly inspired by A&V, I explore Yoga in new ways - http://scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html - and riffing-wise as well. 

Where do you head with some of these ' Yogic "reading"& "self-study"''mainstays' ... ? And re, innovation-wise:

In what ways could a #RealisticVirtualHarbin best become a site for Yogic "reading"& "self-study" re Hippy Anjali Yoga Notations http://scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html…? Am curious too to explore too Yoga Robotics 
#AngelaAndVictorsYoga robots?

Did you at one time teach workshops in the Napa valley area of northern California? Harbin Hot Springs is just over the little Mt. St. Helena mountain range from Napa Valley in the next county over, Lake County. 

Namaste, Scott 



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