Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Pinus longaeva (Bristlecone pine): World Univ & Sch Monday Hangouts Q & A News 10am PT >NEWLY in LightStream * * * Re: Scots' history (was: A doll party tea! :) . . . Have whistle-blown further to the Stanford faculty senate * * * Preparation for my upcoming bagpiping "Honey in the Bag" album on Scottish Small Pipes ... My upcoming poetry book is coming along ... "To the Dance or to the Pools? ~ Virtually ..." as well * * * Inspiring book by Isabella Tree : "Wilding: The Return of Nature to a British Farm"

Next: Primate sociality: The Middletown, CA, High School abt 4 miles from Harbin Hot Springs * * * Reed College Jan Mieszkowski "Here Come the Prose Police Why academic writing gets a bad rap" and ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy * * * A kind of 'communitas' in society-cultural processes ... :) ... So what's the 'culture' idea here in contemporary and understandable words ? ... something about a kind of vision for a better world that for me emerges out of the 1960s and '70s (may be in aspects of unprogrammed Friends as well for me) ... and which even significantly changed the course or law and legal history in this country and around the world * * * Stanford Prof. Scotty McLennan sitting behind Steve Jobs here, as well as John Hennessy (and Donald Kennedy, I think) in this INCREDIBLE Stanford commencement speech * * * Just added World Univ & Sch "Google My Business" with 2 photos (of Middletown, CA, high school as WUaS builds out here

World Univ & Sch 14 Oct 2019 Q & A and News (1:32)



World Univ & Sch 14 Oct 2019 Q & A and News - 12 items (30.35)



Minutes from 21 September 2019 for World University and School, and the WUaS Corporation -

* *
Here are the announcements:

World Univ & Sch Monday Hangouts Q & A News 10am PT >

https://youtu.be/vZcp2zqkI9w>NEWLY in LightStream > https://youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch> #WorldUnivAndSchNewsQandA info @ http://worlduniversityandschool.org Seeking 2nd online class for free-to-students' best STEM CC-4 OCW Bachelor's degrees



World Univ & Sch Monday Hangouts Q & A News 10am PT meets M Oct 14 '19 Email info @ http://worlduniversityandschool.org to join in> https://youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch> #WorldUnivAndSchNewsQandA WUaS is seeking our 2nd online class for free-to-students' best STEM CC-4 OCW Bachelor's degrees


* * *

Scott MacLeod
Sun, Oct 13, 1:04 PM (23 hours ago)
to Scott, Henry, John, Nelson, Dean, Peter, Abigail, David, David, Gary, Greg, Hugh, Jewel, Jonathan, Lillian, Linda, Janie, Sandy, Susan, Thomas, Larry, Wilson, chalmers, Robert, Hank, mcfaul, George, Frederick, Tammie, Bruce, Patti, Heather, Barbara, Tym, Donald, robert.byrne, Kurt, edsmythmd, Sid, Mainak, Mainak, Roland

Hi Scots' Dolls' Tea Party friends (Scots' history (was: A doll party tea! :)), Professor Hennessy, Scots, Gaels, Celts, and Seafarers,

Open Band - to open online ...

https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1171460986571644929 ? Am curious how to open the Scottish Country Dancing Open Band (Berkeley) to online music making, and from tablets or similar in front of each musician, such that musicians around the world, for example, in Australia or New Zealand, could all play together - and for dancers dancing in Berkeley (eventually). Steps toward this may happen with 5G and within the Alphabet / Google infrastructure - in combination even with developing tele-robotic surgery, for example. Both would emerge for learning too (and at World University and School's Music Schools - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Music_School - and Medical Schools - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School and /Hospital in all ~200 countries' official languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages - each a major online MIT OCW-centric university - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States).

Have whistle-blown further to the Stanford faculty senate - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/rocky-mountain-national-park-re-online.html?m=0 (wherein you'll find a most recent email in these regards at bottom) - and am hoping Stanford doesn't go down the MIT President Rafael Reid route who had signed off on receiving big monies re that tragedy of victims; Am hoping too for WUaS to begin again collaborating more fully with Stanford Medicine and Law ... I included again Stanford Emeritus President John Hennessy, now Chairman of Alphabet, Larry Viehland, Chairman of WUaS, Stanford faculty and 2 other Chairs there.

Am calling for a fairly serious legal and ethical investigation into Stanford - a full police inquiry - and have sent a series of related emails to the Stanford faculty senate in these regards, and most recently to the chairman of the Stanford faculty senate, but have not yet heard back from them.

How best to invite Scottish students, high school graduates, to matriculate at World University and School for free-to-students' online MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees over 4 years  - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School - in 2020?

As Aye, and warm regards, Scott
Please come to the World Univ & Sch open Monthly Business Meeting this upcoming Saturday 19 Oct '19 at 9am PT if interested. You'll find the Minutes from last month's Monthly Business Meeting here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/kangchenjunga-mountains-india-minutes.html - with Stanford faculty senate ethics' inquiry in Minute 10.

And these WUaS Monday Hangouts Q & A News for conversation are beginning again, if interested:
World Univ & Sch Monday Hangouts Q & A News 10am PT meets M Oct 14 '19 Email info @ worlduniversityandschool.org to join in > https://youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch> #WorldUnivAndSchNewsQandA WUaS is seeking our 2nd online class for free-to-students' best STEM CC-4 OCW Bachelor's degrees

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1183425760482086912  ...

* * *

Dear M,

In preparation for my upcoming bagpiping 

"Honey in the Bag" 

album on Scottish Small Pipes, good to play again this evening 6/8s with metronome - Cabar Feidh as jig, and Archie MacNab too ... which in particular were challenging with beat - so will begin with them tomorrow ... metronome is helpful ... listening to Hopkinson Smith play Bach on lute ... 
J. S. Bach - Sonatas & Partitas For Lute
I hear a remarkable rhythm suggesting silent metronome ... and remarkable cascades of rhythm too ... sometimes wildly beautiful.

My upcoming poetry book is coming along ...

"To the Dance or to the Pools? ~ Virtually ..."

... made progress and with index too, but am seeking to write a few more poems to make further explicit the e title 

Are you making music these days ?

Quiet yet beautiful here on the ridge in Canyon ...

Waiting to hear back from Reed re internship job descriptions for World Univ & Sch which I sent them about 10 days ago.

Seeking a ~28 yo spouse-partner-mom-to-be ...

L, Scott

Hi M,

Stanford Law Professor Hank Greely just retweeted Stewart Brand's recommendation of this inspiring book by Isabella Tree called "Wilding: The Return of Nature to a British Farm" -

https://twitter.com/stewartbrand/status/1183404039578341376 ... (Stewart is author of "The Next Whole Earth Catalog' fame and is a MIT Media Lab idea contributor).

Here's a video by the author Isabella Tree about this - https://youtu.be/4cug0KcTnXI - and in the first minute or so, she observes how her family inherited their house - which looks like a castle - and farm, from her husband Charlie Burrell's grandparents. Sussex, England. Wilding is kind of a hippy idea too, but in the context of England in 2019, it involves old ideas of British-ness ... about which it's worth thinking. I hear echoes of Angela Farmer in this Isabella's thinking and video as well. And I'm curious too how this idea is possibly / would possibly play out in Lake County and around Harbin.

It's a 'back to the land' vision in SW England, that your brother Ted Brown also engaged ... and which comes out of the 1960s in remarkable new directions and with much deep thinking too, as I see this. (This will be an Xmas present for you - and not a surprise :) - so please don't go out and get it from the library or bookstore:) Looks like an inspiring read.

(Here's a Guardian article about it as well - https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/jun/28/wilding-isabella-tree-review-farm-return-nature).

Have you heard about it? What do you think? How will the idea too of WILDING play out in an unfolding realistic virtual earth?

L, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

* *
World Univ & Sch Monday Hangouts Q & A News 10am PT >NEWLY in LightStream * * * Re: Scots' history-Have whistle-blown further to Stanford faculty senate >https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/10/pinus-longaeva-bristlecone-pine-world.html> https://youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch> #WorldUnivAndSchNewsQandA ~ info @
worlduniversityandschool.org ~



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