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Hop bush (Dodonaea viscosa): All 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item number for 1) wiki Universitians in 7,111 known living languages, and matriculated WUaS students in all ~200 countries, 2) Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records, with genetic therapies 3) Universal Basic Income EXPERIMENTS (and to alleviate poverty), and 4) a single family tree for genealogy research as in WikiTree, and for aggregating DNA samples too * * * Connecting with Swedes and re WUaS in Wikidata, as well as genes, and avatar bots in a realistic virtual earth / realistic virtual Harbin * * * * 5 Nov 2019 Wikidata Office Hour Transcript copied from new Telegram messaging App * * * building out of Intuit's TurboTax and similar, potentially developed in many of these countries anew, and as a standard which tax authorities could develop their own IT infrastructure for taxation with - for 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item number

Next: Wattles (Acacia spp.): "International Baccalaureate Online courses for the Diploma and Career-related Programme" * * * Another interesting aspect about the Modesto Public High School's International Baccalaureate IB degree - https://mhs.mcs4kids.com/students/programs/international-baccalaureate - is that it's probably free to students, dovetailing with WUaS's CC-4 MIT OCW-centric free-to-students' degrees' focus. & re CA govt in Sacramento * * * These IB courses could become even more high quality, as well as interesting in a realistic virtual earth for learning ... if WUaS could dovetail CC-4 MIT OCW High School courses with this ... if WUaS could develop Chemistry, Physics and Biology IB courses in realistic virtual earth for learning, from home * * * World Univ & Sch's planned ONLINE IB high schools https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/WUaS_International_Baccalaureate_Diploma_and_Programme in ~200 countries' languages ... re Pamoja and California public high schools?
Previous: Australian Water Dragon: Teaching robots to dance re this MIT human-robot video https://twitter.com/techreview/status/1190378112787402753 ? Scottish Country Dancing? Dancing/Floating in the Harbin warm pool? Teaching Robots to teach Yoga, and in particular Angela and Victor's Yoga, and re partner yoga too? * * * .Actual Human and Physical Robotics ... via Photogrammetry of Human into virtual Human (think SL avatar bot) into Digital Lego Robotics ... and for tele-robotic surgery ... in a single realistic virtual earth (at cell and ATOMIC levels too)? * * * Photogrammetry of Human into virtual Human * * * A new #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital Lego STANDARD built around VIRTUAL Google Street View/BRICK STREET VIEW with PHYSICAL Lego MY XL World due 1/2020 in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego FOR #RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics? ~ with TIME SLIDER/Maps/Earth ~ https://twitter.com/LEGO_Education/status/1192192771643363328 ~

All 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item number for

1) wiki Universitians in 7,111 known living languages, and matriculated students in all ~200 countries,

2) Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records, with genetic therapies

3) Universal Basic Income EXPERIMENTS (and to alleviate poverty), and

4) a single family tree for genealogy research as in WikiTree, and for aggregating DNA samples too

* * * Connecting with Swedes and re WUaS in Wikidata, as well as genes, and avatar bots in a realistic virtual earth / realistic virtual Harbin ...


Glad too to be in touch yesterday and today with 2 new Swedish friends in Sweden through the Wikidata office hour yesterday morning (in Telegram):

Magnus (Sälgö)
Carl-Johan (Sveningsson)

...both are sympaticos, smart and familiarly connectable in a normal way (not always the case in some Wikidata / Wikimedia circles ... or in California ... am curious how to build better sociality into my life ... but recognize George's realism here too ... ) 

World Univ & Sch is in Wikidata, a "back end" structured knowledge database for Wikipedia in 300 languages, which WUaS is in too. 

Am exploring much re World Univ & Sch in Wikidata with them re very big ideas, and they're both coders, and probably fairly settled Wikidatans / Wikimedians' in Sweden ... They're interesting big idea conversations ... (enjoy:)

L, Scott


Here's the Telegram App conversation with Magnus:

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 10:04]
salgo60@msn.com is my.... I am not sure if WIkitree is the best place...
+ they have a big user community
- quality could be excellent to very very bad
- they have an old WIki platform
+ they have an excellent technical person Ales who creates report every week of quality
-/+ the owner of WikiTree Chris is nice / shy / and not so technical

I spent 2-3 years at WikiTree before joining Wikidata.-..... I had today little dialogue with Ales because of a POC I did see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T236340 that crashed his checks 😉 and now we request a new property https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Wikidata:Property_proposal/WikiTreeCategories

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 10:10]
Thanks, Magnus! ... World Univ & Sch, in planning for 7.5 billion people as wiki Universitians, each a Wikidata Q-item #, seeks to explore developing 1) 7.5 billion wiki WUaS Universitians in all 7111 known living languages, each a wiki teacher or learner  2) Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records and for genetic therapies too, and 3) universal basic income experiments in each of all ~200 countries and 7,000 languages ... in addition to 7.5 billion people in something like WikiTree (which is envisioning this). Shall we communicate in email together with Ales as well?

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 10:12]
cool ..... one noce integration you have in smaller scale is https://bloodhound-tracker.net/roster they use Wikidata Qnumber and ORCID to identify people,.... code on GITHUB https://bloodhound-tracker.net/developers

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 10:16]
very cool ... in that there may be 3-100 million species, and many further individual living organisms, and so many more individual specimens, how to plan for Wikidata Q-items for all, where appropriate ... bloodhound may be a great beginning together with WikiTree and? Big cheers, Scott :)😊(worlduniversityandschool.orgscottmacleod.com) ... nice to be in communication!

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 10:16]
Have you seen this "Data Mining of Online Genealogy Datasets for Revealing
Lifespan Patterns in Human Population" they used the WikiTree dataset https://arxiv.org/pdf/1311.4276.pdf

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 10:21]
Just glanced at all of these ... am curious about all 7.5 billion living people, each a Wikidata Qitem #, with genetic information, for longevity genetic information and even re CRISPR gene editing in a realistic virtual earth (am thinking Google Street View / Google Poly with Second Life but realistic at cellular and atomic levels) in Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records (for all 7.5 billion people) (apologies that I don't speak Swedish😀)

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 10:22]
Have you tested WIkibase?!?! I thimnk that is the way forward.....

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 10:23]
(I have a longevity label in my blog happening - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity - and am interested in Harvard Genetics' Professor George Church's focus on this in particular)

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 10:24]
Not yet ... just shared this Wikibase Job Description with a friend in Bremen - Just re-Tweeted Lydia's Wikibase Product Manager job opening:
Are you excited about Wikidata and Wikibase and a product person? Come work with me as the new Product Manager for Wikibase! https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikibaseug/2019-October/000047.html ...

here - https://twitter.com/nightrose/status/1189917230231891968?s=20

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 10:25]
I have stopped working 5 years ago 😉  https://www.linkedin.com/in/magnus-s%C3%A4lg%C3%B6-148890/

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 10:28]
[ Photo ]
Wikibase is your on Wikidata . See 5 minutes from Lydia last weekend min berlin https://media.ccc.de/v/wikidatacon2019-3-glimpse_over_wikidata#t=940

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 10:28]
MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch in 200 countries' main languages and a realistic virtual earth with avatar bots for gene editing too ... and my actual-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project are my main foci - https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottgkmacleod/ ...

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 11:15]
Just emailed you, Magnus, Lydia, and friends from worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com ... 😊

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 11:19]
I think Lydia is very very busy so dont expect so much answers......

Wikidata related things are normaly on Phabricator https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/71/

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 11:26]
Simply keeping Lydia informed ... how could your Swedish churches project - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/profile/3477/ - inform a realistic virtual earth (am thinking Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / TensorFlow / Translate with group buildable Second Life with avatar bots, but realistic, and even for architectural design?)

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 11:31]
Lydia you can keep out of the loop... see take cares of the plattform Wikidata....

Dont understand your question about churches.... you have
* Church parishes in Sweden https://github.com/salgo60/Svenskaforsamlingar
* the person who did Cambridge Analytica Paul-Olivier Dehaye did use WIkibase and Kepler.... for time visualisation https://blog.factgrid.de/archives/1695
  * https://github.com/keplergl/kepler.gl

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 11:59]
Thnx, am envisioning a #realistic virtual earth for everything - architecture too, and remodeling - including genetics.  Think Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / TensorFlow / Translate with group buildable Second Life with avatar bots, but realistic. How to add all these churches into Street View with time slider start developing them in 3d? E.g. vist the Harbin Hot Springs' gatehouse in Street View here ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (accessible from https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ) and check out the various years of Gatehouse pictures. There are 3 photos of the Harbin Gatehouse: 1 from 2012, 1 from 2001 which I added to SV in around 2009, and a new Harbin gatehouse from 2019. Could we turn Swedish churches into 3D at different times in history, and even enter into them as avatar bots (re Second Life) and sing in a choir from 1852 or 1901, for example, - in this realistic virtual earth for history / architecture and interactivity? This is what World Univ & Sch is seeking to grow, and even a realisticvirtualearthforrobotics with Brick Street View which Einar Oberg in Sweden created around 2014 (all brainstorming-wise) - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForRobotics?src=hashtag_click - and re Lego Robotics for actual-virtual, physical-digital developments.

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 13:10]
Have you seen the Wikibase installation that is used for pictures in Wikipedia..... they support now Linked data i.e. you can then rather easy  classify pictures and also mark what part of a pictures a person is shown in....

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 13:13]
Not yet .... cool, Magnus! ... does it store video as well? ... and possibly Google Poly virtual library 3D objects, for example?  :)

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 13:13]

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 13:14]
English https://tools.wmflabs.org/wd-image-positions/item/Q56753654?uselang=en

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 13:14]
Chinese https://tools.wmflabs.org/wd-image-positions/item/Q56753654?uselang=zh

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 13:15]
[ Photo ]
It use the labels of the objecg

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 13:15]
Just re-tweeted your image Tweet ... how can World Univ & Sch matriculated students in Swedish and in English and in Japanese, for example, in MIT OCW Virtual World courses - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Virtual_Worlds - eventually help?

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 13:16]
uselang sets the language
Q is the WIkidata object.....

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 13:16]
[ Photo ]
You use depicts and relative position

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 13:17]
I guess a video is also relative position but the time dimension....

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 13:21]
You have a standard IIIF for pictures and videos that looks promising https://github.com/IIIF/awesome-iiif

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 13:32]
Am going to begin re-Tweeting some of your Tweets at https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ... Because Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / Poly are relatively far along (And founder of Wikidata Denny Vrandecic, for ex., works at Google), would I be able to add images (or videos) data from Wikidata / Wikibase to Google Street View, do you think?

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 13:38]
[ Photo ]
"add images (or videos) data from Wikidata / Wikibase to Google Street View, do you think?" I guess you can create your own layer....

but you can rather easu do SPARQL and display on a map in Wikidata ex. people died and have graves at Arlington..... https://w.wiki/BXJ

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 14:09]
Will seek to look into this ... am thinking it will be easier to soak in the virtual Harbin Hot Springs' warm pool from home in bathtub while visiting Harbin from Street View than in Wikidata map ... and for actual-virtual comparative Harbin ethnographic research by many as well!

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 14:10]
Signing off for now ... and very nice to be in communication!

Magnus Sälgö, [05.11.19 14:11]
see you...

you have all videos from last weekend Wikidata event in Berlin https://media.ccc.de/c/wikidatacon2019

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 14:11]
:) Thank you!

Magnus I just want to introduce you to @Carl-JohnSveningsson ... do you know each other? You're both active in Wikidata in Sweden ... and potentially re both 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item, as well as a realistic virtual earth for everything with Wikidata data, ie with your Swedish churches' project (conceptually like Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / TensorFlow / Translate with 7.5 billion avatar bots reprsenting all of us, and for medicine, and at the cellular and atomic levels too).

* * *

And with Carl-Johan:

Carl-Johan Sveningsson, [06.11.19 12:25]
I'm interested in your message about 7.5 B people in Wikidata

Scott GK MacLeod, [06.11.19 12:35]
Hi Carl-Johan, Besides thinking in terms of WikiTree's goal of a single family tree, see - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/aquatic-plant-mine-pi-from-faqs-what-is.html - for the 3 initial ways that MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School is exploring developing in Wikidata for all 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q item (and WUaS donated itself to Wikidata in 2015 for co-development, and received WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017, but they're still not interoperable). WUaS is planning to develop online major universities in all ~200 countries' official languages, and wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,111 known living languages, - and seeks to build out from speakers in all these languages to all 7.5 billion people. Cheers, Scott (scottmacleod.com and worlduniversityandschool.org)

Carl-Johan Sveningsson, [06.11.19 12:36]
Thanks, I'll check it out!

Carl-Johan Sveningsson, [06.11.19 12:37]
This is a very very compressed view of what I'm into: https://twitter.com/unclecj/status/1188393993475969024?s=21

Scott GK MacLeod, [06.11.19 12:39]
Great, and thanks as well! (WUaS seeks to develop further in 3 platforms: CC-4 MIT OCW in 5 languages, Google / Alphabet in its 100 languages in Translate and with TensorFlow too, and in Wikidata / Wikibase in its ~300 languages ). Will check out what you're into. (See, too - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1188152443386777601)

Carl-Johan Sveningsson, [06.11.19 12:42]
Mhmm! ☺️ It seems obvious to me that wikimedia genealogy won't happen in that precise shape and form - there's too much work, too many competitors and alternatives, and the world isn't standing still either. But it's the field I keep an eye on (+ genetics, if it isn't already mentioned there)

Scott GK MacLeod, [06.11.19 12:46]
WikiTree is interesting in these regards, since it's wiki, it has a vision of "Together we're growing an accurate single family tree using DNA and traditional genealogical sources" (https://www.wikitree.com/), as well as privacy, and particularly because it's focusing on DNA (like in the US Ancestry.com and 23andme.com re practicality of aggregating end users' DNA, for ex) ... WUaS is seeking to develop for all 7.5 billion people each a Wikidata Q-item number, and with much wiki-collaborative potential.

Scott GK MacLeod, [06.11.19 13:01]
One interesting question I'm working on is how to develop MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch in Swedish in Sweden? The idea from MIT Prof. Hiroshi Ishii Bot is posted at the top here now - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch
(https://twitter.com/ishii_mit_BOT/status/1192169950963585025)  ... and here's the beginning of Sweden WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Sweden - not yet in Swedish.

Scott GK MacLeod, [06.11.19 13:03]
... so how to develop online MIT in Swedish in Sweden for free-to-students' Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, MD and I.B. high school degrees at wiki WUaS?

Carl-Johan Sveningsson, [06.11.19 13:03]
I'll bring it to someone if they come to mind 👍🏼

Carl-Johan Sveningsson, [06.11.19 13:04]
Though Swedish education is at least free from tuition...

Scott GK MacLeod, [06.11.19 13:05]
Thanks  - CC-4 MIT OCW's 2500 courses in English ( and in 4 other languages currently, but with more to come) translated into Swedish ... would be a very unique STEM contribution to Sweden ...  :)

Scott GK MacLeod, [06.11.19 13:10]
And as a followup, it's here in You at WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - that WUaS will explore developing everyone - 7.5 billion people - each a Wikidata Q item, beginning with registering students.

Scott GK MacLeod, [06.11.19 13:11]
(And this is an example of WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki page not yet interoperable with WUaS in Wikidata's 300 languages).

Scott GK MacLeod, [06.11.19 13:54]
Carl-Johan, as one further follow up" As precedent re privacy, it could be worth You at WUaS in Wikidata building on WikiTree's approach, as well as Ancestry.com and 23andMe's approaches, as well as even Kaiser Permanente Medical System's in many states in the USA approaches to privacy (and legally as well, and in ~200 countries' official languages). I'm taking the 32,000 foot in flight approach in planning for all 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item # and at World Univ & Sch. I think Wikidata could make this practical as a start. Am glad to be currently communicating with coder and Wikimedian / Wikidatan Magnus Sälgö in Sweden who was recently in email communication with Ales at WikiTree ... This situation calls for statistics and machine learning when you start thinking in terms of 3-100 million species, and non-living organisms therein ... which lots of researchers study genetically these days in a variety of ways, and further re archaeological research + evolutionary biology research +++ 😊

Scott GK MacLeod, [06.11.19 13:55]
WUaS is planning 'Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records' for our ~200 online Medical Schools and online teaching hospitals - see blog entry I sent earlier - and for ex. Kaiser Permanente privacy and re genetic therapies - seems like an especially good building blocks


Carl-Johan I just want to introduce you to @Magnus Salgo (sorry I don't have Swedish accents) ... do you know each other? You're both active in Wikidata in Sweden ... and potentially re both 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item, as well as a realistic virtual earth for everything with Wikidata data (conceptually like Google Street View with time slider / Maps / Earth / TensorFlow / Translate with 7.5 billion avatar bots reprsenting all of us, and for medicine, and at the cellular and atomic levels too).

- Scott MacLeod 

* * 

Carl-Johan Re your inquiring about 7.5 billion people, and your mentioning taxation earlier here, - in seeking to create a Wikidata Q-item for all 7.5 billion people, and also for Universal Basic Income EXPERIMENTS, potentially as a way to distribute a single cryptocurreny in most of all ~200 countries and their official languages, am interested brainstorming-wise in exploring building out of Intuit's TurboTax and similar, potentially developed in many of these countries anew, and as a standard which tax authorities could develop their own IT infrastructure for taxation with. What do you think @Carl-Johan, @Lydia_Pintscher, Wikidatans?

* * * *

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 08:41]
Hi All, Wikidata's office hour in the new Telegram format looks promising. Chat with you soon! :) - Scott

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 08:54]
Office hour starts in exactly 9min :)

Melderick, [05.11.19 08:56]

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:03]
Hello everyone and welcome to the office hour, first of its kind on Telegram!

Lucas Werkmeister, [05.11.19 09:03]

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:03]
Lydia and I will moderate this session during the next 60 minutes :)

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:03]

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:03]
Just to be very transparent, the discussions happening here and until I tell the bot to shut down and leave will be recorded, the notes will be transferred on wiki

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 09:04]

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:04]
So, here's how it work: Lydia and I will present what happened in the Wikidata team since the last office hour (July 2019), both from the development and non development side

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:04]
We'll also tell you about what's coming next

Jan Ainali, [05.11.19 09:05]
can anyone stop the bot if they happen to write the magic phrase?

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:05]
of course, feel free to interact with us during this part. But just so you know, the second part of the session (~30min) will be left for questions and discussions, so you'll have time for that :)

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:05]
[In reply to Jan Ainali]
it is a command starting with / and continuing with the word finish, so just don't type this command :)

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:06]
Alright, let's start with what happened on the development side of things!

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:06]

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:06]
So a lot of things happened over the past quarter and some.

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:06]
The biggest thing is probably the Wikidata Bridge. It'll help make it possible to edit Wikidata directly from Wikipedia.

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 09:07]

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:07]
WE're currently developing it and we'll soon be at the point where it makes sense for you to have a look. It'll still take quite some time until it will be deployed.

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:08]
Once that is deployed I hope we'll see a lot more (and useful) edits from Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects.

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:08]
We also deployed the new termbox for mobile. That's the box at the top of an Item page that shows you the label, description and aliases in different languages.

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:08]
Before you couldn't see that and edit it on mobile. Now you can \o/

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:10]
Another thing that we're working on is tainted references. When editing a value on Wikidata there is nothing prompting you to also change the reference if needed. This is a problem because sometimes people have new values but leave an old reference. In the future you'll get a little notification prompting you to think if the reference should be updated as well.

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:10]
You'll be able to test that in the next weeks as well.

Envel Le Hir, [05.11.19 09:10]

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:10]
Then we did huge work under the hood to make our codebase better but also make loading of Item pages faster.

Jan Ainali, [05.11.19 09:11]
[In reply to Lydia Pintscher]
The timeline on [[mw:Wikidata Bridge]] lacks details after this very month. Are there plans that are not published yet?

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:11]
Another thing that might be interesting for you is a new dashboard that takes a look at the languages on Wikidata: https://wmdeanalytics.wmflabs.org/WD_LanguagesLandscape/

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:12]
[In reply to Jan Ainali]
Ah sorry. Léa and I were simply busy with WikidataCon and that slipped.

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:12]
There should be an update before the end of the month.

Juli A., [05.11.19 09:12]
[In reply to Lydia Pintscher]
Yay! :)

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:13]
And last but not least the structured data team at the WMF has continued rocking on Commons with the rollout of for example Lua support and a first beta query service

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:13]
And with that I had over to Léa again :)

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:14]
Yeah! First of all, Wikidata got a new admin: user:1997kB. Welcome on board!

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:14]
Then, summer/fall was the season of events and conferences :)

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:14]
Let's start with Wikimania that took place in August. We met plenty of cool people, run interviews about Wikidata Bridge, the Wikidata and Wikibase related sessions were packed as usual

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:15]
We also had a documentation translation sprint, to translate the Wikidata help pages into more languages. This effort is still running, so if you're speaking a language other than English, feel free to have a look at help pages and see how you can make them more accessible to your language community!

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:15]
And thanks to everyone who already participated in this effort :)

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:16]
At Wikimania we also run the now famous Pink Pony session, and participated in an interesting session about problems between Wikidata & Wikipedia. You can find the notes of the Pink Pony session here https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WikidataPPS2019

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:16]
As you probably know because I generously spammed you about it, the WikidataCon took place at the end of October! It was so awesome <3 a="" also="" and="" attended="" between="" community="" companies="" following="" great="" in="" interacting="" interested="" it="" mix="" organizations="" p="" people="" remotely.="" streaming="" thanks="" the="" to="" was="" who="" wikidata.="" wikidata="" with="" working="">
Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:17]
We highly recommend to check the videos and the documentation https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikidataCon_2019/Documentation
If you want to know more about the organization of the event, the report will follow at the beginning of 2020.

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:17]
But what would be October without the Wikidata birthday? Several celebrations happened and plenty of new tools and features were developed by the community. You can check them all here https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Seventh_Birthday

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:17]
(and you can even start getting ready for the next one \o/ https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Eighth_Birthday )

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:18]
Several regional conferences took place (CEE, French-speaking WikiCon, German-speaking WikiCon) and plenty of sessions related to Wikidata were organized

infovarius, [05.11.19 09:18]
[In reply to Lydia Pintscher]
it's like WEF or Gadget for editing from infoboxes?

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:18]
[In reply to infovarius]
Yes it is trying to solve the same problem for everyone.

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:19]
Different topic now: in August, we published the vision & strategy papers for Wikidata & Wikibase. Interesting to read if you want to understand the "big picture". Feel free to add comments on the wikipage. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata/Strategy/2019

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:20]
As usual, during the last months we got plenty of new tools created by the community, as well as new features on tools. I can't name them all here, but if you want to get updates, the place to go is the Weekly Summary :)

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:20]
Item creation helpers helps create similar items, and link them together, with a simple form https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Ash_Crow/creation-helpers

infovarius, [05.11.19 09:21]
[In reply to Léa ~ Auregann]
+Russian WikiConference in September

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:21]
@Wikidatabot is a Telegram bot that allows you to search for something on Wikidata from Telegram

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:21]
MachtSinn is a game that helps you adding Senses on lexicographical data by suggesting Senses and Item labels https://tools.wmflabs.org/machtsinn/

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:22]
Speaking about tools! I hope that you enjoy the new "tool of the week" section in the Weekly Summary. Its goal is to highlight some of the many tools used by editors - if you like it, feel free to contribute to the backlog! https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata_talk:Status_updates/Next#Tool_of_the_week_section

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:23]
Many local groups started or continued being active over the past months <3 aires="" are="" buenos="" especially="" let="" meetups="" mention="" organized="" p="" regularly="" s="" taiwan="" tokyo="" vienna="" where="">
Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:23]
On Wikidata, we got plenty of new WikiProjects, for example about red pandas, podcasts, climate change

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 09:23]
Just emailed Lydia earlier today about exploring giving all 7.5 billion people in world a Wikidata Q-item number, re collaborative genetics' projects - eg. with WikiTree - & re your earlier sharing about - https://wellcomeopenresearch.org/articles/4-114/v1 - but also for 'Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records' at wiki MIT OCW-centric World University and School online Medical Schools/Teaching Hospitals, for example (where WUaS donated itself to Wikidata in 2015 for co-development, and received WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017). How to explore further collaboration about all of this with Wikidata, Lydia, Lea and Wikidata?

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:24]
Now, let me give you a few suggestions of interesting papers/blog posts to read

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:24]
My message to video game databases: We(kidata) come in peace https://commonists.wordpress.com/2019/10/10/my-message-to-video-game-databases-wekidata-come-in-peace/

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:24]
"Creating Library Linked Data with Wikibase: Lessons Learned from Project Passage"https://www.oclc.org/research/publications/2019/oclcresearch-creating-library-linked-data-with-wikibase-project-passage.html

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:24]
What we talk about when we talk about Wikidata quality: a literature survey https://opensym.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/os19-paper-A17-piscopo.pdf

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:25]
Working with Structured Data on Commons: A Status Report https://space.wmflabs.org/2019/08/27/working-with-structured-data-on-commons-a-status-report/

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:25]
GeneDB and Wikidata  https://wellcomeopenresearch.org/articles/4-114/v1

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:26]
Scottish witches, Scottish witches everywhere!! https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/map-visualizes-scale-16th-and-17th-century-scottish-witch-hunts-180973226/

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:26]
Wikidata & Wikibase for National Libraries: the inaugural meeting https://pro.europeana.eu/post/wikidata-wikibase-for-national-libraries-the-inaugural-meeting

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:26]
Wikidata as a FAIR knowledge graph for the life sciences https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/799684v1.full

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:26]
The Great(er) Bear - using Wikidata to generate better artwork https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2019/11/the-greater-bear-using-wikidata-to-generate-better-artwork/

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:27]
But there are also a lot of interesting videos to watch! Let's start with the awesome OpenRefine tutorial by Emmacarroll3 demonstrating how to import a dataset  https://media.ed.ac.uk/media/OpenRefine+Beginners+Tutorial/0_y5bxsswq

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:28]
Our very own @Jan_ainali is also making live Wikidata editing videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf76lM8FMQE&list=PLjMC1biQ0gMSb_mlBkf3bRFQURyhEqn_h&index=4

Susanna, [05.11.19 09:28]

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:28]
As for the WikidataCon, it was hard to select only a few sessions recording to watch, so I chose the birthday presents ceremony, because it's great to see all the new tools and features presented  https://media.ccc.de/v/wikidatacon2019-17-wikidatacon_award_ceremony

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:29]
oops, wrong link

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:29]
that's the bday presents https://media.ccc.de/v/wikidatacon2019-16-birthday_celebration_presents_demo

Jan Ainali, [05.11.19 09:29]
[In reply to Léa ~ Auregann]
by the way,I am open for requests on topics

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:29]
The previous link is the WikidataCon Award Ceremony, that I also wanted to share with you. 8 projects got nominated and selected, and they got the appreciation that they deserve during the ceremony! It was an awesome and cheerful moment, I really recommend

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:30]
And a last one: one of our keynote was done by Os Keyes, who presented a very interesting and challenging topic, questioning how we structure data for example about gender https://media.ccc.de/v/wikidatacon2019-15-keynote_questioning_wikidata

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:31]
If you have some favorite sessions of your own, feel free to suggest them!

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 09:31]
But now, I'll hand the virtual mic to Lydia so we can have a preview of what's happening next!

Jan Ainali, [05.11.19 09:31]
[In reply to Léa ~ Auregann]
great keynote, I can highly recommend this thought provoking talk

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:31]
Yes! :)

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:32]
Alright let's look at what's coming up.

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:33]
As Wikidata has been growing and as the Wikibase Ecosystem became a thing more and more things ended up on my plate and we're at the point now where I simply can't do all the product management work on my own anymore. So we are looking for someone to join me and work on Wikibase. If you know someone who'd be a good fit or maybe even you yourself then please apply! https://wikimedia-deutschland.softgarden.io/job/5246357/Product-Manager-m-f-d-?jobDbPVId=14435788&l=de

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:33]
More on the content side of things:

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:34]
We'll continue working on the Wikidata Bridge and get it to a state where we can roll out the first version to the first wikis hopefully early next year. And of course testing well before that.

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:34]
We'll finish the first version of tainted references and roll that out soon.

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:35]
And I just finished the draft of the description of the first version of Federation and gave it to the team for feedback. If their feedback is good I'll also circle it in the Wikibase mailinglist etc to have some more eyes on it. And then we can start coding on that as well \o/  And then you can have for example Wikidata's properties in your own Wikibase instance without effort \o/

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:36]
And last but not least we'll release the first version of Lua support for lexicographical data.

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:36]
And with that we can open the floor for questions and discussions

Susanna, [05.11.19 09:36]
[In reply to Lydia Pintscher]

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:36]

GNU/boz, [05.11.19 09:37]
[In reply to Lydia Pintscher]

Scott GK MacLeod, [05.11.19 09:37]
Just emailed Lydia earlier today about exploring giving all 7.5 billion people in world a Wikidata Q-item number, re collaborative genetics' projects - eg. with WikiTree - & re your earlier sharing about - https://wellcomeopenresearch.org/articles/4-114/v1 - but also for 'Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records' at wiki MIT OCW-centric World University and School online Medical Schools/Teaching Hospitals, for example (where WUaS donated itself to Wikidata in 2015 for co-development, and received WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017). How to explore further collaboration about all of this with Wikidata, Lydia, Lea and Wikidata?

GNU/boz, [05.11.19 09:37]
(😍 also for federation )

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:38]
@bozzy yay :) What do you want to do with it?

Jan Ainali, [05.11.19 09:38]
[In reply to Lydia Pintscher]
Will there also be a dashboard or special page where one can find potential tainted references and work on a backlog (and unflag after review)?

Premeditated, [05.11.19 09:38]
Pywikibot support for lexeme?

GNU/boz, [05.11.19 09:39]
[In reply to Lydia Pintscher]
I'm interested in trying to construct phrases, e.g. with correct pronouns, basing on a generic subject from Wikidata.
(TBH It's mainly useful in one of my unuseful side projects in a custom wiki.)

Lucas Werkmeister, [05.11.19 09:40]
[In reply to GNU/boz]
ooh… so you’ll want Lua access from non-Wiktionary wikis, I take it?

Lydia Pintscher, [05.11.19 09:40]
[In reply to Jan Ainali]
Not in the first version. In the first version only the person who made the edit will be pestered about it. In a second version later we also plan persistence and showing issues to other editors etc. But I didn't want to have that in the first version because i wasn't sure how people would feel about it.

Léa ~ Auregann, [05.11.19 10:03]
Last but not least: thanks to @EdJoPaTo who developed the recording bot specially so the office hour can be tracked :)



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