Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Vercors Massif: Open WUaS News Q & A - 2 December 2019, 9am PT - inviting you too to participate in this Hangout conversation Q & A * * * Barlow's "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" - https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence - and think it hints at why the Internet in all ~200 countries hasn't adopted a Constitution yet * * * What brought you to William Penn Charter School in 1976 in the first place? What Quaker contacts in Germany, Fritz, or similar, if I might ask? * * * Here by the way are MIT OCW Sloan School of Management courses - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/ - which WUaS will build its undergraduate class's free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees on. Please keep in mind finding French and German online students who might be interested in an online Business degree first in English at WUaS * * * Glad World University and School's YouTube channel is up and working again!

Previous: Dolphin (playful species): Take me to the hospital, or Call me a hospital, Or be that rolling hospital ~ https://twitter.com/FrRonconi/status/1200839991737405440?s=20 ~ a Harbin warm pool in, in ... in virtual Reality? :0) * * * Hospital? YES #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords each a #WikidataQitem # for 7.5 billion @WorldUnivAndSch YES Soaking Meditation re psychotherapy? YES, Rotate for #TeleRoboticSurgery? YES, Medical School YES * * * Hippy Van with Bed & for Soaking in #RealisticVirtualHarbin YES, For #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital Harbin Hot Springs' comparative ethnography @HarbinBook YES & for Watsu water shiatsu * * * In your LANGUAGE: Individual University Dorm room wi Bed & Bath, Academic comparative STEM studies @HarbinBook YES * Fill wi #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning in your LANGUAGE @WorldUnivAndSch will sell @WUaSPress wi Hardware & Software given 1 billion cars in world

WUaS - World University and School

to Nicolai, VJ, Ajit, Mircea, Peter, Julian, Andrzej, Iulian, Mohamed, Milos, Ants, Koh, Joan, Tomato, org, Scott, Bill, Sainani, Fritz

Hi All, Universitians,

I hope this 2 Dec 2019 LightStream email finds you well. I'm a newby at LightStream video streaming which also Live Streams to Youtube, and LightStream appears to be in Beta too. But both Youtube recordings for today are here, however:

World Univ & Sch 2 Dec 2019 Q & A and News - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law & Innovative Medical Schools


And after a 2nd attempt -

World Univ & Sch 2 Dec 2019 Hangout Q & A and News


Am seeking to learn how to invite Hangout participants into the LightStream video conference platform itself - potentially for next week, 9 December. In the first video today I bring up Fritz's email question and my response toward the end as well.

Cheers, Scott
and here's the World Univ & Sch News Q&A from last week -
Q & A and News at World Univ & Sch - 25 Nov 2019 with sound! -



Hi Peter, Fritz, Kunal Shankar, and Universitians,

Monday morning Open WUaS Hangouts / News / Q & A at 10 am PT are working again!

World Univ & Sch is recording successfully to YouTube again - https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldUnivandSch - and thanks much to Peter Bothe for helping to set up the LightStream video streaming platform for this. And thanks, Fritz, for your connecting today re conversation. (Check out too Fritz's Quaker connections at bottom of today's blog post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/vercors-massif-open-wuas-news-q-2.html - which has much too about these WUaS Youtube developments including the 3 recent WUaS LightStreams-to-Youtube from this Monday and last, - which now work! :) (World Univ & Sch is a bit Friendly or Quaker-informed). 

Recording to Youtube video is excellent for out-reach as well as branding. And I just re-Tweeted at WUaS Kunal Shankar's recent "The Hindu" - 
https://twitter.com/kunalshankar/status/1200645961350926336?s=20 - partly about branding to - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch. I met Kunal in the Berkeley Claremont public library recently, and he's a journalist, a researcher out of Columbia University's Journalism school in NYC, with a recent degree from there, and originally from India, living now in Berkeley with his wife. Kunal, and All, would you like to join a WUaS Monday morning News / Q&A / Hangout soon-ish? 

Cheers, Scott

See, too, the 'global university' label in my daily blog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/global%20university?m=0 ... 

* *
Hi All,

Here's the link to the Livestream beginning now - https://studio.golightstream.com/greenroom/2XuwrppdTQ

WUaS News Q & A is still very much the Hangout idea. Fritz will participate today in the Livestream, and asks some good questions (below) where I respond as well.



Hi Scott,

Thank you for the great NEWS about LiveStream!

Here is a thought that was triggered from a good friend of mine in Grenoble who asked me if I could also participate in creating a new constitution! I would most likely be interested if we can imagine a constitution that embraces the ‘undeniably’ ongoing digital transformation as a wonderfully enabling toolset.

(Question:) How could we develop educational means that let many people become really curious about developing a 'digital serious game' proposing a virtual constitution the can be simulated with millions of open-minded as well as 'not-so-open-minded’ people (often guided by a more conservative mindset) to figure out the best possible dynamics of such a new constitution with the objective of ‘creating a truly sustainable human future for ALL’ people on our precious planet?

By the way, there is a 90+ percent chance that I can participate in today’s livestream… I would love to receive an invitation.



Hi Fritz,

I'll send you the live stream link I know of from LightStream which I'm a newby in. And let's take it from there.

I'm familiar with Barlow's "A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" - https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence - and think it hints at why the Internet in all ~200 countries hasn't adopted a Constitution yet. From the course I teach "Society, Information Technology and the Global University" - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html - I think this also has to do with how the information age and the Internet have developed since, say, the 1950s, and chips. If we are able, let's explore examples of games that came before which might be precursors to the game you have in mind. (By way of comparison, I don't think of Wikipedia in its ~300 languages with millions of people, or any of its technologies, like Reasonator as a game, for example, and while there is one Wikidata/Wikipedia game I known, it hasn't gained that much traction yet). Will begin streaming in 15 minutes.

Cheers, Scott

* *

My pleasure, Scott,

Yes, we somehow have to understand how you can 'let the participants in' and show up in the smaller video windows on the right of the main video window where you showed up. Is this perhaps a new path we could explore offline together?

On the other hand, it looks like the YouTube link below is complete.

I hope this 2 Dec 2019 LightStream email finds you well. I'm a newby at LightStream video streaming which also Live Streams to Youtube, and LightStream appears to be in Beta too. But both Youtube recordings for today are here, however: 

World Univ & Sch 2 Dec 2019 Q & A and News - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law & Innovative Medical Schools 



Hi Fritz, and Peter, (and Larry),

Glad you saw, Fritz, that I bring up your question at about the 9 minute mark here -
World Univ & Sch 2 Dec 2019 Q & A and News - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law & Innovative Medical Schools

To invite you into LightStream at some point in the future, I think I need to choose 'scene 2' in LIghtStream, which I set up some weeks ago thanks to Peter Bothe, but haven't used before. Am not sure how I'd invite your video stream for this, for example, into my LightStream 'scene 2' in these regards. Will seek to do this, and then perhaps we can test it in a few Mondays.

Have a good conference in Grenoble, France, next week.

Here by the way are MIT OCW Sloan School of Management courses - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/ - which WUaS will build its undergraduate class's free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric Bachelor degrees on. Please keep in mind finding French and German online students who might be interested in an online Business degree first in English at WUaS. You'll find the initial courses WUaS is planning to offer here in the Course Catalog - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/.

(What brought you to William Penn Charter School in 1976 in the first place? What Quaker contacts in Germany, Fritz, or similar, if I might ask? )


Glad World University and School's YouTube channel is up and working again!


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