'Avatar bots' for us - and paralleling email address - in 2020, or in the 2020s?
And for matriculating students at World Univ and Sch ...
And for avatar bot electronic medical records ... but realistic ....
Aphilo Scott MacLeod The Making of Virtual Harbin Introduction
How do chimpanzees, common & Bonobo chimps, Orangutans, gorilla do 'troopbondage' (per John Money, Ph.D. - http://scottmacleod.com/JohnMoneyConceptsOfDeterminism.html)?
"Troopbondage means bondedness among individuals so that they become members of a family or troop that continues its long-term existence despite the loss or departure of any one member. Human troopbondage has its primate phyletic origin in the fact that members of the troop breed not in unison but asynchronously, with transgenerational overlap, and with age-related interdependency. In newborn mammals, the troopbonding of a baby begins with its pairbonding with its mother as the phyletically ordained minimum unit for its survival and health. After weaning, it is also phyletically ordained for herding and troopbonding species that isolation and deprivation of the company of other members of the species or their surrogate replacements is incompatible with health and survival. Nonhuman primate species are, in the majority of instances, troopbonders like ourselves."
And with regards to the human fascination too with genealogy research in the modern world, - and which anthropologists have studied too in terms of kinship in the field in field sites, oral histories of families ... and with regards too to an ancient form of knowledge (science) generation as well?
Re Ancestry DNA and genetic tests as new family trees, and information technology tools for addressing these questions ...