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Galápagos Islands: Scott - Where does Wikidata stand, for ex., with Wiki Tree - https://www.wikitree.com - integration per their planning for a single family tree, presumably for all 7.5 billion people on planet, brainstorming-wise ... and so Wikidata Q-item #s or PIN#s (Personal Identification Numbers #) * Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:48] [In reply to Scott GK MacLeod] Wikidata will not be able to handle that many items and I am sure we don't want to get into the privacy and personal data issues associated with this * * Wikidata:Development plan * Welcome to the Wikibase project! * and Wikidata Office Hours TRANSCRIPT on 22 January 2020 * * * * Yoga and medical health web sites, Longevity and George Church on genetic therapies * * * Scottish Country Dancing - and Scotland World Univ & Sch


Scott -

Where does Wikidata stand, for ex., with Wiki Tree - https://www.wikitree.com - integration per their planning for a single family tree, presumably for all 7.5 billion people on planet, brainstorming-wise ... and so Wikidata Q-item #s or PIN#s (Personal Identification Numbers #) for all in Wikidata (and related Wikidata & wiki projects planning for all 7.5 billion people - per wiki WUaS too)?

Lydia -

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:47]
[In reply to মাহির মোরশেদ]
It's something I'd love to do but currently don't have enough people for to concentrate on. It could make for a great student project though if you know someone.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:48]
[In reply to Scott GK MacLeod]
Wikidata will not be able to handle that many items and I am sure we don't want to get into the privacy and personal data issues associated with this.

Scott GK MacLeod, [22.01.20 09:50]
Thanks - would love to communicate further about this re Wikidata thinking per PIN#s or similar, Lydia!

* *

Wikidata:Development plan


Welcome to the Wikibase project!
Wikibase is an open-source software suite for creating collaborative knowledge bases,
opening the door to the Linked Open Data web.


Talk:Wikidata Bridge

Test environment for the Wikidata Bridge




ORES (/ɔɹz/)[1] is a web service and API that provides machine learning as a service for Wikimedia projects maintained by the Scoring Platform team

See, too:

* *

Wikidata:Events/IRC office hour 2020-01-22

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(Telegram nicknames)
  • Auregann
  • bozzy
  • envlh
  • ghuron
  • HakanISTwm
  • iamsabas
  • infovarius
  • JeroenDeDauw
  • lucaswerkmeister
  • mahir256
  • Nightrose
  • null
  • PaulaPKM
  • prtksxna
  • Scott_WUaS
  • skralin
  • Tpt93


Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 08:49]

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:00]
Alright, we're going to start!

Chat Record Bot, [22.01.20 09:00]
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Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:01]
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Wikidata & Wikibase office hour \o/

Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 09:01]

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:01]

মাহির মোরশেদ, [22.01.20 09:01]

Envel Le Hir, [22.01.20 09:01]

Jeroen, [22.01.20 09:01]

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:02]
I will be your host tonight for... yeah alright let's go straight to the program. We'll start with an overview of what happened over the past few months (~15min), then we will present you the development roadmap for 2020 (20min) and finally we'll have some time for questions and discussions

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:02]
But first of all, please give a warm welcome to Sam  our new Wikibase product manager!

Sam Alipio, [22.01.20 09:02]
Hello everyone! SO happy to be here

Envel Le Hir, [22.01.20 09:03]
Welcome Sam \o/

Scott GK MacLeod, [22.01.20 09:03]
Hello Lea and Lydia and Wikidatans / Wikibasins! :)

Paula Marmor, [22.01.20 09:03]
Hi Sam!

মাহির মোরশেদ, [22.01.20 09:03]
Hello Sam!

Jeroen, [22.01.20 09:03]
Such Sam

dominique labar, [22.01.20 09:03]

Sam Alipio, [22.01.20 09:03]

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:03]
So, let's start with what happened since the last office hour in November on the development side :)

Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 09:03]
welcome Sam! 🎉

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:04]
During our research on the feature originally called signed statements, we discover that a very important need for all users is to make sure that people don’t edit a value without updating the existing references. We developed the first version of a feature called tainted references/mismatched references, that shows a notification to the user in that case. The feature was deployed on test.wikidata.org, you can learn more and give feedback here: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Mismatched_reference_notification_input

Hakan, [22.01.20 09:04]
Welcome Sam

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:04]
We continued working on the Wikidata Bridge. We created some new prototypes, shared the test system, gave more details about what the first version of the feature will include or not: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Wikidata_Bridge Most of our work at the moment is to cover the various cases where the user can’t edit, we’re also working on displaying references in a nice way.

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:04]
We’re almost done with migrating the wb_terms table! We encountered various problems that made it longer than expected, but we’re close to our goal now \o/

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:05]
We worked on various documentation tasks around Wikibase: we restructured a bit the wikiba.se website and worked on describing configuration options

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:05]
The Query Service lag now affects maxlag. You may need to retry/reset error multiple times when you run QuickStatement or OpenRefine in busy hours.

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:05]
We improved the format of edit summaries coming from wbeditentity API (eg coming from the mobile termbox)

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:05]
And of course, we’re maintaining all kinds of things, trying to fix annoying issues that you report as soon as possible :)

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:06]
Now, here are some things about the community and the team

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:07]
Wikidata’s birthday 🎂 is happening in October, you’re all encouraged to organize a celebration event in your area, and now is actually a good time to start thinking about it, especially if you want to get funded: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Eighth_Birthday

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:07]
A new gadget, "Show UnpatrolledEdits", was added to Preferences

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:07]
As usual, plenty of new tools were created (if you want to follow more precisely what's happening, you can read the Weekly Summary!)

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:08]
WDumper, generating customized Wikidata RDF dumps https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikidata/2019-December/013703.html

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:08]
Dwynwen, adapted from Crotos, provides users with a search interface designed specifically for artworks and other visual digital content from Commons, using Wikidata http://zone47.com/crotos/dwynwen/cosmos/?l=en&p=&nb=20&disp=0&s=&f=31&n=1

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:08]
Speaking about Weekly Summary: the next edition on Monday will be the 400th edition. You can help us collecting interesting facts here https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Status_updates/Next

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:09]
There are now over 2.5 million Wikidata Infoboxes in Commons categories \o/

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:09]
We created a subpage of “Contact the development team”, dedicated to the Query Service and Search, so the newly formed team at WMF (yay!) can browse your questions quickly https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Contact_the_development_team/Query_Service_and_search

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:09]
We’re currently hiring several new people to work on Wikidata and Wikibase: a Community Communication person, a Partner Relationship Manager. More info here https://wikimedia-deutschland.softgarden.io/en/vacancies (deadline to apply is this Sunday)

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:09]
Panandâ, a mobile app powered by Wikidata (and Wikimedia Commons), won the top prize in the App for Social Good category in the Android Masters 2019 competition organized by Google Developer Group Philippines

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:09]
As usual, a lot of conferences and events happened, where Wikidata and Wikibase were represented: Wikimedia Tech Summit, WikiTechStorm, hackathon in Zurich…

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
Speaking about events, a call for proposals is running to support WikiCite events (deadline February 1st) https://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikidata/2019-December/013706.html

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
Alright, I hope I didn't flood you too much with information 😱

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
And now, a few interesting things to read if you didn't look at them yet:

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
Research Report – Use of Wikidata in GLAM institutions https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Research_Report_%E2%80%93_Use_of_Wikidata_in_GLAM_institutions_(2019-11).pdf

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
How can Structured Data on Commons, Wikidata, and Wikisource walk hand in hand? https://space.wmflabs.org/2019/12/07/how-can-structured-data-on-commons-wikidata-and-wikisource-walk-hand-in-hand-a-pilot-project-with-punjabi-qisse/

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:10]
Context-aware Entity Linking with Attentive Neural Networks on Wikidata Knowledge Graph https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.06214.pdf

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:12]
And now, a question for you: did any of you already tried the Wikidata Bridge (the click-dummies or the test system)?

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:13]
If not then I'd love for some of you to have a look and tell us if you think it's still going in the right direction :)

Envel Le Hir, [22.01.20 09:13]
No. Where can we test it?

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:13]
Description and link are here: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Vct71iey9c81rm6l

GNU/boz, [22.01.20 09:14]
I've a question about Structured Data.
Can we use wbeditentity with M-ids?

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:14]
Do you have any questions so far?

Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 09:14]
[In reply to GNU/boz]
as far as I know yes

Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 09:15]
as long as you target the Commons API endpoint, not Wikidata

Lucas Werkmeister, [22.01.20 09:15]
(I guess we don’t have an equivalent of the Wikidata Sandbox item, so I’m a bit hesitant to try it out right now ^^)

Andrew Zaikin, [22.01.20 09:15]
may be it would make sense to defer specific questions till the end of presentation?

GNU/boz, [22.01.20 09:15]
[In reply to Lucas Werkmeister]
I also think that but I have not found the related notes about it

infovarius, [22.01.20 09:16]
[In reply to Robin van der Vliet]
not in such way, just simplifying text in preambulas

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 09:16]
Alright, let's continue to the roadmap! And we'll still have plenty of time at the end for questions

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:17]
Yay :)

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:17]
Ok let's look at some of the things that are coming up this year.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:17]
I'll only go over some highlights and Léa will share a link at the end to the full picture.

Nicolas VIGNERON, [22.01.20 09:17]
[In reply to Léa ~ Auregann]
yes (if it's the same as I tried during WIkimania)

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:18]
So let's start with Wikidata as a platform - so Wikidata's data for the rest of the world.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:19]
One of the things I'd like to do is talk more to organisations using our data about the mistakes they find. I'd like to find ways with them how they can contribute back in a better way so that we benefit from all the work they do internally.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:19]
If you know of an organisation I should definitely add to my list to talk to please let me know.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:20]
Next we'll want to again look into automatically finding references for statements we already have. I'm thinking about using schema.org markup in news articles for example.

GNU/boz, [22.01.20 09:20]
[In reply to Lydia Pintscher]
(We can tell you now here or in pvt?)

Nicolas VIGNERON, [22.01.20 09:20]
Data roundtripping \o/ indeed important matter

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:20]

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:21]
And one last thing I want to highlight here is continuing to work on the quality scores for items.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:21]
Right now we already have everything in place to give every item a quality score automatically via ORES.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:21]
But the current scores still need to be tweaked so we get a better picture of what the quality of our data really looks like.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:22]
I don't think we'll be able to ever get a complete and perfect picture but I hope we can get pretty far. Then we can use that to find areas that need improvement and areas that we can highlight as awesome.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:23]
Then we want two tackle two areas that will hopefully make it easier to use Wikidata:

Scott GK MacLeod, [22.01.20 09:23]

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:23]
First we will continue our work on building a query builder so you can easily create lists of items etc.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:23]
and then we will spend time on fixing a lot of small and medium-size annoying usability issues.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:24]
If you have some of those that are really close to your heart please send me links afterwards and I can take them into our list for consideration.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:24]
That brings us to the second big area: Wikibase ecosystem

Sam Alipio, [22.01.20 09:25]

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:25]
Here we will work on Federation. At the end of last year we defined the first version and can now start coding.

Nicolas VIGNERON, [22.01.20 09:25]

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:25]
In the first iteration we'll make it possible to use Wikidata's properties in another Wikibase instance and then build it out from there based on your and other's feedback.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:26]
On top of that we'll have to spend time on documenting all the little things you can tweak and configure once you have set up your Wikibase to make it really useful and usable.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:26]
I'm thinking about stuff like the sort order of properties on an item page or constraints etc.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:27]
Then we will have to figure out what exactly to do about Wikibase hosting. OpenCura seems to be well loved and going well. We'll have to make some decisions about how to move on with it and then work on that.

Prateek Saxena, [22.01.20 09:28]
[In reply to Léa ~ Auregann]
Thank you for sharing this 👍🏽

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:28]
And last but not least for the Wikibase ecosystem we will have to figure out support structures and define them. For example if you're running your own Wikibase and need some custom development where do you go, where do you go to find someone to set up an instance for you and so on.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:29]
All of these will be conversations Sam among others will have with you.

Envel Le Hir, [22.01.20 09:29]
[In reply to Lydia Pintscher]
Will it possible to use properties from Wikidata only or from any Wikibase instance? (as long as you have access to it)

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:29]
[In reply to Envel Le Hir]
I don't think we need to restrict it so in theory any I guess.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:29]
Might need some config or setup but we'll have to see.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:30]
Are you interested in using another instance as property provider?

Envel Le Hir, [22.01.20 09:30]
Great :)

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:47]
[In reply to মাহির মোরশেদ]
It's something I'd love to do but currently don't have enough people for to concentrate on. It could make for a great student project though if you know someone.

Lydia Pintscher, [22.01.20 09:48]
[In reply to Scott GK MacLeod]
Wikidata will not be able to handle that many items and I am sure we don't want to get into the privacy and personal data issues associated with this.

Scott GK MacLeod, [22.01.20 09:50]
Thanks - would love to communicate further about this re Wikidata thinking per PIN#s or similar, Lydia!

Léa ~ Auregann, [22.01.20 10:00]
thanks to all participants and see you soon!

* *

How can Structured Data on Commons, Wikidata, and Wikisource walk hand in hand? A pilot project with Punjabi Qisse


* * *


Here's Yoga page - http://scottmacleod.com/yoga.htm - with Andy Weil MD web site - https://www.drweil.com/ - for its search field re collagen - https://www.drweil.com/vitamins-supplements-herbs/supplements-remedies/collagen-supplements-for-better-skin/ - and a few other helpful medical sites at bottom, in my opinion, and with search fields. The search field in Dr. Andy Weil MD's web site is very helpful for health information arbitrage.

And here's MIT & Harvard Genetics' Prof George Church in a NPR interview - https://www.pbs.org/wnet/amanpour-and-company/video/george-church-talks-age-reversal-and-woolly-mammoth-dna/ -  explaining longevity re DNA, enzymes, Woolly Mammoth and much more (accessible from https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/geyser-time-to-license-wuas-with-cas.html search on 'Woolly Mammoth').

See you Saturday (and let's talk again before, Bill)!


Longevity 'label ' - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity -

* * * 

Scottish Country Dancing - and Scotland World Univ and Sch

Hi Alex,

Nice to talk about dancing. And thanks for the idea-sharing: if Law and Education are industries in Scotland, I'm curious how to reach out and even brand CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World University and School Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees, and potentially Stanford Law-centric and Medicine-centric online World University and School degrees (Stanford Law CodeX, which is entrepreneurial) too, and as valuable or invaluable to Scots, - and even grow student bodies in these online in Scotland re free-to-students and MIT and career oriented, and online too. Beyond branding, marketing and advertising, a successful WUA strategy could collaborate with the Scottish independence movement even. I might reach out to Fettes College in these regards too (but am not sure about the Univ of Edinburgh). I'm curious about your thoughts in these regards.

Have a good week back at work! (On with World Univ & Sch online innovations as work here).

Some related links, universities and schools: :)
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Ph.D._Degrees_at_World_University_and_School
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School
- Scotland World Univ & Sch - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scotland

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Business_Management

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Country_Dancing



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