Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Owl: Online Psychoanalysis? Psychiatry? Psychotherapy? * Ken (who is a psychiatrist, MD, but not a psychoanalyst, and also not a Lacanian, with its language or 'speech act' re the unconscious focus), Elizabeth (a practicing NYC psychoanalyst) * Dear Juliette, Ed (a KP MD), and Marie, Am appreciating the diversity of the therapists on the BetterHelp.com web site, Marie's articles - "Depression is not a choice," AND "Talking Out Your Problems with a Psychologist vs. a Psychiatrist Who you’re revealing your mental health issues to matters"


Dear Ma (Jane), Pin (Sid), Ken (who is a psychiatrist, MD, but not a psychoanalyst, and also not a Lacanian, with its language or 'speech act' re the unconscious focus), Elizabeth (a practicing NYC psychoanalyst), Caleb, John, Byron, Cindy, Ed, Dick, Maitreyi (most MDs) and All,

Am further exploring here questions of online psychoanalysis, and adding in Ken Thompson MD, a friend and Pittsburgh-based psychiatrist, and Elizabeth Cutter Evert, a NYC-based psychoanalyst. I have 2 further questions re this email thread, and with regards to thinking through online psychoanalysis. (See, too: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/psychotherapy and https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Jacques%20Lacan%20MD).

Ken and Elizabeth, and All, how could the Web facilitate talk therapy in psychiatry in new ways (and thus online psychoanalysis too) ... and even eventually with avatar bots? Can you suggest examples of Skype psychotherapy already in Journals of Psychiatry or Psychoanalysis?

And how could machine learning and artificial intelligence also be developed to help clients / sufferers in psychotherapy, and with regard especially to the 5 lines psychiatrists have in KP electronic health records to write up the session (with these records potentially helping the analysand clinically - and through language / discourse - but they also being a legal document, re depositions, etc) ... and even re 'Avatar Bot Electronic Health Records' where here's an Avatar Bot Electronic Medical / Health Record DEFINITION: https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/01/avatar-bot-electronic-medical-record.html and https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/greta-oto-avatar-bot-electronic-medical.html ?

Also, thanks too, to Victoria Cutter in this email thread for sharing this WSJ podcast (in response to email thread too I think) ... and who's sister-in-law, Elizabeth Cutter Evert, is a NYC psychoanalyst (not MD), I think ...

 'Why Google Is Pushing Into Health Data' episode of The Journal.

(about which I Tweeted as well - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1220475469750923264?s=20 - with regard to a Stanford Medicine AI and Epic electronic health record talk).

Sincerely, Scott

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis

- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychotherapy

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch

Hi Jon @jonc101x Thnx (again) for today's @StanfordMed talk w Elliot First on Epic & #MachineLearning https://bmir.stanford.edu/education/colloquia.html… (& @ldavolio) Elliot might be interested in WSJ podcast https://open.spotify.com/episode/5SQ8XVk74UMa1bsoY4yqE2?si=Bm4xSqSVRtG1roBT7ONB9g… & which friend @henry_cutter shared https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/puffin-world-univ-sch-20-jan-2020-q-and.html @scottmacleod


* *

Mental health -

Mental disorder -

* *

Hello Scott,

I hope you are well! My name is Juliette, and I work at BetterHelp.com; Marie forwarded me your email conversation.

As mentioned, we're looking to work with more organizations in 2020 that can help us reach a growing audience of people that will benefit from learning about mental health topics.

After looking at the previously-mentioned page of your website, we requested that Marie reach out to see if you'd be interested in working together in some capacity.

We often work with different organizations and platforms by either sponsoring their content that educates people about mental health/wellness-related topics OR we write original content for their audience that serves the same purpose; even if there is a fee.

Would you be open to us collaborating and working together in some capacity? Please let me know when you have a moment. I look forward to your positive reply!

Best wishes,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: WUaS - World University and School <worlduniversityandschool@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Nov 30, 2019 at 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: Quick Question Regarding Health For A Project
To: Marian Miguel <mariemiguel0731@gmail.com>

Hello Marie,

Thanks so much for your email, your interest and your inquiry. Yes, I'd "be interested in hearing more.' 

For your thinking and sharing, these WUaS wiki subjects all will 'work together' -

Psychiatry: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychiatry

Psychoanalysis: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychoanalysis

Psychology: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychology

Psychotherapy: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychotherapy

And as developing universities, planned first in English, Spanish and Chinese, there will be eventually MIT OCW courses or similar at the top of these pages, and wiki-teaching-contributions/edits in their middle sections. And while World Univ & Sch is wiki - so open for your teaching and learning (editable like a Wikipedia page) - WUaS may also seek to collaborate further with Stanford and other universities and colleges with regard to developing related WUaS mental health resources, courses, etc. eg

https://twitter.com/StanfordHealth/status/1199951827183251456?s=20. I'm also interested in questions of cultural contexts and mental health, now newly online (and as an anthropologist), so would be interested in your thoughts about this as well.

What's a Twitter or LinkedIn for you so I can understand further where you're coming from?

Thanks for reaching out.


On 12:34AM, Fri, Nov 29, 2019 Marian Miguel <mariemiguel0731@gmail.com wrote:


I am contacting you because I’m doing a bit of research for a general health & mental health project I’m working on. I stumbled upon a page of your site https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org , I figured I would reach out.

I have been featured in Yahoo, ADAA, TheMighty, AMHCA, GoodMenProject, ThriveGlobal, HealthComU, etc... and as a result, the mental health & overall wellness of individuals & families has become something I'm increasingly passionate about. In short, I'm involved with a project that is looking to educate more individuals about mental health topics by possibly working with platforms like yours.

I decided to contact you because I noticed that you're linking to one of the leaders as it relates to health related topics, [ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Psychology ], so you might be open to what I have in mind.

If you'd be interested in hearing more, please let me know. If not, I understand and would understand if you don’t respond. Thank you for your consideration & time.


* *

Dear Ma (Jane), Pin (Sid), Ken (who is a psychiatrist, MD, but not a psychoanalyst, and also not a Lacanian, with its language or 'speech act' re the unconscious focus), Elizabeth (a practicing NYC psychoanalyst), Caleb, John, Byron, Cindy, Ed, Dick, Maitreyi (most MDs) and All,

About the time I emailed you earlier today, someone from the online therapy BetterHelp web site and organization emailed World Univ & Sch about Online Therapy, inquiring about collaborating with World University and School. I've begun to post our conversation here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/owl-online-psychoanalysis.html.

I looked up some comparative Online Therapy reviews, and found: 

Am also curious about what WUaS could learn re Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records - and about online psychoanalysis ...

Found this re Cornell University and a psychoanalysis conference:  

Am also curious about WUaS billing eventually ... re our prospective WUaS matriculating students who might seek free therapy.

Sincerely, Scott


Just added this MIT image to "Oregon Coast: WUaS #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for 7.5 billion people would serve medical doctors, #WUaSTeleRoboticSurgery /MD billing & ESPECIALLY patients use /end users of medical information Think Google/Alphabet> https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/oregon-coast-wuas-avatarbotelectronicme.html … ~



Dear Juliette, Ed (a KP MD), and Marie,

Thanks, Juliette and Marie, for your emails.

Am appreciating the diversity of the therapists on the BetterHelp.com web site. 

World Univ & Sch would like to plan for highest quality online psychotherapy, psychiatrically informed. And MD psychiatrists are in my experience highest quality, as talk therapists (perhaps because they have been highest achievers in getting to be MDs).

Haven't added Marie's articles to ... due to WUaS CC-4 licensing ... but you could wiki-add them, Marie, citing them like this perhaps: 

Miguel, Marie. 2018. [https://themighty.com/2018/05/i-didnt-choose-depression/ Depression is not a choice]. May 30. The Mighty: A Digital Health Community.
to /Psychotherapy at WUaS ?

Miguel, Marie. 2018. [https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/talking-out-your-problems-with-a-psychologist-vs-a-psychiatrist-bh/ Talking Out Your Problems with a Psychologist vs. a Psychiatrist Who you’re revealing your mental health issues to matters]. May 28. The Good Men Project.
to /Psychology and /Psychiatry at WUaS ?

Have blogged about our conversation and a related conversation here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/owl-online-psychoanalysis.html 

Re your -
"Would you be open to us collaborating and working together in some capacity?"

Yes, and am seeking to think through what would be helpful for WUaS matriculating students in the autumn - & re free online psychotherapy for them, and with regard to billing questions too.

World Univ & Sch MD psychiatric oversight of therapists seeing WUaS students too is something WUaS is aiming for ... in case of emergency, for example (and re possible legal questions too that might arise in therapy, for example - and online in multiple countries even ) ... (with comparison to, for example, the Cornell University student mental health services).

World Univ & Sch seeks to develop online (Lacanian, but newly informed too) psychoanalysis and study this too. See for example, -

The Act: Psychoanalysis and/in its Effects

 Saturday, March 9, 2013 at 10:00am to 6:00pm
 A. D. White House, Guerlac Room 
29 East Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA

World Univ & Sch also seeks to develop new approaches to online therapy with regard to electronic health records - and again for WUaS learning & research, with regards to WUaS students ... but with online psychotherapy for anyone too (and in many languages, as well as countries). How best to communicate about this further?

With best wishes, Scott

Thanks for these, Juliette, too -

Juliette Bentolila - Internship 201


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