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Seneca white deer: Interested in matriculating this autumn for free-to-students' online best STEM OCW Bachelor degrees as we seek to collaborate with edX (Harvard & MIT founded)> worlduniversityandschool.org - "World Univ & Sch News and Q & A - 27 Jan 2020"

Previous: Elephant shrew: Non-theist Friends Network, #NontheistFriends (#NtFs), #NontheistQuakers #AtheistQuakers #AgnosticQuakers NONTHEIST QUAKERS: ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2020 Nontheist Friends Network Annual Conference 2020 Friends’ House, Euston, London from Sa-Su 28-29 March 2020 * * a British Quaker perspective on #Friends & caring & sharing & Christmas … Aye:) #NontheistFriends #NtFs #NontheistQuakers #AtheistQuakers #AtheistFriends #Quakers Re #CultureIdentity #SocioculturalAnthropology too * * Great to have two unambiguous sides of a scientific argument - Peter Atkins debates Stephen Law-Science or philosophy, which is best? (World Humanist Congress) * * Brilliant stuff again from @CosmicSkeptic Atheist Alex (and theology graduate student at Oxford @OUPAcademic) To Philosophy & possibly #NontheistQuakers / #AtheistFriends - @WorldUnivAndSch @WUaSPress ~ * * * Another #UnitarianUniversalist blog post https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/01/tualatin-river-national-wildlife-refuge.html… (see UU label) & re Harvard's 1st Parish (Unitarian) Church Cambridge, MA, & identity-struggle, in unfolding liberal religious thought since 1632 & abt #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords + brain modeling re #Connectome ~

World Univ & Sch News and Q & A - 27 Jan 2020

Interested in matriculating this autumn for free-to-students' online best STEM OCW Bachelor degrees as we seek to collaborate with edX (Harvard & MIT founded)> worlduniversityandschool.org -https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School ~

- https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1221875124728545280?s=20 -

Seeking to collaborate with edX (Harvard and MIT founded) > worlduniversityandschool.org -

Hi Lee,
(head of business development at edX),

Thank you for your email. 

I have the recollection (and I noted this too) that when we talked on 18 Dec 2019, that for WUaS to become an edX member it would be $500 (whereas for WUaS to set up edX enterprise integration as partner it would be $75,000). 

So, is this 'K' from your email misplaced - 
"1. Membership is $500K ... "? 
If not, WUaS can't become an edX member. If edX membership is $500, then WUaS would become a member. And as we talked about on 18 Dec 2019 too, for $5000 World Univ & Sch will begin licensing with CA's Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) which licensing would be for both WUaS Bachelor and Ph.D. online degrees in English around MIT OCW's ~2500 undergraduate and graduate courses, and which WUaS would bring to the table in communicating further with edX about membership. (I found out from our chair of the Board that WUaS would be able to get the $5,000 to begin BPPE licensing which would lead to, concurrently, the WASC senior accreditation process for World University and School).

If edX membership is $500,000, is there an opportunity to be an affiliate, and focus at first on a small number of students, or even an associate affiliate, and to find out what edX offers to us? 

Sounds like a plan: "Crypto- no interest or bandwidth to have this discussion at this time, perhaps in the years ahead."

Would edX be able to refer individual 4-year online Bachelor's degree students (for best STEM CC-4 MIT OCW-centric free-to-students' degrees which WUaS will seek reimbursement for from Departments of Education in all ~200 countries prorated at what tuition costs to attend MIT or Stanford - about $55,000 per year - per GDP of country, and seek reimbursement potentially via the edX platform) to us? 

In summary, I think it's the CA BPPE licensing for both Bachelor and Ph.D. degrees in English around CC-4 MIT OCW's ~2500 undergraduate and graduate courses that WUaS brings to the table in communicating further with edX about membership - since all of edX would benefit from these degrees. (And last 2/20/19 at the licensing BPPE workshop in San Jose, CA, Dianne@DCA <Dianne.Arechiga@dca.ca.gov> said explicitly that the CA Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education could license online Ph.D. degrees in addition to Bachelor degrees - and regarding WUaS's BPPE licensing). She also said they'd readily license Google Education, for example, which I had asked her about because World Univ & Sch has been in Google Education for years now for free - ie this email address is in Google Education - so I think that BPPE would also license edX / WUaS readily too. BPPE licensing is a first step, and works together for 2 years with the WASC senior accreditation process (and WASC accredits Stanford and UC Berkeley and 150 other universities on the west coast and some internationally; - is edX or MITx seeking to accredit with the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), which accredits MIT as an institution?). I also think MIT OCW-centric World Univ & Sch, in planning to be in all ~200 countries' official/main languages, could contribute greatly to a diversity focus at edX eventually. And besides this, I think too that World University and School could eventually become an extraordinary growth story for edX - planned as major online universities in ~200 countries' official languages for Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, Medicine and IB high school degrees, (and in all 7,111 known living languages as wiki schools too). 

But at this time, WUaS would like to explore becoming a small time edX associate. What might be the next steps to follow up on this further, Lee? 

Thank you.

Best, Scott

Further elaboration:

I'll seek to respond to your 3 points here in a beginning way.

With regard to item 1: I think you said on 18 Dec 2019 that edX membership would be $500 for WUaS, although your email of 1/20/2020 is a bit unclear in these regards. Since WUaS has $500 in the bank account (and about $1375 total), I think re funding that WUaS could cover the $500 edX membership fee immediately. And in talking with Larry, the chair of the World Univ & Sch Board, as well as the CFO, it looks like WUaS may be able to get the $5000 for CA's BPPE licensing https://twitter.com/CaBPPE. If it might be possible to become a member of edX in these regards, which is part of the WUaS plan, then WUaS could begin to focus on developing our world ranking in conjunction with edX. So I wonder about the issue of $500 for edX membership (which WUaS has) and $5000 for CA's BPPE licensing (which WUaS may be able to get), concurrently, - and WUaS's plans, and alignment with edX. Perhaps we could talk about this in another phone conversation. With regard to world ranking and CC-4 MIT OCW-centric World University and School's NAME, WUaS can use the MIT name with these Creative Commons' licensing and endorsement clarifications http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - and potentially on the edX platform especially, re WUaS beginning to develop our world ranking further.

Furthermore in terms of WUaS planning, if edX were interested in aligning with MIT OCW-centric World University and School - planned online in each of 200+ countries' official and main languages as major online Universities and offering free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, MD and IB high school degrees - and WUaS licensed (with BPPE) and became accredited (with WASC senior) first in the US, to the great potential benefit of edX too, then edX would have a further major growth plan as well as the potential or working with an expanding MIT OCW-centric set of startup Universities (seeking to hire 2.2 million people over decades even).

With regard to sustainability: if edX and WUaS decide to proceed together - since we might or could also have about 8 months until the autumn of 2020 when WUaS could begin to matriculate our 2nd undergraduate class - and this could give edX, with your databases, time to seek begin to plan for, and to seek, REIMBURSEMENT (is the word MIT OCW's Ceclia d'Oliviera used with CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS) and with your edX payment mechanisms on the edX platform, for potential matriculating 4-year Bachelor's degree WUaS students in all ~200 countries from the students' countries' Departments of Education, targeting the amount of $55,000 per student per year per GDP - per MIT and Stanford's annual tuition - (so I'm wildly guessing $30,000 per student per year for students from India?) for free-to-students' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric WUaS degrees and in conjunction with the edX courses/platform, this could benefit edX tremendously.

With regard to item 2: Cryptocurrency, and in particular the mine-able with algorithms 'Pi' digital currency (and potentially in planning for students in all ~200 countries, speakers of all 7111 known living languages, and brainstorming-wise, all 7.5 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN#, re coding):

You might find this Webinar on-demand with Stanford Law Professor Joe Grundfest interesting: http://learn.stanford.edu/libra-webinar-0120.html

"On June 18, 2019, Facebook announced its plan to launch a more stable and useful “next generation” cryptocurrency in 2020, called “Libra.” Does this new “global digital currency” mark the beginning of a new phase in the evolution of cryptocurrency, or will it fall flat?

Join Stanford Professor and former SEC Commissioner Joe Grundfest, one of the world’s leading experts in cryptocurrency and related regulatory matters, in a conversation about Libra and the future of cryptocurrency.

Although this MIT article today 24 Jan 2020 From MIT Technology Review "An uncertain future for Facebook’s Libra" suggests differently - https://mailchi.mp/0a7161b67515/an-uncertain-future-for-facebooks-libra?e=8139914a0f - https://www.technologyreview.com/f/615083/vodafone-is-the-eighth-company-to-quit-facebooks-digital-currency-project/.

With regard to item 3:

With regard to a single student (from India), and Shahbaz Sanjer in India could be a kind of test case, since one student's tuition could look reasonable to department of education compared with 100 or 500 students per year reimbursement, I've emailed this to Shahbaz in India (and Anant and Larry) on Wed 1/22/20. And see the last paragraph from item 1.

"Hi Shahbaz (your first name), Anant and Larry,

Thanks for your email, the information, your interest and your persistence. Having said that, getting started with edX for your English literature major at World University and School (and as WUaS begins licensing with the state of California's BPPE) sounds complicated (before autumn 2020). Given that, perhaps WUaS can start you with a CC-4 MIT OCW course or two for credit, and as a kind of independent study even. Let me get in touch with the head of business development at edX again, and then get back to you. As a graduate of Higher Secondary School in India, would you be interested in picking a course from CC-4 MIT OCW's English Literature, e.g. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-000j-writing-about-literature-fall-2010/ and begin studying for WUaS credit (or from https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/ or another MIT introductory literature course from https://lit.mit.edu/curriculum/introductory-subjects/)?

Thank you again for your ongoing support and enquiry.

Regards, Scott"

Lee, could Anant help with getting in touch with the Department of Education in India (and I have a Stanford contact in these regards too) re matriculating students from India - 100-500? - at WUaS in the autumn of 2020?

World University and School platform development would be part of all 3 items, and with regard also to BPPE licensing (and WASC senior accreditation too). Am curious too if WUaS could we collaborate with edX for coding our WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki platform too - and with Wikidata / Wikibase in its ~300 languages?

I'd like to point out to you, Lee, and Anant too how slowly and small WUaS is starting, but WUaS does have 3 Bachelor's degree students:

1) Tanya S: majoring in Business, needs to 6 Sigma and 'Finance Theory' to graduate - and it's possible that if she were to do these 2 courses through edX (having begun the BPPE licensing process), she could graduate from WUaS in the autumn of 2020, and WUaS could become fully accredited by WASC Senior much sooner than the 4 years we learned it would take in 2013. And perhaps WUaS could even get the .edu suffix soon, having graduated our first class and thus become fully accredited. (Tanya is in WUaS's first matriculating undergraduate class, as you may know).

2) Shahbaz S: majoring in English (need to plan a 4 year course of study for this degree - hypothetically in edX)

3) Edward G: planning to major in Engineering (need to plan a 4 year course of study for this degree - hypothetically in edX)

I also think Shahbaz in India could become a way for WUaS with edX to think through how to seek reimbursement from its Department of Education, whether state or federal. (And similarly with Tanya in Florida and Edward in Tennessee - and could these states (counties even) help reimbursement WUaS via edX? What does edX have going in these regards?)

Thanks so much for your email, Lee.

Sincerely, Scott

(And if I were to draft the BPPE application and head to Sacramento as early as on W March 13, 2020 for a BPPE workshop, this would give BPPE enough time to process the WUaS application to begin matriculating students at licensing WUaS in August or September of 2020).

- https://www.bppe.ca.gov/schools/application_workshops.shtml -

Sincerely, Scott



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