Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus): Reversing Heart Disease with lifestyle changes that's scientifically proven, and re bringing down LDL ... Searched on 'LDL cholesterol and Ornish heart disease reversal program'>"What Can I Do To Get My LDL Cholesterol Lower And The Ratio With HDL Cholesterol To Below 5:1?" * Dean Ornish MD's heart disease reversal studies begin with Yoga * * * Reinvent with #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords heart disease research into SINGLE #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM to track LDL/HDL/Triglyceride ratio #HeartDiseaseReversal * * * Re poet Anselm Hollo's "Lost Original" poem, see, too: - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/sarus-crane-rilke-damage-poet-anselm.html - * 'poet Anselm Hollo counter-culture #BeatPoets' * * * There are 6 Celtic languages still spoken in the world today, spoken in NW Europe ~ https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Gaelic_language ~ * * Added my name to @StanfordCeili dancing alumni list * * A wee bit hilarious: Bunny Fou Fou by The Singing Kettle ~ Calamity Castle ~ * * * "Consortium Ou atterrir? présentation de la démarche par Bruno Latour" - How best with #WUaSUniversalTranslator @WorldUnivAndSch to translate this VIMEO video in voice now in #RealTime by holding up smartphone to it re in #UnitedNations? * * * Imagine REINVENTING too PUBLISHING in 7K Langs from Google StreetView from text in side bar to new kinds of paper with "Imagine the possibilities of using #AR business cards" #AR #VR #RealisticVirtualEarthForPublishing @WUaSPress ~


Reversing Heart Disease with lifestyle changes that's scientifically proven, and regarding bringing down LDL ...  

Searched on 'LDL cholesterol and Ornish heart disease reversal program'> "What Can I Do To Get My LDL Cholesterol Lower And The Ratio With HDL Cholesterol To Below 5:1?"https://www.ornish.com/zine/can-get-ldl-cholesterol-lower-ratio-hdl-cholesterol-51/ More >https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School lifestyle changes for heart disease reversal are proven


(Dean Ornish MD's heart disease reversal studies begin with Yoga:



"Dean Ornish was the first to show that reversal (regression) of coronary arteriosclerosis is possible by adhering to a comprehensive lifestyle programme. In the context of the present discussion, two facts are especially important about this story. First, that such a reversal was thought to be impossible, what- ever the therapy, before Ornish proved the contrary; second, that at this early stage his work was largely inspired by the yoga-related ideas he had imbibed as a young man from the modern yogi Swami Satchidananda.67

The results of Dr Ornish’s research were reported after one and five years.68 The programme, now adopted and recognised worldwide under the name ‘Lifestyle Program’, consists of a four-component intervention, as follows:
1. moderate exercise
2. stress management
3. low fat plant-based diet
4. regular group support ... "


Ornish, D., S. E. Brown, L. W. Scherwitz et al. 1990 (a), ‘Can Lifestyle Changes Reverse Coro-nary Atherosclerosis? The Lifestyle Heart Trial’, The Lancet, 336: 129–33.

—— 1990 (b), ‘Lifestyle Changes and Heart Disease’, The Lancet, 336: 741–2.

Ornish, D., L. W. Scherwitz, J. Billings et al. 1998, ‘Intensive Lifestyle Changes for Reversal of Coronary Heart Disease: Five Years Follow-up of the Lifestyle Heart Trial’, Journal of the American Medical Association, 280: 2001–7.)

* *
Key takeaway is that no matter how your LDL goes up, it’s always worse than if it didn’t. But timing matters, too. To minimise the risk of heart disease, it’s always best to start paying attention to your numbers as early as possible 😊👍🏼


Hank Greely @HankGreelyLSJU

NOW you tell me!
; )



W'end digest 🧐 Is more money wasted for HDL research with the ongoing large phase III RCT (AEGIS-II)  assessing the efficacy of apoA-I infusion therapy on the risk of cardiovascular events? 🙄 See below...  (1/3)


* * 
Reinvent with #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords heart disease research into SINGLE #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM to track LDL/HDL/Triglyceride ratio https://twitter.com/mak_sysepi/status/1228572963076739073?s=20& https://twitter.com/POhukainen/status/1229156574167519240?s=20& https://twitter.com/HankGreelyLSJU/status/1229249814698721280?s=20> #HeartDiseaseReversal - https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1229496534078590976?s=20 ?

Reinvent with #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords heart disease research into SINGLE #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM to track LDL/HDL/Triglyceride ratio https://twitter.com/mak_sysepi/status/1228572963076739073?s=20& https://twitter.com/POhukainen/status/1229156574167519240?s=20& https://twitter.com/HankGreelyLSJU/status/1229249814698721280?s=20> #HeartDiseaseReversal - https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod/status/1229496534078590976?s=20 ?


* * *
Re poet Anselm Hollo's "Lost Original" poem, see, too:
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/sarus-crane-rilke-damage-poet-anselm.html -

Mr. K said   in times of great crudity
it is necessary   to be subtle
so please wrap around me
with awkward grace
I may have suffered some Rilke Damage
or do I just have a little trouble
with fantasy tripwires
while engrossed in the sky's lexicon
& hills like purple pachyderms
"there's been a great upsurgence"
said the announcer   but I didn't catch
what of   & what of where
does it come from where does it go
still asking   on down the road

Rainer Maria Rilke


Sarus crane: 'Rilke Damage' - Poet Anselm Hollo's "Lost Original" poem - What is 'Rilke Damage' for poet Anselm Hollo? * * * 2020 Nov election - Robb, Briscoe, MacLeod * Here's Stanford Professor of Political Science Dave Brady & friends again and Re Presidents' day yesterday

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/sarus-crane-rilke-damage-poet-anselm.html -

Christina @Indavisible Per https://twitter.com/Indavisible/status/1228810840473788419?s=20 Found Hollo's "Lost Original" What's 'Rilke Damage' here? Christian Theology. Nationalism.
Love–A girl's life. Greek Mythology. https://www.gradesaver.com/rainer-maria-rilke-poems/study-guide/themes Rilke was sensitive and introspective. His poetic
https://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/people/arts/german-lit/rilke-rainer-maria/poetic-style-and-themes ~


(Christina Davis is a curator in the Woodberry Poetry Room at Harvard University).

* *

Lost Original by Anselm Hollo (1934-2013)
https://poets.org/poem/lost-original (GREAT POEM)
Amazing TROVE of his online poems
& here's his "Four Stills from "The Poet"""Maya" (1970) http://writing.upenn.edu/epc/authors/hollo/hollo_poem_four_stills.html #BeatPoets > @WorldUnivAndSch /1960s / Poetry /Counterculture


* *
poet Anselm Hollo counter-culture #BeatPoets http://magazine.naropa.edu/2013-spring/university-news/in-memoriam.php https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anselm_Hollo https://poets.org/poet/anselm-hollo https://books.google.com/books?id=3YY0DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA320&lpg=PA320&dq=Was+poet+Anselm+Hollo+a+countercultural+poet?&source=bl&ots=cKveEotguS&sig=ACfU3U2Gb4FzHbYpPKkhQK-EAjYk9Nm8nA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjFuJuP9t7nAhWioFsKHZWFA-UQ6AEwA3oECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=Was%20poet%20Anselm%20Hollo%20a%20countercultural%20poet%3F&f=false Cambridge UP https://books.google.com/books?id=UUInSV7keEUC&pg=PA524&lpg=PA524&dq=Was+poet+Anselm+Hollo+a+counterculture+poet?&source=bl&ots=YIi9eBpAMn&sig=ACfU3U0o4bkK_BrbML4EbxeZBhmofccIyw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjDneOe9t7nAhVcHTQIHTs5CvQQ6AEwA3oECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=Was%20poet%20Anselm%20Hollo%20a%20counterculture%20poet%3F&f=false & https://www.poetryproject.org/anselm-hollo-tribute-online-supplement-to-the-poetry-project-newsletter-featuring-jane-dalrymple-hollo-ed-sanders-reed-bye-simon-pettet-anne-waldman/ > #CounterCulture https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Counterculture ~ #1960s https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/1960s ~


* * *
There are 6 Celtic languages still spoken in the world today, spoken in NW Europe. They are divided into 2 groups, Goidelic (or Gaelic) & the Brythonic (or British). The  3 Goidelic langs still spoken are Irish, Scottish & Manx. #GaelicLangs #CelticLangs https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_languages ~


There are 6 Celtic languages still spoken in the world today, spoken in NW Europe. They are divided into 2 groups, Goidelic (or Gaelic) & the Brythonic (or British). The  3 Goidelic langs still spoken are Irish, Scottish & Manx. #GaelicLangs #CelticLangs https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Gaelic_language ~


Thu, Feb 20, 2020 

Léa Lacroix via lists.wikimedia.org 

1:12 AM (7 hours ago)
to Discussion
Hello all,

The fourth edition of the Celtic Knot Conference, focusing on minority languages on the Wikimedia projects, will take place on July 9th and 10th, 2020 in Limerick, Ireland.

The Celtic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference aims to bring people together to share their experiences of working on sharing information in minority languages. We hope to help people learn how to encourage the flow of information across language barriers and support associated communities. As in previous years we will have a strong focus on Wikidata and its potential to support languages.

Wikimedia UK has been the organiser with local partners for the 2017 Celtic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference in Edinburgh (focusing on Scottish Gaelic), in 2018 in Aberystwyth (focusing on Welsh) and in 2019 in Falmouth (focusing on Cornish). In 2020, the conference will focus on Irish and developing its Wikimedia community - whilst making sure that we can share and support other languages in the Celtic Knot and beyond.

The programme will include presentations and workshops linked to the conference themes of:
  • How Wikidata and language technology can support minority languages
  • Wikimedia projects in education with language applications
  • Experiences with empowering wiki communities to create content in their language
  • How cultural institutions and wiki communities work together to provide more accessible knowledge in minority languages

We especially expect a lot of representatives from Irish cultural institutions as well as contributors of Wikimedia projects in various languages.

Are you interested in participating? Save the date in your calendar! The call for submissions to the program will start on February 27th until March 30th. A scholarship program will be set up and more information will be shared in March.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment on the talk page.

Feel free to share this email to any people or groups you think would be interested!

Léa Lacroix
Project Manager Community Communication for Wikidata

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24
10963 Berlin

Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.

Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.

* *
Added my name to @StanfordCeili dancing alumni list. Would be interesting to explore ONLINE #StanfordCeili dancing with sim https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Country_Dancing with time, in #GaelicLangs https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Scottish_Gaelic_language @WorldUnivAndSch @scottmacleod -http://worlduniversityandschool.org -http://scottmacleod.com ~


* *
A wee bit hilarious:
Bunny Fou Fou by The Singing Kettle
Shove Yer Granny by The Singing Kettle
from 1993: https://youtu.be/MtY4nGok9Vs
I'll No Marry You with Bonzo & S.K.
S.K. 1982-2015
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Singing_Kettle ~


Calamity Castle ~
Shove Yer Granny by The Singing Kettle
Singalong Songs From Scotland
The Singing Kettle
The Singing Kettle: Best Loved Singalong Songs (1998)
https://youtu.be/mbUsc1Ag5Bw /Scotland @WorldUnivAndSch ~


* * *
Consortium Ou atterrir? présentation de la démarche par Bruno Latour - https://vimeo.com/388956308 @BrunoLatourAIME
How best with #WUaSUniversalTranslator @WorldUnivAndSch to translate this VIMEO video in voice now in #RealTime by holding up smartphone to it re in #UnitedNations?


How best with #WUaSUniversalTranslator @WorldUnivAndSch to translate this VIMEO video in voice in #RealTime by holding up #SmartPhone to it re in #UniversalTranslator? Consortium Ou atterrir? présentation de la démarche par #BrunoLatour - https://vimeo.com/388956308 @BrunoLatourAIME~


* * *
Imagine REINVENTING too PUBLISHING in 7K Langs from Google StreetView from text in side bar to new kinds of paper with "Imagine the possibilities of using #AR business cards"https://twitter.com/TerenceLeungSF/status/1229609820300414977?s=20> https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/deschutes-national-forest-some-news-for.html #AR #VR #RealisticVirtualEarthForPublishing @WUaSPress~


Imagine REINVENTING too PUBLISHING in 7K Langs from Google StreetView from text in side bar to new kinds of paper with "Imagine the possibilities of using #AR business cards https://twitter.com/TerenceLeungSF/status/1229609820300414977?s=20>https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/02/deschutes-national-forest-some-news-for.html #VR #RealisticVirtualEarthForPublishing @WorldUnivAndSch~


* * 

The scientific community opening up to new ideas #physiologicalirrelevantconference



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