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golden barrel cactus: 7.5 billion hospital beds from home? * * * "The world stands still. Only Sweden doesn't" - found this article about Sweden to be another helpful antidote to 'coronavirus' meme, and am appreciative of a number of lines of reasoning in these regards * * * Jaques Lacan MD and George Vaillant MD, which I found again in these "Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations' I wrote a few years ago - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html ... and again how best to visit Harbin Hot Springs' virtually? :) * * * In what ways could CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School generate culture anew, - and in the way Harvard, MIT and Stanford generate knowledge-generation help-the-world culture on-the-ground?

Next: oleracea (Wild cabbage): Humor - “Don’t worry, there are 2 parachutes left, the smartest man in the USA took my school bag.” * * Learning programming socially and together in "Create-Along LIVE!" - in the middle of this national emergency (presumably with different laws) - the new Scratch drag and drop visual programming language * Sweden's taking a different approach to the worldwide "coronavirus" meme 'fire drill' (I hypothesize) ... "The world stands still. Only Sweden doesn't" * * * Was there a kind of 'eco-radical' action, reversing global warming, in Wuhan, China, gene-wise - that could be contributing to far less airplane travel and people staying home, thus burning far less fossil fuel driving cars * * * Some further dancing (potentially with singing) in #VirtualChoir for benefits of movement while 'sheltering-at-home' during the #coronavirus meme pandemic #UnitarianUniversalist @WorldUnivAndSch #RealRealTime #GoogleMeet ~

7.5 billion hospital beds from home? 

Thanks, Craig, for your 'stay well' email ...

Project Baseline (from Google, Stanford, Duke Med) seeks to take physical  samples, turn this into data with machine learning to chart a path to health. And WUaS seeks to turn Project Baseline into online hospitals for all 7.5 billion people, - and with online MDs!

Turned this into some Tweets ...

Project Baseline (Google, Stanford & Duke Medicine) seeks to take physical  samples, turn this into data with machine learning to chart paths to health, & WUaS seeks to turn #ProjectBaseline into online hospitals https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Hospital for all 7.5 bill. people & with online MDs!


Would be great - and how long until - we'll be able to test ourselves for COVID-19 on our smart phones (like at a hospital) and transmit this information to Project Baseline ... and into our Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Record (for all 7.5 billion people) which we have legal control over as well.

Cheers, Scott
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Medical_School
- https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Complementary_and_Alternative_Medicine
May add some of this further to Mount Oeta blog post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/mount-oeta-greece-world-univ-sch-with.html

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

* * *

Scott MacLeod
9:10 AM (18 minutes ago)
to Dick, Lucy, Janie, Alden, Ann

Alden, Dick, Ma, Lucy, Ann,

How are you all in this barrage of "coronavirus" memes (the word being imitated by nearly infinite numbers of writers in online media, and threatening disease and sickness)? And what does November 2020 hold for less of this barrage?

I found this article about Sweden to be another helpful antidote, and am appreciative of a number of lines of reasoning in these regards:

"The world stands still. Only Sweden doesn't" (https://translate.google.com)

It concludes (translated from German):
"Why do kindergartens and primary schools remain open in Sweden despite the increasing number of infections? Why is there no contact block like in Germany? Tegnell answers these recurring questions almost always the same: the epidemiological benefit of school closures in the case of the coronavirus is doubtful. Neither in Italy nor in China have schools proved to be hotspots for the virus to spread.

According to studies by the World Health Organization WHO in China, there has not been a single documentable case in which an adult has infected a child. Then why should you keep tens of thousands of healthy children at home? Especially since a lot of parents who work in important jobs to fight crises could no longer go to work? Tegnell's credo: "All measures that we take must be feasible over a longer period of time." Otherwise, the population will lose acceptance of the entire corona strategy."

I created some Tweets in these regards -

"The world stands still. Only Sweden doesn't" (https://translate.google.com) https://zeit.de/politik/ausland/2020-03/coronavirus-schweden-stockholm-oeffentliches-leben Why do kindergartens & primary schools remain open in Sweden despite the increasing number of infections? #Coronavirus Tegnell (epidemiology) answers the same > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Sweden ~


Out of the coronavirus #COVID-19 pandemic, we appear to have gotten 24,000 searchable related AI academic papers per MIT, a significant generation of thinking.

And this PBS NewsHour yesterday - March 24, 2020


... suggests that Hubei, China, the epicenter of the genetic COVID-19 (SARS CoV2) event, is now a model for hope in returning to a semblance of normalcy. Also, there was some mention too of $1,200 / month re B.S. in this - which sounds like it could be the beginnings of Universal Basic Income experiments.

And both Harvard and MIT are holding their graduation ceremonies on the internet which are amazing openings for MIT OCW-centric World University and School -

"Harvard postpones commencement amid coronavirus pandemic, plans online event May 28"https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/03/20/nation/harvard-holding-online-commencement-may-28-amid-coronavirus-pandemic/

"MIT, Emerson to hold online graduation ceremonies"

... and may make possible protecting youth and students in new ways - that is with online education, and somehow culturally. But hopefully too excellent new kinds of university and high school degree education will emerge, in addition to wiki-education for open teaching and learning. How to help facilitate this to flourish in a flowering of new ways, and much regarding conversation?

Am thinking that the culture and identity and language of Sweden in this coronavirus pandemic is a kind of bastion regarding mainstream internet media, and am wondering in what ways World University and School in all ~200 countries' main languages can create similar online 'places' of sanity (ie less fear in the air) or semblances of 'cultural' normalcy, or absence of war mentality, - and uniquely emerging from each of these cultures online. Without knowing German, and reading the German papers, I wouldn't have otherwise found this article about Sweden - which expresses too a kind of alternative, that is, countering the culture of the mainstream internet media as counterculture (regarding novel coronavirus as memes ... in contrast to the novel coronavirusCOVID19 SARS Cov2 epidemic genes) ??? In what ways could CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School generate culture anew, - and in the way Harvard, MIT and Stanford generate knowledge-generation help-the-world culture on-the-ground, I wonder?

Thoughts, ideas, questions, suggestions? How are all of you doing - am appreciating that you're hunkering down, Ann, in northeastern Oregon on Wisdom Creek Ranch these weeks :)

- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2017/09/bottlenose-dolphin-jacques-lacan-md-and.html (with Jaques Lacan MD and George Vaillant MD, which I found again in these 'Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations' I wrote a few years ago - http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html )  ... and again how best to visit Harbin Hot Springs virtually? :)

...  actual-vIrtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic field work, and the creation of a realistic virtual Harbin / realistic virtual earth for everything, and soaking, visiting, meditating (relaxation response) in the Harbin warm pool, especially.

Harbin gatehouse in Google Street View ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg
~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook
~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook
~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/ActualVirtualHarbinBook.html ~


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