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Persian violet (Exacum affine): Stanford Law CodeX - Coronavirus / Covid-19, open source software, and online 'justice law' learning

Stanford Law CodeX 'Future Law' conversation & re World Univ & Sch Law Schools ... 

Dear Roland, Anja, John, Miguel, Michael, and Stephen, 

Thanks for your very helpful Stanford Law CodeX presentations. I'm following up in these regards with collaboration questions with respect to CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch.

In thinking about Covid-19, Anja, and open source software, John, and online 'justice law' learning, Miguel, how might we best come into conversation? I'm thinking in terms of CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records (https://twitter.com/hashtag/AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords?src=hashtag_click), re Covid-19, in all ~200 countries' and potentially for speakers of all 7,117 known living languages. WUaS is planning online Medical Schools, with online teaching hospitals, with online Law Schools for all ~200 countries, and are in CC-0 Wikidata's (Wikipedia's structured knowledge database in ~300 languages), approaches to building this out, as well as online courses and online internships in our planned online Law Schools (see below, and - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School).

You'll get a sense of where World Univ & Sch is presently in this email to MIT President Rafael Reif - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/commelina-communis-collaboration-ideas.html - from today. 

Anja, with regard to your Covid-19 legal focus, Anja, in what ways are you engaging Google - Apple Contact Tracing information emergent technologies? - 
"Google - Apple Contact Tracing https://forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2020/04/20/apple-and-google-major-contact-tracing-surprise-25-billion-users-lose-out/amp/
-https://wired.com/story/apple-google-contact-tracing-strengths-weaknesses/amp for 7.5 billion people w #UBIexperiments for jobless, beginning with speakers of all 7,117 living languages & in #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages ~


Miguel, are you familiar with the JuryX, Harvardx, edX course taught by Harvard Law School Emeritus Charles Nesson in 2016? You might find both it, and the edX platform edifying in these regards. Check out - https://www.edx.org/course/juryx-deliberations-for-social-change - and - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/03/volcano-rabbit-3-new-law-schools-at.html

Looking forward to communicating further about all of this with time. And thank you for your helpful CodeX presentations today!

All the best, 
Languages - World Univ: https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod 

Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

Afghanistan Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Afghanistan_Law_School_at_WUaS

Brazil Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Brazil_Law_School_at_WUaS

China Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/China_Law_School_at_WUaS

Egypt Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Egypt_Law_School_at_WUaS

India Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/India_Law_School_at_WUaS

Jamaica Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Jamaica_Law_School_at_WUaS

Mexico Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Mexico_Law_School_at_WUaS

World University Law School: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

Stanford Law [codex_group_meetings] TODAY! CodeX Mtg (4/23 @1.30p PT): FLI; Merlin Fdn; A2J Tech Fellowship - via Zoom

Anja Blaj anja@futurelaw.io

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8:06 AM (4 hours ago)
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to meRolandjtredennickmhastingsscainesMiguel
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Dear Scott and everyone,

with regard to question directed to me, we had some discussions around Apple and Google introducing sophisticated tracing. I recommend reading Chris Remus intake in addition to France asking mentioned companies to ease privacy rules  and make changes to their softwares so they can combat coronavirus.

At this stage, GCPR initiative presents a collection of public responses, meaning we’re looking to collect information about governmental policy responses. Data is being collected by many different organisations and from various angles (different legal domains). 

My personal opinion is that big corporations which are in possession of our data, have became crucial stakeholders in global geopolitical area. They play an important role and have the ability to manipulate and affect human rights and thus lives of individuals. As such, I do believe they will bear more responsibility with regard to censorship and protection of rights as well as establishment of appropriate dispute mechanism when different rights and obligations clash in contradiction. 

I’d be interested in exploring ways to find how we can support each other and empower collaboration. Attached are the GCPR introduction, which we send to potential supporting organisations and GCPR Sprint invite along with Guide (introduction only). 

If you find yourself in a position where we can join efforts and support each other, please let me know. 

Kindest regards, 

Anja Blaj | CSO
anja@futurelaw.io / +38631244933

Future Law Institute


John Tredennick

8:53 AM (3 hours ago)
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to Anjamhastings@merlinfoundation.orgscaines@law.stanford.eduMiguel@atjtechfellows.orgmeRoland
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We can certainly provide a slack-like collaboration tool to connect different groups if that is of interest.


John Tredennick
Executive Director
Merlin Legal Open Source Foundation
P: 303-810-1918

Dear Roland, Anja, Miguel, John, and All, 

Thanks so much for your thoughtful, and strategic planning, emails - re yesterday's Stanford Law CodeX. Sharing ideas may be a first step in collaborations. 

Having taught "Society and Information Technology" for many years (long-time UC Berkeley Professor Manuel Castells' informed course), there's a question for me, to say it one way, of the 'co-constitutionality,' of information technologies with how and why people - individual hackers, and folks in universities, companies, governments, etc. - code them (and Google and Apple folks tend toward the 'progressive'). In the case of Covid-19 planning, and even regarding questions of interns learning law / justice, Miguel, and re coding for social justice (both legally and IT-wise), I read that the current Apple-Google contact tracing project is one of the least invasive to privacy of possible information technologies that could be used for Covid-19 contact tracing (see too:

https://twitter.com/califf001/status/1247929957868638209?s=20). And I also see that Google and Apple - software, and hardware-wise - are in most of the ~200 countries in the world on the distributed internet (which authoritarian countries' regimes can't 'deal with' very well, ie because they may want some aspects of IT, eg for commerce (AI and machine learning databases), but block other data sources - yet only for a time perhaps, in the midst of a pandemic, for ex.), and Google-Apple also employ some of the most skillful coders and engineers in the world in many countries (and their coding emerges from a USA legal framework, importantly, too). I also think that all ~200 countries (like France, in your example), and such countries' legal and cultural processes will do what they need to do to develop long term strategies against viral epidemics. And could Google and Apple superimpose GPS data, IT-wise, of individuals at a later date if needed to combat a new viral epidemic? - I'd guess yes). And yet could both I.T. coding, and legal processes, constrain successfully potential wrong-doing and injustice by governments - in all ~200 countries? There's an opportunity here to pick the information technologies as well as to code for justice in terms of the laws of each of ~200 countries' languages' even, as these IT and countries' coding processes unfold in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. And am appreciative too that Peter Norvig is the Head of Google's AI in all of these regards, and former President of Stanford, John Hennessy, is Chairman of Alphabet. 

Harvard and MIT Professor of Genetics George Church's Tweets seem relevant here, eg ...  
Will we forget again as soon as this is over?   Inside America’s Two-Decade Failure to Prepare for Coronavirus  https://politico.com/news/magazine/2020/04/11/america-two-decade-failure-prepare-coronavirus-179574 via


And so, I ask myself, how could CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's online Law Faculty / Professors, in all ~200 countries' official / main languages, and with wiki schools for open teaching and learning planned for speakers of all 7,117 known living languages - and then WUaS planning to code for all 7.5 billion people on the planet (eg regarding Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records) - begin to teach online related law questions? Since MIT itself has neither a law school nor a medical school - so its CC-4 MIT OCW has only undergraduate and graduate courses in 4 languages, with about 2400 courses in English - WUaS seeks to emerge from Stanford Law and Stanford Medicine to develop our online ~200 Law and Medical schools. There are remarkable potential collaborations in these regards. 

John, please let us know if you set up a slack-like workspace for Anja, or similar. Miguel - student interns regarding your great justice work on the MITx > edX platform? Anja, WUaS ~200 online law schools in countries' official languages, under one 'umbrella' offers a remarkable opportunity to define, create and write future law regarding your "if you find yourself in a position where we can join efforts and support each other."

Thanks, too, for your Twitter, Anja - https://twitter.com/AnjaBlaj. What are some of your Twitter feeds, Miguel and others? Thanks. 

Kind regards, Scott
About 40 blog posts regarding the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic in the 'genes' label ~ https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/genes ~ so far.

Languages - World Univ: https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod

My questions from CodeX yesterday (and some related links) -
Thank you, Anja, Super! Is there any possibility that you might extend this Covid-19 law planning to all ~200 countries’ laws (per Olympics)? Thank you, Scott (worlduniversityandschool.org)
 Thank you!


How have you licensed e-Discovery, and FreeEed for example? How have you approached licensing questions of Open Source legal software? And do you use CC-0 (Creative Commons 0)? Thank you!


* * *

Stanford Iranian Studies: 

TOMORROW: An Overview of the COVID-19 Situation: Lessons Learned from Iran

Dear Shahrzad, and Abbas, 

I found the https://iranian-studies.stanford.edu/events/overview-covid-19-situation-lessons-learned-iran timely and edifying. And especially regarding World Univ & Sch's planning for online medical schools with online teaching hospitals, for online clinical care (as well as research) in Iran and Farsi. Thank you for this, Professor Milani. What did you think, Shahrzad? And where do you stand with applying for the Stanford Iranian Studies' 12 week fellowship?

I just found, followed and re-Tweeted 

Do you, Shahrzad, or your father, Dr Shirvani MD, in Tehran, happen to know the brothers' Dr. Kamiar Alaei and Dr. Arash Alaei, by any chance? Am curious if there might even be a chance for all of us to meet in person, after the coronavirus pandemic is resolved? 

Best, Scott

Apply Now: Zahedi Family Fellowship at Stanford

Hi Shahrzad, (and Professor Milani),

How are you, Shahrad? Might I inquire if you have, or whether you might, apply for this position - and regarding your emails below too? Where do you stand with applying for this Stanford Iranian Studies' fellowship?

Best regards, Scott

https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch -

About 40 blog posts regarding the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic in the 'genes' label ~ https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/genes ~ so far.

Languages - World Univ: https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod

Hi Scott.
Hope you’re well. I’ve not been able to find an academic job. But thanks for sharing this. I will check it.

Shahrzad Shirvani <shahrzad.arch@gmail.com>
Tue, Feb 18, 10:53 AM
to me

Sounds good, but it is only a twelve week fellowship! So short!


* * *

Canyon 94516

Ridgecrest Road - 670

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Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Sat, Apr 4, 6:19 PM
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to Dominic
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HI Dominic, 

Nice to talk briefly with you the other day. 

Am seeking to put a load in the dryer in about 1 hour, - if it's you who happen to have the laundry in there now. Thanks, and cheers. 

Friendly greetings, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Wed, Apr 22, 7:35 PM (2 days ago)
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to EdGLORYByronchunyuouAntoniaglorylaneByronKohDominic
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Hi Dominic (and All), 

How are you? I hope this finds you well. I'm very concerned, to say the least, that in a time of the coronavirus pandemic and the state of California's shelter-at-home directive - https://covid19.ca.gov/stay-home-except-for-essential-needs/ - that Tom W is coming and going so much on this property at 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon 94516. And today and yesterday, two newish people have been coming onto the property who could be bringing the coronavirus with them, for example, putting me at risk, as well as yourself and your partner, Lindsay W. (Tom's daughter), in a serious way, And today, 2 of these 3 people (Stan H and Chester) were sitting about 6 feet or less from the head of my bed, for probably more than an hour today, as well, while Tom has been only some 10 feet away from the head of my bed for a number of days now. People are continuing to die from COVID-19 in California, and in the SF Bay Area, and while state of California testing seems to be available in other counties besides Contra Costa county -

https://twitter.com/califf001/status/1246497671625367552?s=20 - I haven't heard about this here yet. And there also isn't a vaccine yet. I'm not sure if Tom W gets how serious this virus is, or why he's not sheltering-at-home per CA's directive, as a form of self-protection. Am not clear either how to broach this public health and legal issue with him either. Thoughts, suggestions, questions, ideas? 

Best, Scott


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Thu, Apr 23, 8:24 AM (1 day ago)
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to LindsaymariiaTomtomHankDominicEdGLORYByronchunyuouAntoniaglorylaneByronKoh
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Hi Tom, Dominic, Lindsay, Glory, Ed, and All,

Greetings. How are you? I hope this finds you well. I just noticed that the SF Bay Area law requiring people to wear masks to protect against coronavirus went into effect yesterday, Wed. Apr 22, 2020:

"Coronavirus: Bay Area mask order takes effect Wednesday. Here’s what you need to know."

I'm very concerned, to say the least, that in a time of the coronavirus pandemic and the state of California's shelter-at-home directive - https://covid19.ca.gov/stay-home-except-for-essential-needs/ - that people are coming and going so much on this property at 670 Ridgecrest Road, Canyon 94516. And today and yesterday, two newish people have been coming onto the property who could be bringing the coronavirus with them, for example, putting me at risk, as well as yourself and Dominic and his partner, Lindsay W. (your daughter), in a serious way, And today, 2 of these 3 people (Stan H and Chester) were sitting about 6 feet or less from the head of my bed (with me potentially in it), with window open for probably more than an hour, as well. And Ivan Schneller and Travis have also been on this property recently a fair amount potentially bringing the coronavirus with them. People are continuing to die from COVID-19 in California, and in the SF Bay Area, and while state of California testing seems to be available in other counties besides Contra Costa county - https://twitter.com/califf001/status/1246497671625367552?s=20 - I haven't heard about this here yet. And there also isn't a vaccine yet. I think the Google-Apple contact tracing on smart phones project is in a beginning phase, and who knows, but testing may begin soon. But until this time, I'm not sure, Tom Wylie, if you understand how serious this coronavirus is, and why self-quarantine is such an effective strategy, when nothing else yet works. - or why you're not sheltering-at-home per CA's directive, as a form of self-protection. How best to broach the medical, public health and legal issues further? I've begun wearing a mask!

Thoughts, suggestions, questions, ideas? Thanks!

Stay safe. 

Best, Scott


lindsay wylie

Thu, Apr 23, 12:37 PM (1 day ago)
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to lindaywylie83Dominictomme
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Dear Scott,
I hope this message finds you well. There are two concerns I wish to address in this email: Health and safety, and communication.

1. Health and Safety

• My family agrees that COVID-19 is a crisis that must be taken seriously.

• We are all practicing social distancing.

• Dominic and I only leave the property once a week to go to get food and the mail. When we go, we wear masks and use hand sanitizer before and after entering the public space. We wash all our produce and leave packages outside the house.

• My Father is leaving more frequently than us. However, he always wears his mask in public, uses hand sanitizer, and washes
his hands frequently.

• Travis is a family member who has been staying with us since the fall. He is a registered nurse and is taking this pandemic

• It was unexpected to have two people visit the property yesterday. They are working on reducing fire hazards and taking care of our trees. I spoke with them this morning (6+ feet away) and told them that they must wear masks and stay 6+feet away from each other.

• No one should be near your window, but if that ever happens again, please ask them to move and shut your window. If you need me to talk with them, I am happy to do so. It is important that we all do our best to accommodate each other in these difficult times.

2. Communication

• We are compassionate, empathetic, and reasonable people. We want you to feel safe communicating with us directly.

• I find it threatening that you are including strangers on this email. Sharing our names, address, and issues you have with our family with strangers feels like an invasion of privacy to me. In the past, you also included Ed Smith on a complaint email about Sierra when she was prepping the exterior of your house for wood sealer. We do not know who Ed Smith is. I am sure you did not mean to make us feel uncomfortable, but you need to respectfully stop including outsiders in private matters.

• In the future, when you have an issue with anyone in my family or the community, please speak with us directly (6+ feet away, on the phone, or over email.)

• My father cannot manage email well. You are welcome to message Dominic and me. I do not use this email anymore. Please use - gmail.com - in the future.

I hope that this message eases your mind and lays a foundation for better communication in the future. I welcome further discussion if needed. (Dominic and I are both teaching from home. We can respond to future emails after 6:30pm.)

Professor Lindsay Wylie


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Apr 23, 2020, 12:42 PM (1 day ago)
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to Dominictomlindaywylie83
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Hi Lindsay,

Thanks for the heads' up, and the information. 

Thanks, Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Thu, Apr 23, 12:45 PM (1 day ago)
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to lindsayDominictomLindsay
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Your original gmail address bounced back just now, so am including your yahoo.com address for the time being.

Hi Lindsay,

Thanks for the heads' up, letting me know that you're taking the coronavirus pandemic seriously, and the information. 

Thanks, Scott

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Lindsay Wylie

11:43 AM (1 hour ago)
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to me
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Hi Scott,

I had an idea that I wanted to share with you. What do you think about having assigned laundry days during this crisis? That way, we would not run the risk of coming into contact with each other. You could have 2-3 days, my dad could have 2 days, and we could have 2 days.  

If you like this idea, what days of the week do you want to be yours? 

All the best, 


Hi Lindsay, 

Thanks for your email. 

In that in planning for the seriousness of the coronavirus viral pandemic - i.e. around 50,000 people had died in the US as of yesterday, per Stanford Law Professor Hank Greely -

https://twitter.com/HankGreelyLSJU/status/1253523489299943424?s=20 - who was in my email to your Dad, Dominic and you, yesterday regarding Covid-19 and 670 Ridgecrest Road,  

... and I'm appreciating much Dr. Fauci MD's thinking on Coronavirus, and regarding the autumn, eg - 
Dr. Anthony Fauci: ‘We Will Have Coronavirus In The Fall’ | TODAY


So scheduling laundry times re self-quarantining makes sense, per your email. And how about staggering days, and evenings too, for further flexibility? What if I were to take Tuesday evening, Wednesday in the day, Thursday evening, Friday day, Saturday evening, and Sunday in the day, or similar?

I really hope you, your Dad, Dominic and Canyon 94516 don't get the coronavirus / Covid-19, and I'm seeking to lower my risk of exposure too - and the only way presently to do so seems to involve self-quarantining, with social and physical distancing, wearing masks, and practicing hand-washing, etc. As you've observed perhaps - with the highest risk group of the US's oldest citizens, eg esp. in retirement communities and small insular communities - once the virus is spreading in these populations of high risk individuals (with old immune systems, as I understand this), it's very difficult to eliminate the virus from the these populations. 

'Coronavirus rebels,' such as the quite 'significant' number of folks who were again on this property at 670 Ridgecrest this morning, and who aren't sheltering at home or wearing masks (per the state of California's laws / directives) seem to be putting themselves at great risk, as well as you and your family - and all of us. Am sorry for this - and am hoping they don't get this virus - or spread coronavirus any further than they may have already, if they are asymptomatic carriers, for example. I guess that the significant number of people on the property this morning again raises for me both public health and legal questions (as in my email to you yesterday in these regards).  Stay safe. Thank you.

All the best, Scott
About 40 coronavirus blog posts in the 'genes' label in recent weeks here - 

- Scott MacLeod


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