Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Helicteres isora (Indian screw tree): Ravel's Bolero - Juilliard ~ https://youtu.be/rqzkn-jX-JU ~ Best CC-4 OCW STEM & Arts-centric WIKI @WorldUnivAndSch developing online Juilliard-great music schools in all ~200 countries' official languages & w ALL Instruments each a wiki subject in 7,117 known living languages * * * Dear Nidahas Vidyalala - Freedom College, in Sri Lanka ... * * * Genealogy - Family history thread continued (from 7/12/2019 - 2/4/2020) * Google/Apple contact tracing app analyzed o people could again to travel safely, with a basis in medical science, preventing #covid19 viral infection? #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for all 7.5 bil people #WikiTree #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenealogy ?

Next: Passion flower & Sword-billed hummingbird adaptation: Edd Wilder-James "Plain language views on technology, life, and other interesting thoughts as they occur" email and very first newsletter (from a Googler!) * * * 1) WUaS has been in Google for Education since 2015 - planning for speakers of all 7,117 known living languages, and to code for all 7.5 billion people on the planet, as potential wiki teachers and learners, 2) letter to MIT President Rafael Reif, 3) another Google-centric project - a WUaS realistic virtual earth for everything, 4) creating a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs (where actual Harbin is quite close to Santa Rosa) for actual-virtual ethnographic comparison, and both for actual virtual, physical digital, matter computery multimedia innovations and even with a film-to-3D application, 5) how best build our new WUaS web site out of Google Sites for matriculating registering students, eventually in all ~200 countries' official language - and with a good course platform (like MITx / edX)?

This Juilliard performance of Ravel's "Bolero" is well-worth watching on a big monitor, rather than on your phone. Nine minutes. Such fun spotting the famous performing arts folks randomly interspersed with the Juilliard students!

Watch for the moment when the poor drummer manages to seamlessly continue drumming while also somehow managing to sip from his coffee mug!


Ravel's Bolero - Juilliard https://youtu.be/rqzkn-jX-JU Best CC-4 OCW STEM & Arts-centric WIKI @WorldUnivAndSch developing online Juilliard-great music schools in all ~200 countries' official languages & w ALL Instruments each a wiki subject in 7,117 known living languages  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Music_School ~


This Juilliard performance of Ravel's "Bolero" is well-worth watching on a big monitor, rather than on your phone. Nine minutes. Such fun spotting the famous performing arts folks randomly interspersed with the Juilliard students!

Watch for the moment when the poor drummer manages to seamlessly continue drumming while also somehow managing to sip from his coffee mug!

Thanks! CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch would seek to develop online Juilliard-great music schools in all ~200 countries' official / main languages, and newly with the web, students studying from home ... Waiting for the internet to move to real, real time, Catherine! 

All instruments, each a wiki subject page for open teaching and learning, in all 7,117 known living languages+ - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Music_School - to begin. :)

How best to cultivate talented focused online students, I wonder? 


- Scott MacLeod

Catherine, Thanks again and great! Easier (for me) to screen cast or chrome cast from smartphone:  
Bolero - Juilliard
Some Tweets: :)
Bolero-Juilliard https://youtu.be/rqzkn-jX-JU Best CC-4 OCW STEM & Arts-centric WIKI @WorldUnivAndSch developing online Juilliard-great music schools in all ~200 countries' official languages & w ALL Instruments each a wiki subject in 7,117 known living langs  https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Music_School ~

https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1256268563314208768?s=20 - https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1256269196742123520?s=20 - 
Inspiring dance-wise, movement-wise, as well as web-wise and music-wise! :)




A high school friend just sent this to me, which you might enjoy: 

Bolero - Juilliard

Inspiring dance-wise, movement-wise, as well as web-wise and music-wise! :)


* * *
Dear Nidahas Vidyalala - Freedom College, in Sri Lanka ...

East India rosebay: Expression of interest to partner with World University and School - Sri Lanka's Nidahas Vidyalaya - Freedom College * * * Liking this pic: flower festooned auto> Samba, Jammu and Kashmir - Ustad Alla Rakha - frequent accompanist of sitar player Ravi Shankar - was from, & Grateful Dead drummer @mickeyhart's 'greatest teacher Alla Rakha' * * "Ravi Shankar, Alla Rakha - Tabla Solo in Jhaptal" * * Regarding a kind of envisioning and consciousness questions in music too, see: "Red trillium: Cow and calf . . . "

...  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/east-india-rosebay-expression-of.html ...

Dear Mohamed, Nidahas Vidyalala, (Larry and Partha), 

Following up on our email correspondence ...  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/east-india-rosebay-expression-of.html ... 

Thank you for your 3rd email, Mohamed. Brainstorming-wise, it's with, for example, the Sinhala language - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Sinhala_language (as well as Tamil and Hindi, and specific to Sri Lanka English-language courses) - for MIT OCW-centric course translation into something like MITx / edX where I could see us working together further. And WUaS is also seeking high achieving students in Sri Lanka who would study for these licensing and accrediting degrees: Bachelor (4 years), PhD (5 years?), Law (3 years?), MD (7 years) IB high school (4 years) - as an online culture. Building this friendly online flourishing culture too would be vital to students' success (see this HarvardX JuryX edX course in these regards - https://www.edx.org/course/juryx-deliberations-social-change-harvardx-hls3x#.VQ218TTF__X and https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2015/03/volcano-rabbit-3-new-law-schools-at.html); it's as if Sri Lankan students would come to the US and study, in English, for these degrees at MIT, or at Stanford, on the ground, but instead study for MIT OCW-centric degrees in Sinhala from home in Sri Lanka online at WUaS. In the process WUaS seeks to create a lot of professors and faculty, and staff - potentially Sri Lankan - in the Sinhala, Tamil, Hindi and English languages. Also, Nidahas Vidyalala's - Freedom College's base in Sri Lanka, with a Sri Lankan nation state domain name - nidahasvidyalaya.edu.lk - could facilitate a Sinhala language law school at WUaS ... the planned Sri Lanka Law School at WUaS (see below for related examples) in Sinhala and other Sri Lankan languages in which the legal system is in, and also facilitate licensing and accreditation, eg for the teaching of law. These are some of the ways I could us exploring working together.  Looking forward to staying in touch. And please call me Scott (and my last name is spelled with an 'a' - MacLeod). I'm including both a friend from growing up on the east coast of the US, Partha Mazumdar, who works in Sri Lanka from time to time, and Larry Viehland, who's involved with MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch.

Best wishes, Scott MacLeod

Inspiration-wise regarding online education, and in terms of both the arts (and STEM), see this video and these Tweets: 

Bolero-Juilliard https://youtu.be/rqzkn-jX-JU Best CC-4 OCW STEM & Arts-centric WIKI @WorldUnivAndSch developing online Juilliard-great music schools in all ~200 countries' official languages & w ALL Instruments each a wiki subject in 7,117 known living langs > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Music_School ~


Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)

Afghanistan Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Afghanistan_Law_School_at_WUaS

Brazil Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Brazil_Law_School_at_WUaS

China Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/China_Law_School_at_WUaS

Egypt Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Egypt_Law_School_at_WUaS

India Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/India_Law_School_at_WUaS

Jamaica Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Jamaica_Law_School_at_WUaS

Mexico Law School at WUaS: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Mexico_Law_School_at_WUaS

World University Law School: https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School

* * *

Mark, (and Ma),

Good to hear from you as well. My mother sent in the Ancestry.com DNA kit the other day, which I gave her over Xmas. I think she could be more proactive, and focused, than I with regard to scanning, adding resources (and possibly with less concerns) etc., so perhaps she and I together will develop online Ancestry, and WikiTree, conversations (which, between these two platforms in itself, is another conversation - and as I start to write about such new narrative discoveries on my main family history web pages - anew:), - conversations are the best - after she gets her family history DNA results back. Could be fun and illuminating. Appreciating what I'm learning from you, and our conversation especially. 

Am not clear what summer travel possibilities are - given the coronavirus pandemic, and shelter-at-home directives - but the following audio interview suggests the Google / Apple contact tracing smartphone application will be available by mid-to-late May: 

"Containment Scouts: Auf der Jagd nach Infizierten" (audio - at the 18 minute mark is the Google and Apple contact tracing app analyzed, in German)

- which would make it possible for people to travel safely, with a basis in medical science now regarding information technologies, and preventing viral infection. (And with MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch's plans for #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for all 7.5 billion people on planet, emerging in collaboration probably with WikiTree, conceptually, - potentially informing the Google/Apple contact tracing App - this might lead to further remarkable developments in family genealogy information technologies with much better tools). 

Hoping to see you August 1 at Family Reunion in Maine ::)

All the best, 

Here's a related new Tweet:

Google/Apple contact tracing app analyzed
https://www.faz.net/podcasts/f-a-z-podcast-fuer-deutschland/f-a-z-podcast-fuer-deutschland-containment-scouts-auf-der-jagd-nach-infizierten-16749252.html so people could again to travel safely, with a basis in medical science, preventing #covid19 viral infection? #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for all 7.5 bil people #WikiTree #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenealogy ?


Began a realistic virtual earth for genealogy #hashtag here ... #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenealogy ...

* * *

Thanks #NASaward #NAS157 for extraordinary panels:
NAS President's Address:
Grand Challenges
https://youtu.be/IL6NkCw5D3U (36mins #Longevity:
https://youtu.be/SkSfD4bq_i8 ~



Galaxy: Thank you for your extraordinary National Academy of Sciences (NAS, National Academy of Medicine (NAM), and National Academy of Engineers (NAE) panels. I'd like to bring to your attention a millions' dollars grand challenge idea, namely that of a single realistic virtual earth / universe for everything. Think Google Streetview with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow, Translate at the cellular & atomic levels, and with species and individuals, and with Minecraft / SL for group build-ability and avatar bots too. * * 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth - it's time to build this - for EVERYTHING #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital Think Google Street View with TIME SLIDER, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow, Translate etc

Thanks so much to #NationalAcademyofSciences' President McNutt #NAS157 for Tweeting this (@ bottom): https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/galaxy-thank-you-for-your-extraordinary.html (& see: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/helicteres-isora-indian-screw-tree.html) https://twitter.com/Marcia_McNutt/status/1255942714958495750?s=20
https://twitter.com/Marcia_McNutt/status/1255942708830576640?s=20 @Marcia_McNutt @Marcia4Science re #RealisticVirtualEarth @WorldUnivAndSch~




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