Leo Kottke - The Close 7/31/19
6 & 12 String Guitar 1969
Dreams & All That Stuff 1974
Kottke 1976
1977 Buffalo Folk Festival
https://youtu.be/EXGdrCr8EaY >
https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Guitar /1960s
Leo Kottke - The Close 7/31/19 https://t.co/f3s0qHM1Q5— Open Band (Berkeley) (@TheOpenBand) May 3, 2020
6 & 12 String Guitar 1969 https://t.co/6p39QjbWxc
Dreams & All That Stuff 1974https://t.co/wId1kVqxj0
Kottke 1976 https://t.co/1UTvKR4I18
1977 Buffalo Folk Festivalhttps://t.co/vWIe4Wx8dm>https://t.co/1ZrrdePYYc /1960s
Leo Kottke - Live at the Lensic - 7/31-2019 - The Close
Leo Kottke - 6 And 12 String Guitar 1969 (Full Album) 1 of 4
Leo Kottke - Dreams And All That Stuff 1974 (Full Album)
Leo Kottke - Leo Kottke 1976 (Vinyl Rip) (Full Album)
Leo Kottke - 1977 Buffalo Folk Festival
Guitar wiki subject at World Univ & Sch -
May begin a guitar picking wiki subject too ...
Leo Kottke Live in Chicago
'Was Leo Kottke a hippie singer?' I searched on:
"He’s always paddled his own boat across the prairies of American music, prompting the likes of Chet Atkins--with whom Kottke shares the bill at the Coach House on Saturday--to remark, “He’s got a lot of strange thoughts going on in that head of his.” Kottke’s brain just seems to be furrowed a little differently.
Kottke’s identity first asserted itself on record in 1969, and since then his sonorous, rhythmically skewed 12-string playing and bemused baritone vocals have staked out a territory as inventively, timelessly American as the radio shows of his friend Garrison Keillor. He has garnered a accolades from the likes of Atkins and jazz great Joe Pass, even though his style is far afield from theirs.
In a free-ranging conversation Kottke lighted on the roots of that style, the creative process, his first all-vocal album, “hippie chicks” and his grave concerns about the future of this nation."
> https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-06-05-ca-659-story.html*
"In concert, Kottke intersperses humorous and often bizarre monologues with vocal and instrumental selections from throughout his career, played solo on his 6- and 12-string guitars."
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_Kottke
Then I found -
Jack Fig (The Chicken Murderer) - Leo Kottke (live)
and it is a bit bizarre, yet with great music ... can even see why the SPCA - the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - became an American Institution (re fascinating cultural insight, I had never gleaned before from American society:).
"Although he once described his voice as the sound of "geese farts on a muggy day," Leo Kottke is best known for his 12-string slide instrumentals and five-finger picking technique. These paved the way for fellow guitarists Michael Hedges and Will Ackerman of the Windham Hill label to combine bluegrass, bottleneck-blues, and classical rhythms into the popular New Age listening music of the 1980s. In 24 years, Kottke has composed scores for film soundtracks, children's shows, and a symphony; and he has also released over 21 LPs, some of which (like Great Big Boy) included his aforementioned craggy baritone, reminiscent of folksinger Tom Waits or the more short-winded radio personality and writer Garrison Keillor.
When his career blossomed with the folk revival of the 1960s and 1970s, Kottke earned the early title of "virtuoso"; Rolling Stone described him as "so good that he didn't need a band." Folk great Pete Seeger, who (along with John Fahey) was one of Kottke's first influences, called the young guitar player "the best twelve-string guitarist [he has] ever heard.""
- https://musicianguide.com/biographies/1608004451/Leo-Kottke.html -
* * *
Dear Larry
(Viehland, Chair and CFO of MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School),
It was good to talk with Office of Digital Learning MIT's Sanjay Sarma on Friday, and I appreciate his supportive words toward the close of our 30 minutes' MIT Zoom video conference, but he also echoed some of the negativity I've heard before from edX before (a kind of lack of connecting or empathy somehow). That being said, I wonder if this email - does Anant himself send them out, with their new thread titles each time? - could be edX / MITx > MIT OCW could be a historical basis for developing modular courses' WUaS degrees further? In a way, this email "Celebrating 8 years of transforming education" - https://link.edx.org/view/57ea8ed2e9a8a271498b4ff9c0qyb.3qx11/8d80064c - and related report - https://www.edx.org/sites/default/files/2020-impact-report.pdf - are an expression of edX's mission, planning, and history thus far.
And could Googler Edd Wilder-James also have sent out his 1st newsletter (after 3 years!) via some kind of communication with west coasters' Sanjay Sarma, Anant Agarwal, Peter Norvig, John Hennessy et al? Again, I responded to this newsletter here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/passion-flower-sword-billed-hummingbird.html. (And could Edd, who lives in Santa Rosa, CA, an hour or so north of SF on 101, even have been a Quaker in York, England - and might he be involved in the Friends' Meeting there now somehow too? - a possibility).
... and regarding:
i) wiki Universitians in 7,111 known living languages, and matriculated students in all ~200 countries,
ii) Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records, with genetic therapies, and for molecular tele-robotic surgery (and re Google / Stanford / Duke University's Project Baseline), for ex.,
ii) Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records, with genetic therapies, and for molecular tele-robotic surgery (and re Google / Stanford / Duke University's Project Baseline), for ex.,
iii) Universal Basic Income (UBI) experiments (and to alleviate poverty), and to DISTRIBUTE a single crypto-currency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (perhaps with Stanford graduates''Mine Pi' digital currency)
iv) a single family tree for genealogy research as in WikiTree (https://www.wikitree.com), and for aggregating DNA samples too
v) Computer glasses for all 7.5 billion people on the planet
- https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2019/12/wild- pomegranate-burchellia- bubalina.html (with much about WUaS in the 'global university' label in my blog).
... see:
Passion flower & Sword-billed hummingbird adaptation: Edd Wilder-James "Plain language views on technology, life, and other interesting thoughts as they occur" email and very first newsletter (from a Googler!) * * * 1) WUaS has been in Google for Education since 2015 - planning for speakers of all 7,117 known living languages, and to code for all 7.5 billion people on the planet, as potential wiki teachers and learners, 2) letter to MIT President Rafael Reif, 3) another Google-centric project - a WUaS realistic virtual earth for everything, 4) creating a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs (where actual Harbin is quite close to Santa Rosa) for actual-virtual ethnographic comparison, and both for actual <> virtual, physical <> digital, matter < > computery multimedia innovations and even with a film-to-3D application, 5) how best build our new WUaS web site out of Google Sites for matriculating registering students, eventually in all ~200 countries' official language - and with a good course platform (like MITx / edX)?
- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/passion-flower-sword-billed-hummingbird.html -* * *
Fwd: For Us Girls!!
Inbox | x |
| ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
paasing this one along. Janie
I think this is fun. Hope you enjoy it.Jo Ann Be certain to watch the end.
pudding très figgy, Ma Mère et tout, :)
Comment allez-vous Françoise, Guillaume et Laurent?
:) Scott / Écosse
presque nu - :) ~ https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/search/label/ nudity ~
Ma Mère et tout, :)
I liked how you sent this 'pudding très figgy,' but here it is on Youtube for somewhat easy access (depending where you live probably:)
presque nu ~ https://scott-macleod.PS
Comment allez-vous Françoise, Guillaume et Laurent?
* * * *
Newspaper articles, and related items, regarding coronavirus pandemic (genes and memes) from the past few weeks:
* * *
Coronavirus Su May 3, 2020
Spiegel news' magazine: ("Science is not a wish machine" - my translation - and like Google Search, or a single realistic virtual earth for STEM? )
Covid-19-Debatte Wissenschaft ist keine Wunschmaschine
Eine Kolumne von Christian Stöcker
Es mehren sich Stimmen, die Virologen und Epidemiologen in der Coronakrise heftig kritisieren. Das Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Politik war schon immer gespannt - das hat drei Gründe.
- https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/coronavirus-wissenschaft-ist-keine-wunschmaschine-kolumne-a-425ad493-7649-49f7-93a2-c04fcc22ef8a -*
Zeit newspaper - wolf and police picture
"another virus
There must be doubts about the course of politics - but the increasingly toxic tone of the debate does not do justice to the situation."
There must be doubts about the course of politics - but the increasingly toxic tone of the debate does not do justice to the situation."
The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does the Virus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others?
Experts are trying to figure out why the coronavirus is so capricious. The answers could determine how to best protect ourselves and how long we have to.
Global Backlash Builds Against China Over Coronavirus
As calls for inquiries and reparations spread, Beijing has responded aggressively, mixing threats with aid and adding to a growing mistrust of China.
Coronavirus Live Updates: Governors Grapple With Protests and Reopenings
As scientists race to test a vaccine that may have to be taken annually, state officials are confronting growing impatience and ebbing respect for social distancing measures.
Right Now
A former F.D.A. commissioner warns of a “slow burn” of coronavirus transmission and a persistent pace of 1,000 deaths a day in the U.S. because mitigation is falling short.
Start going silly immediately :)
She Predicted the Coronavirus. What Does She Foresee Next?
Laurie Garrett, the prophet of this pandemic, expects years of death and “collective rage.”
Bill Gates -
Apr 30 2020
What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine
Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus.
| April 30, 2020
Apr 2, 2020
Gates Notes
The blog of Bill Gates
Monthly Series
641,983 subscribers
What our leaders can do now
* * *
Coronavirus - Sa May 2, 2020
Post-coronavirus geopolitics
(In French)
"OPINION. Authoritarian statism, the digging of martiality, the trivialization of surveillance and counter-globalization risk marking our new international scene, writes Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, professor of international history at the Graduate Institute of Geneva"
https://www.letemps.ch/ opinions/geopolitique- laprescoronavirus
(In French)
"OPINION. Authoritarian statism, the digging of martiality, the trivialization of surveillance and counter-globalization risk marking our new international scene, writes Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou, professor of international history at the Graduate Institute of Geneva"
China USA
'Once upon a virus': China mocks the US response to the coronavirus crisis with a Lego-like animation featuring a terracotta warrior wearing a face mask and the Statue of Liberty
- Lego-like figures of a warrior wearing a mask and the Statue of Liberty feature
- The Statue of Liberty ignores warnings about the virus given by the warrior
- Washington and Beijing are locked in a war of words over origins of the disease
- Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19
(Lego - and it's only flu)
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ news/article-8280655/Once- virus-China-mocks-response- coronavirus-crisis-Lego-like- animation.html
* *
education-lab/free-college- can-washington-keep-that- promise-during-a-recession/
Free college: Can Washington keep that promise during a recession?
Cambodia's rural students
Cambodia's rural students left behind in distance learning
England - not using Skype lectures
Coronavirus hits universities where no vaccine can help them: fees
Revenue from foreign students is vanishing, leaving some institutions in grave danger. Will online degrees be their salvation?
Montreal - "Strong resistance to returning to classes" (in French)
Forte résistance au retour en classe
* *
Robotics - into oil industry
Duke Engineer Focusing On Robotics Sees Oil And Gas At The Forefront Of Technology
Switzerland: China-USA
Politologin Kristine Berzina: «Chinas Aussenpolitik wird stets aggressiver, russischer, trumpiger»
Mit der Corona-Pandemie verliert China an Glaubwürdigkeit. In den sozialen Netzwerken verbreitet Peking vermehrt Verschwörungstheorien, sagt die Expertin für internationale Beziehungen.
(Trump and Xi Jinping kissing behind face masks:)
* *
Shelter-at-home in CA easing?
outdoor activities' allowed
editorspicks/amp/California- outdoor-activities-allowed- stay-home-15238108.php
California releases detailed list of outdoor activities allowed during shutdown
Facing protests, Newsom says easing stay-at-home rules could be ‘days’ away
https://www.latimes.com/ california/story/2020-05-02/ newsom-faces-more-pushback-on- stay-at-home-rules
Gov. Gavin Newsom says California may be 'days, not weeks' from further reopening
Norska smittskyddschefen: Här är vår plan för att öppna samhället
https://www.dn.se/nyheter/ varlden/norska- smittskyddschefen-har-ar-var- plan-for-att-oppna-samhallet/
Norwegian Infectious Disease Manager: Here is our plan to open society
- from Google Translate)https://www.dn.se/nyheter/
Canada - traditional family units
Families find their ‘bubbles’ as lockdown measures ease
article/ventilators-doctor- movement
The underground doctors’ movement questioning the use of ventilators
Just inquired if Ed would like to go for a walk tomorrow (per below A). And CA may be lifting its shelter-at-home directive within days, not weeks (see below B).
Are you continuing to meet with friends in parks re physical distancing and how is PA opening?
Love, Scott
Hi Ed, how are you these days, - and re people contacting you medically, too? Would you like to meet for a hike tomorrow near where we hiked before? It looks like hiking's good per the state of CA - https://www.sfgate.com/news/
* * *
Coronavirus F May 1 2020
Universal Basic Income
Why Americans Need a Guaranteed Income
The pandemic makes painfully clear that our economy must be reconfigured to be resilient in the face of disruption and change.
Mr. Hughes is a co-founder of the Economic Security Project.
Robotics -
Tokyo taps AI robots for duty at 2 hotels housing virus patients
Tokyo taps AI robots for duty at 2 hotels housing virus patients
Tokyo taps AI robots for duty at 2 hotels housing virus patients
By YUSUKE NAGANO/ Staff Writer
Norway asylum
Fortsatt uklart hvem asylsøker i seilbåt er
Mannen som ble funnet om bord i en drivende seilbåt i Skagerrak, er fortsatt ikke identifisert. Han ønsker å søke asyl i Norge.
https://www.aftenposten.no/ norge/i/MRG5dM/svensk- seilbaat-funnet-drivende-mann- om-bord-vil-soeke-asyl-i-norge ?
from Sweden ?
from Sweden ?
From Google Translate:
"Still unclear who the asylum seeker in sailboat is
The man who was found aboard a drifting sailboat in the Skagerrak has still not been identified. He wants to seek asylum in Norway."
"The man is now in custody at the Arendal police station, suspected of violating the Immigration Act. It is unclear if the work to map the man's name and nationality will start this weekend, writes NRK.
Just before 11 pm on Friday evening, the man was taken ashore. He was found aboard a drifting sailboat with a Swedish flag. The man expressed that he wanted to seek asylum in Norway, and was taken in tow by the cargo ship observing the boat.
"The boat comes from Sweden and has been out at sea for about two days to try to get into a country and seek asylum," rescue leader Owe Frøland told Fædrelandsvennen.
The man spoke little English and poor Swedish. He also had no passport, only a copy of a passport to show the police, writes NRK. Frogland does not want to state the age or possible nationality of the man.
- This is a special case. It is not normal in Norwegian waters that someone shows up in such a vessel and asks for asylum, he tells NRK."
* *
https://www.zeit.de/politik/ ausland/2020-05/joe-biden- sexuelle-belaestigung- vorwuerfe-us-demokraten
New forecast: The coronary pandemic is likely to last two years, Finnish researchers consider the estimate realistic
According to Finnish researchers, the University of Minnesota's new report predicting a two-year wavy coronavirus torment is more reliable than the University of Singapore's light modeling, in which Finland would be saved by August 26.
https://www.hs.fi/ulkomaat/ art-2000006494400.html
New forecast: The coronary pandemic is likely to last two years, Finnish researchers consider the estimate realistic
According to Finnish researchers, the University of Minnesota's new report predicting a two-year wavy coronavirus torment is more reliable than the University of Singapore's light modeling, in which Finland would be saved by August 26.
As Students Put Off College, Anxious Universities Tap Wait Lists
Uncertain that campuses will reopen, students are reluctant to commit for the fall. For schools, enrollment drops and lost revenue could be devastating.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/ 05/01/us/coronavirus-college- enrollment.html
Uncertain that campuses will reopen, students are reluctant to commit for the fall. For schools, enrollment drops and lost revenue could be devastating.
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor
- World University and School
- http:// worlduniversityandschool.org
- http://
- 415 480 4577
- http://scottmacleod.com
- http://scottmacleod.com
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
* * *
Coronavirus Th Apr 30 2020
* *
China -
"Is Brussels bending to China's pressure?
EU diplomats are said to have bowed to Beijing's will, the New York Times reports. Now Commissioner Borrell wants to comment on this."
https://taz.de/Vorwurf-an-EU- Diplomaten/!5680235/
EU diplomats are said to have bowed to Beijing's will, the New York Times reports. Now Commissioner Borrell wants to comment on this."
"Pressured by China, E.U. Softens Report"
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/ 04/24/world/europe/ disinformation-china-eu- coronavirus.html
* *
"Containment Scouts: Auf der Jagd nach Infizierten" (audio - at the 18 minute mark is the Google and Apple contact tracing app analyzed, in German)
https://www.faz.net/podcasts/ f-a-z-podcast-fuer- deutschland/f-a-z-podcast- fuer-deutschland-containment- scouts-auf-der-jagd-nach- infizierten-16749252.html
"Containment Scouts: Auf der Jagd nach Infizierten" (audio - at the 18 minute mark is the Google and Apple contact tracing app analyzed, in German)
Ozone hole closes
https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/ news/arctic-ozone-hole- largest-closed/
Some newspapers:
in French
Some newspapers:
in French
In Britain
* * *
Coronavirus W Apr 29 2020
Working at Amazon - like GDR surveillance
https://www.berliner-zeitung. de/wirtschaft-verantwortung/ mitarbeiter-bei-amazon-rigide- kontrolle-halbherziger-schutz- li.82399
"peace for the soul
In Iraq, psychotherapists are being trained at the university for the first time. They should help a generation of traumatized people and interrupt the cycle of violence. A journey to a place of hope"
https://www.zeit.de/2020/19/ irak-psychotherapie- ausbildung-trauma-gewalt
"Access to internet not a fundamental right, Jammu and Kashmir administration tells Supreme Court
High-speed Internet as been suspended even after the easing of restrictions, including a communication blockades, imposed after erstwhile state was divested of its special status with the revocation of Article 370 of the constitution in August last year."
https://www.hindustantimes. com/india-news/right-to- access-internet-not-a- fundamental-right-centre- tells-supreme-court/story- 15PF5bFyoXuoS17FKz5beI.html
High-speed Internet as been suspended even after the easing of restrictions, including a communication blockades, imposed after erstwhile state was divested of its special status with the revocation of Article 370 of the constitution in August last year."
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Coronavirus Tu Apr 28 2020
Push to reopen economy runs up against wary workers and consumers
https://www.washingtonpost. com/business/2020/04/28/trump- coronavirus-economy-reopen- meat/
"Here is Gov. Newsom’s 4-part plan to reopen California from coronavirus shutdown
California is in Stage 1 of Newsom plan, building resources and testing; Stage 2 could be weeks away"
California is in Stage 1 of Newsom plan, building resources and testing; Stage 2 could be weeks away"
"Biden wins Ohio's mail in primary"
https://www.post-gazette.com/ news/politics-nation/2020/04/ 28/Joe-Biden-wins-Ohio-s-mail- in-primary-delayed-by- coronavirus/stories/ 202004280140
Mayo clinic no mask
https://m.startribune.com/ vice-president-mike-pence-to- highlight-mayo-research-in- rochester-today/570006292/
Coronavirus Tests only at Hard Rock cafe in FL
https://www.miamiherald.com/ news/coronavirus/ article242344426.html
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Coronavirus thru M Apr 27 2020
* *
(how to translate a Swedish news video into English not on Youtube? ... albeit already somewhat in English ... )*
Harvard online
"Harvard will reopen in the fall, but whether it’s remote or on campus is uncertain"
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Coronavirus Sa Apr 25 2020
Zoom - law and coding for privacy in online video schools
https://www.stanforddaily.com/ 2020/04/22/stanford-should-be- cautious-when-using-zoom/
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Coronavirus thru Apr 23 2020
https://www.fr.de/panorama/ corona-krise-groko-einigt- sich-hoeheres- kurzarbeitergeld-zr-13680236. html
https://www.bostonglobe.com/ 2020/04/22/metro/when-it- comes-online-learning-two-new- england-neighbors-take-wildly- divergent-paths/
Homeschooling in Austria
workers returning to work in Minnesota
Obama shout out to Massachusetts
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Coronavirus Apr 22 2020
improving quality of life after coronavirus
Here are the states beginning to lift major coronavirus restrictions
https://www.bostonglobe.com/ 2020/04/22/nation/here-are- states-beginning-lift-major- coronavirus-restrictions/
"Dying is relational, and it is the narrowing of that relational capacity that makes dying in a pandemic a critical site of reflection."
@harrissolomon + Mara Buchbinder
https://culanth.org/ fieldsights/lonely-death-in- pandemic-times
https://twitter.com/heather_ paxson/status/ 1253006536462544899?s=20
* *
India -
"Dying is relational, and it is the narrowing of that relational capacity that makes dying in a pandemic a critical site of reflection."
@harrissolomon + Mara Buchbinder
* *
India -
This is a good explainer: What explains the low coronavirus numbers in poor, densely populated South Asia? https://scroll.in/article/ 959771/what-explains-low- coronavirus-numbers-in-poor- and-densely-populated-south- asia via
What explains the low coronavirus numbers in poor, densely populated South Asia?
Does this point to special conditions in South Asia such as heat? Or simply that poor healthcare systems are unable to record cases and deaths adequately?
https://scroll.in/article/ 959771/what-explains-low- coronavirus-numbers-in-poor- and-densely-populated-south- asia
What explains the low coronavirus numbers in poor, densely populated South Asia?
Does this point to special conditions in South Asia such as heat? Or simply that poor healthcare systems are unable to record cases and deaths adequately?
* * *
Coronavirus pandemic thru Tue Apr 21 2020
Google - Apple Contact Tracing
Closing borders is ridiculous’: the epidemiologist behind Sweden’s controversial coronavirus strategy
Anders Tegnell talks to Nature about the nation’s ‘trust-based’ approach to tackling the pandemic.
https://www.nature.com/ articles/d41586-020-01098-x
Anders Tegnell talks to Nature about the nation’s ‘trust-based’ approach to tackling the pandemic.
"Everything forbidden" - sociology
Language - Züritüütsch (Swiss German)
https://www.nzz.ch/zuerich/ conrad-ulrich-nachruf-auf- einen-zuercher-mit-esprit-ld. 1552562
Self swab test
https://www.oregonlive.com/ coronavirus/2020/04/1st-self- swab-at-home-coronavirus-test- okd-by-us.html
China - media landscape
Coronavirus (COVID-19) vs. Influenza (Flu)
Book -
"The great influenza The epic story of the deadliest plague in history"
Human lives in economies essay
https://www.zeit.de/kultur/ 2020-04/corona-pandemie- kapitalismus-oekonomie- menschenleben
New Bedford, MA
https://www.bostonglobe.com/ 2020/04/21/nation/why- coronavirus-has-seemingly- spared-fall-river-new-bedford- so-far/
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Coronavirus thru Apr 19 2020
Will students return in the fall - what are alternatives?
Coronavirus tracing
Peter Norvig - MIT
https://www.technologyreview. com/2007/12/18/222680/qa- peter-norvig/
Virtual Tourism
https://www.sfchronicle.com/ bayarea/article/Virtual- tourism-is-suddenly- everywhere-in-15195780.php
* * *
Coronavirus articles Apr 9 2020
https://www.zeit.de/wissen/ gesundheit/2020-04/sars-cov-2- impfstoff-forschung- beschleunigung-coronavirus
Sars-CoV-2when does the vaccination come?
One or two injections and you would be immune: the whole world is waiting for the life-saving corona vaccination. But it still takes. These are the candidates in the race.
https://www.zeit.de/sport/ 2020-04/bundesliga-fussball- spiele-corona-krise- spielbetrieb-geisterspiele
Football is more alien to us than ever
An entire country is at home, many are afraid for their jobs. But footballers are training again and renewing their contracts. And now they want to play too.
* * * *
Back to
Coronavirus Su May 3, 2020
So far, there have been 2,215 COVID-19 related deaths reported in California with more than 53,600 cases statewide, many of those popping up in the nine Bay Area counties, including Santa Cruz.
Here are the latest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the Bay Area:
Alameda County: 1,706 cases, 63 deaths
Contra Costa County: 934 cases, 28 deaths
Marin County: 239 cases, 13 deaths
Napa County: 70 cases, 2 deaths
San Francisco County: 1,602 cases, 29 deaths
San Mateo County: 1,233 cases, 51 deaths
Santa Clara County: 2,231 cases, 114 deaths
Santa Cruz County: 137 cases, 2 deaths
Solano County: 266 cases, 5 deaths
Sonoma County: 252 cases, 2 deaths
Here are the latest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the Bay Area:
Alameda County: 1,706 cases, 63 deaths
Contra Costa County: 934 cases, 28 deaths
Marin County: 239 cases, 13 deaths
Napa County: 70 cases, 2 deaths
San Francisco County: 1,602 cases, 29 deaths
San Mateo County: 1,233 cases, 51 deaths
Santa Clara County: 2,231 cases, 114 deaths
Santa Cruz County: 137 cases, 2 deaths
Solano County: 266 cases, 5 deaths
Sonoma County: 252 cases, 2 deaths
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Corona containment in Sweden
Wooden or royal route?
In Sweden, many people died from Covid-19. But the government remains on its liberal course - and receives praise from the WHO. REINHARD WOLFF
People keep their distance from a lake
... Regarding
"measures to contain the virus, said Michael Ryan, director of the "Health Emergencies Program" of the WHO last week: On the contrary, if you wanted to achieve normality without lockdown, Sweden was "in many ways a model for the future". (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/29-april-who-briefing-trust-sweden/)
Sweden has so far got by with an absolute ban: that of events involving more than 50 people. Exceptions are possible for the other two, a ban on visits to geriatric care facilities and the requirement of distance learning at universities and grades 10 to 12 of high schools. Have the open schools, daycare centers, restaurants and shops significantly promoted the spread of the virus? ... "
* * *
Dear Professors Hennessy, Greely, Chen MD, Califf MD, and All,
Here again is a fascinating update on Covid-19 from the National Academy of Sciences, including Tony Fauci MD:
Jeremy Farrar, Director, Wellcome Trust
Anthony S. Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Sanjay Gupta, Chief Medical Correspondent, CNN
George F. Gao, Director-General, Chinese Center for Disease Control & Prevention
Susan R. Weiss, Professor of Microbiology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania)
Richard J. Hatchett, CEO, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
Anthony S. Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Sanjay Gupta, Chief Medical Correspondent, CNN
George F. Gao, Director-General, Chinese Center for Disease Control & Prevention
Susan R. Weiss, Professor of Microbiology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania)
Richard J. Hatchett, CEO, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
And according to ABC News -
"So far, there have been 2,215 COVID-19 related deaths reported in California with more than 53,600 cases statewide, many of those popping up in the nine Bay Area counties, including Santa Cruz.
Here are the latest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the Bay Area:
Alameda County: 1,706 cases, 63 deaths
Contra Costa County: 934 cases, 28 deaths
Marin County: 239 cases, 13 deaths
Napa County: 70 cases, 2 deaths
San Francisco County: 1,602 cases, 29 deaths
San Mateo County: 1,233 cases, 51 deaths
Santa Clara County: 2,231 cases, 114 deaths
Santa Cruz County: 137 cases, 2 deaths
Solano County: 266 cases, 5 deaths
Sonoma County: 252 cases, 2 deaths "
Here are the latest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the Bay Area:
Alameda County: 1,706 cases, 63 deaths
Contra Costa County: 934 cases, 28 deaths
Marin County: 239 cases, 13 deaths
Napa County: 70 cases, 2 deaths
San Francisco County: 1,602 cases, 29 deaths
San Mateo County: 1,233 cases, 51 deaths
Santa Clara County: 2,231 cases, 114 deaths
Santa Cruz County: 137 cases, 2 deaths
Solano County: 266 cases, 5 deaths
Sonoma County: 252 cases, 2 deaths "
But in reading much about Sweden's unique approach without lockdown - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/erythronium-propullans-minnesota-dwarf.html ((plus a lot of great Leo Kottke guitar-playing, and much more including about Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records for all 7.5 billion people +)- am appreciative of this Tageszeitung artiicle (in German, with translation below):
Corona containment in Sweden - "Corona-Eindämmung in SchwedenHolz- oder Königsweg?"
In Sweden, many people died from Covid-19. But the government remains on its liberal course - and receives praise from the WHO. REINHARD WOLFF
... Regarding
"measures to contain the virus, said Michael Ryan, director of the "Health Emergencies Program" of the WHO last week: On the contrary, if you wanted to achieve normality without lockdown, Sweden was "in many ways a model for the future". (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/29-april-who-briefing-trust-sweden/)
Sweden has so far got by with an absolute ban: that of events involving more than 50 people. Exceptions are possible for the other two, a ban on visits to geriatric care facilities and the requirement of distance learning at universities and grades 10 to 12 of high schools. Have the open schools, daycare centers, restaurants and shops significantly promoted the spread of the virus? ... " (https://taz.de/Corona-Eindaemmung-in-Schweden/!5679762/).
In Sweden, many people died from Covid-19. But the government remains on its liberal course - and receives praise from the WHO. REINHARD WOLFF
... Regarding
"measures to contain the virus, said Michael Ryan, director of the "Health Emergencies Program" of the WHO last week: On the contrary, if you wanted to achieve normality without lockdown, Sweden was "in many ways a model for the future". (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/29-april-who-briefing-trust-sweden/)
Sweden has so far got by with an absolute ban: that of events involving more than 50 people. Exceptions are possible for the other two, a ban on visits to geriatric care facilities and the requirement of distance learning at universities and grades 10 to 12 of high schools. Have the open schools, daycare centers, restaurants and shops significantly promoted the spread of the virus? ... " (https://taz.de/Corona-Eindaemmung-in-Schweden/!5679762/).
All the best, Scott
In the " genes'" label here too -
(with nearly 50 related coronavirus pandemic posts to date)