Looks like the US Rainbow Gathering could be in Idaho this year July 1-8 ... https://idaho2020gathering.blogspot.com/p/the-dates.html ... https://www.welcomehome.org ... am appreciative that Switzerland reported 100s of Demonstrators against Corona Lies yesterday, and which is the first item in my blog post from yesterday http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/great-horned-owl-bubo-virginianus-swiss.html ...(I realize Germany's protests may have been bigger in recent weeks, if they've been occurring). But am hypothesizing that the coronavirus pandemic 'shelter at home except for essential needs' (in CA and around the world) directives may have addressed other issues in all ~200 nation states; see, the "5 Hypothetical News" items at bottom here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html, and the "genes" label posts in recent 2 months.
Cheers, Scott
Thanks, Rory MacLean (author of "The Magic Bus: On the Hippie Trail From Istanbul to India" and much else - https://rorymaclean.com/hippie-trail/)!
Greetings from the SF Bay Area. I'd like to introduce you to Peter Bothe, in Bremen, since you're in Berlin. (Maybe we could explore, Rory, you becoming a head of Canada World Univ & Sch https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Canada in English, French and First Nations' languages esp., but for free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric degrees in official languages, just as Peter may become a head of Germany World Univ & Sch https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Germany ; I'll mention Peter in my daily blog post - today's).
Seeking to create some of the traveling you're describing in a realistic virtual earth for hiking and traveling - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForHiking?src=hashtag_click
- think Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth and for virtual travel in a digital mask in the coronavirus pandemic. And thinking about facilitating even a Realistic Virtual Earth for History - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory?src=hashtag_click - so we'd be able to go on some versions of the Hippie Trail in the 1960s & 70s (http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/hippie%20trail).
For example, in 2017 or 2012, visit Harbin gate here virtually ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ & "walk" down the road "4 miles" to Middletown, CA, & "amble" around the streets there (accessible from http://bit.ly/HarbinBook) A #RealisticVirtualHarbin for soaking too :) Add PHOTOs to wiki #RealisticVirtualEARTH ~
visit Harbin gate here virtually ~ https://t.co/8F7i8x7dSD ~ & "walk" down the road "4 miles" to Middletown, CA, & "amble" around the streets there (accessible from https://t.co/n8B2vpYOY5) A #RealisticVirtualHarbin for soaking too :) Add PHOTOs to wiki #RealisticVirtualEARTH ~— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) January 8, 2019
Scott MacLeod's
Naked Harbin Ethnography:
Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin
by Scott MacLeod
Foreword by Nelson H.H. Graburn
UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus of Sociocultural Anthropology
Academic Press at World University and School
rainbow line
Scott MacLeod's Naked Harbin Ethnography:
Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin
Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality & Virtual Harbin
by Scott MacLeod
Foreword by Nelson H.H. Graburn
UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus of Sociocultural Anthropology
Academic Press at World University and School
![rainbow line]()
Foreword by Nelson H.H. Graburn
UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus of Sociocultural Anthropology
Academic Press at World University and School

And you might be interested too in
Today's World Univ & Sch LiveStream (5/11/20) & letter to MIT President Reif, which lead to a 30 minute talk recently w head in MIT Office for Digital Learning, Sanjay Sarma:
https:// worlduniversityandschool. blogspot.com/2020/04/dear-mit- president-rafael-reif- possible.html -
- http://youtube.com/ WorldUnivandSch - @WUaSPress ~
Today's WUaS LiveStream (5/11/20) & letter to MIT President Reif, which lead to a 30 minute talk recently w Sanjay Sarma in MIT Office for Digital Learning:
https:// worlduniversityandschool. blogspot.com/2020/04/dear-mit- president-rafael-reif- possible.html -
- http://youtube.com/ WorldUnivandSch - @WorldUnivAndSch ~
Cheers, Scott
hippie trail blog label - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/hippie%20trail -
On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 12:43 AM Rory Maclean <wander@rorymaclean.com> wrote:
Coming Down to EarthHow are you doing? The pandemic has touched so many of our lives. I hope that you and yours have suffered nothing more than the inconvenience of the lockdown, but of course that’s not the case for all of us.Over these homebound weeks, I’ve been looking out of my study window. Beyond the horizon I've imagined launching myself on far flung journeys: trekking Nepal’s high Annapurna trail, savouring spicy breakfast mohinga in rural Burma or paddling a canoe across the dark mirror of a Canadian lake and leaving a trail of twisting whirlpools in my wake. In the coming months, travel restrictions will be eased — both around the block as well as across the continents — and within a year the virologists should have found a Covid-19 vaccine. But there will be more frightening viruses in the coming years, and further epidemics, hence to my mind our future behaviour will change — will need to change — to confront a greater danger.All my life I have been moved by aeroplanes. At four months old a silver-bellied, three-finned Super Constellation flew me from Vancouver, where I was born, to Toronto, where we would live. A year later I crossed the Atlantic on my mother’s lap in a Bristol Britannia Whispering Giant, the first commercial aircraft to fly non-stop between America and Europe. When I was eight my father took me to Washington DC on a TCA Viscount to gaze at the Wright Brother’s Kitty Hawk Flyer. The Flyer’s historic hop -- man’s first powered, heavier-than-air flight -- had lasted 12 seconds. At twelve years old I shivered above the Arctic in a breezy DC-3. At thirteen I laughed out loud when a float plane lifted me up in a rainbow of spray from the Muskoka lakes. In 1967 I drank my first glass of wine on my first Big Jet, a BOAC Boeing 707, then fell in love with my first stewardess. She wore white gloves, a waisted navy uniform and winged pill box hat.When I moved to Europe I began to catch aircraft like buses. Twice a year I was carried home by Freddie Laker, PEOPLExpress and on the maiden Virgin Atlantic New York flight. Two dozen times I rattled down the Berlin Air Corridor at 10,000 feet, far below the PanAm 737’s ideal cruising altitude but within range of Soviet anti-aircraft guns. I lost an engine above Rangoon, crossed the Pacific on bankrupt Continental and once had a Qantas jumbo -- designed for 456 passengers -- all to myself (but only from Melbourne to Sydney). I lost a lover in LAX and found another at London Gatwick. My first travel story won a competition and a flight on Concorde, delivering me to JFK an hour before I’d left Heathrow. Above Seattle I dined on ‘a collation of smoked salmon, sevruga caviar and prawn sushi’ and brown-bagged it on an Ilyushin 86 in an ice storm near Minsk. And every aircraft I boarded, from a Fairchilds Pilgrim to the Airbus A380, across tropical tarmac or cattle-like through a docking bay, thrilled me: the click of the seat belt, the start of engines, the surge of power, the hurtle down the runway, the anticipation of the miracle.I have been lucky enough to live through a golden age of flight, the aeroplane lifting me body and soul, enabling me to become a travel writer. It let me feel at home in Toronto, London, Berlin and so many places in-between (on Crete I built my own flying machine, as pictured). Above all, aeroplanes taught me that much more links us than separates us. In the back row of a Boeing I learned that there are no island nations.Now in our changing age, I realise that we need to limit long-haul air travel while at the same time resisting the temptation to be insular. For as frightening as is the pandemic, it is part of the greater emergency. Both Covid-19 and the climate crisis arise from humanity's callous exploitation of the world. Neither respects national borders. Our control of nature — on which modern life depends — has been exposed as tenuous and fragile. Future, truly catastrophic pandemics, zoonotic mutations and extended stages of global warming will be mitigated only if we can devise a new multilateralism. We need to work together. We need to resist the seduction of simplistic, phobic nationalism so as to ensure that post-Covid-19 society is reordered for the common good. For me, this is our post-pandemic future. This is our new, coming-down-to-earth responsibility, with the realisation that our security at home depends on cooperation abroad. So I’ll start — once the lockdown lifts — by curtailing my time at 20,000 feet. I accept that I’ll never reach many of my fancied, far afield destinations. You?Today we all need something to lift our spirits, if not our bodies. If you fancy 28 minutes of pre-pandemic globe-trotting jollity, do check out my just-posted Spectator “Table Talk” podcast on dining on dynamited-fish with a Burmese drug lord, singing a duet with David Bowie in a Berlin lavatory, and how my mother was the inspiration for Ian Fleming's Miss Moneypenny.In this “Desert Island Dishes” podcast, I also chat about Russia’s chicken tsar and the food behind the researching and writing of Pravda Ha Ha (now shortlisted for the Stanford Dolman Travel Book of the Year Award and chosen as a Travel Book of the Year by the Financial Times). I am sorry not to be able to talk about the book in person, as Hay, Edinburgh and many other summer festivals have been cancelled. But in September I will be at the Berlin International Book Festival.In advance of that, in an attempt to stay in touch with writers and readers at home and abroad, I’ve been writing guest blogs for others’ newsletters and contributed to a Writers’ Way anthology. I’ve drafted the synopsis for the next book. I’ve also become an Arvon 1-1 tutor offering a one-to-one live conversation via Zoom or Skype. At the same time I’m yet to decide whether or not to go ahead with my @WriteInDorset weekend workshop on 20 / 21 June 2020. I haven’t advertised it and so numbers are rather low, and of course we don’t know yet what will be permitted. Hence if you are interested in joining me for two days of tutorials, discussions and exercises — with delicious lunches conjured up by my wife Katrin from local produce (and appropriate social distancing measures) — please drop me a line as soon as possible. Otherwise — due to the lockdown’s unknown exit date — I may have to reschedule it for the autumn. Full details can be found here.As ever, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line and now, more than ever, take care of yourself.Roryp.s. if you — like me — are finding it difficult to maintain concentration at the moment, Pravda Ha Ha is also available as an audio book — read by me — at Audible.
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Today's WUaS LiveStream
Here's today's WUaS LiveStream, as well as the letter to MIT President Rafael Reif, which lead to a 30 minute talk recently with a head in the MIT Office for Digital Learning, Sanjay Sarma:
WUaS LiveStream M, May 11, 2020 - MIT collaborations as Harvard & MIT go online?
(available from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdURAADdLc9ctxnbismtXzQ/)
WUaS LiveStream M, May 11, 2020 - MIT collaborations as Harvard & MIT go online?
due to this coronavirus pandemic
Dear MIT President Rafael Reif - Possible collaboration ideas between MIT and CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric wiki World University and School, planned in ~200 countries' official / main languages, and in all 7,117 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning.
https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/dear-mit-president-rafael-reif-possible.html -
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdURAADdLc9ctxnbismtXzQ/live
- http://youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch
WUaS LiveStream M, May 11, 2020 - MIT collaborations as Harvard & MIT go online?
WUaS LiveStream M, May 11, 2020 - MIT collaborations as Harvard & MIT go online?
due to this coronavirus pandemic
Dear MIT President Rafael Reif - Possible collaboration ideas between MIT and CC-4 MIT OpenCourseWare-centric wiki World University and School, planned in ~200 countries' official / main languages, and in all 7,117 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning.
https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/dear-mit-president-rafael-reif-possible.html -
Today's WUaS LiveStream (5/11/20) & letter to MIT President Reif, which lead to a 30 minute talk recently w head in MIT Office for Digital Learning, Sanjay Sarma:
https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/dear-mit-president-rafael-reif-possible.html -
- http://youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch - @WUaSPress ~
Today's WUaS LiveStream (5/11/20) & letter to MIT President Reif, which lead to a 30 minute talk recently w Sanjay Sarma in MIT Office for Digital Learning:
https://worlduniversityandschool.blogspot.com/2020/04/dear-mit-president-rafael-reif-possible.html -
- http://youtube.com/WorldUnivandSch - @WorldUnivAndSch ~
Now how best to head to #VirtualOregon in #1970s re a kind of #OregonVision in a #RealisticVirtualEarth ? - but probably not in a #RealisticVirtualHarbin since this would be in #virtualCalifornia :) ... and in great #realisticvirtualearthforhistory ...https://t.co/f10MhGDd4p ~ pic.twitter.com/WOuJQkKWVr— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) September 24, 2019
visit Harbin gate here virtually ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ & "walk" down the road "4 miles" to Middletown, CA, & "amble" around the streets there (accessible from http://bit.ly/HarbinBook) A #RealisticVirtualHarbin for soaking too :) Add PHOTOs to wiki #RealisticVirtualEARTH ~
visit Harbin gate here virtually ~ https://t.co/8F7i8x7dSD ~ & "walk" down the road "4 miles" to Middletown, CA, & "amble" around the streets there (accessible from https://t.co/n8B2vpYOY5) A #RealisticVirtualHarbin for soaking too :) Add PHOTOs to wiki #RealisticVirtualEARTH ~— HarbinBook (@HarbinBook) January 8, 2019