Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Hawksbill sea turtle: Great family genealogy research, Mark MacLeod, (and especially regarding our forebears' Norman John MacLeod and Isobel MacKenzie, parents of our great great grandfather James Edward McLeod - DNA-wise esp., from before) * * * Regarding Yoga, and even science with philosophy, this just came into my WUaS email box, and re breathing and technologies for measuring this and regarding the brain too - "Remote, Automated, and MRI-Compatible Administration of Interoceptive Inspiratory Resistive Loading"

Previous: Nembrotha aurea (Nudibranch): Seems like #Coronavirus pandemic has given us back our TIME from the state (Swiss French - use Google Translate in Chrome) - Consuming online newly in revolutionary way! Create a Stanford ethos from '60s-now @WorldUnivAndSch is fascinating Question - John Hennessy, Chair of Alphabet, could help! :) * * Here’s what Fauci said about college students returning to campus in the fall “Even at the top speed we’re going, we don’t see a vaccine playing in the ability of individuals to get back to school this term” * * * Laughing into the next film Virtual shortfilms Oberhausen Virtuelle Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen Lächelnd in den nächsten Film * Fergus Carmichael's ‘Train’ * Film wiki subject at WUaS * * * Stanford University's Hoover Institute: "Edward Lazear and Niall Ferguson: COVID-19: Today’s Historic Jobs Report"

Mark (MacLeod - 1st cousin),

This open MIT conference today at 2:45 pm ET features Mary Teresa Makela Barra the CEO of GM and the president of MIT Rafael Reif (whom WUaS just emailed, and as a consequence WUaS/ I videoconferenced for 30 minutes with the MIT VP /head in the Office of Digital Learning, Sanjay Sarma). My father once told me we have some Makela relatives. Could Mary be related to us? Her husband's name is also a Hebrides. Also, Mary's on the Board of Stanford - do you know her?

Here's the Solve at MIT 2020 Closing Plenary Livestream - 

I just registered for free, and it looks interesting. 



Mark MacLeod

May 12, 2020, 2:16 PM (20 hours ago)
to meJanieJenBruceSandy

With a little digging in Ancestry, I found that Mary Teresa Makela's grandfather was Viktor Wilhelm Stefanus Mäkelä. He was born in Köyliö, Finland in 1887.

Mary Elizabeth MacLeod ('Betty') married Urho Makela in Massachusetts in 1937. Urho's father was Anton Makela who was born in 1879 and emigrated to the US in 1902. He was from Säkkijärvi, Finland which is about a 4 hour drive from Köyliö.

So, are they related? At least in the late 1800s they were not from the same part of Finland.

Today, there are many descendants of Betty and Urho Makela living in the Peabody, MA area. You can find some of them in your DNA match list - Mary Bonczek, Melissa Troisi, Mary Lindmark, Kaitlin DiBuono, 'T.L.' (Trevor Lindmark).


And, as to Mary Makela's husband Anthony Barra, his great grandfather was Michele Barra, born 1867 in Turin, Italy.

On Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 1:29:10 PM GMT-2:30, Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org> wrote:

Great family genealogy research, Mark, (and especially regarding our forebears' Norman John MacLeod and Isobel MacKenzie, parents of our great great grandfather James Edward McLeod - DNA-wise esp., from before),

Amazing what you found about Mary Teresa Makela Barra (GM's CEO in the MIT Media Lab talk today), - from Ancestry .com! - and about our relatives' Mary Elizabeth MacLeod ('Betty') and husband Urho Makela, where Mary 'Betty' seems to be the granddaughter of James Edward McLeod, who was a Scot, and then tailor on PEI. Thank you. 

And regarding GM's CEO Mary Barra's husband, Anthony Barra, - re your 2nd email - here's some speculation: maybe the name of the Isle of Barra, a Hebrides' island, has some roots in Italy. One theory I've heard about the MacCrimmons, hereditary pipers to the Clan MacLeod for about 10 generations (1500 or 1690s - 1825???), was that their last name stems from Cremona, a place in Italy! Lots of ship travel back then! (Interesting to see the paper from a talk I gave at the Clan MacLeod Society Pacific gathering in South SF in 2011 is here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_MacLeod - and see too - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacCrimmon_(piping_family))

I haven't been able to 'dig,' or do digital 'research,' as easily as I might like in Ancestry .com. I think it's clunky software. For example, I found recently, Mark, on your family tree, then added, Norman John MacLeod (James Edward McLeod's father per your great new research) to my Ancestry tree, I thought, but then he doesn't appear anywhere on my tree, eg in searches etc. And the same for Isobel MacKenzie, his wife. Something to do with glitchy software I speculate.  And the James Edward McLeod I have in my tree doesn't list his being a tailor or on PEI whatsoever. 

Avatar bots for our ancestors with genetic information? 
In a visionary genealogy way, I am curious whether avatar bots of our ancestors, and Mary Barra's ancestors, with our developing genetic information will emerge, and so we can actually see if they have common genes through this new kind of genealogical knowleddge representation - and so we can also even (iteratively) interview or talk with our ancestors, (as new data is added). (Am thinking build-able avatar bots like in the 3D virtual world of Second Life, but realistic ones, like so-called 'artificial humans' aka Samsung Neons, and even regarding Samsung hardware - and eventually too for tele-robotic surgery for the living). Perhaps World Univ & Sch can facilitate some of this re https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory?src=hashtag_click and https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click and esp https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand/status/1235357771744169985?s=20 in Street View in 5 years and for archaeology too -

https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology?src=hashtag_click .

I haven't found MIT's GM CEO Mary Teresa Makela Barra here again from today in the MIT video recording yet.

Were any of you able to hear GM's CEO Mary Teresa Makela Barra with MIT President Rafael Reif here early - https://solve.mit.edu/events/solve-at-mit-2020 - although these two speakers don't appear to be available in video recording at this point after their conversation. However Yo-Yo Ma begins here after the recording at 1:06:20.

Your research is inspiring, Mark. Thanks for sharing. (And greetings, Bruce and Jen!)

warm regards, Scott

* * * *

Continuing from - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/great-horned-owl-bubo-virginianus-swiss.html ...

Great horned owl (Bubo virginianus): Swiss protests again Coronavirus lies? - "Hundreds of demonstrators are calling for the Corona lie to be clarified and are being fined in many places - they go unpunished in Zurich" * * * Siddartha - a very different mediascape in newspapers - and with regard to all the fear that I think the American newspaper press has generated * Some newspapers - https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/news.html#record - in non-English languages to try out Google Translate with ... and here are ones in French * Regarding our electric bicycle conversation, I also searched on "best electric bicycle 2020" * Having bicycle ridden with the ZAP Motor from around 1994-1999 in SF and if battery life improves dramatically, another ZAP motor could be more sensible than an improved Copenhagen wheel! * A week-long bike trip with an electric bicycle - if it made the heavy bicycling easy? :) (and stay in youth hostels * * * Teaching and learning bagpiping - Scottish small piping * Excellent and traditional March, Strathspey and Reel Stuart Liddell - Lunchtime Recital 2010: 2 of 8 * Would like to bring this radiance into my piping too, whether it be in the series of notes, or how I appear * * * Searched on "10 short stories you'd like the most" and found these GREAT resources

Pin (Sid), Tym (and All),

My mother helpfully suggested this article yesterday:

Annals of Medicine
May 11, 2020 Issue
"Why Weren’t We Ready for the Coronavirus?
The U.S. has fared worse than other countries not because it lacked information or funding but because it failed to learn the lessons of the last outbreaks."
By David Quammen
May 4, 2020

I blogged a bit about this yesterday - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/great-horned-owl-bubo-virginianus-swiss.html - with much more about the coronavirus pandemic in about 50 blog posts in recent months, all in the 'genes' label - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/genes - in my blog.

My mother interestingly grew up across the street from David Quammen in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Have your read this? It's in audio as well, Pin and All.

Tym, here's an article (use Google Translate) on Saudi Arabia and how things have changed so much with the coronavirus pandemic for oil producing states:

"Saudi Arabia gets the money from the weak"

Since Saudis bought great numbers of Treasury Bonds, and may be doing much less now in this changed situation, am wondering what role a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks - and even distributed via UBI experiments to some high % of 7.5 billion people on the planet - could play a role in Saudi Arabia even? See - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/vernal-hanging-parrot-stanford-law.html in the UBI label -https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/UBI - in blog. Regarding this blog post, could the Stanford Law CodeX Blockchain group help to facilitate the Stanford created "Mine Pi' cryptocurrency in some number of ~200 countries and in their official languages, I wonder?

- https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/genes -

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com


Thank you for your mail. I enjoyed reading the New Yorker article. I subscribe to New Yorker but must have failed to read it before.


Sent from my iPhone

Thanks so much for your email, Mr. Mazumdar!

With best regards, Scott
Here's a related idea for
#AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords for all 7.5 billion people on planet -
It would be great if in the next global epidemic if people could get tested and this information stream into their electronic medical record, for rapid response, tracking, testing, and isolation and regarding - in their language:

Google - Apple Contact Tracing https://forbes.com/sites/zakdoffman/2020/04/20/apple-and-google-major-contact-tracing-surprise-25-billion-users-lose-out/amp/
-https://wired.com/story/apple-google-contact-tracing-strengths-weaknesses/amp for 7.5 billion people w #UBIexperiments for jobless, beginning with speakers of all 7,117 living languages & in #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Languages ~


- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com


For your interest in HHS, and from the Swedish newspaper "Dagens Nyheter" (meaning "Today's News" - https://translate.google.com/ :)

Good news: it looks like Icelands' got this global epidemic under control: 
"Iceland close to eradicate corona virus through mass testing: "We don't have much left"" (from Google Translate)

I'm not sure if one could read this as Swedish humor :) 

"Live. WHO warns against fast road to flock immunity"

Cheers, Scott
For your interest today, Yo Yo Ma will also be playing at this free online MIT Media Lab event at 2:45 pm ET, 11:45 am PT:

This open MIT conference today at 2:45 pm ET features Mary Teresa Makela Barra the CEO of GM and the president of MIT Rafael Reif (who WUaS just emailed, and as a consequence WUaS/ I video conferenced for 30 minutes with the MIT VP /head in the Office of Digital Learning, Sanjay Sarma). Also, Mary's on the Board of Stanford.

Here's the Solve at MIT 2020 Closing Plenary Livestream -


I just registered for free, and it looks interesting.

Sincerely, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

* * * *


Came across this cow & calf in photo at dusk on my walk today, just before a very nice 3-way lookout on a saddle ... nice to see (and the rusty basin is to their left up a hill). After a long uphill walk on nice ecenibg, turned around here. What is cow consciousness, I've been asking myself.

They're aware, and am not sure how much they remember, and herd connection seems to be part of their 'thereness' - as consciousness. Their cattle consciousness is different from bat consciousness, and dog consciousness for ex. Not clear how a scientist would characterize their consciousness (how in their brains bodymind what we could call cobsciousness finds form) ...or if Cows could talk, how they would characterize it from the 'inside.' (Or how I'd characterize this ...) ... so am not sure how to bring the 3rd and 1st person or bodymind (re cows) accounts together, but I'd suggest cow consciousness has parallels with human consciousness.

Their awareness as consciousness is in their vision & other senses - and somehow in cow cognition - but living in fields, and eating grass, and with no language, their consciousness seems staid ... and also not language-centric. What is cow consciousness further, I wonder ... and as a way to think about human consciousness ?

:) And how to explore too connecting with ... ? :)

Love, Scott


In some ways I'm asking 'what is consciousness?' and 'how does consciousness work, biologically, too?' (but not really engaging Yoga perspectives very much at all).

Love, Scott



San Francisco Bay Area - East Bay Hills

415 480 4577

World University and Schoo's wiki, 'Yoga,' subject page - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga :) - with an invitation to 'edit this page' and explore yoga.

What a lovely image at dusk.

I think I’m seeing more during this pandemic; the little things.  The details.

Have a good day.

Love, Ma

Cow and Calf at dusk

Thanks, Ma, - albeit a little difficult to see given low light levels ... so glad you're seeing things anew, and more, in this pandemic ... and details ... So, further, in the asking about cattle awareness or consciousness ...

Am asking what is "cattle consciousness" ... that is, what is it like to be a cattle / cow? Perhaps this means, per your email, what is it like to see like a cattle (singular) and re the details that a cattle might see with awareness and consciousness - both objectively and subjectively (which like the impossibility, at this time, of reconciling the 1st and 3rd person accounts linguistically for humans - or 1st and 3rd bodymind in the case of a cattle, male or female) ... or bringing together a scientific view of a cattle's consciousness with a 'personal' or better 'cattle-centric' account what they are aware of ... (In writing this, am observing newly some linguistic challenges too in exploring these questions philosophically in words :)

Consciousness, philosophically - western, is a mystery ... and re Yoga it's about a kind of oneness with the Seer, big S ... a very different account and contextualizing of ideas and experiences :)

'Consciousness easy and hard problems' (see below, and re Chalmers) - and "What is it like to be a bat?" essay inform some of these questions ... but it's fascinating per your observation that we're seeing new details during this pandemic ... and how would this work regarding becoming conscious in new ways?

Love, Scott
'consciousness easy and hard problems'

Hard problem of consciousness
"The hard problem of consciousness is the problem of explaining why and how sentient organisms have qualia [note 1] or phenomenal experiences—how and why it is that some internal states are subjective, felt states, such as heat or pain, rather than merely nonsubjective, unfelt states, as in a thermostat or a toaster.[2]"


Easy problem of consciousness
""easy problems" of explaining the ability to discriminate, integrate information, report mental states, focus attention, and so forth.[4] Easy problems are (relatively) easy because all that is required for their solution is to specify a mechanism that can perform the function.[4]"

Hi Ma,

Are you having a good day?

Pretty good here ...

Good to have emailed President Marcia McNutt of the National Academy of Sciences, Harvard/MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church, and about 30 great science panelists from the weekend - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/galaxy-thank-you-for-your-extraordinary.html?m=0 -

Love, Scott
Cow & calf here, and more here :) -
http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/red-trillium-cow-and-calf-what-is-cow.html?m=0 -


Ma, (and Annie),

Saw 1 cow and a large calf I think ... on a beautiful walk earlier 2 days ago.

Saw 2 cows on hillside, and 2 calves yesterday close by on main dirt road through "Indian Valley" to my east. One calf may have been a bull -after I had walked past it, it seemed to lower its head and take some steps toward me (in a kind of 'pre-charge' position :). I didn't have on a red bandana (coronavirus mask, - only a blue one, which is good against dust too) to take off, and train it to be a bull in a Spanish bullfight when it got bigger :) (am not talking about Ferdinand the Bull here:).

Annie, do young bull calves have charging behavior in their genes? How do male and female calves compare?

I also found a 2nd large tick on me yesterday. I feel them moving & pull them off, unlike the tiny ticks on Cuttyhunk, which are tiny. (I think I've seen 3 ticks in total on mr here in 13 years, and none of them have burrowed into me so far).


The one to fear if you are looking at mom and her babe is the mom...esp if calf is just newborn.   Protective instincts kick in.  The calf if he had his head down and coming toward you was probably just curious, but often the calf will approach something and that will worry the mom.
Ribs are healing, but it will be a long time before I forget about them, and my tidal volume may be permanently decreased

>>>>>> > @HarbinBook "The 1st batch of videos, already on YouTube, takes viewers wearing VR headsets to 5 inns"> #RealisticVirtualHarbin #RealisticVirtualEarth ~

What happened to your ribs? And what happened re loss of tidal volume? Sorry to hear you might have been injured.
And thanks for your insights into cattle, and fearing moms around their very young esp. Found:

Angry Cow protecting newborn calf


Tagging a calf with a mad momma cow


Am gradually learning cow psychology ... cows are curious - how interesting! (In what ways does this parallel human curiosity, and how could it have have evolved?:) Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

Exploring the idea of heading to the Rainbow Gathering (if it happens) possibly in Idaho (if there) in the first week of July -

Questions of the body - like regarding your ribs (and social theory-wise, or philosophy / thinking wise) - and Yoga (re the email address you replied to are interesting to me), - and even regarding (Brown and related) family questions, and health come to mind; am appreciating the health benefits of Yoga asana, and would like to introduce the benefits of Yoga asana to my possible kids - perhaps ... http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html (yet perhaps further re-construed with kids in mind, and for the benefits of kids) - but also with perhaps slightly different ideas than in much of (Indian) Yoga philosophy, but which Yoga philosophy in America is very curious .

Fond regards, Scotty

Ann, thanks for your thoughts and words about cows and their calves. Regarding Yoga, and even science with philosophy, this just came into my WUaS email box, and re breathing and technologies for measuring this and regarding the brain too -

"Remote, Automated, and MRI-Compatible Administration of Interoceptive Inspiratory Resistive Loading"

Sebastian W. Rieger, Klaas Enno Stephan & Olivia K. Harrison
then found https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2019.12.09.869511v1

Will we be able to do such research from home? With home MRIs even? (WUaS students too ... and while visiting a realistic virtual Harbin even, and similar?)



Your tidal breathing reference, and my sending you that science paper on brain research, breathing, MRIs and inspiratory processes ... and regarding Yoga too, brings me back to thinking about how breathing works in teaching Yoga, and also increasing one's respiratory processes, through, in a sense, exercises ... pranayama, and asana ... 

Yoga heads re consciousness or awareness questions into the now, and breathing is a way to observe in a sense one's calm mind, or even self, directly ... different from studying these processes science-wise.  

Thanks again for mentioning cows and calves - and your thinking re being careful around a mama cow who's calf could be at risk. 

Warm regards, Scotty
May blog today about some of this :) 

M, May 11, 2020
Hi Ma & Ann,

Cows and calves are getting wet today since we're having a pretty steady rain now (somewhat unusually).

May head out with waterproof shoes (I've basically worn Birkenstocks every day this past winter amazingly) and a raincoat, - or do some gentle inverted Yoga poses to bring some activity / opening into my upper body. :) Often Yoga poses have beneficial neurophysiological effects paralleling walking, partly thanks to the movement. I'm preferring walking much these days, although I do a few sitting yoga poses first thing daily (because they're enjoyable).

Variations on these daily:

How are you both doing? And what's the weather like on the ranch? Seeking a partner here to begin a family ... and there's a folk philosophy logic saying - if it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it must be a duck ... Moi & ? :)

Warmly, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

Am appreciating how raga heads in some of these directions as well. Ah, India! :)

* *
Re Cow and calf, see too:

Red trillium: Cow and calf - What is cow consciousness? or cattle awareness? * * * Playing the Scottish small pipes, I'd like to be a kind of space ship that soars down from the atmosphere and with a series of tones transports you the listener to another world. :) * * * Dark Hollow Woods' Park, PA - adding flowers and photos to Google Maps together too which is the idea of ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy * I added a photo of the Harbin Hot Springs' gate house here ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (accessible from ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~) ... and in many ways, this Harvard transcription idea is very related



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