Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Lined seahorse: "Free yourself from the mass media, the virus doesn't exist" * * * Sri Lanka's Freedom College's Expression of interest in collaborating with World University and School * * * Psychotherapy, Psychiatry and Quakers / nontheist Friends ... and trying to post to the Nontheist Friends' Network web site in Britain


 "Free yourself from the mass media, the virus doesn't exist" 

Hi Ma, Ann,

Rain much of the night, seems unusual, but kinda welcome ... Some 'big' internet thoughts ... and re Information Technology theory even ... per following news' article "Free yourself from the mass media, the virus doesn't exist" - https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/plus208035545/Corona-Demos-Berlin-Der-Virus-existiert-nicht.html.

With a 6 minute video of which I could see half only once before a pay wall popped up in the journalistically-excellent Welt.de newspaper ("The World" in German, as media there too). I teach about the related following ideas in one of my courses - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html. In article there's an interesting theoretical perspective too re 'MASS SELF COMMUNICATION' thesis in Castells' book "Communication Power" - as new/significant with internet -

"Free yourself from the mass media, the virus doesn't exist"
„Befreit Euch von Massenmedien, der Virus existiert nicht!“
Stand: 07:34 Uhr
Martin Heller
Head of Video Innovation

which is about "corona demonstrators" in one of millions of articles in last few months -

? symbolically significant ?

Or could one also interpret this article as an understanding advertisement to get readership - i.e. sticky eyeballs - if not to sell this newspaper monetarily. Germans seem more reasonable, balanced and measured with all things financial than Americans, but they also haven't given rise to Silicon Valley innovations, and the info tech revolution. And the article's title echos revolutionary thinking, yet meme-wise ( where meme could be 'imitated replicating cultural units' - or repeated words).

And even if I were able to view the article a second time behind its pay wall, like I can view Boston Globe's  articles behind their p'ay wall' in the Tor browser - I wouldn't be able to view the article's video a 2nd time in the Tor browser because Tor's orientation to coding for privacy currently makes videos inaccessible, and likewise machine translation. (That I was able to see half this video once on Android smartphone in Chrome browser, and after which a pay wall popped up, and in a second different browser, Firefox, is new to me) - in thinking about all these I.T. processes, and social theory-wise too. (I also checked this article in Tor browser, and can't read it behind its pay wall, unlike Boston Globe articles, for example).

A further "HYPOTHETICAL News'" item (I'm making this up): It was Stanford laboratories (either in Palo Alto or in China) that created a SARS Covid-19 virus, and released it in Wuhan, partly as a radical action, and also to focus the world on 'in case of emergency' OF EMERGENCY global epidemic scenarios. And there was another related release of this SARS Covid-19 in Italy (as hypothetical news). The rest of the coronavirus pan-demic has been 'memes' :) .. now how to 'test these hypotheses' :)? (And I asked my former landlord about his saying that the virus in Wuhan, China was due to vial with virus in a vial and in "archery contest in Wuhan, China"" I later called him about this to check on it, and when I asked him explicitly about this, he said the vial with virus in it and "archery contest in Wuhan, China"" was "fake news"??? (per https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/courtship-display-heartsong-and-all.html ) ... Hmmm ... Philosophical skepticism has merit.

Also, re internet privacy questions, having just got a monthly Google Maps' update of my trips when I've carried my smartphone I think - and again re privacy questions - and the Google Apple contact-tracing project re the coronavirus pandemic, it looks like Google already knows exactly where I've traveled in the past month ... https://www.google.com/maps/timeline?ved=0ENaiAggAKAA&pb=!1m2!2m1!1s2020-04&gid=118114165587746804948 ... Hmmm .. is some of the media about Google Apple contact-tracing project fake news itself? Has the coronavirus pandemic been significantly fake news? (and per this recent online Oxford university talk "Freedom of Expression & the Weaponization of Information" - https://pcmlp.socleg.ox.ac.uk/event/freedom-of-expression-the-weaponization-of-information-with-antonina-cherevko-adviser-international-media-support (a bit old school, as well as culturally Russian or east bloc thinking even:) - by Antonia Cherevko (who speaks Russian natively) ... Hmmm .

As a Castellian (Manuel Castells), am thinking about some of these things in these regards (and also re http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html).

New hypothesis - social media gives us all who use it and post 'communication power' :)

Moist outside but ...

* * *
Sri Lanka's Freedom College's Expression of interest in collaborating with World University and School (cont.)

Hi Rifai, Peter and Partha, 

Typed in 'Free College' in Google Translate, selected Sinhala, and got both: 

නිදහස් විද්යාලය
nidahas vidyālaya

What a lovely script. Slightly different connotation than "Freedom College" in English. 

Coupons and Promo Codes re ORAP ... as incentives to take edX courses ... Hmmm... and an inspiring realistic virtual earth for STEM classrooms ... https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM?src=hashtag_click ... somehow as incentives too? I don't know that students are seeking to take edX courses in the same way that students are applying to MIT and Stanford at the undergraduate level - yet. 

Will keep the .edu domain name in mind - thanks. Also, brainstorming-wise, WUaS may develop our online medical schools with online teaching hospitals for online clinical care and research building out of something like Sebastian Thrun's Udacity approach: 

Introducing #UdacityAIforHealthcare Nanodegree program!
Due to the #COVID19 #pandemic, there has never been a better ti‍me to understand the impact of #AI on the #healthcare industry and to learn how you can leverage AI for patient care. Learn more https://bit.ly/3bxC8wF.

... which also takes, like edX, a nanodegree approach to incentives ... and perhaps as different incentives than ORAP. 

Thanks again for your email. 

Regards, Scott

Hi !

Yeah !  Languages from the Indian sub continent somewhat look the same due to Sanskrit and Pali origins. Sinhala is an Indian language that is extinct in India and Sri Lanka is the only country that uses Sinhala. Z is missing in the alphabet so Zebra is pronounced Sebra.

The degree programmes are actually a combination of selected individual certificates. Only difference is you have to enroll into the university and the exams are proctored if I am not mistaken. It is all in the degree certificate. You can consider that too. Ubiquity does that. Have you checked out Nopaymba.com and wikispecies?



Rifai, All, 
No Pay MBA, from edX etc - https://www.nopaymba.com - cool 
Ubiquity Univ - https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org - cool
Here's WikiTree - planning a complete family tree, presumably for all 7.5 billion people - https://www.wikitree.com 
And WUaS seeks to code for all 22 million Sri Lankans, each a Wikidata PIN# as wiki teachers and learners at WUaS too ..
Beyond degrees at Nidahas Vidyalala ... Degrees at WUaS? Seeking to license with the state of CA's BPPE, and probably WASC senior (which accredits Stanford and MIT), first in English ... and offer online Bachelor, Ph.D. Law, Medicine, and IB High School degrees - in Sinhala too and all 200 countries' official languages ... conceptually on something like MIT OCW into MITx on the edX platform, but perhaps newly in collaboration with MIT and Harvard as they all go online for the autumn due to the coronavirus pandemic ... stay tuned
Regards, Scott


Rifai, and All, 

WASC senior accredits Stanford and UC Berkeley and all the UCs in California, but not MIT  (re "which accredits Stanford and MIT") ... and WUaS may accredit with WASC senior too, as we explore licensing with state of CA's BPPE concurrently. 

Pre coronavirus pandemic, here are the 5 reasons WUaS seeks to code for all 7.5 billion people on planet earth - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/wild-pomegranate-burchellia-bubalina.html - from Dec 31, 2019 blog post ... and now with the Apple - Google contact-tracing application unfolding, there may be further collaboration potential for WUaS with Google/ Alphabest in the future. This is especially re WikiTree and which 7.5 billion person focus - at a key WUaS coding moment - you'll find in the Agenda & News for WUaS for today's WUaS Monthly Business Meeting. 

Regards, Scott

Hi !
The last time I logged in, wikitree was empty. It has grown now so I could work on it now. For someone who believes in the creation of man (Adam) and lineages of Semitic people, genealogy can be categorised into 3 or 4 periods as per historians. 

Adam to Abraham - Key figures are correct but major mistakes are obvious.

Abraham to Jesus Christ (referring to the period) - Mistakes might be present but some lineages might be accurate.

Jesus Christ to Today - Some lineages are accurate. This period is the best to work on.

For a code to be unique it should be tagged with biometrics at FBI verification levels. If not two people with similar patterns can be mistaken. Need to RnD on using a webcam for iris scan or using a computer scanner to scan a fingerprint. The other option might be to have a mile long code to represent the 7.5 B.
Eg: SLWPCMBNG000000000001

Accreditation is quite useful when working with Commonwealth member states. If you can get accredited by one body mentioned in the UGC Sri Lanka site and you can cover many countries in Asia, Africa, Australia & Europe.

I had an email conversation with Moodle 4 Teachers on providing a free post graduate diploma for teachers (open shared content of MA in Teacher Education from the Open University of Sri Lanka. They have discontinued the programme). There are few more courses for teachers. If you approve the certificate can be assured by Sri Lanka WUaS and displayed on WUaS Sri Lanka page. Exemptions can be granted for students who pass an exam conducted by WUaS.  This can be a separate project unrelated to MIT OCW centric.

The students could be proctored online for impersonation. Copying can be reduced by keeping the student occupied in the exam, maybe an MCQ type paper with 60 questions within 60 minutes. Once the student passes the certificate is issued. They normally issue a certificate once the learning outcomes are met. This might take off with a non-accredited, non-proctored and non-verified certificate from Freedom College (Nidahas Vidyalaya will be renamed).

Speaking of contact tracing it would be great to partner with Google as they have bigger dominance than Apple. If you like to start with tracing WUaS Alumni might be able to share a piece of code. It is not wiki based but googling might help.



Freedom College


HI Rifai, Partha, Peter, 

Thanks again for your email, Rifai. Have posted below a conversation I had with WikiTree founder, and its lead developer, on Dec 14, 2020 (see videos of them) ... they're potential collaborators (WUaS and Wikidata), and via Wikidata in its 300 languages. WUaS donated itself to Wikidata in 2015 and got WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017 (this is WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and planning to code, conceptually, for all 7.5 billion people on planet) but they're not yet interoperable.  

Re your interesting- 

"For a code to be unique it should be tagged with biometrics at FBI verification levels. If not two people with similar patterns can be mistaken. Need to RnD on using a webcam for iris scan or using a computer scanner to scan a fingerprint. The other option might be to have a mile long code to represent the 7.5 Billion people Eg: SLWPCMBNG000000000001  "

- WUaS is seeking to create a single realistic virtual earth at the cellular and atomic levels too - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click - with realistic avatar bots (living and past), of humans and all other species ever, and for genealogical research too. Big data project! But for matriculating WUaS students, and wiki teachers and learners as speakers of all 7,117 known living languages. 

Re your "Accreditation is quite useful when working with Commonwealth member states. If you can get accredited by one body mentioned in the UGC Sri Lanka site and you can cover many countries in Asia, Africa, Australia & Europe."

... Re World Univ & Sch accreditation-thinking presently, WUaS is conceiving of this as if a Sri Lankan student applies to and gets into MIT or Stanford on-the-ground (with their accreditations), travels to Cambridge or Palo Alto to study for 4 years, gets a hypothetical chemical engineering degree, for ex., and then returns to Sri Lanka, and takes a licensing exam there in Sinhala or English in order to be able to practice as a chemical engineer in Sri Lanka. WUaS accreditation in other countries in the future (and re a WUaS Sri Lanka law school's which we've already emailed about) is something for the future.

Re your "approve the certificate," and "proctoring" ... WUaS is currently thinking in terms of edX courses in one way or another re WUaS degrees. (WUaS is considering modularity in these regards too - where a student could take a single edX course, brainstorming-wise, get an edX certificate, and have this course apply to their 40 courses necessary for a free-to-students' Bachelor degree; am not sure how the payment issue would work if the student wanted the edX certificate along the way to a degree, since payment to edX is involved if a student wants an edX certificate).  WUaS, brainstorming-wise, is thinking in terms of the edX platform for test-taking, assessment etc. too. 

Yes, this email address is already part of Google for Education, and G Suite: 
Having just got a monthly Google Maps' update of my trips when I've carried my smartphone I think - and re privacy questions - and re the Google Apple contact tracing project re the coronavirus pandemic, it looks like Google knows exactly where I've traveled in the past month, already ... https://www.google.com/maps/timeline?ved=0ENaiAggAKAA&pb=!1m2!2m1!1s2020-04&gid=118114165587746804948 ... Hmmm

WUaS is a little Friends' oriented (unprogrammed Quakers, nontheist Friends, atheist Quakers / agnostic F/friends, and UU too) ... And with regard to genealogy, and DNA sampling too (per Ancestry. com, but which WikiTree doesn't do), we'll navigate the 3 monotheistic religions (C - M - J) accordingly. Heading also (way) beyond the 7 religions in Huston Smith's "The Religions of Man" first published around 1957. 

Cheers, Scott
Further accreditation thinking here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/accreditation 

emails with WikiTree and Wikidata ... 

Chris, Aleš, Markus, Denny, Lydia and All, 

Magnus Sälgö just connected with me again in Telegram (see below) re SINGLE family tree questions in WikiTree, presumably for 7.5 billion people on the planet, and I wanted to share this with you, as well as let you know why else World Univ & Sch is seeking to develop, brainstorming-wise, with 7.5 billion people. I'm sorry that I don't know Bayesian statistics in these regards>  

WUaS is seeking to plan for, brainstorming-wise, coding for all 7.5 billion people for the following reasons:

All 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item number (or PIN in the Wikidata ecosystem or similar) for

i) wiki Universitians in 7,111 known living languages, and matriculated students in all ~200 countries,

ii) Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records, with genetic therapies, and for molecular tele robotic surgery, for ex.,

iii) Universal Basic Income (UBI) experiments (and to alleviate poverty), and to DISTRIBUTE a single cryptocurrency backed by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (where the Euro is in 19 out of 28 EU countries, and backed by their central banks in one way or another) ... and potentially with UBI experiment recipients able, for example, to mine the "Mine Pi" cryptocurrency (as a mineable single cryptocurrency), developed by Stanford graduates, by clicking on the 'lightning button' brainstorming-wise. (See, too, European Central Bank head, Christine Lagarde here - https://twitter.com/ecb/status/1205225680453210112?s=20 )

iv) a single family tree for genealogy research as in WikiTree (https://www.wikitree.com, and see too World Family Tree - https://www.geni.com/worldfamilytree), and for aggregating DNA samples too (see item 2 again).

Magnus is raising quality and "verifiable in reliable sources" questions re approximately 600,000 entries that were recently added to WikiTree, and how bots didn't work out very well. 

I'm including Peter Norvig here too since he may have great knowledge about how to explore proceeding with single WikiTree family tree questions with genetic data - and for all 7.5 billion people on planet earth, as well as re the above WUaS questions. Peter, you're a Bayesian statistician, aren't you? Whom else? Markus? 

Thoughts, ideas, questions, clarifications ... ? Thank you.



(Although I've included Magnus Sälgö in this email again per below, I'll leave him out of subsequent emails per his request)

(See, too, re planned reimbursement questions from all ~200 countries re MIT OCW-centric WUaS at what it costs to go to Stanford or MIT per student per year + here -
WikiTree LiveCast - Chat with Aleš Trtnik, Data Base Errors Project
The Future of Genealogy, WikiTree and Collaboration (with Chris Whitten)
https://youtu.be/7zchDXdg2R8 ) 

14 Dec 2019 (from SF Bay Area)
Thanks, Magnus - From WikiTree - https://www.wikitree.com/ - "Welcome to The Free Family Tree, growing stronger since 2008.
Together we're growing an accurate single family tree using DNA and traditional genealogical sources" ... Am curious how WikiTree is planning for a SINGLE family tree re dealing with large amounts of data (which machine learning thrives on), based on their history since '08. About 600,000 entries of 7.5 billion people on the planet is .008 %, and this seems like helpful quantification re aiming for 7.5 billion people in a single family tree, but I don't know Bayesian statistics which seems like it could help further significantly - and potentially with issues of verifiability esp. Mathematics can clear up messes, - especially if museum and university peoples could help with this. World Univ & Sch which donated itself to Wikidata in 2015 and received WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki as a consequence in 2017 aims for 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata Q-item # (or similarly named, such as PIN - like Personal Identification Number in the Wikidata system) for 4 reasons initially (see: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/11/arabian-sand-gazelle-minutes-for-annual.html). Will email that thread from a few weeks ago about all of this. Tack! Magnus

* * *
Psychotherapy, Psychiatry and Quakers / nontheist Friends ... and trying to post to the Nontheist Friends' Network web site in Britain

Trevor, Nontheist Friends' Network, and NtFs, 

Thanks for opening this up, non-theisticallly Friendly-wise. I experimented further with your experiment, and attempted to post that which is below here - https://nontheist-quakers.org.uk/2020/05/11/nfn-website-news-as-home-page-posts/comment-page-1/. But both experiments didn't seem to work, and even after I logged into Wordpress.  

Non-theistic Friendly greetings, 

I was very very impressed with adolescent psychiatrists Dr. Karriem Salaam a few years ago, and I'd think that Friends' Hospital in Philadelphia has many excellent head psychiatrists. The video of Dr. Salaam is impressive here in a related Tweet (from 9 Sep 2018):

"How to prepare your kids for life on their own ahead of college - from Friends Hospital in Philadelphia, one of America's oldest hospitals:
Dr. Karriem Salaam gives some tips on preparing your children for life on their own. http://fox29.com/good-day/355005577-video… > https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/The_College_at_World_University_and_School… ~"
Have expanded the Tweets here in this related blog post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/great-blue-turaco-potential-benefits.html (see, too the 'Nontheist Friend' label as well as the 'Quaker' related labels)



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