Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Common garter snake: Harbin Hot Springs, poetry, Exploring Wisdom re Philosophy

Next: Quercus chrysolepis (Canyon live oak): Genes and genealogy? - Here's Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church (again): "How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?" * * * Any chance you see a Peter Norvig (is a director of research at Google Inc., and used to be its director of search quality) / Google / Alphabet / Stanford getting their coding hands on Ancestry .com and especially with WikiTree (for all 7.5 billion people's genetic samples ... as well as for archaeology genetic samples)? * * * Another take on genetic ownership questions (gene database / narrative ownership, etc.), re other species ... a Wikidata Q-item # for individual species * Found the language I was referring to re "world's only open-access human genome and trait data sets" (per George Church)
Previous: Sugar cone pine (Pinus lambertiana): Prem and Aditi write 2 emails to World Univ & Sch about the WUaS Minutes from 5/16/20: Some thoughts to - "Can you please give the outline of WUaS focus in Indian Languages and how we are going to impact the students here in India especially those who are from different languages and cultures?" AND "What all subjects we are offering in online for students and the validity of the certificate we are giving?" * * * #Tasmanian Tiger, #Thylacine with Robotics? * Re #HomeRobotics @WorldUnivAndSch how can students recreate #TasmanianTiger #Thylacine as #WUaSRobotsAndAnimals -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thylacine in #RealisticVirtualEarthForSpecies w #LegoRobotics in #RealisticVirtualEarth #DigitalSpecies * * * Email to MIT Office of Digital Learning re exploring collaborations

Hi Ma (Jane), David, Ed, Pin, Susan (Sioux), and Tym, 

Shared these pictures this morning with the 1st 4 of you and this email address, from Google Photos, as I learn further about how this I.T. works, and am now wanting to share these photos from my sgkmacleod@gmail.com account, - and regarding taking these pictures on a side road close to Harbin Hot Springs where I sometimes camped in my Subaru Legacy (in pic) when doing field work, and these poems I wrote at the time, partly regarding this hill side. (Am not sure how these particular photos popped up on my smartphone this morning, making it possible to share them - Peter Norvig???)

Found these poems of mine relate to these pictures ... re this side road near Harbin Hot Springs ... by searching on "Eupalinos" (as in "Tunnels of Eupalinos" in Greece on Samos Isle, and the 8th wonder of the world, per Herodotus possibly?) and searching on "Ferdinand" as in (Ferdinand the Bull, about which I emailed Sioux yesterday):

in which I found this Will Durant definition of 'wisdom,' which web site - http://www.willdurant.com/wisdom.htm (when I clicked on it, it took me to a Norwegian domain in Norwegian curiously) - no longer works, so I looked in archive.org and found it here from 2012 - https://web.archive.org/web/20120123104627/http://www.willdurant.com/wisdom.htm ... Interesting illuminating definition (with its focus on holism ).

And there are some other poems from this 2011 year and related in blog, also written partly while camping on this side road (and at Harbin). 

Fairly new 'wisdom' label in blog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/wisdom - to which I'll add some of these blog posts (and it's interesting to me that Eric Dodson whom I've blogged about -

Bizet sheep: Wisdom @WorldUnivAndSch ?> "Wisdom and Education" video - "Top 10 Indicators of Wisdom by Eric Dodson" * * Am curious to bring these ideas about "Wisdom and Education" into conversation with A) my actual < > virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project B) MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School, developing online in ~200 countries and 7,111 known living languages (and now with the emergence of online learning due to many major universities heading online due to novel coronavirus fears) C) this blog as an idea generator, and regarding its writing / thinking / philosophy even * * * Regarding novel Coronavirus 'meme madness' ('cultural units/words spread by imitation' seeking to mitigate risks from potential deleterious gene replicating) ...am asking myself amid all the hype, is this real? Is any of this real? * * With regards to my A), B) and C), am keeping in mind this line from the Desiderata - "Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time." https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html (which thinking I'm not sure Eric touches on in his "Wisdom and Education" video) * * Is this novel #COVID19 in media a run thru of a worldwide catastrophe? See: ... 

eg https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/bizet-sheep-wisdom-worldunivandsch.html - uses a holism idea for wisdom as well:). Am appreciative of some of Dodson's philosophy Youtube videos (but not all). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy definition is also interesting. 

How are you? Am hoping this finds you swimmingly! :) It's 81 F here in Canyon today on the ridge (at the verge of too hot, and will be in the high 90s through Saturday when it's supposed to get to 78F, back in the reasonable sphere somewhat ... and re shelter-at-home essential needs, I may find my way in air conditioned car into some of the cooler East Bay MUD valleys in upcoming days). Life partner seeking continues ... :) Z.B.? a MD out here in the SF Bay Area? Am staying tuned! :) What's the weather by you? 

Ed, per our visit in Canyon yesterday - thanks for coming over, and am glad your sense of Canyon has changed from the words you used "scary" and "intimidating" so that you came over! (after 3-4 years it seems), it seems there are about 10 main languages in Nigeria - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Nigeria (and not 6-7 as I had mentioned, and had heard too at Stanford, and 206 million people, not 110 million, where CA has 40 million people, and the USA 320 million people) - and English is its official language as well! 

Ed, I think we saw a version of the Plains Garter snake - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plains_garter_snake and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/Plains_garter_snake_%28Thamnophis_radix%29.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a3/Thamnophis-radix.JPG -  in Indian Valley in East Bay MUD in Canyon 94516 yesterday.

* *

Hi Ma (Jane), David, Ed, Pin, Susan (Sioux), and Tym, 

Related blog post in the works - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/common-garter-snake-harbin-hot-springs.html - with the very yellow-sided garter snake, I think, which we saw drinking water with its little red tongue, in "Indian Valley," as we crossed that nearly dry creek. (I couldn't quite find yellow enough sides when searching in Wikipedia or WikiCommons, so am wondering about variation in speciation, as well as whether the so-called Plains' Garter Snake could be out west as well?)
Warmly, Scott


Common Garter Snake (Q911786) in Wikidata



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