Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Antillean crested hummingbird: 'I want to get admission in Bachelor's Degree and also want to know the processor of admission in Ph.D. * Emails today to Varun Shukla near Mumbai, India, prospective 'General Science' major, at World Univ & Sch student


Dear Sir,

I want to get admission in Bachelor's Degree and also want to know the processor of admission in Ph.D. 

I have completed my 12th Grade (HSC) from Maharashtra Board and Ph.D. in Religion & D.B.S.

Dr. Varun Shukla
Navi Mumbai,

Emails today to Varun Shukla near Mumbai, India, prospective 'General Science' major, at World Univ & Sch student:

Dear Varun, 

Thank you for your mail. And greetings! Is this your Twitter URL - https://twitter.com/varunss2211? And what languages do you speak? MIT OCW-centric wiki World University & School admission's process is in progress. At this stage, World Univ & Sch will likely offer only 4-year Bachelor degree programs, with these 6 majors - 1) EECS, 2) General Science, 3) General Engineering, 4) English, 5) History, 6) Business - see: http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - but since you already have a Ph.D., why might you be interested in a Bachelor degree? And what major might you apply for?

WUaS will likely have space in our Business major for a free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric Bachelor's degree, providing WUaS could move forward together with edX and regarding the edX platform (which is something WUaS is in communication with edX about). The enrollment process would then be similar to edX's, but stay tuned since WUaS may seek essays, language proficiency, letters of recommendation, & test scores (possibly the CLT - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classic_Learning_Test), etc. - as if someone from India were applying to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) itself on-the-ground in Cambridge, Massachusetts. While World Univ & Sch seeks to begin to offer our online Bachelor's degree classes in collaboration with edX this autumn 2020, the WUaS Ph.D. degrees would begin the following autumn 2021 at the earliest. Applying would probably occur through - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - and I will add you to WUaS's monthly business meetings' emailings. Thank you again for your interest in MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch.

Sincerely, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President  & Professor

What does D.B.S. stand for? 

* *

Dear Larry, and Jayni, and Board of Directors,

Re my email to Varun Shukla in India just now, am wondering about the value, with time, of having our WUaS applicants take a standardized exam online like the CLT - https://www.insidehighered.com/admissions/article/2019/10/21/classic-learning-test-aims-challenge-sat ... which currently costs around US $54, probably out of the range of Varun, and many high achieving students from the developing world seeking a better future for themselves. So would WUaS cover the cost of this? To be seen. What do you think?  

In further communication with the MIT Professor and VP in the Office of Digital Learning, Sanjay Sarma, who's uncle or similar is a politician in India I think, am wondering too about reimbursement from Departments of Education in all ~200 countries. Thoughts, questions, ideas, suggestions?

FYI, here's where World Univ & Sch stands with licensing currently: 

World Univ & Sch continues to seek to observe the CC-4 MIT OCW, and the edX, licensing terms (and per our communication with MIT OCW director Cecilia d'Oliveira previously, that WUaS may 1) share, 2) adapt, 3) but non-commercially the CC-4 MIT OCW (now in 4 languages), - and see the further licensing clarifications here per her: http://worlduniversityandschool.org/) - 

MIT OCW Creative Commons' licensing and endorsement clarifications:
a) MIT is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, World University and School b) MIT does not offer credit to WUaS students, and c) All MIT OpenCourseWare materials are available for free through http://ocw.mit.edu )
And see too correspondence with MIT's Sanjay Sarma - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/cosmos-bipinnatus-heard-back-from-mit.html - 

And as WUaS prepares for a possible autumn collaboration with edX, WUaS has listed about 75 CC-4 MIT OCW courses, ~14 edX courses, and about 19 CC-3 Yale OYC courses in our course catalog (but wouldn't yet have access to edX MITx courses from MIT OCW grades, for example) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk-V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P09LIk/edit?usp=sharing (http://worlduniversityandschool.org/).

WUaS is currently waiting to hear back from MIT Legal per Sanjay with regard to further exploratory steps re linking, licensing and much more. 

Sincerely, Scott

Email today to Varun Shukla near Mumbai, India: 

Thank you for your mail. And greetings! Is this your Twitter URL - https://twitter.com/varunss2211? And what languages do you speak? MIT OCW-centric wiki World University & School admission's process is in progress. At this stage, World Univ & Sch will likely offer only 4-year Bachelor degree programs, with these 6 majors - 1) EECS, 2) General Science, 3) General Engineering, 4) English, 5) History, 6) Business - see: http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ -  but since you already have a Ph.D., why might you be interested in a Bachelor degree? And what major might you apply for?

WUaS will likely have space in our Business major for a free-to-students' MIT OCW-centric Bachelor's degree, providing WUaS could move forward together with edX and regarding the edX platform (which is something WUaS is in communication with edX about). The enrollment process would then be similar to edX's, but stay tuned since WUaS may seek essays, language proficiency, letters of recommendation, & test scores (possibly the CLT - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classic_Learning_Test), etc. - as if someone from India were applying to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) itself on-the-ground in Cambridge, Massachusetts. While World Univ & Sch seeks to begin to offer our online Bachelor's degree classes in collaboration with edX this autumn 2020, the WUaS Ph.D. degrees would begin the following autumn 2021 at the earliest. Applying would probably occur through - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - and I will add you to WUaS's monthly business meetings' emailings. Thank you again for your interest in MIT OCW-centric wiki World Univ & Sch.

Sincerely, Scott
Scott GK MacLeod
Founder, President  & Professor

What does D.B.S. stand for? 

* *

Dear Larry, Govind, Kyle, Jayni, Tito, Yuping, Juan, WUaS Board, 

Varun Shukla in India has written again with an interest in matriculating at World Univ & Sch this autumn in the General Science major. Our recent correspondence is below. 

It's great that WUaS has a prospective student who is interested in our proposed General Science degree, potentially beginning this autumn. Am wondering how the WUaS Admissions' process will grow over the years' ahead. Am wondering too about WUaS seeking a variety of Department of Educations in India for reimbursement, for example; in what ways might WUaS engage MIT Professors, Sanjay Sarma, the VP in the Office of Digital Learning, or Anant Agarwal, edX's CEO in these regards? 

As you'll see in this recent blog post, MIT OCW doesn't have a "Science" page upon searching, but it does have a page for our other 5 majors - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/starfish-fromia-monilis-cc-4-mit-ocw.html - and WUaS has alos posted only one edX from MITx from MIT OCW Science courses so far. 

All the best, 

Dear Sir,

I have done Ph.D. in Religion & Doctor of Biblical Studies (D.B.S.) both from ULC, Modesto, California (unaccredited).

Yes @varunss2211 is my twitter.

I would like to take major in General Science

My mother tongue is Gujarati. I also speak English, Hindi, Marathi and Bengali.


Dr. Varun Shukla
Navi Mumbai,

Thank you for your response. Stay tuned as World Univ & Sch develops its admissions' process, as well as our collaborations with edX. WUaS is seeking to offer courses like this over 4 years - Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life: 
 https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-to-biology-the-secret-of-life-3 - for World Univ & Sch credit, as we seek to develop online free-to-students' Bachelor degrees, and also to seek reimbursement from nation states, countries, counties, and states' Departments of Education. 

Thank you, 

* *

Dear Larry, Govind, Kyle, Jayni, Tito, Yuping, Juan, WUaS Board, 

By the way, Varun Shukla in India writes he's completed both a high school degree and an online, it appears, "Ph.D. in Religion & Doctor of Biblical Studies (D.B.S.) both from ULC, Modesto, California (unaccredited)" - from Universal Life Church and costing $59 - see: https://store.ulc.net/mobile/Product.aspx?ProductCode=doctor-of-biblical-studies AND https://www.degreeinfo.com/index.php?threads/ulc-scamage.39628/ - so I can understand perhaps now why he is interested in the WUaS free-to-students''accrediting' CC-4 MIT OCW-centric Bachelor's degree. He could conceivably even afford the CLT exam from India. 

The first step of licensing and accreditation for WUaS may be to go through the CA BPPE's "Application for Approval to Operate for an Institution Non Accredited" - https://www.bppe.ca.gov/forms_pubs/approval_nonaccredited.pdf" - https://twitter.com/CaBPPE - but I've read that the related BPPE workshops are cancelled through 2020. 

So, in terms of WUaS's licensing (CA's BPPE) which is the first step in then concurrently accrediting (probably with WASC), all of the CA BPPE workshops have been cancelled through the end of 2020 (probably due to the coronavirus pandemic) - https://www.bppe.ca.gov/schools/application_workshops.shtml - this makes it difficult for WUaS to begin to offer online Bachelor (or Ph.D.) degrees that will then become accredited (as WUaS becomes accredited). (Also WUaS doesn't have the BPPE fee money to begin this process anyway). 

So I'm wondering if state of California licensing / accreditation ONLINE is the right direction to head in at this stage - since online licensing / accreditation may be impossible at this stage. And could WUaS collaborate with edX to create potentially our own forms of accreditation, per recent correspondence with Larry: "in that edX is creating a MicroBachelors and MicroMasters degrees - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MicroMasters (and edX here is listed as owner, with Anant and Sanjay as key people) - and since our BPPE workshops are cancelled, could edX/WUaS somehow create a NEW 'MacroBachelor' or 'MajorBachelor' degree with edX name credibility? A 'MacroPhD,''MajorPhD' too (and skip BPPE & WASC)?

In a related vein: am curious if WUaS could eventually request MIT OCW courses to be translated into MITx / edX courses. Here's an Anthropology course taught by MIT Professors Heather Paxson (Quaker, I think), and Graham Jones (who's a Reedie - a Reed College Alum), as an example - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/anthropology/21a-157-the-meaning-of-life-spring-2019/ . And do you know this Monty Python version of 

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life | The Miracle of Birth

Thoughts, comments, ideas, suggestions? 

All the best, Scott

* *

Browser was shutting down as I was writing the last email, and with a familiar error message was popping up just before the Safari browser shut down - the 3-repeat message happens and then Safari closes - and then the 3-repeat message but Safari didn't close ... is this a Google Apple process? 

So BPPE may have had its highs and lows in recent decades, and may also be saying with 'non-accredited' licensing to end users, like people in India, PERHAPS to BEWARE. Shall WUaS seek edX 'accreditation' or its own creation, or seek BPPE licensing / WASC senior accreditation for both Bachelor and Ph.D.s (per BPPE, and first in English) - if WUaS had the $5,000 for BPPE and the $10,000 eligibility fee, and then the $1,000 per year per student I think - and then the $10,000 or so to become accredited - with accreditation happening only AFTER we graduate our first undergraduate Bachelor's degree class (but with provisional accreditation in the interim). What  do you think? And what would be best for our students, and seeking reimbursement from Departments of Education in all ~200 countries (and if we were collaborating with edX as well)? And what about 'the other America' and the non-rich 'developing world'? I'd think if we could guarantee quality of degrees, and make these relevant for India and other countries in the developing world, their Departments of Education might appreciate less of an outlay for WUaS degrees (re accreditation) ... even as WUaS seeks to peg reimbursement on MIT's tuition for studying from home degrees. 

I've also renewed WUaS's Grants.gov password over the weekend for about the 10th or 15th time, - every 6 weeks (WUaS didn't get a $250,000 grant through Grants.gov a few years ago) - and just received today Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's Grants' Newsletter, a few days late after the beginning of the month, which lays out grant opportunities. Would a granting agency fund WUaS NEWLY to license with BPPE and then seek accreditation with WASC senior? (Can't also attend the BPPE workshops if they are closed through year's end). Would a granting agency award WUaS monies to hire graduate student instructors from MIT and Harvard and Stanford, without WASC senior or similar accreditation? 

Where might the CLT play a role in WUaS seeking and finding high achieving students from around the world - https://www.cltexam.com/home ? Princeton's Robert George on this page went to Quaker schools too I think. I've met him at Stanford as well. I don't think accepting the CLT exam would cost WUaS anything.  

Thoughts, ideas, questions, comments? I think a WUaS US degree would have much more value if WUaS was accredited - opening avenues to many careers otherwise inaccessible. 



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