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Dear Peter,
Greetings. I'm writing you as Associate Dean of Digital Learning at MIT and as former Executive Director of MIT OCW on behalf of CC World University and School (WUaS) and in conjunction with WUaS's UC Berkeley Law Practicum Associates' student legal team in Professor Will Kell's "New Business Practicum" course this semester, which is seeking to help grow WUaS both financially and legally. I'm writing to explore further WUaS collaboration possibilities with CC MIT OCW itself. WUaS is like Wikipedia (now in 300 languages) with best STEM CC OpenCourseWare, and plans to develop wiki schools in all 7,097+ languages in CC MediaWiki/Wikidata/Wikibase (which are all part of the Wikimedia Foundation and which supports CC Wikipedia), and develop accrediting best STEM OCW-centric universities in all nation states' official/main languages.
Thank you for your email. World Univ & Sch will seek to comply further with the MIT OCW licensing terms, and your email as well, as well as the edX licensing terms. I'm also including in this email Larry Viehland, Chairman of the WUaS Board, and MIT Alumnus from '69.
I'm posting below, in these regards, correspondence with the former Executive Director (at the time) of MIT OCW, Cecilia d'Oliveira, and World Univ & Sch from March 2016, some of which emails included you in these communications. Please see, too, World University and School's recent email to MIT President Rafael Reif - https:// worlduniversityandschool. blogspot.com/2020/04/dear-mit- president-rafael-reif- possible.html.
I'll confer further with the chairman of the World University and School Board, Larry Viehland, and get back to you with questions and similar. Thank you, and much appreciated.
Scott GK MacLeod
President, Founder and Professor
https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Nation_States (seeking to create ~200 online major MIT OCW-centric wiki Universities in all countries' official and main languages, offering online free-to-students' Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. high school degrees)
https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Languages (seeking to develop wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,117 known living languages)
https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Subjects (academic and creative, +)
https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/You_at_World_University ( planning for matriculating students in all ~200 countries' official languages, wiki Universitians as native speakers in all 7,117 living languages, and then all 7.5 billion people on the planet, each a Wikidata PIN #, like a Wikidata Q-item #)
(FYI, WUaS donated itself to Wikidata for co-development in 2015 as a "back end" structured knowledge database in Wikipedia's ~300 languages, and received the WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki, as "front end," in 2017 - eg https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/The_College_at_World_ University_and_School - but they aren't yet interoperable).
Thank you.
March 15, 2016:
Dear Dean Cecilia d'Oliveira,
Greetings. I'm writing you as Associate Dean of Digital Learning at MIT and as former Executive Director of MIT OCW on behalf of CC World University and School (WUaS) and in conjunction with WUaS's UC Berkeley Law Practicum Associates' student legal team in Professor Will Kell's "New Business Practicum" course this semester, which is seeking to help grow WUaS both financially and legally. I'm writing to explore further WUaS collaboration possibilities with CC MIT OCW itself. WUaS is like Wikipedia (now in 300 languages) with best STEM CC OpenCourseWare, and plans to develop wiki schools in all 7,097+ languages in CC MediaWiki/Wikidata/Wikibase (which are all part of the Wikimedia Foundation and which supports CC Wikipedia), and develop accrediting best STEM OCW-centric universities in all nation states' official/main languages.
CC 501 c 3 WUaS seeks to accredit on CC MIT OCW first in the state of California with both BPPE and WASC senior, and eventually in large countries' main languages (such as in the 6 other non-English languages that MIT OCW is already translated). As you may know, I met twice in person with Steve Carson, former External Relations Director at MIT OCW, in Cambridge, MA, about this a few years ago. Some years ago too, WUaS was in communication with MIT OCW's Yvonne Ng about translation of MIT OCW into Indonesian, since one of our WUaS Board members is an Indonesian academic/lecturer at the University of Jakarta, but we couldn't generate the resources at the time to make this OCW translation happen. In addition, WUaS has been in communication with the MIT Office of Name to the effect that we can't use the MIT name in outreach. In the process of our gradual growth, WUaS is now seeking high school applicants this autumn 2016 to apply to WUaS and matriculate online (possibly 2,000 students) in English in the autumn of 2017 for online CC free bachelor degrees and to graduate potentially in the spring of 2021.
To this end, WUaS seeks to develop a kind of online course catalog so that high schoolers and their parents in all 204 nation states (per the 2008 Olympics) can begin to decide whether to apply or not to WUaS this autumn first in English. In order to do this, WUaS would like to explore developing CC MIT OCW in 7 languages (as well as CC Yale OYC) in Wikidata / Wikibase with A.I. and machine learning, and anticipating developing an universal translator with this as well.
While CC WUaS plans to offer Bachelor's, Ph.D., Law and M.D, degrees, as well as IB high school diplomas, in many languages online for free (since CC) to students around the world first in English, CC WUaS will also explore the possibility of fundraising on some portion of the ~ $44,000 per year per student that it costs to go to MIT for tuition, for example, from nation states' and regional governments, depending on the size of the country, and would like to collaborate with MIT OCW in this and share some of what we are able to fundraise as well with MIT OCW.
WUaS seeks to become the Harvard of the Internet and in all countries' main languages and also to become a major academic employer in all 7,097 languages with both wiki schools and major online universities.
In what ways would it be possible to best communicate further with the general counsel of MIT OCW about this please, or what would you suggest otherwise, Dean d'Oliveira? If you'd suggest communicating with legal counsel at MIT OCW, whom would you suggest contacting?
Thank you.
All the best,
P.S. I'm also including Dr. Larry Viehland in this email, who is the chair of World University and School's Board, and an alumnus of MIT.
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- 415 480 4577
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Mar 16, 2016
HI Scott,
Thanks for your email and your interest in collaborating with MIT OpenCourseWare.
In order to respond to your email and to further this discussion, it would be helpful to understand what you are requesting from MIT. It is not clear to me from your email.
As you know, MIT OCW content is released under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license. People around the world make use of the content in many different ways, and we encourage their use as long as it is consistent with our license and terms of use. http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/
Beyond the license terms, as you obviously are aware, we are particularly sensitive about any use of the MIT name. I understand from your email that someone here put you in touch with the office at MIT that reviews all proposed uses of the MIT name by outside groups.
Again, could you please clarify what you are requesting from MIT?
Cecilia d'Oliveira | Associate Dean of Digital Learning
Office of Digital Learning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11 Cambridge Center | MIT NE35-1009 | Cambridge MA 02142
T 617.253.6124 | C 617.529.6280 | F 617.253.2115 | Skype cec-at-mit
March 16, 2020
Hi Cecilia,
Thank you very much for your prompt email. I'll consult with WUaS's Practicum Associates' legal team and reply soon. Five of us have a meeting scheduled for Tu, March 29th, at Berkeley Law, but I hope to reply sooner than that with some beginning specifics about what we are requesting from MIT.
Best regards, Scott
Dear Cecilia,
Thank you for your prompt reply last week.
WUaS would like to request of MIT that WUaS be able to use the following MIT OCW courses plus other undergraduate courses of the 2,300 in English, per the terms of use you sent, developing these in WUaS MediaWiki and adapting these in the related Wikidata / Wikibase database, eventually in many languages.
These include the following courses that WUaS has sketched out for a possible first year of study by WUaS's first matriculated undergraduates beginning in 2017 - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ WUaS_En_Wiki/index.php?title= Main_Page - as well as here in a beginning spreadsheet of "Courses for WUaS Credit" (which Larry Viehland put together last September 2015) - https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk- V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P0 9LIk/edit?usp=sharing - as a starting place for a course catalog in the Wikidata database, which is developing with Linked Open Data, RDFs, and AI in other ways, and as a further form of adaptation of MIT OCW.
Students applying to accrediting WUaS this summer would look through this page and at these courses, and select the courses they might plan to take beginning in autumn 2017, as part of their application process in the autumn of 2016.
Would it be ok for WUaS to use these courses in this way please? And given that the MIT OCW links may be seen in some of this WUaS course catalog process, can CC WUaS use these visible links as an additional form of attribution to CC MIT OCW as well please?
Thank you,
Hello Scott,
As I’ve said before, we encourage innovative uses of MIT OCW materials by educational initiatives such as yours as long as you comply with the MIT OCW terms and conditions (see http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/ ) including a) our Creative Commons license (attribution-noncommercial- sharealike) and b) the restrictions on Use of MIT Name.
We also request that you add language to the WUaS web site and related materials to make it totally clear to prospective students that a) MIT is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, the World University, b) that MIT does not offer credit to WAuS students, and c) that all MIT OpenCourseWare materials are available for free through http://ocw.mit.edu.
Incorporating URLs to OCW courses in a course catalog and incorporating OCW materials in a wiki, as long as this is done in a way that is consistent with MIT OCW terms and conditions, and as long as it is clear to the students that MIT is not affiliated with WUaS, should be okay.
Best wishes,

Cecilia d'Oliveira | Associate Dean of Digital Learning
Office of Digital Learning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11 Cambridge Center | MIT NE35-1009 | Cambridge MA 02142
T 617.253.6124 | C 617.529.6280 | F 617.253.2115 | Skype cec-at-mit
March 30, 2016
Hi Cecilia,
Thank you again for your emails.
As a followup in the interest developing great communication with MIT itself and with CC MIT OCW, and at the WUaS UC Berkeley Law Practicum Associates' suggestion, I'm writing with a few clarification requests.
Following the CC MIT OCW license - http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/ - which I read as allowing WUaS to "Share" and "Adapt" MIT OCW in 7 languages, and "under the following terms: ... Attribution ... Noncommercial ... Share Alike,"
WUaS would like specifically to
• use the CC MIT OCW library of courses in all available languages in its digital university
• begin to access and adapt them beginning in the Spring / Summer 2016
How does WUaS intend to use the MIT OCW content specifically?
On WUaS's non-profit 501 c 3 Creative Commons' Core side,
1.MIT OCW courses will be used to provide accredited degrees initially to undergraduate students and later to Ph.D., law and MD as well as IB high school students in countries' main languages;
Here's an example of how WUaS's course catalog will develop in an eventually interlingual AI-informed database -
EECS | 300 | Circuits and Electronics | Major-1 | EE & Comp Sci | http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ |
(from - https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk- V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P0 9LIk/edit?usp=sharing - which link I also shared recently with you)
2.WUaS plans to adapt the courses in the CC Wikidata database, for example, developing with AI, machine learning and machine translation;
3. CC WUaS will seek donations through fundraising based on our platform which will include links to CC MIT OCW (and to CC Yale OYC) courseware.
On WUaS's planned for-profit side,
4. WUaS will seek book sales based on MIT OCW (and Yale OYC) courses in many languages.
May WUaS please use your CC MIT OCW content based on what WUaS has outlined above?
And, further, following the CC MIT OCW licensing terms, and the open CC translation license which MIT OCW Translated Courses posts here - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ translated-courses/ - WUaS will seek to facilitate translation of MIT OCW into all countries' official languages. Would there be a way here to collaborate with MIT or build on the relationship with the universities with which MIT has already collaborated?
1.Is this ok? Is there anything else you need?
2.If not ok, is there a process WUaS needs to follow, or does MIT need anything from WUaS so that the materials may be used in the ways described above.
Thank you again.
March 30, 2016
Dear Cecilia,
In addition and per your request, WUaS has begun to add the MIT licensing and endorsement clarification language you suggest, to the effect that
MIT OCW Creative Commons' licensing and endorsement clarifications[edit]
a) MIT is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, World University and School b) MIT does not offer credit to WUaS students, and c) All MIT OpenCourseWare materials are available for free through http://ocw.mit.edu
to these four WUaS MediaWiki pages, for example -
WUaS plans to build this in to all 501 c 3 Creative Commons' Core WUaS pages in all languages as we grow.
1.Is this ok? Is there anything else you need?
2.If not ok, is there a process WUaS needs to follow, or does MIT need anything from WUaS so that the materials may be used in the ways described above.
Thank you again.
March 31, 2016
As I have said, use of MIT OCW materials are governed by the MIT OCW Creative Commons license. One of our goals in adopting a Creative Commons license is that we do not need to get into a protracted discussion and analysis about details of planned use with individuals or groups. The answer as to whether you can use materials in specific ways is addressed in the license. We always advise groups like yours to seek the advice of your attorney with regard to the terms of our Creative Commons license and your planned use. As long as your use fits within our terms, you are fine.
I can give you my opinion on a few items mentioned in your email regarding your planned use:
1. The sale of books based on MIT OCW courses by WUaS’s planned for-profit side would be a violation of the non-commercial terms of our license. The license does not allow you to commercially profit from the sale of MIT OCW content in any format. See http://ocw.mit. edu/terms/#noncomm
2. Under the Share Alike provision of our CC license, any adaptations of MIT OCW materials must be shared using the same open license terms that MIT OCW uses, i.e. CC-BY-NC-SA.
3. In terms of putting links to our courses in your catalog and making them part of the curriculum of WUaS, OCW courses are not guaranteed to remain available on a permanent basis on the OCW web site. We sometimes unpublish and retire courses from the web site that are no longer relevant or which are out of date relative to the MIT curriculum. In some cases, we replace them with newer, up to date versions of the course but those would be at different URLs. So, you will need to review links to specific OCW courses from your catalog on a regular basis to avoid dead link problems and resulting holes in your curriculum.
4. In terms of building relationships for purposes of course translations, that is something that you might pursue yourself. We don’t really maintain ongoing relationships with those entities and in many cases, we no longer know who the appropriate contact is, or whether they are still doing translations.
I hope this helps.
Best wishes,
March 31, 2016
Thanks so much for your prompt reply, the information, and your very helpful opinions.
Best wishes,
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- 415 480 4577
- Please donate to tax-exempt 501 (c) (3)
- World University and School
- via PayPal, or credit card, here -
- or send checks to
March 31, 2016
Yes, thank you for adding this wording.
From: Scott MacLeod [mailto:worlduniversityandscho ol@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 1:36 AM
To: Cecilia d'Oliveira
Cc: SARA CHUGH; Philip Wiseman; Abdul Rahman CHABALLOUT; William Kell; viehland@chatham.edu; Scott MacLeod; Sara Chugh; Peter Bebergal
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 1:36 AM
To: Cecilia d'Oliveira
Cc: SARA CHUGH; Philip Wiseman; Abdul Rahman CHABALLOUT; William Kell; viehland@chatham.edu; Scott MacLeod; Sara Chugh; Peter Bebergal

Subject: Re: MIT OCW legal questions and World University and School
Dear Cecilia,
In addition and per your request, WUaS has begun to add the MIT licensing and endorsement clarification language you suggest, to the effect that
MIT OCW Creative Commons' licensing and endorsement clarifications[edit]
a) MIT is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, World University and School b) MIT does not offer credit to WUaS students, and c) All MIT OpenCourseWare materials are available for free through http://ocw.mit.edu
to these four WUaS MediaWiki pages, for example -
WUaS plans to build this in to all 501 c 3 Creative Commons' Core WUaS pages in all languages as we grow.
1. Is this ok? Is there anything else you need?
2. If not ok, is there a process WUaS needs to follow, or does MIT need anything from WUaS so that the materials may be used in the ways described above.
Thank you again.
On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 10:28 PM, Scott MacLeod <worlduniversityandschool@ gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Cecilia,
Thank you again for your emails.
As a followup in the interest developing great communication with MIT itself and with CC MIT OCW, and at the WUaS UC Berkeley Law Practicum Associates' suggestion, I'm writing with a few clarification requests.
Following the CC MIT OCW license - http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/ - which I read as allowing WUaS to "Share" and "Adapt" MIT OCW in 7 languages, and "under the following terms: ... Attribution ... Noncommercial ... Share Alike,"
WUaS would like specifically to
• use the CC MIT OCW library of courses in all available languages in its digital university
• begin to access and adapt them beginning in the Spring / Summer 2016
How does WUaS intend to use the MIT OCW content specifically?
On WUaS's non-profit 501 c 3 Creative Commons' Core side,
1. MIT OCW courses will be used to provide accredited degrees initially to undergraduate students and later to Ph.D., law and MD as well as IB high school students in countries' main languages;
Here's an example of how WUaS's course catalog will develop in an eventually interlingual AI-informed database -
EECS | 300 | Circuits and Electronics | Major-1 | EE & Comp Sci |
(from - https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk- V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P0 9LIk/edit?usp=sharing - which link I also shared recently with you)
2. WUaS plans to adapt the courses in the CC Wikidata database, for example, developing with AI, machine learning and machine translation;
3. CC WUaS will seek donations through fundraising based on our platform which will include links to CC MIT OCW (and to CC Yale OYC) courseware.
On WUaS's planned for-profit side,
4. WUaS will seek book sales based on MIT OCW (and Yale OYC) courses in many languages.
May WUaS please use your CC MIT OCW content based on what WUaS has outlined above?
And, further, following the CC MIT OCW licensing terms, and the open CC translation license which MIT OCW Translated Courses posts here - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ translated-courses/ - WUaS will seek to facilitate translation of MIT OCW into all countries' official languages. Would there be a way here to collaborate with MIT or build on the relationship with the universities with which MIT has already collaborated?
1. Is this ok? Is there anything else you need?
2. If not ok, is there a process WUaS needs to follow, or does MIT need anything from WUaS so that the materials may be used in the ways described above.
Thank you again.
On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 1:43 PM, Cecilia d'Oliveira <cec@mit.edu> wrote:
Hello Scott,
As I’ve said before, we encourage innovative uses of MIT OCW materials by educational initiatives such as yours as long as you comply with the MIT OCW terms and conditions (see http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/ ) including a) our Creative Commons license (attribution-noncommercial- sharealike) and b) the restrictions on Use of MIT Name.
We also request that you add language to the WUaS web site and related materials to make it totally clear to prospective students that a) MIT is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, the World University, b) that MIT does not offer credit to WAuS students, and c) that all MIT OpenCourseWare materials are available for free through http://ocw.mit.edu.
Incorporating URLs to OCW courses in a course catalog and incorporating OCW materials in a wiki, as long as this is done in a way that is consistent with MIT OCW terms and conditions, and as long as it is clear to the students that MIT is not affiliated with WUaS, should be okay.
Best wishes,
Cecilia d'Oliveira | Associate Dean of Digital Learning
Office of Digital Learning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11 Cambridge Center | MIT NE35-1009 | Cambridge MA 02142
From: Scott MacLeod [mailto:worlduniversityandscho ol@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 11:39 AM
To: Cecilia d'Oliveira; Stephen Carson
Cc: SARA CHUGH; Philip Wiseman; Abdul Rahman CHABALLOUT; William Kell; viehland@chatham.edu; Scott MacLeod; Sara Chugh
Subject: Re: MIT OCW legal questions and World University and School
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 11:39 AM
To: Cecilia d'Oliveira; Stephen Carson
Cc: SARA CHUGH; Philip Wiseman; Abdul Rahman CHABALLOUT; William Kell; viehland@chatham.edu; Scott MacLeod; Sara Chugh
Subject: Re: MIT OCW legal questions and World University and School
Dear Cecilia,
Thank you for your prompt reply last week.
WUaS would like to request of MIT that WUaS be able to use the following MIT OCW courses plus other undergraduate courses of the 2,300 in English, per the terms of use you sent, developing these in WUaS MediaWiki and adapting these in the related Wikidata / Wikibase database, eventually in many languages.
These include the following courses that WUaS has sketched out for a possible first year of study by WUaS's first matriculated undergraduates beginning in 2017 - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ WUaS_En_Wiki/index.php?title= Main_Page - as well as here in a beginning spreadsheet of "Courses for WUaS Credit" (which Larry Viehland put together last September 2015) - https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheets/d/1VRHhXYsk- V9lvSh5onaU2hnEhwoapSN7HyBK1P0 9LIk/edit?usp=sharing - as a starting place for a course catalog in the Wikidata database, which is developing with Linked Open Data, RDFs, and AI in other ways, and as a further form of adaptation of MIT OCW.
Students applying to accrediting WUaS this summer would look through this page and at these courses, and select the courses they might plan to take beginning in autumn 2017, as part of their application process in the autumn of 2016.
Would it be ok for WUaS to use these courses in this way please? And given that the MIT OCW links may be seen in some of this WUaS course catalog process, can CC WUaS use these visible links as an additional form of attribution to CC MIT OCW as well please?
Thank you,
On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 2:34 PM, Scott MacLeod <worlduniversityandschool@ gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Sara, Abboud, Philip and Bill (and Larry),
I was very glad to receive this email from Cecilia at MIT. And I'm glad she emphasized the MIT OCW licensing terms, and asked WUaS to clarify what we request of MIT.
As I read the CC terms she sent - http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/ - in terms of developing CC MIT OCW in 7 languages in MediaWiki / Wikidata / Wikibase in the Creative Commons' Core 501 c 3 side of WUaS, I see this reuse and adaptation of MIT OCW as legal and possible, and for developing an online WUaS course catalog with AI / machine learning / machine translation, for example, even. It's keeping this WUaS 1) Creative Commons' Core 501 c 3 noncommercial side separate in the long run from the 2) planned for-profit "entity formation" side, which seems initially important in our planning.
In terms of Cecilia's direct question, I'd like for WUaS to collaborate much more fully with MIT possibly on both sides (as well as continue to work with MIT OCW) which could
1) on the WUaS CC Core side include a) communicating with their registrar for possible students, b) hiring their graduate students in all countries' main languages as online instructors - as volunteers to begin to use your language - and c) engage the MIT alumni network for meeting prospective WUaS students around the world (which could be through WUaS's own MIT networks, and not through MIT itself)
2) in planning the WUaS commercial side (excluding MIT OCW) - but perhaps with MIT itself, include a) explore commercializing questions re some of the other 10 all-languages' revenue streams, as these unfold, such as patenting and law schools in all 204 countries' questions - http:// worlduniversityandschool. blogspot.com/2016/01/14- planned-wuas-revenue-streams. html.
Suggestions for language for some of this?
In terms of the "board training" you mentioned in our last meeting, I know of a new prospective new Board member, Yan Zhuang (I think is his name), who has a Computer Science Ph.D. from Cal, and whom I met at a Stanford Law China-US legal exchange, and who now works for QualComm, and has been in states for 20 years, but just came back from a visit to China. Would you like to explore developing Board training with him in mind for the for-profit side of WUaS, as we proceed with forking developments at WUaS - and possibly as an "intern" Board member - in contrast to a volunteer instructor - again to use your language from your last meeting?
Am about to procure Quickbooks from TechSoup for non-profits ... which we may be able to use for planning purposes as well.
Since you mentioned wishing to be included in this correspondence with MIT, what language would you suggest for some of the above, as I prepare to try to open some collaborative possibilities with specific requests of MIT in communicating further with Cecilia? I'd like to develop a kind of legal questions relationship with MIT over time, beyond engaging the MIT OCW licensing terms on WUaS's CC Core side.
Thank you!
On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Scott MacLeod <worlduniversityandschool@ gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Cecilia,
Thank you very much for your prompt email. I'll consult with WUaS's Practicum Associates' legal team and reply soon. Five of us have a meeting scheduled for Tu, March 29th, at Berkeley Law, but I hope to reply sooner than that with some beginning specifics about what we are requesting from MIT.
Best regards, Scott
On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Cecilia d'Oliveira <cec@mit.edu> wrote:
HI Scott,
Thanks for your email and your interest in collaborating with MIT OpenCourseWare.
In order to respond to your email and to further this discussion, it would be helpful to understand what you are requesting from MIT. It is not clear to me from your email.
As you know, MIT OCW content is released under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license. People around the world make use of the content in many different ways, and we encourage their use as long as it is consistent with our license and terms of use. http://ocw.mit.edu/terms/
Beyond the license terms, as you obviously are aware, we are particularly sensitive about any use of the MIT name. I understand from your email that someone here put you in touch with the office at MIT that reviews all proposed uses of the MIT name by outside groups.
Again, could you please clarify what you are requesting from MIT?
Cecilia d'Oliveira
Cecilia d'Oliveira | Associate Dean of Digital Learning
Office of Digital Learning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11 Cambridge Center | MIT NE35-1009 | Cambridge MA 02142
From: Scott MacLeod [mailto:worlduniversityandscho ol@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 1:58 AM
To: Cecilia d'Oliveira
Cc: SARA CHUGH; Philip Wiseman; Abdul Rahman CHABALLOUT; William Kell; viehland@chatham.edu
Subject: MIT OCW legal questions and World University and School
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 1:58 AM
To: Cecilia d'Oliveira
Cc: SARA CHUGH; Philip Wiseman; Abdul Rahman CHABALLOUT; William Kell; viehland@chatham.edu
Subject: MIT OCW legal questions and World University and School
Dear Dean Cecilia d'Oliveira,
Greetings. I'm writing you as Associate Dean of Digital Learning at MIT and as former Executive Director of MIT OCW on behalf of CC World University and School (WUaS) and in conjunction with WUaS's UC Berkeley Law Practicum Associates' student legal team in Professor Will Kell's "New Business Practicum" course this semester, which is seeking to help grow WUaS both financially and legally. I'm writing to explore further WUaS collaboration possibilities with CC MIT OCW itself. WUaS is like Wikipedia (now in 300 languages) with best STEM CC OpenCourseWare, and plans to develop wiki schools in all 7,097+ languages in CC MediaWiki/Wikidata/Wikibase (which are all part of the Wikimedia Foundation and which supports CC Wikipedia), and develop accrediting best STEM OCW-centric universities in all nation states' official/main languages.
CC 501 c 3 WUaS seeks to accredit on CC MIT OCW first in the state of California with both BPPE and WASC senior, and eventually in large countries' main languages (such as in the 6 other non-English languages that MIT OCW is already translated). As you may know, I met twice in person with Steve Carson, former External Relations Director at MIT OCW, in Cambridge, MA, about this a few years ago. Some years ago too, WUaS was in communication with MIT OCW's Yvonne Ng about translation of MIT OCW into Indonesian, since one of our WUaS Board members is an Indonesian academic/lecturer at the University of Jakarta, but we couldn't generate the resources at the time to make this OCW translation happen. In addition, WUaS has been in communication with the MIT Office of Name to the effect that we can't use the MIT name in outreach. In the process of our gradual growth, WUaS is now seeking high school applicants this autumn 2016 to apply to WUaS and matriculate online (possibly 2,000 students) in English in the autumn of 2017 for online CC free bachelor degrees and to graduate potentially in the spring of 2021.
To this end, WUaS seeks to develop a kind of online course catalog so that high schoolers and their parents in all 204 nation states (per the 2008 Olympics) can begin to decide whether to apply or not to WUaS this autumn first in English. In order to do this, WUaS would like to explore developing CC MIT OCW in 7 languages (as well as CC Yale OYC) in Wikidata / Wikibase with A.I. and machine learning, and anticipating developing an universal translator with this as well.
While CC WUaS plans to offer Bachelor's, Ph.D., Law and M.D, degrees, as well as IB high school diplomas, in many languages online for free (since CC) to students around the world first in English, CC WUaS will also explore the possibility of fundraising on some portion of the ~ $44,000 per year per student that it costs to go to MIT for tuition, for example, from nation states' and regional governments, depending on the size of the country, and would like to collaborate with MIT OCW in this and share some of what we are able to fundraise as well with MIT OCW.
WUaS seeks to become the Harvard of the Internet and in all countries' main languages and also to become a major academic employer in all 7,097 languages with both wiki schools and major online universities.
In what ways would it be possible to best communicate further with the general counsel of MIT OCW about this please, or what would you suggest otherwise, Dean d'Oliveira? If you'd suggest communicating with legal counsel at MIT OCW, whom would you suggest contacting?
Thank you.
All the best,
P.S. I'm also including Dr. Larry Viehland in this email, who is the chair of World University and School's Board, and an alumnus of MIT.
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- PO Box 442, (86 Ridgecrest Road), Canyon, CA 94516
- World University and School - like Wikipedia with best STEM-centric OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
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While US economy shut down massively in past 6 months due to #NovelCoronavirus #COVID19, methinks #VirtualEconomy has begun massively too #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForEconomics & with Harvard, MIT, Stanford & Cambridge going online, WUaS Benefits Big
While US economy shut down massively in past 6 months due to #NovelCoronavirus#COVID19, methinks #VirtualEconomy has begun massively too #ActualVirtual#PhysicalDigital#RealisticVirtualEarthForEconomics& with Harvard, MIT, Stanford & Cambridge going online, WUaS Benefits Big https://t.co/jL7ulhoGgR— WorldUnivandSch (@WorldUnivAndSch) June 5, 2020
The Black Death and other pandemics pushed wages higher, but the impact will likely be different this time, economists say.— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) April 21, 2020
While US economy shut down massively in past 6 months due to #NovelCoronavirus #COVID19, methinks #DigitalEconomy has begun massively too #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForEconomics & with Harvard, MIT, Stanford & Cambridge going online, WUaS Benefits Big
While US economy shut down massively in past 6 months due to #NovelCoronavirus#COVID19, methinks #DigitalEconomy has begun massively too #ActualVirtual#PhysicalDigital#RealisticVirtualEarthForEconomics& with Harvard, MIT, Stanford & Cambridge going online, WUaS Benefits Big https://t.co/29VuYdCVWa— Scott_GK_MacLeod_WUaS_worlduniversityandschool.org (@scottmacleod) June 5, 2020
Diff WSJ pic
While US economy shut down massively in past 6 months due to #NovelCoronavirus #COVID19, methinks #VirtualEconomy has begun massively too #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital #RealisticVirtualEarthForEconomics & with Harvard, MIT, Stanford & Cambridge going online, WUaS Benefits Big
While US economy shut down massively in past 6 months due to #NovelCoronavirus#COVID19, methinks #VirtualEconomy has begun massively too #ActualVirtual#PhysicalDigital#RealisticVirtualEarthForEconomics& with Harvard, MIT, Stanford & Cambridge going online, WUaS Benefits Big https://t.co/4F7NeF2GDN— Open Band (Berkeley) (@TheOpenBand) June 5, 2020
As cities boil over, pleas from sports figures to hear the voices in the streets.— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) June 3, 2020
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It got hot here early yesterday - another miserable one! Today however is nice cool - and potentially for the next few days ... How's the weather by you?
Glad to be in communication with Nick Thompson in text messaging:
Scott: Hey Nick, How are you? How's the weather in Pittsburgh? My mother seems to be doing well in her new digs. How is Ken? How is your Mom? (Is she still living - in the Pgh area?) Regards, Scott (scottmacleod.com - seeking to get this #RealisticVirtualHarbin further off the ground! - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ RealisticVirtualHarbin?src= hashtag_click - into cyberspace!:)
Nick: Good to hear, we are all surviving C19, Nick
Scott: Novel coronavirus Covid-19 weather is a bit dicey indeed. Glad to hear you're all surviving it. -Scott (In what ways will we be able to see the developments of the virus in a - # RealisticVirtualEarthForGeneti cs - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ RealisticVirtualEarthForGeneti cs?src=hashtag_click - and also with an Apple-Google tracing app, about which I just re-Tweeted here - https://twitter.com/ WorldUnivAndSch).
Do you see Nick or the Thompsons occasionally? And where does Nick and Ken's mother live? Is she even out near you by any chance?
How are you doing? Tides may be turning here - & re Canyon too - and especially with regards to my big educational project, and MIT Legal and Lego Education Store communications today. What are you up to this weekend?
These are the 4 Twitter feeds I look at daily, and even more:
Not sure exactly why as I think about it, but it has something to do with their Tweets, their all being teachers and high achievers, and creative and smart. Karen's a prof of education at Harvard with a MIT Media Lab Ph.D., Heather's an anthropology professor at MIT with a Haverford BA, and a Stanford Ph.D., Jan is a professor of German (but philosophy too perhaps) at Reed College, with a Yale BA, and Johns Hopkins' Ph.D. and John is the president of the MacArthur Foundation, with a Harvard College BA, and Harvard Law Degree (with a Cambridge degree too), as well as being a former Harvard Law professor, as well as the head of Phillips Academy Andover, and a teacher there.
https://twitter.com/ WorldUnivAndSch/
https://twitter.com/ HarbinBook/
https://twitter.com/ TheOpenBand/
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Another classic from the Peto-Slight-Collins et al lineage. This straightforward prose is much needed to clearly & constructively state the issues. @fda @ctti @pcornet The Magic of Randomization versus the Myth of Real-World Evidence | NEJM
Another classic from the Peto-Slight-Collins et al lineage. This straightforward prose is much needed to clearly & constructively state the issues. @fda@ctti@pcornet The Magic of Randomization versus the Myth of Real-World Evidence | NEJM https://t.co/fD1QuCLxPH— Robert M Califf (@califf001) February 12, 2020
Trying to our part. Much at stake in all of us working together to get through the pandemic.
Trying to our part. Much at stake in all of us working together to get through the pandemic. https://t.co/qm7si83EW3— Robert M Califf (@califf001) March 15, 2020
More on work at Google/Alphabet. Please use the information--its reliable. COVID-19: How we’re continuing to help @google
More on work at Google/Alphabet. Please use the information--its reliable. COVID-19: How we’re continuing to help @googlehttps://t.co/1i65g6bgay— Robert M Califf (@califf001) March 15, 2020
Working with the governor's office to screen for Covid 19. @verilylifesci
Working with the governor's office to screen for Covid 19. @verilylifescihttps://t.co/efLLeVY3AO— Robert M Califf (@califf001) March 21, 2020
Thanks to the many volunteers who have made this possible. Especially thinking of front line first responders and health care workers tonight.
Thanks to the many volunteers who have made this possible. Especially thinking of front line first responders and health care workers tonight. https://t.co/myLmCVOw52— Robert M Califf (@califf001) March 27, 2020
This--should be disseminated far and wide. What if I Need to Go on a Ventilator?
This--should be disseminated far and wide. What if I Need to Go on a Ventilator? https://t.co/GC2wnwFMEA— Robert M Califf (@califf001) March 27, 2020
Hope many people watch this. Down to earth discussion of major issues.
Hope many people watch this. Down to earth discussion of major issues. https://t.co/nNG30dJ3YS— Robert M Califf (@califf001) March 27, 2020
Information for testing for Covid-19.
Information for testing for Covid-19. https://t.co/5pbZ6Y1o5b— Robert M Califf (@califf001) April 4, 2020
An update on community testing with the state of California.
An update on community testing with the state of California. https://t.co/NnlJg4hS2s— Robert M Califf (@califf001) April 8, 2020
important collaboration in this complex world in crisis.
important collaboration in this complex world in crisis. https://t.co/lO9pGHC7yG— Robert M Califf (@califf001) April 10, 2020
Google banned an indie developer’s contact tracing app from its Play Store for appearing to “profit from a tragic event” by incorporating ads from Google’s own advertising network.
The company continued serving ads in the iPhone version of the app.
Google banned an indie developer’s contact tracing app from its Play Store for appearing to “profit from a tragic event” by incorporating ads from Google’s own advertising network.— kpoulsen (@kpoulsen) June 5, 2020
The company continued serving ads in the iPhone version of the app. https://t.co/7Xtv07QM5u
Church of England to launch a 'Google Maps for graves' w/i five years enabling family historians to search for burial records & locations in an online database -https://dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8068893/Church-England-launch-Google-Maps-graves-five-years.html… #RealisticVirtualEarth #RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology #RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ~
Church of England to launch a 'Google Maps for graves' w/i five years enabling family historians to search for burial records & locations in an online database -https://t.co/4xn3jpS377#RealisticVirtualEarth#RealisticVirtualEarthForArchaeology#RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics ~— Open Band (Berkeley) (@TheOpenBand) March 5, 2020