Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Sandhill cranes: How are you doing with the many protests I see happening in Boston via the Boston Globe, Dick and Lucy? And how will 'Black Lives Matter' and the death of George Flloyd change things this November * * * most beautiful walks yet yesterday, partly because I was aware, or conscious, in a new way, of the loveliness of what I was walking through * * * Sioux re wise children's children's books ... * * * Liz Economy, Stanford Hoover Fellow ... Elizabeth Economy: COVID-19 and China

Next: Western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta): 'WUaS News 6/8/20 - #HomeRobotics with Lego Education Robotics, 6 majors for undergraduates this fall' * * WUaS LiveStream on Youtube * * WUaS - World University and School main Youtube channel * * * Open edX @OpenEdX - "We are only a few days from the Open edX online meetup. Hear how Abstract Technology is using BigBlueButton's unique online learning features" * * * ! #ActualVirtual, #PhysicalDigital #LegoRobotics w #LegoDuplo may be where WUaS begins #FilmTo3D APP > #GooglePoly, & in 1 #RealisticVirtualEarth, #RealisticVirtualEarthforLego w #MineCraft , #BrickStreetView re a Lego brick in #GoogleStreetView with #TimeSlider, Maps @WUaSPress * * * Thank you, Aparna @AparnaBawa, for your great https://law.stanford.edu/event/rocrock-center-online-episode-5-a-conversation-with-aparna-bawa-chief-operating-officer-of-zoom/ presentation & answer to my question, & re 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM classroom
Previous: Flowering silversword: Lego Education event - bringing my LEGO bricks re #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego * * I'll have my Lego WeDo 2.0 robotics' kit, but probably not configured with the Scratch programming language! * * * A #FilmTo3D App too? for a #RealisticVirtualEarthForHistory > #GooglePoly ? with #ReinforcementLearning in #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital 1 #RealisticVirtualHarbin w #LegoRobotics in https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1223697825671741440?s=20w & #MachineLearning & https://youtu.be/F8DcgFDT9sc #GoogleResearchFootball ~ The beginnings of learning 'machine learning' with Lego robotics here (WeDo 2.0) * * Leanna Prater, Lego Solutions' Specialist - A realistic virtual earth for Lego ... from Lego Duplo bricks - and the creative computing projects you shared - to Lego machine learning with the WeDo 2.0 special Lego Robotics' kit (maybe with 2 smart hubs, etc) and in Google Research Football etc.? * * Alexandra Vlachakis Sr. Enterprise Manager LEGO Education * * * Stanford Law CodeX presentations - https://law.stanford.edu/2020/06/03/codex-meeting-june-4th-2020/ - How your Legal Tech might be developed in all ~200 countries' official / main languages, and, brainstorming-wise, taught even in best STEM CC-4 OCW-centric World Univ & Sch's online Law Schools in these countries' languages

Dear Dick (Richard Robb MD), Lucy, Ma, Ann and Alden, 

Will we all be talking for an infinite more number of 4-year US presidential elections due to genetic engineering aging reversal? 

The best short 1 minute version of this question with Harvard / MIT Genetics' Prof George Church:
"How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?"

(with a transcription of this interview and more - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/harvard-geneticist-george-church-goal-to-protect-humans-from-viruses-genetic-diseases-and-aging-60-minutes-2019-12-08/)

How are you doing with the many protests I see happening in Boston via the Boston Globe, Dick and Lucy? And how will 'Black Lives Matter' and the death of George Flloyd change things this November, given that Pres rump was unsuccessful at imposing martial law. I'd think that science will continue on beyond the November 2020 election, but see the Guardian article below in these regards. What are you thinking regarding the November election?

(Am missing my Dad, GKM MD a bit now and then, and who was very interested in politics; thanks, again, Dick and Lucy, for coming to his Memorial Service at the First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh!)

I found this recent genetics' article inspiring, partly George Church focused:

After the Madness—Pandemic Silver Linings in Bioscience
Will the frenzied rush to understand and treat SARS-CoV-2 bring longer lasting benefit to the world of scientific research and medicine?

By David Ewing Duncan
Illustration by Kelsey Wroten

George Church, MIT and Harvard Professor of Genetics, was a panelist in this related fascinating conference (which I attended online), now in video:

Neo.Life Boston
(April 9 2020)


" ... startling and positive visions for humanity through the lens of NEO.LIFE’s expert ... Boston innovators from bioengineering, neuroscience, design and venture capital, who contributed to our book, Neo.Life: 25 Visions for the Future of Our Species""

Am curious too regarding science ahead re my big educational project and in realistic virtual earth for genetics ... https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click ... and for everything including Lego Robotics - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthforLego?src=hashtag_click - and even in Google Street View with Time Slide, and re my #ActualVirtual #PhysicalDigital Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~

Here's the Guardian article I mentioned re upcoming election which you might be interested in as well: 

The George Floyd murder and Covid-19 have hurt Trump, but maybe not fatally:
The president’s approval ratings have dipped sharply but he could still beat Biden

Simon Tisdall

Published on Sat 6 Jun 2020 15.15 EDT

Voter disapproval of Donald Trump’s handling of the George Floyd protests and the Covid-19 pandemic, plus the accompanying economic meltdown, have undoubtedly hurt the president’s re-election chances.

But it’s unclear whether the damage is fatal. Could Trump, despite everything, still stage a comeback and beat the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden?

Things are looking bad for Trump right now. His job approval rating has dipped sharply in recent days. Based on an average of 12 polls taken since 25 May the day Floyd was killed, it stands at about 43%, with 54% disapproving.

Trump’s loyalist “base” is said to comprise 25-30% of voters. The remainder of the 46% who backed him in 2016 will not necessarily do so again. There are signs that key voter groups are less committed – or more fiercely opposed.

A recent survey of white Christian evangelicals showed a 15% drop in support for Trump support. Among white Catholics, it dropped by 27%.

Biden’s appeal among African-Americans could provide him with winning margins in swing states
Many white suburban women deserted the Republicans in the 2018 mid-terms. This group may be further alienated by the health crisis, economic uncertainty, and Trump’s divisiveness. Older voters suffering the brunt of the pandemic are said to feel abandoned while the electorate as whole is getting younger. And for the first time, a third of eligible voters are non-white.

Revived fury over racial injustice may galvanise the black vote – a crucial 12.5% of the electorate – against the president. In 2016, black turnout declined for the first time in 20 years.

Biden’s appeal among African-Americans, demonstrated in the primaries, could reverse that trend and provide winning margins in swing states. Among all voters, Biden’s current lead is 11%.
Yet Trump has been written off before. He has the advantage of incumbency and an enormous war chest. He plays dirty. By autumn, the economy may have revived, and the pandemic subsided. And gaffe-prone Biden carries much baggage.

The protests may have scared as many Middle America voters as they energised. Nobody knows how Trump’s Nixonian appeals to the “silent majority” and “law and order” will play in Peoria.

One thing is certain: he’s a long way from beaten.

Interesting British perspective from across the water, with 4 months to go before the election. 
Biden seems to be looking around some as the news' announcement of his running mate timing, perhaps, is thought through. Could Biden pick up important swing states depending on VP choice - https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/politics/quiz-biden-vice-president-pick/ & "Election outcomes in key states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Florida and Arizona all come down to the same thing: the percentage of Democrats and left-leaning independents that end up casting ballots compared with the percentage of Republicans and right-leaning independents that do so. Republicans understand this campaign math and learned to solve this equation a long time ago. The only question is, have Democrats finally solved it too?" https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/26/opinion/joe-biden-running-mate.html? Maybe not ...

Am still inclined toward Elizabeth Warren regarding the Biden campaign also getting Harvard thinking (and in all the swing states too) as having merit (but am not sure about the possible loss of the Mass. Senate seat) - and since 8 Harvard Alums / similar have been presidents - which is probably a higher number than most other institutions / organizations / networks / universities too - in this country.

... What do you think?

And China? Was the Sars-CoV-2 novel coronavirus COVID-19 a game changer in nation states' boundaries popping up in new ways, now around a biological threat, and regarding China getting rich quickly, and a shifting balance of power questions internationally? Effects on the Nov 2020 US election?




- Scott MacLeod

Scott MacLeod
8:22 AM (2 hours ago)
to Jane

Hi Ma,

I took one of the most beautiful walks yet yesterday in and near the open valley to the east of me - on the new far side of the massif's level way. It was partly so nice because the weather was cool, but also because I was aware of the loveliness of what I was walking through. Saw lots of new animals. The other day along the far side of the massif, I think an owl swooped down out of a tree limb in front of me, and into the far valley, the other side of the massif. Another cool beautiful day here ahead I think.

How are you? And what do you have planned for today?

Here's my blog post about Pittsburgh again, and Shady Side Academy too - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/squaw-run-wuas-livestream-may-18-2020.html !

An article in the German newspaper "The World" ("Die Welt") showed up this morning on neuropsychiatry, regarding my mentioning George Church's mention of this word in the "Neo" (Innovative Synthetic Biology) panel on April 9, 2020. The article mentions a Boris Cyrilnik - will check out further, and also regarding questions of culture. Did Church hear a neuropsychiatrist speak in Boston, and appreciated the thinking, and who was this? Am wondering, as you may observe, about the benefits of psychiatry and re culture, and newly online, for many - especially in the SF Bay Area, and among Quakers, here in Canyon, among Harbin residents, and Lake County folks too.

Another article yesterday in a Swiss paper, I think, mentioned the benefits of patience and discipline (Geduld und Disziplin) in this novel coronavirus pandemic time too; old 'values' in a way, and sensible too perhaps in these curious times. (This isn't the article but its relevant - Disziplin, Geduld, Angst – Urlaub im Schatten von Corona Veröffentlicht am 15.05.2020 - https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/plus208005751/Urlaub-an-der-Ostsee-mit-Corona-Disziplin-Geduld-Angst.html ).

Changes in awareness - consciousness that is - are interesting to think about and explore idea-wise as well, Ma! :)

Am amazed about the beauty around me here in Canyon 94516, but also think it's interesting I've stayed so far removed from Canyon's (alternative???, unique not-great?) culture, probably with great benefits. How to seek and find a great life partner, and begin a family, based here for the time being, I wonder? Appreciating your thinking in these regards, Ma!

What are you up to today, Ma! Talk with you soon! :)

Love, Scott

Here's a Reed College German Professor (philosophically inclined on Twitter too) related Tweet, (and perhaps re raising a family, but also thinking about consciousness even) -

Jan Mieszkowski @janmpdx · Jun 2
The first rule of Philosophy Club is: Start them early.
German Children's Books


And to the 'Children's Literature and Wisdom' wiki subject at WUaS -

See, too:
"The youth will be ruined for the next twenty or thirty years"
As of: 8:45 a.m
„Die Jugend wird die nächsten zwanzig, dreißig Jahre ruiniert sein“
(I don't think the whole article is accessible to use Google Translate with).

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

* *

Hello Ed & Val,

It has stayed pretty nice & cool throughout the afternoon. How was your day? And how are you?

I found this recent genetics' article inspiring, partly Harvard / MIT prof of genetics' George Church focused:

After the Madness—Pandemic Silver Linings in Bioscience

Will the frenzied rush to understand and treat SARS-CoV-2 bring longer lasting benefit to the world of scientific research and medicine?

By David Ewing Duncan
Illustration by Kelsey Wroten

George Church, MIT and Harvard Professor of Genetics, was a panelist in this related fascinating conference which I attended online, now in video:

Neo.Life Boston (April 9 2020)

" ... startling and positive visions for humanity through the lens of NEO.LIFE’s expert ... Boston innovators from bioengineering, neuroscience, design and venture capital, who contributed to our book, Neo.Life: 25 Visions for the Future of Our Species""
Social distancing seems to working here in Canyon 94516 and with my landlord TW and his daughter LW who may both have a different kind of coronavirus, not SARS-CoV-2, and be in a related Canyon + network, - and perhaps it's good I've been social distancing from Canyon too for nearly all 13 years. Glad too you, Ed, came over 2 Sundays ago re a change in your reAding of Canyon as both scary and intimidating. Nice cool. In George C's Neo 10 minute talk (re above article and video), which again I attended online, he mentioned the need for neuro-psychiatry - am not sure in what context however - but which could be relevant in his Boston circles, and in Canyon / SF Bay Area. Social distancing however is working alright for now.

And I also haven't met a life partner here in all these years ... am keeping seeking ... re my agency re George A ... science ahead re my big educational project in realistic virtual earth for genetics ... https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click ... 

I think I might be being more social if I were living in the Boston area than here ... maybe in protesting - https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/06/06/nation/protest-with-100000-people-or-more-is-expected-washington-dc/ - than in Berkeley, although maybe I'll head in to Berkeley on Monday to another 'Black Lives Matter' protest - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/06/western-prairie-fringed-orchid-berkeley.html?m=0 - and when it's supposed to be really hot again!

Found this Guardian article today which you might be interested in as well: 

The George Floyd murder and Covid-19 have hurt Trump, but maybe not fatally:
The president’s approval ratings have dipped sharply but he could still beat Biden

Simon Tisdall

Published on Sat 6 Jun 2020 15.15 EDT

Voter disapproval of Donald Trump’s handling of the George Floyd protests and the Covid-19 pandemic, plus the accompanying economic meltdown, have undoubtedly hurt the president’s re-election chances.

But it’s unclear whether the damage is fatal. Could Trump, despite everything, still stage a comeback and beat the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden?

Things are looking bad for Trump right now. His job approval rating has dipped sharply in recent days. Based on an average of 12 polls taken since 25 May the day Floyd was killed, it stands at about 43%, with 54% disapproving.

Trump’s loyalist “base” is said to comprise 25-30% of voters. The remainder of the 46% who backed him in 2016 will not necessarily do so again. There are signs that key voter groups are less committed – or more fiercely opposed.

A recent survey of white Christian evangelicals showed a 15% drop in support for Trump support. Among white Catholics, it dropped by 27%.

Biden’s appeal among African-Americans could provide him with winning margins in swing states

Many white suburban women deserted the Republicans in the 2018 mid-terms. This group may be further alienated by the health crisis, economic uncertainty, and Trump’s divisiveness. Older voters suffering the brunt of the pandemic are said to feel abandoned while the electorate as whole is getting younger. And for the first time, a third of eligible voters are non-white.

Revived fury over racial injustice may galvanise the black vote – a crucial 12.5% of the electorate – against the president. In 2016, black turnout declined for the first time in 20 years.

Biden’s appeal among African-Americans, demonstrated in the primaries, could reverse that trend and provide winning margins in swing states. Among all voters, Biden’s current lead is 11%.

Yet Trump has been written off before. He has the advantage of incumbency and an enormous war chest. He plays dirty. By autumn, the economy may have revived, and the pandemic subsided. And gaffe-prone Biden carries much baggage.

The protests may have scared as many Middle America voters as they energised. Nobody knows how Trump’s Nixonian appeals to the “silent majority” and “law and order” will play in Peoria.

One thing is certain: he’s a long way from beaten.

Interesting British perspective on November US elections, and timely.

What do you think?

Gonna play music - am glad to be connecting with piping onlne student Taylor further, re friends even - and head for a walk as well soon. Did you both get out today? WUaS is connecting with edX, and potentially to offer online edX centric classes toward free degrees in autumn! 

Fond regards,

* *
Hi Ma,

How was your week, and how are you?

Nice cool weather again this morning and today. It's supposed to get hot again on Monday ... how's the weather by you?

Another reason to think about leaving Canyon, esp when kids come along, is the light-colored mineral in the water. I'd think that I'm ingesting minute amounts daily, given the amount that's accumulated on dish drainer (without heat) and soft boiled egg pan (with heat). And could it even be affecting my breathing, lodging in my upper chest and body? (I'm now drying all my dishes to increase the chance I'll remove more mineral than otherwise). I'd like to live elsewhere to let the mineral l ingest dissipate, and leave my body, - and not ingest any whatsoever! And so my kids too don't ingest it from an early age. Pgh? Massachusetts? Some place good to raise kids. Other reasons include perhaps Canyon culture and mental health issues here esp. The heat too (although that's many places ) ... and I'm looking for good sociality, where here in Canyon I'm a little solitary in these regards. I'd like to live closer to Cuttyhunk too sociality-wise, although flying works ... We may live beyond 122 years of age ... so there's maybe years ahead to explore all of this. :)

And maybe I can create good sociality online in new ways, - and the weather overall is better here than back east, with warmer winters, & no humidity in summers to speak of ... so perhaps I can do even more to make the water here mineral-free with a filter, and add air conditioning to where I'm living out here, and generate good sociality on-the-ground, with a life partner and kids, - but if I were to somehow get the next place along on the ridge here, and build a house (since there isn't one), how would I handle generation of goodness in Canyon, - which might even have a reputation for badness - have heard the saying that "The devil lives in Canyon" - but am not sure. My not engaging in the culture here has probably been good, for goodness sake, as curious as this idea might be ... hmmm ...

Glad to have communicated with not only Lego Education Sales' representatives yesterday re my big educational project's bookstore / robotics' store ahead, but also esp. heard from MIT legal (and as a continuation of hearing from its Exec Dir of best STEM CC-4 OCW Cecilia d'Olivier there 4 years ago re law questions)   ... kinda momentous and making progress.

How to seek out and find a great life partner I wonder? UU extended circles? No word back from Ed in these regards, and even regarding seeking a MD life partner ... welcoming your ideas here :)

Love, Scott


I suppose I could think of my abode in Canyon as a kind of campsite too (a Lydia Pintscher idea I just gleaned in a Wikidata-related email  - and regarding beautiful spots in crowded Europe too - where??... If I were ever able to invite a friend and potential life partner to visit here, 'camp site' language might be a good way of explaining Canyon to someone good whom I meet online (from Cambridge, MA?), for example, or through Ed. (I'm not only very concerned about ... being unwell, but also ... mental health issues; MD psychoanalysis for both could benefit ...). How to navigate Canyon psychiatric issues that arise ahead I wonder?   

Just responding in draft form to MIT legal, with Larry.

How's your day going?

Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com 


HI Ma, 

It has stayed pretty nice & cool throughout the afternoon. How was your day? And how are you?

I found this recent genetics' article inspiring, partly George Church focused:

After the Madness—Pandemic Silver Linings in Bioscience
Will the frenzied rush to understand and treat SARS-CoV-2 bring longer lasting benefit to the world of scientific research and medicine?

By David Ewing Duncan
Illustration by Kelsey Wroten

George Church, MIT and Harvard Professor of Genetics, was a panelist in this related fascinating conference, now in video:

Neo.Life Boston (April 9 2020)
" ... startling and positive visions for humanity through the lens of NEO.LIFE’s expert ... Boston innovators from bioengineering, neuroscience, design and venture capital, who contributed to our book, Neo.Life: 25 Visions for the Future of Our Species""

Social distancing seems to working ... have a different kind of coronavirus, not SARS-CoV-2 and be in a related coronavirus + network, - and perhaps it's good I've been social distancing ... too for nearly all 13 years. Glad too Ed came over 2 Sundays ago re a change in his reAding of Canyon as both scary and intimidating. Nice cool. In George C's Neo 10 minute talk (re above article and video), which I attended online, he mentioned the need for neuro-psychiatry - am not sure in what context however - but which could be relevant. Social distancing however is working alright for now.

And I also haven't met a life partner here in all these years ... am keeping seeking ... re my agency re George A ... science ahead re my big educational project in realistic virtual earth for genetics ... https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForGenetics?src=hashtag_click ...

I think I might be being more social if I were living in the Boston area than here ... maybe in protesting - https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/06/06/nation/protest-with-100000-people-or-more-is-expected-washington-dc/ - than in Berkeley, although maybe I'll head in to Berkeley on Monday to another 'Black Lives Matter' protest - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/06/western-prairie-fringed-orchid-berkeley.html?m=0 - and when it's supposed to be really hot again! 

Found this Guardian article today which you might be interested in as well: 

The George Floyd murder and Covid-19 have hurt Trump, but maybe not fatally:
The president’s approval ratings have dipped sharply but he could still beat Biden

Simon Tisdall

Published on Sat 6 Jun 2020 15.15 EDT

Voter disapproval of Donald Trump’s handling of the George Floyd protests and the Covid-19 pandemic, plus the accompanying economic meltdown, have undoubtedly hurt the president’s re-election chances.

But it’s unclear whether the damage is fatal. Could Trump, despite everything, still stage a comeback and beat the Democratic nominee, Joe Biden?

Things are looking bad for Trump right now. His job approval rating has dipped sharply in recent days. Based on an average of 12 polls taken since 25 May the day Floyd was killed, it stands at about 43%, with 54% disapproving.

Trump’s loyalist “base” is said to comprise 25-30% of voters. The remainder of the 46% who backed him in 2016 will not necessarily do so again. There are signs that key voter groups are less committed – or more fiercely opposed.

A recent survey of white Christian evangelicals showed a 15% drop in support for Trump support. Among white Catholics, it dropped by 27%.

Biden’s appeal among African-Americans could provide him with winning margins in swing states

Many white suburban women deserted the Republicans in the 2018 mid-terms. This group may be further alienated by the health crisis, economic uncertainty, and Trump’s divisiveness. Older voters suffering the brunt of the pandemic are said to feel abandoned while the electorate as whole is getting younger. And for the first time, a third of eligible voters are non-white.

Revived fury over racial injustice may galvanise the black vote – a crucial 12.5% of the electorate – against the president. In 2016, black turnout declined for the first time in 20 years.

Biden’s appeal among African-Americans, demonstrated in the primaries, could reverse that trend and provide winning margins in swing states. Among all voters, Biden’s current lead is 11%.

Yet Trump has been written off before. He has the advantage of incumbency and an enormous war chest. He plays dirty. By autumn, the economy may have revived, and the pandemic subsided. And gaffe-prone Biden carries much baggage.

The protests may have scared as many Middle America voters as they energised. Nobody knows how Trump’s Nixonian appeals to the “silent majority” and “law and order” will play in Peoria.

One thing is certain: he’s a long way from beaten.

Interesting British perspective on November US elections, and timely.

What do you think?

Gonna play music - am glad to be connecting with Taylor further, re friends even - and head for a walk as well soon. Did you get out today? 


- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com 

* * *

Sioux re wise children's children's books ...

Gentlewoman Susan Fezziwiggilicious,

Doing their ducky thing ... is it we humans who mess with reproduction regularity, due to the hare of culture (re the tortoise of duck genetics - when the turtle doesn't get the duckling eggs!)? Your father in law Paul Claus sr is in 'Make Way for Ducklings' ? :) Wow, quack, quack, quack! ...

Am not sure whether Birute Mary Galdikas's conservationism, inspired by reading Curious George as a kid - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/live-oak-yoga-i-think-inner-fruit.html - is kidnapping, or what - since she, I think, lives much of the time in Indonesia in a forest - . :) What does Orangutan mean - "man of the forest" - in Indonesian? But "Ferdinand the Bull," and "Make Way for Ducklings" ... I agree! Very wise ducks. :)

GKM Gym III -Scott

- Scott GK MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* *
May 22, 2020

Fri, May 22, 12:00 PM
to SiouxSusan

Birute Mary Galdikas was inspired by, in "Curious George," the man in the yellow hat - 
https://orangutan.org/about/dr-birute-mary-galdikas/ ... and is still seeking to save orangutans (and their habitat) in Indonesia today (and was one of Leakey's main students at UCLA in the late 60s, - although a Canadian, and with LIthuanian roots!). 

It was her birthday recently, and she Tweeted about this Indonesian birthday greetings - https://twitter.com/DrBirute/status/1263367296401063937?s=20 - which I retweeted here - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod - right above the Learn Scots' Gaelic Tweet for the word Friend - https://twitter.com/LearnGaelicScot/status/1263839642400493568?s=20 .

https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/live-oak-yoga-i-think-inner-fruit.html - (getting into some Yoga and psychoanalysis thinking, compared, in today's blog post as well! :)

- Scott MacLeod

in case you were wondering, of course ! 

(And since you're a children's librarian, too)

... the value of ideas and images learned in childhood ... here transposed to orangutan conservation ... re inquiry even (per curious George and the yellow hatted hominid), - for we human primateys :)?

- Scott MacLeod

Here they are - for some audio-visuals, well, in reverse, first the text, then the sound, with better color pics :) ...
Curious George, by H.A. Rey

Kids Book Read Aloud: CURIOUS GEORGE (Original Book) by H.A. Rey


- Scott MacLeod

Am not clear if 'Curious George' is a wise book or not ... 

re - 

May 23, 2020

Certainly a classic. It's interesting that it never occured to me (as a little kid) that the man in the yellow hat kidnapped George. And where was George's mom? Killed by the man in the yellow hat, off stage? 

George is relatable to kids because he acts on his desires without any concept of action and consequence.

Susan Claus
Librarian, Manager
Children & Teen Services
Northland Public Library
300 Cumberland Road, Pittsburgh PA 15237
412-366-8100 ext. 120  northlandlibrary.org

Friend Miss Charlotte Fezziwig, Gentlewoman Guinea Pig, on Facebook for the latest news from Northland Library's
Children & Teen Services Department

I like your interpretation:

"George is relatable to kids because he acts on his desires without any concept of action and consequence."

And good questions. (A story of colonialism and zoo-ification too? Modernity comes to Africa?). I like the not absurdity, but the curiosity or whimsy, of the book, as George comes into all these human situations - and is anthropomorphized in a way (since his monkey behavior isn't a focus).

Am curious about 'Children's Literature and Wisdom' - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Children%27s_Literature_and_Wisdom - and a reading of the idea of wisdom in the whole Curious George series. I draw a blank here. 

And how to generate best wise kids' book titles for this - in all languages - and even as a flourishing wiki conversation? :)

Is "Ferdinand the Bull" a wise kids' book? (I head in this direction:).


- Scott MacLeod

May 25, 2020

Ms. Susan Claus, 

Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey

Wise? What do you think? I do think there's wisdom in this, since they're looking for a good place to raise a duckling family - and find it, with a policeman who gives them peanuts and watches out for them, calling Clancy to get a police car to protect them! And they also pass by a very cool bookstore. (And there's no man in the yellow hat to kidnap them!) ... and all in a big pretty city! For wild ducks, this is fantastic duckiness! What think you?



Claus, Susan

May 26, 2020, 6:15 AM (12 days ago)
to me
I agree! Very wise ducks. Also, the friendly policeman is a dead-ringer for my late Father-in-Law, Paul Claus sr.

Susan Claus
Librarian, Manager
Children & Teen Services
Northland Public Library
300 Cumberland Road, Pittsburgh PA 15237
412-366-8100 ext. 120  northlandlibrary.org

Friend Miss Charlotte Fezziwig, Gentlewoman Guinea Pig, on Facebook for the latest news from Northland Library's
Children & Teen Services Department


Claus, Susan

May 26, 2020, 6:30 AM (12 days ago)
to me
Ferdinand? A big YES. Oh my goodness, yes.

Susan Claus
Librarian, Manager
Children & Teen Services
Northland Public Library
300 Cumberland Road, Pittsburgh PA 15237
412-366-8100 ext. 120  northlandlibrary.org

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Gentlewoman Susan Fezziwiggilicious,

Doing their ducky thing ... is it we humans who mess with reproduction regularity, due to the hare of culture (re the tortoise of duck genetics - when the turtle doesn't get the duckling eggs!)? Your father in law Paul Claus sr is in 'Make Way for Ducklings' ? :) Wow, quack, quack, quack! ...

Am not sure whether Birute Mary Galdikas's conservationism, inspired by reading Curious George as a kid - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/live-oak-yoga-i-think-inner-fruit.html - is kidnapping, or what - since she, I think, lives much of the time in Indonesia in a forest - . :) What does Orangutan mean - "man of the forest" - in Indonesian? But "Ferdinand the Bull," and "Make Way for Ducklings" ... I agree! Very wise ducks. :)

GKM Gym III -Scott

- Scott GK MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

* *

And re Children's Literature and Wisdom wiki subject at WUaS -

* * *
Liz Economy, Stanford Hoover Fellow ...

Dear Liz, 

Thank you, Liz, for "Elizabeth Economy: COVID-19 and China
https://www.hoover.org/events/elizabeth-economy-covid-19-and-china ! What’s the ‘global stage’ for Xi Jinping? In what ways does it include versions of all ~200 countries (per recent Olympics) as nation states - and regarding the internet especially? How could Xi Jinping advance China’s grandeur better regarding both ~200 countries and re the internet?

Did you grow up as a Quaker, since you went to Swarthmore, and are on its Board - https://www.swarthmore.edu/board-managers/elizabeth-economy-84

In developing best STEM CC-4 OCW-centric wiki World University and School, WUaS seeks to create online major universities in each of all ~200 countries 
and to offer online free-to-students' Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, and Medicine, as well as IB high school degrees 
 - and in their official or main languages - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Mandarin_language_(Chinese) (not yet in Mandarin or Cantonese, etc.). 

And since it can be a very small world, do you happen to know Elizabeth Cutter Evert, or Henry Cutter (both in NYC), or Swarthmorean Lillian Thomas? They are all friends from high school in Pgh PA.

Thanks for sharing your amazing knowledge of China!

Friendly regards,

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

e-economy? but China e-culturally too ?
Anthropology Professor Heather Paxson?
Harbin Hot Springs?

* * *
Ma, Ann

Cow and calf

Hi Ma,

Glad to have heard from both Mark MacLeod (1st cousin) and Sioux Davis (SCD friend from high school, who visited me here in Canyon last year from Pgh) - and Peter Bothe in Germany today too. Good family and friends re isolation here are nice.

I think I come back to philosophical thinking re this and much (as well as Quaker, UUs -
Western analytical, linguistic philosophical thinking re Yoga, and other 'religious' traditions, has much merit, but appreciating too, aspects of good cultures that emerge from same (A&V Yoga, Unitarian Universalism, Quakers, Nontheist Friendliness, Atheistic Quakerism, Agnosticism, Meditation (re relaxation response) and studying this scientifically, Harbin Hot Springs' soaking, Hinduism/New England transcendentalism -
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcendentalism - read the first paragraph re 'goodness,' the second paragraph re Unitarians ... and add some critical thinking / philosophical skepticism / and open ended thinking creativity to the mix ?:) (...at bottom here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/common-garter-snake-harbin-hot-springs.html ).

Am glad Ed came over to Canyon on Saturday after some years re his changing understanding of Canyon (as being 'scary'& 'intimidating' - perhaps due the RN Travis doing a night shift in landlord's upper room and even befriending T.W. - so not from an adversarial medical personnel/systems/Canyon perspective), all speculatively, except Ed's coming over. (Quakers do their own wrap-around adversariality or opponent process stuff in human behavior - you do too, Ma :) 
Pgh and MA have merit in my thinking for schools for my kids, as well re family and friends after my kids are born. (Cuttyhunk 1 room schoolhouse even - re safe nest? ... and having come miles in online education at all levels in the last 3 months?:))

Love, Scott

PS In a 25 minute call with Margo Warnecke yesterday, I seem to have been offered an artist-in-residence position yesterday in Sonoma having attended a Stanford Historical Society presentation online on architect John Carl Warnock by granddaughter - at the Warnecke ranch / Institute - https://www.chalkhillresidency.com/artist-residency. Having published 3 books of poetry and in playing the Scottish Small Pipes, would this be structured & remunerated like a Stanford University artist in residency, I wonder? Could my hypothetical wife to be occupy my place in Canyon while I was in residence? I just looked and it isn't structured like a Stanford artist-in-residency, rather it looks like one pays rent - so am not interested in this one after all. BUT could I instead explore an artist-in-residency position at Stanford University itself, if I were to find one posted, and after Stanford opens again?

Gonna be hot here today again! :)


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