Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Pollination: Connecting ~ & re bagpiping (Scottish small pipes) ... upcoming "Honey in the Bag" album :) * * * Scottish small pipe and GHB keys all in the A chanter (about 5-6 keys in 9 notes?) * * * the German Corona warning app * * * the WUaS Educational Services' Store - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html @WorldUnivAndSch is now carrying: LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Core Set (High School and College)


Connecting ~ 

Good morning, Ma,

Nice to talk and connect, Ma, yesterday evening on wooded way.

Playing - bagpiping - first thing rather than last thing in day? Just after sitting. Time to explore this. Computing is very fascinating ... but playing creatively, and to connect - toward upcoming 'Honey in the Bag' Scottish small pipes' album has much merit too.

Here are the Lego Robotics' kits, which my big educational project in its somewhat newly named 'WUaS Educational Services' Store'& academic press (in 7117 languages) is newly  carrying -
http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - and which is momentous! Lego rep in Lousville KY Leanna Prater helped, as well as nice Alexandra in Chicago. Am wondering if there could possibly be a UU connection. Do you know any Praters from Cincinnati, Ohio, or Kentucky & UUs? :) There was a kind of good connecting process re this Lego development yesterday too.

Put 3 carrots in my pocket, but didn't see the 5 horses in EBMUD, which came up to me recently, whatsoever while walking on a very beautiful evening. So in seeing a little rabbit head into the bush later, I tossed some carrot pieces in its path - as a possible treat.

Riverfront park - for virtual kayaking? - in Google Street View's for upper body movement from home, while on the Allegheny River. Put on a digital mask at home - re "Were you visiting in this Aspinwall Riverfront Park - https://www.google.com/maps/place/Aspinwall+Riverfront+Park,+285+River+Ave,+Aspinwall,+PA+15215/@40.4891881,-79.9042272,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x3153eebade943564!8m2!3d40.4891881!4d-79.9042272 ? Were people kayaking too? " ... how to make Google Street View excursions in digital masks great (and for movement from home too?). Appreciating your 'exploring' Pittsburgh anew with Chris while heading out shopping too! 

Interesting to think about practicing a musical instrument further re questions of connecting - and not being too hard on myself (per "Guidelines for ..." http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm). Last night I stayed up newly until 11:30 considering whether to practice - and am seeking to understand and think this further through - when I have often played daily (the word 'sail' popped up) & enjoyably albeit briefly recently around 10:45 pm, but last night ambivalence won out ... hmmm :) Will explore piping first thing after sitting or meditating this morning (which I do daily first thing - because it's salutary). 

So I started piping first thing after sitting, and - like the 'morning Raga' idea - it's good to play early, and without diurnal rhythm tiredness setting in too. Fingering is crisper ... time to wash my hands. Play until about 11:30 - before it gets hot? On with playing! :)

Appreciating you, Ma, much and from whom I learned to connect .

Love, Scott

A further argument for 'in case of emergency' - improve the science dramatically in this window of opportunity - and re my other 4 hypothetical news' items (https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/red-cage-fungus-victor-angela-i-just.html), and re science industry too? ...

"Anthony Fauci warns that ‘nightmare’ pandemic isn’t close to over"
By Vincent Barone

Anthony Fauci warns that ‘nightmare’ pandemic isn’t close to over


The 'nightmare' word is a little disconnecting for me in a number of respects. 

Am wondering further how coronavirus pandemic 'memes' could be used to significantly lessen the illegal sex trade - culturally even (which it may have done too) and in white, brown and black communities too!

Combine with contact tracing - (which has already been happening for my smartphone anyway per a monthly report I get, - but people around the world all need more advanced smart phones too!) - per the German article I mentioned ... 

"Digital solution
What can the German Corona warning app do?
Health Minister Jens Spahn has announced the release this week. Where does the app have its strengths, where are the weaknesses? An overview."

Digitale LösungWas kann die deutsche Corona-Warn-App leisten?

Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn hat für diese Woche die Veröffentlichung angekündigt. Wo hat die App ihre Stärken, wo sind die Schwächen? Ein Überblick. 

And further engage the recreational / medicinal cannabis Massachusetts' law? distinction too per signficantly lessening the illegal sex trade - with Corona App? (I also touch on this here - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/red-cage-fungus-victor-angela-i-just.html - and in April 1, 2020 - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html - post:)

- Scott MacLeod


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

11:52 AM (19 minutes ago)
to Jane
Hi Ma,

How's your day going? Am following up re this earlier 'Connecting' email and thread ... 

As I listen thru and watch my video lessons with Connor Sinclair (with so many wins of top piping competitions) ... and he connected .. and so did I, I like seeing his confidence, his responses (and our connection) ... am learning much again and again ... and about connecting in a learning conversation with spoken language as well as connecting in learning a piping language ... and confidence re my playing too ... the feeling (sometimes bumpy, but sometimes good from daily playing) as I improve .. and the feeling of being little shy, or even embarrassed at times as I seek to improve (which feeling I feel far less these days than I recall feeling even in elementary school years, for example).

Interesting to experience re-connecting with Connor in lesson recordings, where we connected in real time (he in Scotland - and regarding even identity questions - being pipers, Scottish identity too perhaps) in the actual lessons (ie which were recorded). 

One aspect of playing a musical instrument for me is that I have a constant self-critique aspect in there ...

Our lessons are kind of a piping-learning 'blather.'  

Connor's a good, responsive and skillful teacher ... am learning a lot from videos to work with ... a lot of 'building blocks' from Connor ... Stuart Liddell's piping is my inspiration for inspired piping ...

https://youtu.be/pQEJf5XZPL8 ... 

Focused on piping this morning for nearly 2 hours, playing some, but tuning in further to my 19 Feb 2020 lesson with Connor helpfully. 


Scottish small pipe and GHB keys all in the A chanter (about 5-6 keys in 9 notes?)
Notes from 19 Feb 2020 lesson video recording with Connor Sinclair 

Was very glad to learn the following from 19 Feb 2020 lesson re even thinking about the new E drone, and which tunes could work with it better than others:

Keys in tunes?

a bit of uniqueness in (SSP) drone sounds – (potentially with E drone sounding different)

A major

B minor

C sharp, or F sharp minor
(then going into A)

you could play an A over F sharp minor

((what about an E drone too? – to ask Connor))

key of D notes, Connor plays (on an ‘A’ GHB practice chanter, which is really in B flat mixolydian, or so called ‘Piper’s A’)

At a push you’ve got
The key of G – and he plays notes on his practice chanter in this key

2 Write out a schedule, a plan with goals. (Choose pieces you enjoy playing – S.M.).
Yo-yo Ma says, never make a sound without hearing it first; hear it in your mind.

3 Set goals to chart development.

4 Concentrate when you practice.
Yo-yo says join feelings into your music when you feel bad, to integrate your feelings with your mind and body.

5 Relax and practice slowly.

Sinclair chanters were preferred by top pipe bands for a while, some decades ago I think - 
"Sinclair is known for their famous chanter, which has been a favorite among top competing pipers and bands for since the 1960's."

Sinclair pipes may still be being made by a Sinclair son 

(Such 'William Sinclair & Son (Bagpipe Makers)' father and son traditions are long and old in some countries, such as Scotland)

I'll have to ask Connor Sinclair whether there's any relation to him. 

- Scott MacLeod

* * * 

WUaS Educational Services' Store

the WUaS Educational Services' Store - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html @WorldUnivAndSch is now carrying:
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Core Set (High School and College): https://education.lego.com/en-us/products/lego-mindstorms-education-ev3-core-set/5003400
SPIKE Prime Core Set: https://education.lego.com/en-us/products/lego-education-spike-prime-set/45678#product
WeDo 2.0 Core Set: https://education.lego.com/en-us/products/lego-education-wedo-2-0-core-set/45300 ~


WUaS Educational Services' Store ...

* *


How's your day going? And how are you? Am glad Chris is now able to visit you in person, newly (with masks and 6 feet distance?).

Came into Berkeley for shopping on a hot day: 

49.2 mpg, about 12 miles and .60 cents in fuel costs my car said ... seems great, and drove a long way along magnificent Skyline Dr.

I hope your weather is cooling down from yesterday ... Berkeley is cooler than on the ridge in Canyon!

Missing actual Harbin a bit, seeking to create an amazing virtual HARBIN ... but seeking a life partner in the process, potentially before too ...

Leanna Prater, Lego Solutions' Architect, based in Louisville, KY, seemed possibly 'churchy' in her online presentation which led to WUaS Educational Services' Store offering Lego robotics ... she could be Methodist too (and re Kim & Larry), but Louisville has 3  ... Unitarian churches. Any Praters in your growing up regarding UUs in Cincinnati? (Name sounds possibly out of UU circles).

Seeking to further develop mastery learning with piping.

And in a BF Skinner (Skinnerian) sense (schedules of reinforcement re animal behavior), in what ways could Cuttyhunk island (which idea emerged in seeing this Tweet by William Mansfield - https://twitter.com/PatentMansfield/status/1270800166732402688?s=20 - who's a patent attorney in the Boston area, and seems like he might have UU connections as well) be a kind of reward for a potential life partner of mine? Seems like an interesting idea to explore. And Skinner was a Harvard professor. 

And both actual and virtual Harbin Hot Springs rewards too? :)) 

Stay cool! Turn on AC if needed! May get my fan out soon, although it's hot yet not unbearably so, here now! :)

Love, Scott

Connecting by writing (and blogging:) ...


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