Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Water hyacinth: June 11: Reed Legal Network Virtual Meet and Greet * * * How can I help / Why would you like to meet?: Talk about edX & World Univ & Sch, & today's Open edX questions * * * What is hummingbird consciousness (and regarding cattle or cow consciousness, philosophically in a sense? :)


June 11: Reed Legal Network Virtual Meet and Greet

Dear Avy and David, and Reed Legal Network, 

Thanks so much for your excellent Reed Legal Network talks just now.

With your FinTech experience, Avy, and your US government and courts' experience, David, let's stay in touch about UBI experiment questions, & regarding the word 'universal'& regarding too the Euro in 19 out of 28 nation states; am thinking in terms of ~200 countries’ official languages too as Law Schools https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School (accessible from https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States, each to become major online universities) to facilitate and teach about UBI experiments in the public interest even. 

Wikdata, by the way, is Wikipedia's 'back end' structured knowledge database, and in ~300 languages, a great start for coding for speakers of all 7,117 known living languages at WUaS - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - and regarding online law schools in all ~200 countries' official / main languages. 

Thanks, Amy, Darlene, Andrew, and everyone so much!

Reed regards, Scott

Scott GK MacLeod
President, Founder and Professor
WUaS Educational Services' Store (and Academic Press) - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html
direct: 412 478 0116 

I've blogged much about UBI experiments here in recent years - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/UBI - and regarding matriculating students at World Univ & Sch from all ~200 countries, each a Wikidata Q-item # or preferably, a Wikidata PIN #, - and then speakers of all 7,117 known living languages, a Wikidata PIN #, and then, brainstorming-wise, all 7.5 billion people on the planet a Wikidata PIN #. (World Univ & Sch, of which I'm the founder and head, donated itself to Wikidata as "back end" for co-development, in 2015, and got the "front end" WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017 - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - but they aren't yet interoperable). UBI experiments would partly be for distributing a single cryptocurrency, with block chain ledger, backed by some number of their central banks, to people in all ~200 countries, in order to alleviate poverty. All this could involve, too, bringing the Federal Reserve together with the European Central Bank with the MIT Digital Currency Initiative, of which the Executive Director is Neha Narula, and with lawyers and congresspeople in the US government (hence my email to you). (Here are 5 initial reasons that WUaS seeks to code for all 7.5 billion people, each a Wikidata PIN # - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/12/wild-pomegranate-burchellia-bubalina.html).

Also, World Univ & Sch would seek for the WUaS Law Faculties in all ~200 countries' official languages to teach about single cryptocurrency, for example, and perhaps faculty and students could also help code for it, in a variety of ways:

Law Schools at World University and School (planned in main languages in them)
A WUaS Law School in Oregon too? 

How might we explore this further? 

Thanks again so much, David and Avy, and the Reed Legal Network.

* * * 
NOTES and transcript:

Thanks, David, for your reply. Let's stay in touch abt FinTech UBI experiment questions, & regarding the word Universal & re the Euro in 19 out of 28 nation states; am thinking in terms of ~200 countries’ official langs too as Law Schs https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States Scott

(Thanks, Avy - will email you further about some related UBI experiment questions … and regarding the word Universal - and re the Euro - in 19 out of 28 nation states; am thinking in terms of ~200 countries’ official languages too - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - each a major University with a law school). Thank you, Avy!

Would love to follow up with you too, David, given your great US govt. experience, about UBI experiments. Thanks for talking today! - Scott (sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org)


(Bear Wilner-Nugent ’95)

From Olga Moriarty to Everyone: (4:05 PM)

Hi everyone!

From Avy Mallik to Everyone: (4:05 PM)

Hi everyone!

From Andrew Schpak to Everyone: (4:05 PM)


From Paul Levy to Everyone: (4:05 PM)

80 participants is very impressive

From Stephanie Striffler to Everyone: (4:06 PM)

Hi, everyone, Reed 77, just retired after 30 years at Oregon Department of Justice

From Paul Levy to Everyone: (4:06 PM)

Great work by Darlene and Andrew

From Carol Ellerby to Everyone: (4:06 PM)

Carol Ellerby '71 Retired from being a Public Defender in Seattle for 22 years.

From Paul Levy to Everyone: (4:06 PM)

Paul Levy '72, at Public Citizen Litigation Group for 42 years and counting

From Ray Zuniga to Everyone: (4:07 PM)

Daniel (Ray) Zuniga ’15, current litigation paralegal at a plaintiff side labor law firm in Los Angeles, about to enter UCI Law in the Fall

From Roger Williams to Everyone: (4:07 PM)

Roger Williams, ’81, private practice in Austin, Tx, patent law, IP and litigation

From Mark Mosley to Everyone: (4:07 PM)

Hi everyone.  I’m Mark Mosley, Class of 1981, a civil trial lawyer on the San Francisco Bay Area since 1987.

From Me to Everyone: (4:07 PM)

Hi All, Scott GK MacLeod, ’85, World Univ & Sch (like best STEM CC-4 OCW in its 4 languages, with Wikipedia in ~300 languages) … seeking to develop online Law Schools in all ~200 countries, and potentially in 50 US states - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/World_University_Law_School (worlduniversityandschool.org/)

From Olga Moriarty to Everyone: (4:07 PM)

Reed Legal Network info https://alumni.reed.edu/board_of_alumni/legal-network.html
From Sabrina Steel to Everyone: (4:09 PM)

Hi! Sabrina Steel, class of 05, and i work on the Hill for Congressman Andy Levin as his Legislative Counsel

From Me to Everyone: (4:09 PM)

(More here about Law Schools + - https://iris.reed.edu/directory/alum/123192 )

From Howell Lankford to Everyone: (4:09 PM)

Howell Lankford, '65, still working as a labor arbitrator, where people actually pay me to explain to me how things work!  Doesn't get much better than that.

From Kiki Hawley to Everyone: (4:10 PM)

Kiki Hawley ’16, professional dancer, considering going into public interest law

From Alice Harra to Everyone: (4:10 PM)
From Olga Moriarty to Everyone: (4:11 PM)

The Center for Life Beyond Reed: https://www.reed.edu/beyond-reed/
From Andrew Schpak to Everyone: (4:11 PM)

Andrew Schpak, class of '01, poli sci major, now practicing employment law on the management side in downtown Portland.  aschpak@barran.com.

From Braden Dong to Everyone: (4:12 PM)

Hello everyone.  I'm Braden Dong, '86 Political Science, in-house product lawyer here in the greater SF Bay Area.

From Sagan Green-Horner to Everyone: (4:13 PM)

Hello! My name is Sagan R. Green-Horner, and I just graduated this year in ICPS-Political Science. I've worked in paralegal before, and am looking to get a law degree as a career path. Currently I'm job searching for legal assistant positions while working on job applications.

From Carolyn Walworth to Everyone: (4:13 PM)

Hi everyone! Carolyn Walworth, ’20 in psychology, considering law school & have some past experience as a paralegal in patent law. Currently in the bay area!

From Bear Wilner-Nugent to Everyone: (4:14 PM)

I’m so blown away by this great turnout! Thanks, everyone.

From Denika Martin to Everyone: (4:15 PM)

Hello, Denika Martin, class of ’18, from  Honolulu Hawai’i. Not a lawyer but interested in law school and learning more about any financial aid available.

From Darlene Pasieczny to Everyone: (4:15 PM)

Sagan, are you looking for positions in the Portland-area?

From Bear Wilner-Nugent to Everyone: (4:15 PM)

I’m Bear Wilner-Nugent ’95, Lewis & Clark Law ’04. I have been self-employed for 12 years. I do criminal defense, appeals, and civil and administrative litigation, both in Oregon and federally. Before I went to work for myself, I was a public defender in Multnomah County. Before that, I was a law clerk with the Federal Public Defender for two years.

From Sagan Green-Horner to Everyone: (4:15 PM)

Definitely yes.

From Evian Oosthuizen to Everyone: (4:16 PM)

Evian ’21 Env. Studies - Economics

From Darlene Pasieczny to Everyone: (4:17 PM)

For Sagan (and all) - we have a Reed Legal Network Facebook group, and job search posts very much welcome!

From Azure Sensabaugh to Everyone: (4:17 PM)

I'm Azure, a current political science major at Reed. I'm looking for internships and opportunities to learn more about the legal field.

From Rafael Monkarsh to Everyone: (4:17 PM)

Hi all! I’m actually a current English student at Reed (’22) and had an internship at a firm this summer locked down before COVID happened. I’m looking into going into law after Reed, and this seemed like a good opportunity to learn more!

From Samantha Hordyk to Everyone: (4:19 PM)

I’m Sam, Reed physics ’22. Just started a job working in environmental policy and outreach, and have now started thinking of working in policy!

From Jacob Canter to Everyone: (4:19 PM)

Hi all - I’m Jacob (’14, political science).  I graduated from Berkeley in ’18.  I’m finishing up a clerkship in the SDNY in July, and then I’ll be at a firm in San Francisco.  I’m not senior enough to get anyone a job, but I’m very happy to speak with people interested in the LSAT / law school / whole process

From Thomas Barr to Everyone: (4:19 PM)

I’m Thomas. Class of ’20 in Philosophy. Intent on starting law school fall ’21. Interested particularly in environmental law.

From Chae Park to Everyone: (4:19 PM)

Chae Park, ’20 Political Science (theory). Currently working as a research fellow. Interested in labor, public interest, and/or consumer protection law. Committed to Berkeley Law and looking to defer, so would appreciate any leads on legal assistant positions in the Bay! (Unfortunately no Facebook)

From Rita Melnikova to Everyone: (4:21 PM)

Hi all! I am a current Philosophy student at Reed ('21). I am particularly interested in Criminal Law and am looking for any and all legal internships and job shadows in the field. I am hoping to go to Lewis and Clark Law school once I get my degree.

From Jeff Kelson to Everyone: (4:24 PM)

Howdy Reedies All!  I’m Jeff Kelson, graduated in 1981.  Of course, I majored in Poli Sci.  I’m in my 29th year working as a career law clerk to a US district judge.  We do everything but domestic relations.  For me, the perfect docket!

From Me to Everyone: (4:24 PM)

Anything about Universal Basic Income experiments - UBI - on the docket in the House, Avi?

From Olga Moriarty to Everyone: (4:25 PM)

If anyone has questions for Avy, we’ll have a Q&A at the end. Feel free to type in your questions and we’ll keep track and address them later.

From Kiki Hawley to Everyone: (4:28 PM)

For Avy: What does a typical week look like for you? In other words, just how overworked? :)

From Stephanie Striffler to Everyone: (4:30 PM)

So true, I went to law school planning to do labor law, and never did. I ended up in much of my career practicing Indian law, which I loved, but never anticipated

From Avy Mallik to Everyone: (4:30 PM)

Hi everyone, my email is Avy.mallik@gmail.com, feel free to reach out if you want to connect after

From Paul Levy to Everyone: (4:31 PM)

In DC, if you want a good and fulfilling job, you can expect to work long hours!  Work life balance is very hard to achieve here!

Still, David Gossett has young children, and my wife and I raised children throughout my years of public interest law.

From Darlene Pasieczny to Everyone: (4:31 PM)

Love seeing the backgrounds and interests described on this chat!  I'm class of '01, art history, then took a few years to law school (Lewis & Clark '12).  Culinary school was in the middle there.... I'm based in Portland at Samuels Yoelin Kantor LLP and do securities litigation, FINRA arbitration (investor claims against stockbrokers), financial elder abuse, trust and estate disputes.  Still cook a little, too :)

From Paul Levy to Everyone: (4:34 PM)

Chicago is an intensely intellectual law school

From Stephanie Striffler to Everyone: (4:35 PM)

I went to Chicago also, total culture shock after Reed

From Laura Graser to Everyone: (4:35 PM)

I went to law school for all the wrong reasons (daddy would pay for it; no better ideas), and after some fumbles at the small boutique plaintiff's firm, the Big Firm, the DA's office, stumbled into being asked to write an appellate brief, and I found my spot.  It's writing Hum papers for a living.  I still love it, been doing it since 1986 or thereabouts, no plans to retire.  My own firm, consisting of me.  In Portland.  Now speak fluent Spanish, that's my biggest accomplishment lately.  Laura Graser, Reed 1973, Lewis & Clark Law (the best law school in Portland) '79.

From Me to Everyone: (4:36 PM)

(I got into the Univ of Chicago undergrad, but went to Reed instead:)

From Paul Levy to Everyone: (4:37 PM)

And David has done a great job of finding jobs for Reedies!

From Stephanie Striffler to Everyone: (4:39 PM)

I had Scalia at Chicago, not Obama!

From Darlene Pasieczny to Everyone: (4:45 PM)

Even if staying at the same firm / location, a common theme with folks in the law seems to be the natural evolution of interests, focus, subject matter....   You can become an expert in the most unexpected things!

From Avy Mallik to Everyone: (4:46 PM)

Question for David: any lessons learned from helping start a regulatory agency (the CFPB)?

From Paul Levy to Everyone: (4:46 PM)

I now do a fair amount of IP law, something I would never have imagined in law school

From Avy Mallik to Everyone: (4:47 PM)

I can’t unmute

From Paul Levy to Everyone: (4:48 PM)

Like a union!

From Denika Martin to Everyone: (4:49 PM)

Questions for anyone: Is it true that it is best to attend law school where you are thinking you’d like to practice? How did you factor in the cost of law school? We have one law school here in Hawai’i, and financial aid available from the school itself is a small package. Finally, do you suggest working/interning (and if so how long) before applying for law school? Thank you!

From Thomas Barr to Everyone: (4:49 PM)

For David, if not remaining a lawyer, what are some professional areas for someone with a law degree? (generally and specifically you)

From Me to Everyone: (4:50 PM)

(Thanks, Avy - will email you further about some related UBI experiment questions … and regarding the word Universal - and re the Euro - in 19 out of 28 nation states; am thinking in terms of ~200 countries’ official languages too - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Nation_States - each a major University with a law school). Thank you, Avy!

From Jacob Canter to Everyone: (4:51 PM)

Question for David: How do you predict the economic downturn will impact the legal market (particularly for associates) and how will it impact (if at all) law school admissions?  Is there anything you could say about how the FCC or DWT is responding?

From Roger Williams to Everyone: (4:51 PM)

Responding to Denika’s question: avoiding (or minimizing) debt is huge.  State school with no debut gives you so many more options and paths to happiness.

From Howell Lankford to Everyone: (4:52 PM)

David's hiring experience has a moral for everybody at or near the beginning of a career:  If you interview but don't get the job, at least send a thank you note to the interviewer.  Maybe you really did impress her even though somebody was a better fit for that job.  The follow up note is your chance to be more chatty and, potentially, to at least be a name that sticks in her memory when somebody asks, next year, Do you know anybody who...

From Darlene Pasieczny to Everyone: (4:53 PM)

Totally agree, Howell.  And hand-written notes still make an impression!

From Chae Park to Everyone: (4:56 PM)

As someone who just went through the application process (in the midst of a pandemic…..), I am happy to answer questions about the LSAT/applying etc. As a general tip though, if you are thinking of applying to schools in the next year, you should be paying attention to how schools have responded to COVID

From Avy Mallik to Everyone: (4:56 PM)

I can’t unmute again

From David Gossett to Everyone: (4:59 PM)

My personal email address is david@dgossett.net.  Everyone should feel free to contact me, anytime.

From Paul Levy to Everyone: (4:59 PM)

I'm finishing a brief tonight, gotta go.  But thanks to Darlene and Andrew for  organizing this, and to Avy and David for talking to us all.

From Me to David Gossett: (Privately) (4:59 PM)

Would love to follow up with you too, David, given your great US govt. experience, about UBI experiments. Thanks for talking today! - Scott (sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org)

From Bear Wilner-Nugent to Everyone: (5:01 PM)

Thanks to Amy and Olga, too!

From Olga Moriarty to Everyone: (5:01 PM)

Please stay in touch with us!  Here’s the website to learn more about the Reed Legal Network: https://alumni.reed.edu/board_of_alumni/legal-network.html
From Me to Everyone: (5:03 PM)

I noticed recently that Harvard Law School’s tuition is about $67,000 per year, and Stanford Law’s is 47,000 - what role should this play in decision-making?
Thank you, David, Avy, All!

From Olga Moriarty to Everyone: (5:05 PM)

It’s great to have some many people (including STUDENTS!) here together

From Me to Everyone: (5:05 PM)

Thanks - am interested in Law School tuition costs in developing approaches to reimbursement at World Univ & Sch’s Law Schools - for matriculating students from all ~200 countries … and perhaps with WUaS CC-4 Law OCW emerging out of Stanford Law CodeX …

From Alan Walworth to Everyone: (5:06 PM)

Thanks very much—interesting and informative

From Olga Moriarty to Everyone: (5:06 PM)

We’d love to receive your feedback on our event today. Use this link to access our survey: https://forms.gle/T7Z4FiTVxhuKya4z7
From Amy Hesse to Everyone: (5:07 PM)

For any questions that were not answered, we are going to make sure we record them from the chat bar, and will try to follow up with you.
Or feel free to email the people you want to ask!

From Sagan Green-Horner to Everyone: (5:07 PM)

Question for Avy, I'm thinking about Georgetown law and was working on the LSAT last year. The best I was able to get was a 159, but  my GPA I got to 3.31. Apart from what you already mentioned for letters of recommendation, any advice for applying to Georgetown law?

From Andrew Schpak to Everyone: (5:09 PM)

I apologize that I need to run to take over coverage of my daughter.  It was great to see you all, please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions!

From Sagan Green-Horner to Everyone: (5:11 PM)

Another general question, and maybe David could answer this, any benefits for getting a dual masters/JD (such as MPP/JD), and could such a dual degree be applied outside of law?

From Nerissa Wright to Everyone: (5:11 PM)

Hi Avy! Would you mind typing your email in the chat again?

From Rafael Monkarsh to Everyone: (5:11 PM)

Question for anyone, and perhaps pertinent to what Howell is saying right now— As I said above, I’m a current student interested in law but not sure if it exactly fits me (although I think it would). I’m planning on interning somewhere before I (possibly) go to law school, but besides interning, what are some good ways to understand a) what lawyers’ day-to-day lives look like and b) what differentiates types of lawyers (with different specialties) from each other?

From Avy Mallik to Everyone: (5:11 PM)

Hi Nerissa, my email is avy.mallik@gmail.com
From Roger Williams to Everyone: (5:13 PM)

Mark Srere, ’81, at Bryan Cave in DC, has dual JD and Public Policy degree from U.Texas

From Sagan Green-Horner to Everyone: (5:15 PM)

Thanks for the meeting. Need to get to work on job searching. Best wishes!

From Kiki Hawley to Everyone: (5:17 PM)

Thank you all so much!

From Rafael Monkarsh to Everyone: (5:17 PM)

Thank you very much David!

From Noa Kaumeheiwa to Everyone: (5:17 PM)

Thanks so much for organizing. Great to hear inspiring speakers and students!

From Me to Everyone: (5:17 PM)

How many Reedies want to go to Law School here in this Meeting, how many can’t perhaps due to finances, or haven’t gotten in … ? In a Reed Legal Network meeting in June 2019 at Reed, I broached the idea of an online Oregon Law School at WUaS … and for Reedies potentially! (There was a Reedie Oregon Supreme Court Justice at that Meeting - Chris Smith, or similar was his name - will check?)

From Ray Zuniga to Everyone: (5:18 PM)

Thank you so much to the organizers and speakers! This was greatly informative!

From Stephanie Striffler to Everyone: (5:18 PM)

Chris Garrett is on the Oregon Supreme Court

From Evian Oosthuizen to Everyone: (5:19 PM)

Thanks for this event, was really valuable!

From Me to Everyone: (5:19 PM)

Thanks, Chris Garrett ‘96

From Braden Dong to Everyone: (5:19 PM)

Thanks all.

From Rafael Monkarsh to Everyone: (5:19 PM)

Thank you all! Very informational.

From Roger Williams to Everyone: (5:19 PM)

Thank you to everyone!

From Denika Martin to Me: (Privately) (5:19 PM)

I would be interested in such classes! My email is Martindenika@gmail.com
From Me to Everyone: (5:19 PM)

Thanks so much, Dave and Avy and All

From Adrienne Ratner to Everyone: (5:19 PM)

Great forum!! Many thanks!

From Me to Everyone: (5:20 PM)

(Will keep people posted)

From Amy Hesse to Everyone: (5:22 PM)
(Bear Wilner-Nugent ’95)

From Me to Everyone: (5:28 PM)

Thank you!

- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * *
How can I help / Why would you like to meet?: Talk about edX & World Univ & Sch, & today's Open edX questions
Scott GK MacLeod and Marco Morales

Hi Marco, 

Thanks for letting me know. And yes re-scheduling for next week would be great. I'm still unclear about whether I would invite you (with Google Meet, for ex. which WUaS is in) or you invite me to video-conference with Google Hangouts (per your calendar). 

Meeting Goal - How can I help / Why would you like to meet?: Talk about edX & World Univ & Sch, & today's Open edX questions

Could we also please talk about the 6 WUaS majors WUaS seeks to offer, potentially via some edX courses (i.e. these 6 majors: 1) EECS, 2) General Engineering, 3) General Science, 4) English, 5) History, 6) Business - see: http://worlduniversityandschool.org/) to our matriculating WUaS undergraduates, about which I've communicated some with edX's CEO Anant Agarwal. (It would also be great to touch on a realistic virtual earth - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarth?src=hashtag_click - per your background image in the OpenEdX meeting yesterday, and regarding Ned Batchelder's observation that edX often integrates - and regarding too, conceptually, Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow, Translate, and even with realistic avatar bots - for STEM field sites, and for classrooms. And could we possibly please touch on also WUaS in the Spanish language via edX?).

Would 30 minutes be better to talk about all of the above, Marco (than 15 minutes)? And 12;45 pm ET / 9:45 am PT, Friday, June 19th? Shall I invite you from Google Meet to video, or will you invite me? 

Looking forward to communicating further about this in the meantime via email as well. Thank you, Marco!


Scott GK MacLeod
President, Founder and Professor
WUaS Educational Services' Store (and Academic Press) - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html
direct: 412 478 0116 

World University & School is like Wikipedia in ~300 languages, with the best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare (OCW) in its current 4 languages. Glad WUaS just updated  both WINGS http://worlduniversityandschool.org & http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html
 info@ http://worlduniversityandschool.org to connect further


World University & School is like Wikipedia in ~300 languages, with the best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare (OCW) in its current 4 languages - https://youtu.be/vZcp2zqkI9w & just updated both WINGS http://worlduniversityandschool.org & http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html
 info@ http://worlduniversityandschool.org ~


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 

* * *

Hi Ma,

Good in some ways to connect with people at Reed and Shady Side. These cultures come through time. Am appreciative of George A's kids all going to diff Sch's than he & B went to, and to public schools for high school, & Henry Cutter going through SSA's 3 schools. All are high achievers.

Really good piping lesson again with Taylor, yesterday evening! Was out walking later after heading down thru beautiful valley on level road on other side of the massif - also after Shady Side Academy and Reed College Legal Network video meetings online today ... life partner meeting possibilities in both (but didn't meet her yesterday) & it could help if she lives in Bay Area!  ... will know it when I meet her as you observe ... how was your day ?

I have a new hummingbird friend on the far side of the massif, or one was feeding on orange flowers, aware of me, showing its red chest a bit, then sitting on a branch a minute later aware of me, as I then walked by ... I got the sense it was connecting and social even as it fed ... so I'm calling it a friend, :)... What is hummingbird consciousness (and regarding cattle or cow consciousness, philosophically in a sense? :)

Desiderata ahead - https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html - as a kind of philosophy or guiding code even in this somewhat complex internet world, with my big interesting projects, (education/universities/schools, actual-virtual Harbin/earth/universe, bagpiping, book writing  ... Where is my beautiful, receptive friend who might become my life partner, and wife even, and for family, I'm continuing seeking, - a beautiful, radiant A or a S (of shared culture too) of today in Canyon to begin?

What are you up to this weekend? And how are you?

Sending love, Scott



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