Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Lava Beds National Monument: Genealogy software, and new developments - the 'trait' word - and planning for 7.5 billion people re diversity, and a single family tree * "WikiTree: Together we're growing an accurate single family tree using DNA and traditional genealogical sources" (Am recalling Alex Haley's "Roots" book from the '70s even in these regards) * * * Lacanian psychoanalysis online with avatar bots at WUaS?, the flow experience of optimal experience, and psychotherapy * * * In many languages too! ~ How best to facilitate online #ScratchProgramming at the high school / IB level, and with #LegoRobotics, both #PhysicalVirtual #ActualVirtual eg in #BrickStreetView (with Google Street View with #TimeSlider) in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego & Minecraft?


Genealogy software, and new developments - the 'trait' word - and planning for 7.5 billion people re diversity, and a single family tree:

Mark, Sandy, All

Sandy: What would make a great artist-in-residence position at a university? (see below).

Thanks, Mark (from this morning):


One excellent and free source of genealogical info is "Family Search." A bit clumsy interface but it's run my the Mormon church - a group that takes genealogy seriously! I find their record collection to be excellent.


And my reply to Mark this morning:


Thanks, and interesting (re Family Search).

Hank Greely re Ancestry .com and DNA yesterday ...

"I've the data download from Ancestry as well as a moderately deep Y chromosome analysis. John & I just haven't figured out a way to compare codes."


Will genetics' textbooks be re-written remarkably for 'trait' language in next 10-20 years per the sentence ...

"To aid in the interpretation and sharing of genomes, Church, in 2005, initiated the Personal Genome Project (PGP),[63] which provides the world's only open-access human genome and trait data sets.[64][65][66] " (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Church_(geneticist)) ... which I would think will become interoperable with WikiTree eventually (eg https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/MacLeod-2524/5).

... which genealogists will then explore for their own family genealogy/history?  (Have you ever checked out a genetics' textbook for your genealogy research? I haven't yet).

Am glad Stanford Law Prof Hank Greely is Tweeting about Ancestry. Maybe Google / Stanford will get their hands' on Ancestry .com software - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/hawksbill-sea-turtle-great-family.html - with WikiTree, and navigate the genetic information revolution ahead  (I teach a bit about this in http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html ie it's as significant as the 3 other IT revolutions, microelectronics, computers, & telecommunications -
The Information Technology Revolution: History and Geography (Scott MacLeod)

https://youtu.be/FJIy6LpZLeI and http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2010/04/black-lace-mushrooms-information.html).

One issue that WikiTree's plans for 7.5 billion people will add re the Mormon Church's genealogy, and others,' is diversity: "WikiTree: Together we're growing an accurate single family tree using DNA and traditional genealogical sources." (Am recalling Alex Haley's "Roots" book from the '70s even in these regards).

Will check out Family Search with time, Mark! (But could this be integrated too with a Stanford / Google / WikiTree / Ancestry .com approach to Ancestry family genealogy software (re their entrepreneurialism, and since A is probably making money)?:) Looks like WikiTree possibly has a 256 ancestor limit, I just noticed. Thanks!

Warm regards, Scott

PS In a 25 minute call with Margo Warnecke yesterday, I seem to have been offered an artist-in-residence position yesterday in Sonoma having attended a Stanford Historical Society presentation online - https://mailchi.mp/c1b4dd9afe60/2020-winter-newsletter-4905445?e=d9473d6051 - about architect John Carl Warnecke by granddaughter - at the Warnecke ranch / Institute - https://www.chalkhillresidency.com/artist-residency. Having published 3 books of poetry and in playing the Scottish Small Pipes, would this be structured & remunerated like a Stanford University artist in residency, I wonder? And could my hypothetical wife-to-be occupy my place in Canyon 945616 while I was in residence? I just looked and this position isn't structured like a Stanford artist-in-residency at all, rather it looks like residents pay rent - so am not interested in this position after all. BUT could I instead explore an artist-in-residency position at Stanford University itself, if I were to find one posted, and after Stanford opens again?

Gonna be hot here today again! :)


Info WorldUniversity info@worlduniversityandschool.org

Tue, May 26, 5:58 PM (16 hours ago)
to margo@warneckeranch.comScott
Hi Margo and Stanford, 

Am not interested in the Warnecke artist-in-residency position after all. Very nice to talk. Let's hope the coronavirus pandemic ends soon. 

Thank you, Scott

- #RealisticVirtualEarthForLibraries

* *

With WUaS planning for all 7.5 billion people, too, each a Wikidata Q-item # or a Wikidata PIN # at - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/You_at_World_University - is that WUaS will be able to plan for UBI experiments as well.

* * *
Lacanian psychoanalysis online with avatar bots at WUaS?,
the flow experience of optimal experience,
and psychotherapy

Dear Tym, Sid, MDs, All, ...

The video in this Tweet is a good example of 'artificial humans' aka Samsung 'Neons' or realistic avatars as potential MD psychiatrists as well as Lacanian psychoanalysts (or a new California School of Psychoanalysis with artificial human MDs) ... and MD tele-robotic surgeons re the Samsung Hardware too esp.

@WorldUnivAndSch · Apr 19
Smartphone video-to-3D #FilmTo3D with #GooglePoly> #RealisticArtificialHumans aka #SamsungNeons as #AvatarBot psychiatrists & post-Lacanian psychoanalysts (in California School of Psychoanalysis in Med Schs at WUaS) to HELP, & in #RealisticVirtualHarbin

https://twitter.com/HarbinBook/status/1250187619373178880?s=20 ~


Would be great to focus in training both people and coding realistic avatars newly on the 'psychology of optimal experience' too - re Csikszentmihalyi's "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" book - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/flow%20the%20psychology%20of%20optimal%20experience with regards to helping people in regards to mental health issues (probably a different word in each of all ~200 countries' official / main languages) :)

Cheers, Scott


Thanks so much for "Fwd: Beautiful spot - ... " ducks' picture and note.

Glad you're staying sane, and befriending wonderful animal friends. :)

Am recalling George, again, on who he listens to, and whose books he reads, too ... Richard Dawkins, for ex., yes (whom I think is amazing and brilliant too) ... but not to many others in regards to the messaging that goes on among writers who share ideas, thinkers, communicators, media personalities, teachers. I don't see you as being that philosophically skeptical in your 'modus operandi,' and au contraire even, I see you as very trusting, caring, nurturing, but I think skepticism has much merit with regards to how messages can seem 'attractive,' for example... caveat emptor (buyer beware?) and with symbolizers, news' shows, - smart friends even? 

George was a learner, and receptive too (idea-wise), and so philosophical skepticism, and his remarkably wit  regarding his critique thinking, linguistically (as a Lacanian too), was something I learned from as well.

Love, Scott

- Scott MacLeod

* * *
In many languages too! ~ How best to facilitate online #ScratchProgramming at the high school / IB level, and with #LegoRobotics, both #PhysicalVirtual #ActualVirtual eg in #BrickStreetView (with Google Street View with #TimeSlider) in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego & Minecraft?





For #ScottishCountryDancing? How best to facilitate online #ScratchProgramming at the high school / IB level, & with #LegoRobotics, both #PhysicalVirtual #ActualVirtual eg in #BrickStreetView (with Google Street View with #TimeSlider) in #RealisticVirtualEarthForLego & Minecraft?




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