Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Red cage fungus: Victor (& Angela), I just noticed your beautiful new 'Yoga aereoplane in Lesvos Greece' painting, Victor - https://angela-victor.com/blogs/victor/unpredictable-future - thank you! * And I turned on Raga, and in a way began flying ~ ~ ~ The little microscopic rosies on the aereoplanes will pass too :) ... And A pool of water begins this Raga ... * * * "Hair" from 'Hair: the Tribal Love Rock Musical' * * * Marc Ami, Have you been down to Montreux recently, from your mountain haven (sans hot tub, n'est-ce pas?) Here's another way to 'get there' - Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water (1972) * * * Visit the Harbin Hot Springs' gatehouse here in StreetView ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~ * * * * Deep Purple 'Hair'


Victor (& Angela), 

I just noticed your beautiful new "The unpredictable future" painting, Victor -

And I turned on Raga, and in a way began flying (from here in my East Bay MUD forested home, Canyon 94516, and next to 'Indian Valley') ~

Nikhil Banerjee Raga Piloo Live in Stockholm 1975

~ flying into a Yogic understanding of meditative yes.

Something about Nikhil Bannerjee's playing in Stockholm, and Denmark, Amsterdam and Berkeley in the late 1960s and early ' 70s that makes his raga different from all the others (Ravi Shankar and others excluded). Is this culture (alternative culture even, something about even counterculture of the times informing note duration)? 

Have you been down to Montreux, Switzerland recently? Here's another way to 'get there' - 
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water (1972)
Also in #StreetView - 
(Related GD label 
#RealisticVirtualEarthForMusic -

The little microscopic rosies on the aereoplanes will pass too :)

Will blog ... (see 'genes' label in blog as well:)

Hippy~anjali Yoga Notations ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html ~


San Francisco Bay Area - East Bay Hills

415 480 4577

World University and Schoo's wiki, 'Yoga,' subject page - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Yoga :) - with an invitation to 'edit this page' and explore yoga. 


A pool of water begins this Raga ... 
Sitar Samrat Nikhil Banerjee: Raga Piloo: Live : Copenhagen Denmark: 1982

... for further Yogic flying ~

blog - 


* * *

"Hair" Hair (the original Broadway cast) (lyrics)

Blog label ~


- Scott MacLeod


Marc Ami,

Have you been down to Montreux recently, from your mountain haven (sans hot tub, n'est-ce pas?)

Here's another way to 'get there' - 
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water 1972 (High Quality)

I see Blonay here!, Vevey too! - 

How are you?

'Hair: the Tribal Love Rock Musical' label in blog: :)
... not yet in a realistic virtual earth for musicals but there is this - #realisticvirtualearthformusic 

* * *

"Hair" from 'Hair: the Tribal Love Rock Musical' (the original Broadway cast) (lyrics)
Album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_zaSKZks1A&list=RDw_zaSKZks1A&start_radio=1&t=0&t=1 See, too: 'Hair: the Tribal Love Rock Musical' label in blog: :)
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Hair%3A%20the%20Tribal%20Love%20Rock%20Musical) >
New! > #RealisticVirtualEarthForMusicals ~



New! > #RealisticVirtualEarthForMusicals #hashtag :)

https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForMusicals?src=hashtag_click ~

beginning with
'Hair: the Tribal Love Rock Musical' (1972)

Have you been down to Montreux, Switzerland recently? Here's another way to 'get there' -
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water (1972)
Also in #StreetView -
(Related GD label
https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Grateful%20Dead) >
#RealisticVirtualEarthForMusic -


* *

Scott MacLeod yogamacflower@gmail.com

11:30 AM (4 minutes ago)

to MarcScottScottAngelavictorLynnsatyaAndrewPatriciaBarbaraPatti

It probably has been a good thing to be away from Harbin for the past 5 years or so ... don't you think?

But am hoping to get a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs off the ground for soaking from home bathtub in the not too distant future ... potentially in Google Street View in a digital mask ... or in the back of some REI glacier glasses ...  https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualHarbin?src=hashtag_click ~

Common garter snake: Big Canyon Road near Harbin Hot Springs~PHOTOS & Poems of mine relating to these pictures https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/common-garter-snake-harbin-hot-springs.html Camped on this side road near Harbin Springs re 
 #RealisticVirtualHarbin in Street View - field work in 2011 https://goo.gl/maps/aQntSVwQRbCkViPz9 ~

Hair" from 'Hair: the Tribal Love Rock Musical' (the original Broadway cast) (lyrics)
Album: https://youtube.com/watch?v=w_zaSKZks1A&list=RDw_zaSKZks1A&start_radio=1&t=0&t=1 See, too: 'Hair: the Tribal Love Rock Musical' label in blog: :)
New! > #RealisticVirtualEarthForMusicals ~

Visit the Harbin Hot Springs' gatehouse here in StreetView ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg {accessible from ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook  ~}

* * * *
Deep Purple 'Hair'

Marc Ami, 
I've just added some of this 'transportation' to Montreux here ~ https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/05/red-cage-fungus-victor-angela-i-just.html
Salut, Scott

* *
Am wondering if some of those people signed up for your Dartington Hall Yoga course seminar:

Dartington Hall, Devon, UK

Angela Farmer and Victor van Kooten
(3rd weekend of July)

would take it online in their homes - from Dartington Hall in the background - and with you in Eftalou, Lesvos, Greece? Kinda like an aereoplane idea internet-wise without plague-like ring around the rosie posies ... Am realizing you're not heading in the computing direction, but if all is one, and a computer is an airplane, well ... And would other people 'travel' in their homes - to Dartington Hall - for this Yoga course even? It wouldn't surprise me ... but you'd probably need some new artistic pilots gliding with you through it all ... in fact, you, Angela and Victor, could probably be in your Eftalou Yoga Hall, and even bypass the Dartington Hall, although it might be interesting for the English Dartington Hall Yoginis and Yogis to take their course with you there (even with you in Greece, and they in their homes:)

And next an Angela and Victor Yoga course from the Harbin Conference Center in 2012, or from the Harbin Temple in 2008? :) All virtually (in Google Street View with TIME SLIDER) ... with you in front of your iPads, or laptops (and maybe with just a video camera or two in your Yoga Hall in Eftalou) ... I don't know of any artistic aereoplane virtual Yoga hall pilot internet videographers however, I'm sorry to say. (A 'Partner Yoga' course from a virtual Harbin warm pool eventually too? ... with everyone eliciting the relaxation response inner releasing action meditation-wise while in the bath at home? ... :)


Loving bliss and practices to elicit this

Was jotting some of the above down, as this was going down in the background too ~
Sitar Legend Ravi Shankar: Raga Mishra Pilu: Tabla Legend Alla Rakha: 1966

* * * *
Friday, May 29, 2020

Satya Shepherd

12:39 AM (9 hours ago)
to meAngelaVictorLynnAndrewPatriciaBarbaraPattiMarcScottScott
HI Scott

Thank you for this email.  I am the organiser of the this Devon event and am in close contact with Victor and Angela and Dartington.
We are waiting to see what unfolds and all is looking pretty positive as opening up from lock down proceeds - so fingers crossed.

I have been teaching and using Zoom through for quite a while now and using this medium is a possibility for extending our audience for A&V and something I am bringing up with them this weekend.  I know they have been enjoying the break and time to themselves over this period. 

Thank you for your thoughts for the Devon side and we are on track at the moment. 

Deep Well Being to you all in this transition

Satya Shepherd

Holne Cross
TQ13 7HE

Mob: 07772 458 553



Victor Van Kooten

2:36 AM (7 hours ago)
to meSatya
Dear Scott,
Thank you for your input into teaching during covid -19 times, but like I said in my blog that we made our schedule for 2020, and if it was up to us, we would not cancel any of these courses. It is just that plains are cancelled and governmental restrictions are in place.
We do not teach on line classes, since I only use the line to dry our washing.....
We need reality and not the virtual one!
In order to be inspired we need people who inspire us with their personal physical energy, so we have a dialogue instead of delivering a message.
The only thing that happens is that our teaching has been filmed and put on YouTube by someone....
We hope you are well and not too shocked by the fact that we do not support a virtual reality!
Love victor.

Sent from my iPad


Scott MacLeod

7:35 AM (2 hours ago)
to AngelaLynnAndrewPatriciaBarbaraPattiMarcScottLindaSatyameVictor
Thanks, Satya & Victor, for your emails (& hi Angela!:),

Can't seem to find Python's original meaning of life, but this will do:)

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life | The Miracle of Birth
https://youtu.be/_YruT2ROEUc :)

Glad the coronavirus covid-19 pandemic quarantine may be ending in the British Isles by the time of your Devon Yoga workshop in the 3rd week of July, Angela & Victor. Am looking forward myself to traveling some re a kind of stay at home cabin fever, and visiting family & friends in Massachusetts. Am hoping I echoed in my email both your email and your mentioning before staying away from virtual Yoga teaching, Victor.

It's interesting to me, by way of comparison, that MIT & Harvard & Cambridge Univ & Stanford are all planning for online education for their students for the autumn, due to not knowing about the progression of the virus, and regarding a possible 2nd wave. Is necessity the mother of invention ? They're seeking to protect their students & communities, and perhaps plan for a very very serious global epidemic, I think, as well as advance the science of virology and related genetics dramatically (and see, in a related vein, re aging reversal genetically, Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church:  - "How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?"-

https://youtu.be/bnCEIPQFNnk ).

That all these greatest universities are going online for the autumn is super news for one of my big projects - CC-4 MIT OCW-centric wiki World University & School (while my actual-virtual, physical-digital Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project is still on hold) - and in planning for online major WUaS universities in all 200 countries' languages, and wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,117 known living languages - including Yoga wiki schools with much online creative Yoga potential.

So I wish you the best of luck, for Yoga teaching, that people will be traveling internationally by aeroplane by summer; I've heard it could be 12-18 months before a vaccine might be ready, and have gone through clinical trials (at earliest). Proof's in the pudding! Sailboats to get to Devon, England, on the south coast, and to Eftalou, Lesvos, Greece - for physical Yoga?

Am really hoping you don't get covid-19 symptoms, Victor and Angela, or get labeled with coronavirus - either in Britain or in Greece! It seems like people in their 70s, 80s and older are most at risk for this virus.

Stay safe, Be well,

Here are 5 Hypothetical News' items, at bottom - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html?m=0 - in a Harbin Hot Springs' post, re possible alternative complementary explanations for the coronavirus pandemic, and with further related thinking also spread throughout blog in the 'genes' label in recent months.

The novel coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2) pandemic has been primarily
a fire drill - i.e. 'in case of emergency' (eg genetic, war, nuclear) - and lead to

governments, internet media, and economies working together internally in all ~200 countries, and internationally too


(non harming or nonviolent)
... and as an "in case of emergency" situation, and because of the way this situation developed (and the value of treating this as a serious 'fire drill'), no one - the internet media on 10s of 1000s of web sites on a many-to-many information technology - or governments etc ... were in any positions to  question this for other kinds of benefits to publics. So critical thinking about this by individuals has much merit ...

for keeping kids safe, (and seeking to significantly lessen the illegal global sex trade in all ~200 countries)
& seeking too to limit F&M sex offs /perps potentially with the law eg paralleling medicinal & recreational cannabis law distinction & w 1 rapid response 2 continuous testing & 3 tracking


successful in #ReversingGlobalWarming by getting people to stay at home or shelter-in-place & thus dramatically LESSENING airplane & automobile travel worldwide, as well as air pollution, for a short period: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/04/himalyan-monal-how-are-harbin-hot.html ~


for nation states' to develop their borders in new ways - & newly with law, & legal language - thus thwarting expansionist tendencies of countries getting rich in beginning of 21st century - as well as potential military aggression


memetic (#coronavirus 'meme' - as replicating cultural unit), & not genetic although SARS CoV2 may have precipitated this in Wuhan, China & as such is an experiment in #RadicalAction in the #InformationTechnologyAge, & re the #internet ~


Am curious if WUaS could eventually request MIT OCW courses to be translated into MITx / edX courses. Here's an Anthropology course taught by Heather Paxson, and Reedie Graham Jones, as an example - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/anthropology/21a-157-the-meaning-of-life-spring-2019/ . Do you know this Monty Python version of

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life | The Miracle of Birth

https://youtu.be/_YruT2ROEUc :)
Yes, yes, - this is the real meaning of life :)

Here's Harvard / MIT Prof of Genetics' George Church (again):
"How soon could humans reverse the aging process with genetic engineering?"
- which you'll also find a couple of times in these longevity label blog posts - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/longevity ... 

- Scott MacLeod

Angela's coming to bErkeley

Scott MacLeod yogamacflower@gmail.com

8:42 AM (1 hour ago)
to BarbaraPattiMarcScottLindaLynnAngelavictorPatriciaAndrewSatya
Angela's NOT coming to Berzerkeley either physically (or virtually!) for the foreseeable future! Would I be a 'guinea pig' in a live interactive online Yoga course with students of Angela & Victor, - and with outrageously cool experimental visually fascinating 1960's informed mandala India art augmented reality (way beyond virtual reality), - in a virtual Harbin Hot Springs (not Dartington Hall, o my!) I ask myself? Am not sure ... and it depends on which A&V students ... but am not following up on taking online live interactive Yoga courses with anyone (although I have been appreciative of Rodney Yee's AM PM Yoga video - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0500066/ - in the past, which is neither live, nor interactive!). Patricia and Andrew, as students of Angela & Victor, I don't imagine you'd consider teaching online either - http://yellowspringsyoga.com - would you?

Satya, and Linda, please be here introduced - since you've both been teaching Yoga/CST in Zoom video conferencing or similar (from Ashburton, Devon, England, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - http://www.lindameacciyoga.com - and Linda is sharing her online teaching on her home page:)
Satya's Druidstone email from this morning is below! (And again, Victor says: "We do not teach on line classes, since I only use the line to dry our washing..... " :)

And you'll find Angela's "Feminine Unfolding" as well as Angela & Victor's "Underground Yoga" here in: 'Hippy-anjali Yoga Notations' ~ http://www.scottmacleod.com/yoganotations.html ~ (both of which I learn from online, even if you are not teaching on line here, Victor!:)

Stay well, be well!

Warm regards, Scott

HI Scott 

Thank you for this email.  I am the organiser of the this Devon event and am in close contact with Victor and Angela and Dartington.
We are waiting to see what unfolds and all is looking pretty positive as opening up from lock down proceeds - so fingers crossed.

I have been teaching and using Zoom through for quite a while now and using this medium is a possibility for extending our audience for A&V and something I am bringing up with them this weekend.  I know they have been enjoying the break and time to themselves over this period. 

Thank you for your thoughts for the Devon side and we are on track at the moment. 

Deep Well Being to you all in this transition

Satya Shepherd

Holne Cross
TQ13 7HE

Mob: 07772 458 553



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