WUaS Agenda and News for MBM on June 20 2020
Dear Universitians and friends,
Please join our open WUaS monthly business meeting if you might be interested.
And thank you for your support of World Univ & Sch. Please find attached the "Agenda and News for Jun 20 2020 NP World Univ and Sch AND WUaS Corp."
And please join us at our OPEN (& hour-long) World Univ & Sch
@WorldUnivAndSch (@WUaSPress) monthly business meeting this Sat 6/20/20, at 9 am PT, 12 noon ET, electronically, email info @ worlduniversityandschool.org
World University's open monthly business meeting Agenda for June 20, 2020:
- https://
- https://scott-macleod.
The next WUaS Monthly Business Meeting will meet on the 3rd / THIRD Saturday of the month, on July 18, 2020.
Sincerely, Scott
- https://twitter.com/
- https://twitter.com/
- Languages - World Univ - https://twitter.com/
- https://wiki.
World University and School
I think the Stanford Law SVDX webinar is open - and its focus is Board Members actually. All of the above would be in the WUaS Corp legal entity in all likelihood.
A realistic virtual earth for Lego into Google Poly ?
WUaS Home Robotics seeks to facilitate online courses with Lego Robotics' kits sent to students in their homes, potentially in all ~200 countries, and in building a best STEM CC-4 OCW-centric WUaS curriculum for Lego Robotics for WUaS College level engineering majors, potentially taking courses on the edX platform in addition to the this best STEM CC-4 OCW Lego resource -https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/ experimental-study-group/es- 293-lego-robotics-spring-2007/ - as well as curriculum for something like IB high school science majors. This would include Creative Computing approaches to this with Scratch programming - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ CreativeComputing?src=hashtag_ click - since Lego Robotics is programmable with the Scratch language. Since Scratch is multi-lingual, WUaS seeks to develop this in WUaS major online universities in all ~200 countries' official languages! (See, too, Creative Computing assessment - https://twitter.com/ ScratchEdTeam/status/ 1272864023562850304?s=20- https://twitter.com/ ScratchEdTeam/status/ 1266747453509902337?s=20 ).
Best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric wiki World University and School is coming along, and WUaS is seeking to matriculate our second online undergraduate Bachelor's degree class this autumn - potentially in collaboration with edX, so with courses on the edX platform; see The College at WUaS - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/The_College_at_World_ University_and_School (with these 6 majors - 1) EECS, 2) General Science, 3) General Engineering, 4) English, 5) History, 6) Business - see: http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ - for free-to-students' best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric Bachelor degrees.
Like with edX courses, WUaS students would initially simply sign up for their courses on something like the edX platform, in part. (You at WUaS - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/You_at_World_University - will eventually be part of this WUaS sign in process). Students will potentially matriculate online from all ~200 countries in the world, first in English.
World Univ & Sch is also seeking to develop a major university library for undergraduates, first in English, for the above - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Library_Resources.
How to develop a functioning WUaS / WUaS Corp Board, and especially now that WUaS is 'officially' carrying Lego Robotics, but is not yet a reseller - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html - and thus further define the relationships between WUaS's 2 wings, or legal entities: 1) non-profit 501 c 3 World University and School, also a non-profit legal entity in California, and 2) the WUaS Corporation / Press, a for-profit general stock company legal entity in California? A NomGov Board member? Board Meetings online in the coronavirus pandemic newly? Create with workshops, and graduates, a pool of experienced and smart Board members from which to grow this?
This will unfold significantly on the WUaS web platforms - with AI and machine learning (potentially with the Google / Alphabet platform).
This will unfold significantly on the WUaS web platforms - with AI and machine learning (potentially with the Google / Alphabet platform).
Websites' updates:
The WUaS Corporation, as a legal entity, is a for-profit general stock company in California, and planning to go public. See licensing for the WUaS Corp / Press for-profit here - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html.
And World Univ & Sch is a non-profit 501 c 3, and in CA too, and you'll find its Board members here - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/World_University_ Foundation ; see licensing at bottom of non-profit - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ too). Together, these 2 legal entities, and wings of WUaS, offer enormous educational growth potential - and are both planned in all ~200 countries' and their official / main languages for free-to-students' best STEM CC-4 OCW-centric accrediting degrees, as well as in wiki schools in all 7,117 known living languages for open teaching and learning.
Thoughts, suggestions, ideas, questions? Board members of Silicon Valley's largest companies - the SV 150, for ex. - are reimbursed handsomely (at around $300,000 per year, I learned in the Stanford Law SVDX meeting 3-4 years ago).
Board invitation -
- info @ worlduniversityandschool.org -
I think the Stanford Law SVDX webinar is open - and its focus is Board Members actually. All of the above would be in the WUaS Corp legal entity in all likelihood.
Sincerely, Scott
Realistic Virtual Earth -
World Univ & Sch is seeking to facilitate too a realistic virtual earth for everything - e.g. for robotics - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ RealisticVirtualEarthForRoboti cs?src=hashtag_click (https:// twitter.com/hashtag/ RealisticVirtualEarth?src= hashtag_click including especially a realistic virtual Harbin https://twitter.com/ hashtag/ RealisticVirtualHarbin?src= hashtag_click) for academic, STEM, social science, humanities and arts' areas +, - and has updated our universities & schools' home pages with some of these
- http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/
- in something like Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow and even with avatar bots for species and individuals (and at the cellular and atomic levels too).
- http://
- in something like Google Street View with time slider, Maps, Earth, TensorFlow and even with avatar bots for species and individuals (and at the cellular and atomic levels too).
A realistic virtual earth for Lego into Google Poly ?
A realistic virtual earth for Lego ... from Lego Duplo bricks into Google Poly - https://twitter.com/ WUaSPress/status/ 1270092710070726656?s=20
- and the creative computing projects you (Leanna Prater) shared - see, too https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/06/ flowering-silversword-lego- education.html - into Lego machine learning with the Lego WeDo 2.0 special Lego Robotics' kit (maybe with 2 smart hubs, etc) and in Google Research Football etc. - http://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/2020/02/flying- and-gliding-animals-this-is- next.html - are a lot of virtual world dots to connect, but would open up vast learning horizons (in so many countries and languages even, and re World Univ & Sch).
- and the creative computing projects you (Leanna Prater) shared - see, too https://scott-macleod.
WUaS Home Robotics
WUaS Home Robotics seeks to facilitate online courses with Lego Robotics' kits sent to students in their homes, potentially in all ~200 countries, and in building a best STEM CC-4 OCW-centric WUaS curriculum for Lego Robotics for WUaS College level engineering majors, potentially taking courses on the edX platform in addition to the this best STEM CC-4 OCW Lego resource -https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/
Machine learning with Lego and Google Research Football too -
Brainwave headset research at WUaS -
Brainwave headset research at WUaS -
World Univ & Sch is also seeking to facilitate brainwave headset research (and related brain research), and potentially in a realistic virtual Harbin Hot Springs - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ RealisticVirtualHarbin?src= hashtag_click - into a single realistic virtual earth for brain research and even regarding genes - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ RealisticVirtualEarthForGeneti cs?src=hashtag_click - (in Google Street View with time slider, TensorFlow and at the cellular and atomic levels too ... and potentially also with a Film-To-3D application at these scales) ... https://www.ninds.nih.gov/ Disorders/Patient-Caregiver- Education/Genes-Work-Brain. Headbands packed with sensors learning both about the brain, as well as streaming data into simulations, as we learn further how to study the brain and mind. Andrew Junker is inventor of Brainfingers.com in these regards, for example, but Armagan Amcalar - https://twitter.com/dashersw - has also developed a brainwave headset with at least 24 sensors in the head set, with software codable with python, and with a language computer screen interface. (What about bathing cap textile brainwave headsets?). See too - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/search/label/ Brain , Will matriculating WUaS students be doing neuroresearch from home, learning from and building on https://ocw.mit.edu/ courses/brain-and-cognitive- sciences/ ? :)
Wiki (editable and thus teachable too) pages at World University and Schools -
World Univ & Sch received this inquiry recently:
"At Career Karma we are passionate about helping people switch careers from non-tech fields to tech jobs to acquire new skills and obtain higher salaries. I think this is especially relevant during COVID-19 when thousands lost their jobs.
We have plenty of great article ideas so I was wondering if we can submit a high-quality blog post to be featured on your blog?" ...
"So we should make a wiki page, right?
Can we get a do-follow backlink from this future page?"
worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Career_counseling (https: //wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Subjects). Want to give it a go? (You can cite it the way you find other resources cited in this article).
Want to riff further with some of this (eg do you know people who know WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki and Wikidata, for example?), or with the ideas for these emerging school wikis, send me another email.
"So we should make a wiki page, right?
Can we get a do-follow backlink from this future page?"
- and re Artur's "Pitch: Let's Collaborate on Content."
World Univ & Sch seeks for all of our wiki pages to be informed by templates - and to be informative (i.e. excellent teaching and learning oriented, and not advertising). (And to work with our WUaS students, wiki Universitians, and end users - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/You_at_World_University ( as an example of a front end wiki page) - such as yourself, WUaS is planning brainstorming-wise for all 7.5 billion people on the planet, potentially with a Wikidata PIN #, like a Wikidata Q-item # but different). I think one (of a few) Template(s) already exists, but may be managed by Wikidata (Lydia Pintscher and Markus Kroetzsch and other Wikidatans), since our WUaS CC-4 licensing now appears on every one of the current 725 wiki pages.
Am learning further about 'do-follow' backlinks:
https://www.backlinks.com/ 2498-how-your-business-can- use-dofollow-backlinks/
https://mangools.com/blog/ seopedia/dofollow-nofollow- backlinks/
https://raventools.com/ marketing-glossary/dofollow- link/
Further, wiki World Univ & Sch seeks potentially to integrate with WikiTree - https://www.wikitree.com/ - with its goal of a single family tree (presumably for all 7.5 billion people) and especially regarding DNA and genetic data at https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/You_at_World_University.
wiki @WorldUnivAndSch seeks potentially to integrate with #WikiTree https://www. wikitree.com with its goal of a single family tree (for all 7.5 billion people) & esp regarding DNA/genetic data at https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/You_at_World_University - https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/search/label/ genes
# RealisticVirtualEarthforGeneti cs -
https://twitter.com/ WorldUnivAndSch/status/ 1272234354165469184?s=20
In creating Wiki pages at WUaS, such as the one you're thinking of, please remember that such pages' section headings, for example, may be translated into Wikidata's ~300 languages, and eventually into 7,117 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning. Native speakers of all 7117 living languages will become wiki Universitians - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/You_at_World_University - all teaching and learning with each other in their languages, and potentially re sharing genetic information too. This may also interface with an eventual small gene sequencer - https://twitter.com/ geochurch/status/ 1199669550528258048?s=20 (per Harvard / MIT professor of genetics, George Church) - on our smartphones even.
Cheers, Scott
- https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/You_at_World_University -
- https://scott-macleod. blogspot.com/search/label/ genes
Realistic Virtual Earth for Genetics - https://twitter.com/hashtag/ RealisticVirtualEarthForGeneti cs?src=hashtag_click -
Wiki (editable and thus teachable too) pages at World University and Schools -
World Univ & Sch received this inquiry recently:
"At Career Karma we are passionate about helping people switch careers from non-tech fields to tech jobs to acquire new skills and obtain higher salaries. I think this is especially relevant during COVID-19 when thousands lost their jobs.
We have plenty of great article ideas so I was wondering if we can submit a high-quality blog post to be featured on your blog?" ...
"So we should make a wiki page, right?
Can we get a do-follow backlink from this future page?"
For one, World Univ & Sch is a wiki, like Wikipedia, (for open teaching and learning, but free, and high quality - and potentially advertising-free), so you could potentially teach something in a blog post and add it here, for example - https://wiki.Want to riff further with some of this (eg do you know people who know WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki and Wikidata, for example?), or with the ideas for these emerging school wikis, send me another email.
"So we should make a wiki page, right?
Can we get a do-follow backlink from this future page?"
- and re Artur's "Pitch: Let's Collaborate on Content."
World Univ & Sch seeks for all of our wiki pages to be informed by templates - and to be informative (i.e. excellent teaching and learning oriented, and not advertising). (And to work with our WUaS students, wiki Universitians, and end users - https://wiki.
Am learning further about 'do-follow' backlinks:
Further, wiki World Univ & Sch seeks potentially to integrate with WikiTree - https://www.wikitree.com/ - with its goal of a single family tree (presumably for all 7.5 billion people) and especially regarding DNA and genetic data at https://wiki.
wiki @WorldUnivAndSch seeks potentially to integrate with #WikiTree https://www.
In creating Wiki pages at WUaS, such as the one you're thinking of, please remember that such pages' section headings, for example, may be translated into Wikidata's ~300 languages, and eventually into 7,117 known living languages as wiki schools for open teaching and learning. Native speakers of all 7117 living languages will become wiki Universitians - https://wiki.
Cheers, Scott
- https://wiki.
- https://scott-macleod.
Realistic Virtual Earth for Genetics - https://twitter.com/hashtag/
Online WUaS Universities in other countries, - an example (and in all African countries' main / official languages, and in all ~200 countries, and in their official / main languages):
As an example, future World University and Schools in individual countries and their official languages will emerge like Jordan World Univ & Sch:
Jordan World University and School will emerge from here - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Jordan (https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Nation_States) - in Arabic - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/Arabic_language - but first The College at WUaS - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/The_College_at_World_ University_and_School (first will be in English) - accessible with applications/registration/ signing in, eventually, and for wiki schools - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ - too.
And students will study edX courses in part for free-to-students' Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, M.D. and I.B. high school degrees online.
Youtube WUaS Livestreams this month (since last WUaS Monthly Business Meeting on Sa 5/16/20)
WUaS is carrying Lego Robotics!, edX courses in autumn, Major updates to both WUaS websites 6/15/20
WUaS News 6/8/20 - Home Robotics with Lego Education Robotics, 6 majors for undergraduates this fall
WUaS LiveStream - Breakthrough - Dear Students: upcoming free-to-students' degrees in fall - 6/1/20
WUaS LiveStream 5/25/2020 Collaborations with the (best STEM CC-4 OCW) Office of Digital Learning
WUaS News - best STEM CC-4 OCW collaborations? Sri Lanka WUaS in Sinhala, Stanford Law, May 18 2020
WUaS News 6/8/20 - Home Robotics with Lego Education Robotics, 6 majors for undergraduates this fall
WUaS LiveStream - Breakthrough - Dear Students: upcoming free-to-students' degrees in fall - 6/1/20
WUaS LiveStream 5/25/2020 Collaborations with the (best STEM CC-4 OCW) Office of Digital Learning
WUaS News - best STEM CC-4 OCW collaborations? Sri Lanka WUaS in Sinhala, Stanford Law, May 18 2020
accessible from WUaS Livestream channel -
(which is accessible from https://www.youtube.com/ user/WorldUnivandSch)
As you probably know, not only has the big free-to-students' educational project I'm developing not become financially operational yet (and WUaS became a non-profit in 2010, and a parallel for-profit in 2017) - so WUaS is very impoverished, but WUaS has posted every time on our open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Agenda & News as well as Minutes the following:
"World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you."
And a number of WUaS Universitians have asked to be unsubscribed, for example; I'm an appreciator of individual choice in these matters, especially when they could be interested in getting information about such a project / product, and even benefit from it significantly too (like an online free-to-students' California Law School at WUaS, which Reed College graduates could also matriculate at and graduate from, - and help create innovations-wise).
Also, WUaS is planning to code for matriculating students in all ~200 countries' official languages, native speakers in all 7,117 known living languages as WUaS wiki teachers and learners, and then for all 7.5 billion people on the planet - potentially for UBI experiments (in ~200 countries' languages, which our WUaS Law School would teach to) too, and significantly to potentially alleviate poverty, The Coronavirus tracing app, which Germans downloaded 6.5 million times in its 1st 24 hours - https://twitter.com/
Here are some brainstorming emails today and yesterday to mostly good Reedie friends from the first half of the 1980s - https://scott-macleod.
and re my letting my Reedie friends know about this upcoming 'Reedpreneurs in the Pandemic Era' meeting. Thanks again.
WUaS Corporation / WUaS Press
WUaS Press / Corp is now carrying Lego Robotics!
WUaS is 'officially' carrying Lego Robotics, but not yet a reseller - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html
WUaS Educational Services' Store - http:// worlduniversityandschool.org/ AcademicPress.html - is newly grown, and is now carrying 7 products for sale (3 Lego Robotics' kits, and 4 books published by the Academic Press at World Univ & Sch).
UBI experiments with regards to WUaS, and in planning for universities in ~200 countries and their official languages, with law faculty and students:
Just asked these questions, as I registered for this Stanford Law SVDX webinar on Tu June 9, 2020 - https://www.svdx.org/ calendar/2020/6/9/esg- resiliency-in-a-time-of- turmoil-webinar:
"Brainstorming-wise, what role could UBI experiments in all ~200 countries and their main languages, in order to distribute a single cryptocurrency (with block chain ledger), facilitate further ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance - goals, (and even conceptually regarding all 7.5 billion people, re universal, to alleviate poverty)? What if a hypothetical "Mine Pi" cryptocurrency (coded by Stanford students), or a "Bitcoin" could even be listed, by a company with its Board, on the emerging Silicon Valley long term stock exchange (which has passed one SEC hurdle, I've read) - and, for example, to address the 40 million unemployment claims in the US due to the novel coronavirus pandemic? Thank you, Scott (sgkmacleod@ worlduniversityandschool.org)"
And further: Each person in the world, all 7.5 billion people, a WUaS Wikidata PIN# (nee Wikidata Q-item #), beginning with matriculating WUaS students in all ~200 countries' official languages, and then speakers of all 7,117 known living languages as wiki teachers and learners at WUaS - since WUaS donated ourselves to Wikidata for co-development, and got the front end WUaS Miraheze MediaWiki in 2017 as a consequence? For ex. - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/You_at_World_University .
... and backed somehow by some number of ~200 countries' central banks (post Euro in 19 out of 28 countries, and post dollar as de facto international currency)? This could be because WUaS Law Schools in all ~200 countries' official languages help code for this, and our WUaS Law Faculty teach this too - https://wiki. worlduniversityandschool.org/ wiki/World_University_Law_ School.
The WUaS Press is seeking to publish a second actual-virtual, physical-virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic book, potentially publishing it to paper from within Google Street View, with text in the sidebar. See, for example: https://scott- macleod.blogspot.com/2018/12/ leaf-re-conceiving-book- printable-on.html.
See, the side bar in Google Street View here, in visiting the Harbin Hot Springs' gate
~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg (accessible from ~ https://twitter.com/HarbinBook ~ http://bit.ly/HarbinBook ~)
WUaS Press -
To the editor, Rami Daher (Architect and Professor), of a tourism studies' book in which I have a chapter, but which is not yet for sale in the WUaS Press:
"I hope my thesis of Orientalism in online UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the chapter I wrote has been an asset for your edited volume" - https://www.amazon.com/Rami- Farouk-Daher-dp-1845410505/dp/ 1845410505).
With very best wishes, Scott
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- 415 480 4577
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This transmission and any attachments are intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or exempt from disclosure under applicable federal or state laws. If the reader of this transmission is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately by email or telephone.
World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you.