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Lantana camara: Bagpiping, Scottish Small Piping Re both expressivity and mastery learnin * * * far-reaching Stanford conversation about "COVID-19: The Impact in India"


Hi Taylor, 

See you in a few hours! Re both expressivity and mastery learning, here are some interesting further examples.

I enjoyed this
The Beaton Sisters 
Salmon Arm ROOTSandBLUES Festival

and could guess that it might pre-date 2012 - since Margie and Dawn Beaton look so young (and look at Margie's face part way through :)!


the Beaton Sisters - live @ ECMA 2010 - Celtic Colours Festival Club Stage

interesting way of seeing what 'mastery learning' is ... 

And here's a definition of 'mastery learning' I appreciate ... 
"Mastery learning simply means allowing a student to continue to work on a concept until they can master that concept or skill. ... At Khan Academy, we provide a personalized, mastery-based learning system. Students are supported and challenged to build skills over time."

Why Mastery Learning, by Sal Khan – Khan Academy Help ...khanacademy.zendesk.com

... and even with regards to a successive approximations' approach to learning ... which can lead to mastery learning ... 

expressivity I appreciate too ...
Catherine Ashcroft & Maurice Dickson (Mochara) - Táimse im' Chodladh/King of the Pipers
(but on Uilleann pipes, and with guitar too for expressive synergies)

Playing a tune one's learning with metronome can be a way of gauging one's own mastery learning - and especially re dot-cuts. 

Cheers, and regards, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


Re tunes this evening, 

Gillie Callum (quick step)
Dorrator Bridge
Willie Gray
Have you been able to access easily
Gillie Callum (quick step)
http://www.coloradopipers.com/highlanddance/CoPipers_HighlandDnaceTunes.pdf ?

Cheers, Scott

- Scott MacLeod


Good lesson tonight, Scott.

Here's the Spotify links I mentioned.

Drops of Brandy, by Distant Oaks. Some of their music is a little new agey for my liking (lots of cheesy low whistles and synths), but now and again they'll play a trad tune like this one: https://open.spotify.com/track/4DITJFx8DFKTky0bar3PvU

Lark in the Morning, Alternative Pipers (etc): https://open.spotify.com/track/0ZkKYroU93YUepffXhQTcp

As a bonus, here's a quartet on youtube:

By the way, do you have an opinion one way or the other regarding the Falkirk Piper on Youtube? He's recorded most of the Scots Guards tunes and I consult his recordings when I need to confirm I'm reading a tune right.

 Thanks again!


Scott MacLeod
9:56 PM (19 minutes ago)
to Taylor

Thanks so much, Taylor,

Both Spotify piping tracks sound good initially ... will listen further.

Are you familiar with the new SSP album -
The Reeling (2019)
Brighde Chaimbeul
Brighde's from the Isle of Skye interestingly.

I have come across -
Ceolas Piping Concert, smallpipes.
- a couple of times, and with its singing ... good group model for SSP and singing possibly ... quite Scottish, with pipe band players too ... and, separately, Allan MacDonald (on left) may have revived in a new way an old different GHB piping style with his album "Colla Mo Rún "‎(CD, Album) - https://www.discogs.com/artist/564972-Allan-Macdonald - and his University of Edinburgh thesis in the School of Celtic and Scottish Studies  (but this Ceolas Youtube video with him and fellow pipers is not somehow entirely inspiring to me, somehow).

Am appreciative of Neil Clark's Falkirk Piping instruction in general.

It could be fun to explore playing duets together with time.

I have the recollection that Canntaireachd is used for learning Piobaireachd,
but searched on
'canntaireachd singing and ceol beag light music piping youtube"

and this is nice, and instructive ...

The Prince's Salute - Michael Grey - bagpipes and canntaireachd
( and it's also about St. Kilda which I did my University of Edinburgh thesis on in the School of Celtic and Scottish Studies - virtual St. Kilda as place even ... )
Lovely played Piobaireachd by Michael Grey as well! Nether Lorn Canntaireachd is best known both scholarly and

Piobaireachd - The Field of Gold.
(Canntaireachd as choral music starts after pipe band Piobaireachd at about 5:25  - and that's Jack Lee 'conducting-piping')

Both of these are creative uses of Canntaireachd

Band-Re: Hihorodo hiharara
(with Canntaireachd written out too)

The Canntaireachd Project – Trailer
(with Canntaireachd written out too - pointers to the scholarship too - Allan MacDonald again)

Oran Canntaireachd - Chris Armstrong, Finlay MacDonald (who's been a teacher of mine conducts)

Am wondering about - for my upcoming "Honey in the Bag" album - even Blockchain ledger with tracks on a CD / internet video possibilities (and even creatively exploring making and coding Lego robots that might be coded somehow to dance to piping, and metronomically too - out of the box, and haven't seen this whatsoever yet).


This may be a spotify URL for me ... https://open.spotify.com/user/scottworldunivandsch or similar ... but their new 'hard sell' and 90 seconds + of ads seems to be getting in the way of ease of use, so I don't head in the Spotify direction much.

Next week, the MSR:  :)
Willie Gray
Dorrator Bridge ...
Devil in the Kitchen

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com

* * *

Dear Naushad, Yamini, Steve, Saumitra,

Thank you for your far-reaching Stanford conversation about "COVID-19: The Impact in India" this morning PT (from the SF Bay Area, east bay hills) - https://kingcenter.stanford.edu/events/covid-19-impact-india. And nice to hear you again, Naushad; I last heard you speak, when we met too, in the Stanford India Center on 'India National Innovation System' on Oct 10 2017.

Saumitra, thanks especially for making this conversation available online, and your excellent moderation and speakers. Regarding online Covid-19 medicine, planning for densely populated cities, and the e-ICU idea you mentioned, Naushad, - I'm wondering what role the Google-Apple coronavirus tracing app might play in the future with viral epidemics in India (and see below). And in developing best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric World University and School, with planned online medical schools in each of all ~200 countries and in their official / main languages too, and planned online teaching hospitals for online clinical care and online research, I'm writing to inquire how we might potentially collaborate? Planning for infectious diseases and viral epidemics in India in the future could be invaluable, but so could planning for medical degrees for Indians, and online clinical care. 

Steve and All, I'm posting below an email I sent yesterday to another infectious disease MD (and Brown University Medicine Professor in Rhode Island), Dr. Curt Beckwith, who presented yesterday about Covid-19 too (in a Shady Side Academy alumni meeting - where we both went to high school), - potentially with much relevance to Covid-19 in India, and information technology approaches to this. 

"Thank you! Dr. Beckwith - Curt - what role did information technology play in your response as a Brown Univ Med Sch infectious medicine MD, and esp the Google - Apple coronavirus tracing application, - hypothetically? If it had been ready, in what ways would you have used this? What do you think? And what did you see with electronic medical records?  Could you see Covid-19 testing (via the Google-Apple tracing app even) with results transferred directly into online electronic medical records as helping significantly what you saw?  (I ask this in the context of developing avatar bot electronic medical records - https://twitter.com/search?q=%23AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords&src=typeahead_click - for online medical schools with online teaching hospitals at best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric World University and School, planned online in ~200 countries’ languages). Thank you Scott ’79 (sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org)"

How might we best further communicate about some or all of this, - and in the opening window of opportunity created by the coronavirus pandemic, where major universities are all going online this autumn? Thank you!

Best regards, 

Dear Curt, 

Thanks so much for your excellent reply to my 'brainstorming' questions in this SSA meeting (which I've posted below). Here too is the beginning Clinical Trials' wiki subject page - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Clinical_Trials_at_WUaS_(for_all_languages) at World Univ & Sch - planned for speakers of all 7,117 known living languages. 

I noticed the photo of the beautiful coastline in the back of your office. It reminded much of Cuttyhunk Island, MA, not far from Providence, RI, at all - and where my family has a place (and to which we've been going since 1966). Where is this? It's gorgeous. Have you visited Cuttyhunk, by any chance? There are 1 or 2 families there with many Colby graduates. And where did you grow up in Pittsburgh? My family lived in Point Breeze when I went to Shady Side, and my mother now lives in Oakmont / Verona. (And do you happen to know Sid Mazumdar SSA '78 or '79, my best friend then, who works in the US Federal Government, and his sister, Maitreyi Mazumdar MD who is a Harvard pediatric neurologist, with a research focus on Bangladesh; both of their parents came from West Bengal to Cornell to do their Ph.D.s in 1962? She went to Taylor Allderdice, and Yale as an undergraduate; am not sure where she went to medical school).

World University and School's planned online medical schools with online teaching hospitals for online clinical care will likely first emerge first in English 4 years from now, and would love to explore collaboration opportunities with time with Brown and Yale (where my father was on the faculty in the late 1960s / early 1970s). 

The Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records I asked about would be a part of a single realistic virtual earth, and even with a a #RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery - https://twitter.com/hashtag/RealisticVirtualEarthForSurgery?src=hashtag_click - and potentially tele-robotic surgery. Am interested in an ongoing way in the actual-virtual, physical-digital developments, and for all of the above. This is the idea - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod/status/1189649081175379968?s=20 . You'll find the best way to conceive of 'Avatar Bot Electronic Medical Records' in the images here - http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/strategy-brainstorming-medicine-and.html and https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/09/oregon-coast-wuas-avatarbotelectronicme.html (and elsewhere in my blog) - and here - - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch/status/1177364462858227713 - with related ideas. 

How might we best further communicate about some or all of this, - and in the window of opportunity opening created by the coronavirus pandemic, where major universities are all going online this autumn? Thank you!

Best regards, Scott

Thank you! Dr. Beckwith - Curt - what role did information technology play in your response as a Brown Univ Med Sch infectious medicine MD, and esp the Google - Apple coronavirus tracing application hypothetically? If it had been ready, in what ways would you have used this, do you think? And what did you see on electronic medical records?  Could you see Covid-19 testing (via Google-Apple tracing app even) into online electronic medical records as helping significantly what you saw?  (I ask this in the context of developing avatar bot electronic medical records - https://twitter.com/search?q=%23AvatarBotElectronicMedicalRecords&src=typeahead_click - for online medical schools with online teaching hospitals at best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric World University and School, planned online in ~200 countries’ languages). Thank you Scott ’79 (sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org)

Stanford India Center Naushad Forbes India National Innovation System Oct 10 17


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


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