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Arenal Volcano: Scott Gordon Kenneth Macleod iii family history * * * Published my first book, a large anthropology entitled "Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality and Virtual Harbin" (Paperback) with index. 2016. * * my second book, a first book of poetry entitled "Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry" (book) – in 2017 * * my second book of poetry entitled "Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering Poetry of Loving Bliss" (book) – 2018 - * * I published my fourth book, a book of poetry entitled "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality" (book) – 2019 - https://www.amazon.com/Dance-Pools-Virtually-different-Springs/dp/0578625490 Poetry Press at World University and School. http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ~

Next: Valley of Flowers National Park, India: THERE's a lot of creative hippy thinking in MIT / Harvard Prof of Genetics' George Church * Hoping to post soon the article on the NIH developing AGING-REVERSALl research and planning for this for the 2030s * * * * What's happening UU-wise in Pittsburgh, Ma? Nontheist Friend-wise, atheist Quaker-wise, am wondering if truth is growing in the Society of Friends, I'm also continuing to do a little salutary thinking Yoga every morning first thing - meditation in some asanas. Where Angela & Victor head with Yoga * * Heading up to Harbin eventually for ethnography. Appreciating in these regards this anthropological paper - "What is Ethnography?: Teaching Ethnographic Sensibilities Without Fieldwork" (2014) by CU Boulder Prof. Carole McGranahan, who has a voice right out of the 1960s * * Teaching ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/ethno-wiki-virtual-world-graphy- my developing social science theory, - and newly online (this autumn) even. And here's a research group I'm planning that hasn't yet got off the ground - http://www.scottmacleod.com/research-group.html (from http://scottmacleod.com/ ) !

Family History ~ 

Scott MacLeod’s (aka Gordon Kenneth MacLeod III) Family History

accessible from - http://scottmacleod.com/family.htm ~
Scott MacLeod's Family Webpage

Gordon K. MacLeod MD's Memorial Service  
Cuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts, August 2, 2008

accessible from - http://scottmacleod.com/links.htm

Loving Bliss Letters
Friends' Dalton Letter :)

accessible from -  http://scottmacleod.com

World University & School
Actual-Virtual Harbin Hot Springs' ethnographic project:
Scott MacLeod'sResearch, Writings & Arts
AcademeSF Bay BagpipingHarbin BookLove & links

Scott MacLeod’s (aka Gordon Kenneth MacLeod III) Family History

sgkmacleod@gmail.com is my email if you'd like to communicate further about family genealogy

I'm researching the MacLeod family from Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. James Edward McLeod (which he spelled MacLeod when he moved to the U.S.) was probably born on the Isle of Raasay in Inverness-shire, Scotland in the 1820s (1824?, or 1829?). He emigrated to PEI in 1839. He was married twice, and had 17 children, and was a tailor and kilt maker in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. He then emigrated from Canada to the U.S.A. circa 1895. He died on January 5, 1899, in Boston, Massachusetts (having lived for 75? years), and was buried in West Roxbury, Massachusetts. His gravestone can be found in the Boston area. Who came before him? 
My first cousin, Mark Kenneth MacLeod (a family genealogist, significantly), has discovered recently (spring 2020) that James MacLeod's parents were Norman John MacLeod (c. 1795-1862) and Isobel MacKenzie ( -1880) from the Isle of Raasay, Scotland.

I'm primarily interested in genealogical and biographical information about the following people.

James Edward MacLeod married his first wife, Ann Bulger, July 4, 1850. They had 8 kids, of whom 6 survived. Who came before her? Her parents were Philip Bulger and Mary Duffy. 

After his first wife died, he was married again in PEI, this time to Margaret E. Barnes; they had 7 sons: Edward, Henry, Charles, Frederick, Ernest James, William, J. Gordon, and 2 daughters: Mary Gertrude, and Amy. (All born on PEI? No – Henry and Frederick were born in Halifax). Ernest James MacLeod was my great grandfather, one of whose sons Gordon had Gordon (1929-2007) (http://www.pitt.edu/~gmacleod), who is my father. Who came before Margaret Barnes? Her parents were Edward Barnes and Catherine Duffy. 

My father, Gordon K. MacLeod MD, was an Internal Medicine MD, and a Professor of Public Health. He was also the Secretary of Health in the State of Pennsylvania responsible for handling the Three Mile Island nuclear catastrophe in 1979, as well as president of the faculty senate at the University of Pittsburgh toward the end of his career there (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_K._MacLeod). 
My parents, Gordon Kenneth MacLeod MD and Janet Kirkbride Brown MacLeod (1935-) have two children, myself and my brother Sandy, aka Alexander Brown MacLeod (https://socratessculpturepark.org/artist/sandy-macleod/ was: http://sandysculpture.com). 

In addition, I'm researching the Mary Glynn family, my great grandmother who married my great grandfather Ernest MacLeod. She was born in St. John's, Newfoundland. Who came before Mary Glynn? Her parents were John T Glynn and Catherine O’Brien (and her grandparents are available in my cousin Mark K. MacLeod's Ancestry.com family tree - https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/154485576/family?cfpid=242040162889 - if you're interested). 
I'm also researching Margaret Driscoll MacLeod, and her father's and mother's families. As I understand it she was born in Ireland, and moved to the United States around her first year of life. His name was John Driscoll and was born in County Cork, Ireland and married Catherine Ryan who was born on Banquet Hill, County Tipperary. Who came before them? Timothy Driscoll and possibly Joanna Hays, and Daniel Ryan and Mary McGrath. 

My father's eldest brother was Francis Ernest MacLeod, a Harvard student, who went also to Boston Latin School (like my father), before he died in WWII in the Vosges mountains in France at around 20 years of age. His younger siblings were Mary Regina MacLeod Kennedy, my father Gordon Kenneth MacLeod MD, Paul Roger MacLeod, and Bruce Vincent MacLeod. Bruce is the father of Mark K. MacLeod, and was a favorite uncle, and a Quaker too. 

My mother's father's father was 

Alden Hugh Brown (1869-1919) and he married Martha Holway Chadbourne (1871-1909), who died in childbirth, having given birth to a) Alexander "Sandy" Chadbourne Brown, my mother's father, so my grandfather, b) Mary Chadbourne Brown, and c) Martha Holway Brown Briscoe ("Aunt Marf"). Sandy and Rachel Gilbert Brown had Theodore "Ted" Chadbourne Brown, and Janet "Janie" Kirkbride Brown MacLeod (my mother), Mary Chadbourne Brown had Edward "Denny" Titus MD, and Martha HB Briscoe, with John "Jack" D Briscoe, had John and Alden Frank Briscoe, all favorite uncles, cousins and family members of mine. My grandfather, Sandy Brown (ACB), studied at MIT for 2 degrees in chemical engineering in the 1920s (something like a BS and MS), and went to Phillips Exeter Academy for high school, and had 9 patents to his name regarding fatty acids; he also played the western classical piano beautifully. 

Benjamin Lincoln (January 24, 1733 (O.S. January 13, 1732) – May 9, 1810), in the Chadbourne line, received the sword of surrender from the British in the Revolutionary War and fought in Shay's rebellion. I'm familiar with some of the Chadbourne history through William Chadbourne in England in the late 1500s but don't know who preceded him. William Chadbourne (1582 - aft. 1652) crossed the Atlantic on the Pied Cow (Pide-Cowe) in 1634. Lt. Alexander Scammel Chadbourne (1831-1900) of Maine, I think, (see Jim W. Corder's book "Hunting Lieutenant Chadbourne" which contains letters by my grandfather, ACB, as well as being a good read) who fought in the War of the Rebellion and the Battle of Chickamauga around 1862, is also in this line. Fort Chadbourne in Texas is named after him. Who came before them? 

Sarah Bolles (20 Jan 1656 - 1694), who married Humphrey Chadbourne (14 generations back from this author), reportedly comes from a long, documented line of kings and queens in Scotland, England and France (see Bacon's "The Chadbourne Family in America: A Family Genealogy" and, also - https://www.wikitree.com/genealogy/Bolles-Family-Tree-66): "Sarah Bolles has a well-established royal descent from Edward I, King of England (1272-1307) and many earlier Kings of England, Scotland and France, as published in 'Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists' by Frederick Lewis Weis, 7th Edition [1992] compiled by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr." 
Here's what the online Encyclopedia Britannica says about Edward I:
"b. June 17, 1239, Westminster, Middlesex, Eng. d. July 7, 1307, Burgh by Sands, near Carlisle, Cumberland
byname EDWARD LONGSHANKS son of Henry III and king of England in 1272-1307, during a period of rising national consciousness. He strengthened the crown and Parliament against the old feudal nobility. He subdued Wales, destroying its autonomy; and he sought (unsuccessfully) the conquest of Scotland. His reign is particularly noted for administrative efficiency and legal reform. He introduced a series of statutes that did much to strengthen the crown in the feudal hierarchy. His definition and emendation of English common law has earned him the name of the "English Justinian.""
Here’s what the online Encyclopedia Britannica said about Edward I’s parents:
"Edward was the eldest son of King Henry III* and Eleanor of Provence*. In 1254 he was given the duchy of Gascony, the French Oléron, the Channel Islands, Ireland, Henry's lands in Wales, and the earldom of Chester, as well as several castles. Henry negotiated Edward's marriage with Eleanor of Castile*, half sister of Alfonso X of Leon and Castile. Edward married Eleanor at Las Huelgas in Spain (October 1254) and then traveled to Bordeaux to organize his scattered appanage. He now had his own household and officials, chancery and seal, with an exchequer (treasury) at Bristol Castle; though nominally governing all his lands, he merely enjoyed the revenues in Gascony and Ireland. He returned to England in November 1255 and attacked Llywelyn ap Gruffudd*, prince of Gwynedd, to whom his Welsh subjects had appealed for support when Edward attempted to introduce English administrative units in his Welsh lands. Edward, receiving no help from either Henry or the marcher lords, was defeated ignominiously. His arrogant lawlessness and his close association with his greedy Poitevin uncles, who had accompanied his mother from France, increased Edward's unpopularity among the English. But after the Poitevins were expelled, Edward fell under the influence of Simon de Montfort*, his uncle by marriage, with whom he made a formal pact. Montfort was the leader of a baronial clique that was attempting to curb the misgovernment of Henry." (See, too: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Henry-III-king-of-England-1207-1272 and  https://www.britannica.com/biography/Eleanor-of-Provence and https://www.britannica.com/biography/Eleanor-of-Castile and https://www.britannica.com/biography/Llywelyn-ap-Gruffudd and https://www.britannica.com/biography/Simon-de-Montfort-earl-of-Leicester).
"Edward I* reluctantly accepted the Provisions of Oxford* (1258), which gave effective government to the barons at the expense of the king. On the other hand, he intervened dramatically to support the radical Provisions of Westminster* (October 1259), which ordered the barons to accept reforms demanded by their tenants...” The Encyclopedia Britannica continues for many more pages about Edward I (https://www.britannica.com/event/Provisions-of-Oxford and https://www.britannica.com/topic/Provisions-of-Westminster and from https://www.britannica.com/biography/Edward-I-king-of-England accessed July 19, 2020).
Jeremiah O'Brien is also a direct ancestor from the revolutionary war period, who fired the first naval shot, and I'm interested in how he relates to the rest of the tree. (I recall learning this from my grandmother, Rachel Gilbert Brown, too. Granny Brown was both an 'oral historian,' - she talked a lot :) - and interested in family genealogy. She seemed especially interested in her husband Grandpa Sandy Brown's family history). Here's a newly found reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremiah_O%27Brien.

I'm also interested in who came before my great grandfather Alden Hugh Brown, a mining engineer. James Brown? 

My mother's mother's father was Oscar Gilbert, MD of Boulder Colorado, who married Agnes Kirkbride who also had roots in Missouri, Virginia, and Colorado. Some of Agnes Kirkbride's forbears, one named Jane Horn, came from Kirbythor and Appleby in the north of England, not far from Newcastle-on-Tyne. My grandmother received some heirlooms from her, because her mother assisted Jane Horn financially at some point, I think. How does she fit into the line?

My mother’s mother, Rachel Gilbert Brown, who had a great interest in family history also said that we have a Native American Cherokee ancestor, only a few generations before her. Where does he (I think) fit in the line?

Some of Oscar Gilbert, MD's ancestors, the Powells, came from Virginia in the late 1700's. Who came before them?

There's possibly another Native American ancestor from Virginia (per cousin Susan Gilbert Harvey) in this line.

And what will genetic genealogy research show?

New information? 

sgkmacleod@gmail.com is my email if you'd like to communicate further about family genealogy or scott@scottmacleod.com. I've posted much of what I know and further questions I have here. 
Scott (or Scotty)
home - http://scottmacleod.com

(http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com - I blog daily, and see, for example, the 'Gordon K. MacLeod MD' blog label: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Gordon%20K.%20MacLeod%20MD - who was my father; see the 'genes' label as well).

(See, too - https://twitter.com/scottmacleod & https://twitter.com/sgkmacleod - and my -  https://twitter.com/WorldUnivAndSch (and the related https://twitter.com/WUaSPress) & https://twitter.com/HarbinBook & https://twitter.com/TheOpenBand)

Here's my family web page - http://scottmacleod.com/family.htm - my web site (different from this one - http://scottmacleod.com/ScottMacLeodFamilyHistory.htm).

Bacon, Elaine. c1994. The Chadbourne Family in America: A Family Genealogy. Penobscot, Maine: Penobscot Press.

Chadourne.org/Gen3 Third Generation. 2017. http://www.chadbourne.org/Gen3.html (re: Chadbourne line, Sarah Bolles and Edward I). (accessed July 19, 2020).

Corder, Jim W. 1993. Hunting Lieutenant Chadbourne. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. 

Edward I. Encyclopedia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Edward-I-king-of-England, (accessed July 19, 2020). 

Harvey, Susan Gilbert, my first cousin once removed - knowledgeable about the Gilbert family.

Horan, Nancy. 2007. Loving Frank. New York, NY: Ballantine Books. 

MacLeod MD, Gerrard, my first cousin - knowledgeable about MacLeod family history.

MacLeod, Mark K, my first cousin - knowledgeable about MacLeod family history. Ancestry.com, https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/162331043/person/252114646954//facts (accessed July 19, 2020). 

MacLeod III, Scott Gordon Kenneth (1960- ). Blogspot.com, http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com - I blog daily, and see, for example, the 'Gordon K. MacLeod MD' blog label: https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Gordon%20K.%20MacLeod%20MD - who was my father; see the 'genes' label as well). (accessed July 19, 2020). 

MacLeod III, Scott Gordon Kenneth (1960- ). Genealogy.com (formerly Family Tree Maker), http://www.genealogy.com/ftm/m/a/c/Gordon-K-Macleod-iii/index.html(accessed July 19, 2020). 

MacLeod III, Scott Gordon Kenneth (1960- ). WikiTree,  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/MacLeod-2524 (accessed July 19, 2020).

Weis, Frederick Lewis. (Compiled by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr.). 2004. Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists (8th Edition). Baltimore, Maryland: Geneaological Publishing Society. 

Wikipedia. 2020. Jeremiah O'Brien entry, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremiah_O%27Brien (accessed July 19, 2020).

WikiTree The Free Family Tree platform. 2020. (accessed July 19, 2020). 

Scott MacLeod's Writings, Arts & Research - Copyright 1999-2020


Scott Gordon Kenneth Macleod iii family history

Su July 19, 2020

I’ve begun to add addresses of where I’ve lived, and a little description too, to my Ancestry .com facts’ page, and seek to put this down here too: 

Scott GK MacLeod III
BIRTH 31 DEC 1960 • Lexington, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA
DEATH Living

31 Dec 1960
Lexington, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA

I was born in the Mt. Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, MA, but my parents were living in Lexington, MA. My father was doing his medical residency in Harvard-related institutions. We then moved to Cambridge, and after to the backside of Beacon Hill to live.

Birth of Brother Alexander "Sandy" Brown MacLeod(1964–)
5 Oct 1964 • Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA

Cuttyhunk island, Massachusetts, USA

My family first started going to Cuttyhunk island, MA, in 1966, and we stayed in both the Allen House, and the Bosworth House, 2 inns, in those first years. We've continued to go back every summer since, beginning to rent Piney's House around 1969 or so

Cuttyhunk island, Massachusetts

My family first started going to Cuttyhunk island, MA, in 1966, and we stayed in both the Allen House, and the Bosworth House, 2 inns, in those first years. We've continued to go back every summer since, beginning to rent Piney's House around 1969 or so, renting it from the niece of Hetty Shepherd Wheeler (a dean at former women's college in the Boston area), named Betty Garretson, and thanks to having learned about Piney's House (a Walpole cottage) from  Eleanor Moore (Granny Moore), whom my parents knew through the Unitarian Universalist  church in the Boston area. My father, growing up in the Boston area, had first gone to Cuttyhunk island as a kid in the 1930s, I think.

Hamden, New Haven, Connecticut, USA

My family, Gordon K. MacLeod MD, Janet Brown MacLeod, and younger brother, Sandy MacLeod moved to Hamden, CT, when my father joined the Yale faculty.

moved to New Haven, CT, in the middle of the 1960s

My family, Gordon K. MacLeod MD, Janet Brown MacLeod, and younger brother, Sandy MacLeod moved to Hamden, CT, when my father joined the Yale faculty. I first went to Putnam Street School, then Newhall Street School in Hamden, for 2nd-5th grade, then Ridge Hill School, a brand new school architecturally designed with open classrooms, and with names like Apollo and Gemini, (re the remarkable US space program then). Open classroom schools were a radical re-envisioning of education. (After one year at Ridge Hill School around 1971, I think, my family moved to the DC area, where I attended another open classroom school, Green Acres School in Rockville, MD, (inspired by John Dewey), where I attended 6th, and 7th grade, but for 6th months of which, my family all lived in Geneva, Switzerland.

Bethesda, Montgomery, Maryland, USA

My family moved to Bethesda, MD, in then Washington DC area, when my father, GKM MD, took a position in the US federal government, in the department  of Health, Education and Welfare - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_K._MacLeod )

Living in the Washington DC area, Green Acres School and Geneva Switzerland

My family moved to Bethesda, MD, in the Washington DC area, when my father, GKM MD, took a position in the US federal government, in the department  of Health, Education and Welfare - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_K._MacLeod )

Oct 1, 1973-Mar 31, 1974
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

My family, the 4 of us, moved to Geneva, Switzerland, where my father GKM MD studied 3 health care systems in Europe on a Ford Foundation grant. We lived at 15 Avenue de Miremont, 1206 Genève, & I and my brother attended École Internationale de Genève

Living in Geneva, Switzerland

My family, the 4 of us, moved to Geneva, Switzerland, where my father GKM MD studied 3 health care systems in Europe on a Ford Foundation grant. We lived at 15 Avenue de Miremont, 1206 Genève, & I and my brother attended École Internationale de Genève

Pittsburgh, Alleghany, Pennsylvania, USA

My family, Gordon MacLeod MD, Janie, Scotty & Sandy MacLeod moved to Pittsburgh, PA where my father joined the faculty at the Univ. of Pgh. I attended Shady Side Academy senior school starting in 9th grade, skipping my 8th grade entirely.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in my high school years

My family, Gordon MacLeod MD, Janie, Scotty & Sandy MacLeod moved to Pittsburgh, PA where my father joined the faculty at the University of Pittsburgh, in the Graduate School of Public Health. He also taught Grand Rounds. I attended Shady Side Academy senior school from 9th-12th grades, and spending an additional year studying in Edinburgh, Scotland, between my junior and senior years. skipping my 8th grade entirely.

Fettes College, Edinburgh, Scotland

Between my junior & senior years of high school (at SSA), I moved to study in the first year sixth form (A levels) at Fettes College, in Edinburgh, & I studied English, History & Geography (& Maths). I lived in Kimmerghame House & travelled

Fettes College, Edinburgh, Scotland

Between my junior &  senior years of high school (at Shady Side Academy), I moved to Scotland to study in the first year sixth form (A levels) at Fettes College, in Edinburgh, & I studied English, History & Geography (& Maths). I  lived in Kimmerghame House & travelled some as well. I've written some about this in the 'Scotland' label in my daily blog - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/Scotland.

Shady Side Academy high school diploma

I received my high school diploma in 1979 from Shady Side Academy in Fox Chapel, PA, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Reed College, Portland, Oregon

I moved to Reed College in 1979 to study there. I lived in and around Reed from 1979-1987

Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USA

I moved to Portland, OR, from Pittsburgh, PA, to attend Reed College. I lived the first semester in the Sisson dormitory (cross-Canyon), and then moved into a 'communal' Reed house in January 1980 on Clinton St. in SE Portland near People's Food Co-op

Reed College years in Portland, Oregon

I moved to Portland, OR, from Pittsburgh, PA, to attend Reed College in 1979, and lived there on and off until 1987, when I moved to the Philadelphia area. At Reed, I lived the first semester in the Sisson dormitory (cross-Canyon), and then moved into a 'communal' Reed house in January 1980 on Clinton St. in SE Portland near People's Food Co-op. I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail for 3.5 months after my first year (about 2/3rds of it), moved into the Brooklyn Street house, another 'Reed House,' after this, studied for a year in Munich, Germany, 1981-1982, through a Reed College program, hiked the PCT a second time in 1982 in the state of Washington, about half of it from the Canadian border south, and after graduating with a degree in Religion in 1985, I continued to live in the Brooklyn Street House, with an interest in communities (including visiting Alpha Farm a number of times, and also while working in Kline's Cyclamen nursery in Lake Oswego / Beaverton, OR, for 2 seasons). During these years, I also visited my favorite Uncle and Aunt Ted and Mary Brown at their tree ranch in eastern Oregon, Wisdom Creek Ranch, Medical Springs, Oregon, (near both Union, and La Grande, Oregon, too).

Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Through Reed College, I went to study at the University of Munich (LMU) & also through a study abroad program with Lewis & Clark college,  where classes met in Olympiazentrum. I lived in Studentenstadt in Egon Wiberg House on the English Gardens

Studying in Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Through a Reed College program, I went to study at the University of Munich (LMU) & also through a study abroad program in conjunction with Lewis & Clark college, where classes met in Olympiazentrum. I lived in Studentenstadt in Egon Wiberg House on the 6th floor on the English Gardens. During this year, I won a very small ZIS stipendium to study bagpiping in Scotland, and recall traveling to Scotland, and taking a workshop with the great piper Duncan Johnstone. I think the paper I had to write for this still exists in the library at Schloss Salem, a headquarters of the UNESCO ZIS program.

Jan 1982
Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USA

I think I moved into the Brooklyn Street House, at 2202 SE Brooklyn Street, Portland, Oregon, 97202, as a Reed College student, in January of 1982 and lived in this collective house with other Reed students on and off through 1987, when I moved back east

Moved into the Brooklyn Street 'Reed House'

I think I moved into the Brooklyn Street House, at 2202 SE Brooklyn Street, Portland, Oregon, 97202, as a Reed College student, in January of 1982, and lived in this collective house with other Reed students on and off through 1987, when I moved back east to the Philadelphia area, to study then at Pendle Hill, a Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation, for year.  I had an interest in living in community, both from the Reed collective houses, I had lived in, as well as Alpha Farm in the Oregon coast range, and from Quakers too, who have a long history of growing communities, both in Quaker Meetings, and in other ways.

Portland, Multnomah, Oregon

I received my college diploma in 1985 from Reed College in Portland, OR, in Religion (in German too). My senior thesis was on Rosemary Ruether's 1983  book "Sexism  God-Talk" http://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2019/04/green-headed-tanager-doing-major.html

Cuttyhunk island, Massachusetts, USA

My parents were able to buy Piney's House on Cuttyhunk island in 1987, the house my family had rented since around 1969 or so, & which was so small my brother and I had to sleep outside in a tent (2 tents) every summer for years, an outside address :)

Piney's House, Cuttyhunk island, MA

My parents were able to buy Piney's House on Cuttyhunk island in 1987, the house my family had rented since around 1969 or so, & which was so small my brother and I had to sleep outside in a tent (2 tents) every summer for years, an outside address :) Cuttyhunk in the summers in the 1970s in particular were very fun - and partly because of the sense of community there (which I also touch on with regards to living in Reed Houses, communal houses shared by Reed students +)

Wallingford, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, USA

I moved from Portland, OR, to Pendle Hill (a Quaker study center), in Wallingford, PA, near Swarthmore College, as a student for 3 semesters. (I had wanted to study Yoga with Mary Dunn, who had just moved from San Diego to NYC, but which didn't work out). 

Pendle Hill Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation

I moved from Portland, Oregon, to Pendle Hill (a Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation), in Wallingford, PA, near Swarthmore College, in the Philadelphia area, as a student for 3 terms. (I had wanted to study Yoga with Mary Dunn, who had just moved from San Diego to NYC, but which didn't work out). My Uncle Bruce MacLeod (my father's youngest sibling) had been a student at Pendle Hill as well, and helped me become familiar with it. After studying for a year, I found a place to stay in the attic of the local Quakers' Sam & Jane James' house, in Media, PA (a beautiful 1 acre property), and worked in the Pendle Hill Bookstore / Pendle Hill Publishing for 2 1/2 years, community on my bicycle, even through winter, to Pendle Hill from here. (I became a member of the Society of Friends - RSOF - some years later, while studying in Edinburgh, Scotland in 2003-2004 - http://www.quakerquaker.org/profile/ScottMacLeod - and involved in the Central Edinburgh Quaker Meeting). Am interested these days in Nontheist Friends.

San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA

I moved to San Francisco in 1991 to study at the Iyengar Yoga Center, where I completed a 2 year CA certificate program in 1 year because I had a good practice, thanks to Dona Holleman's self-published books "Yoga for Teacher & Student"& "Asana.."

Studying & Teaching Yoga in SF

I moved to San Francisco in 1991 to study at the Iyengar Yoga Center on Taraval St., where I completed a 2 year CA certificate program in 1 year because I had a good daily Yoga practice, thanks to Dona Holleman's self-published companion books "Yoga for Teacher & Student"& "Asana in Photo." Since 1991, I've lived in about 5 different places in the SF Bay Area since then, on and off,  - Park Merced in SF, on Stuart Street in Berkeley, on upper Market Street in SF, from 1994-2001, and at 2909 Ashby Street, in Berkeley, CA, 94705 in the 'Tree House': ), and now in Canyon, CA 94516. I enjoyed taking Angela Farmer and Victor Van Kooten's Yoga workshops first in around 1984, in Portland, Oregon, due to their creativity and vision, especially.  

3632 Market Street, San Francisco, CA, 94131

I lived in the Garden Cottage here from 1994-2001, above the Romaine Street pedestrian bridge over Market St, riding my bicycle up Market Street with an early little ZAP electric motor, and teaching Yoga. Bill Roberts was landlord living in front domicile.

Living on upper Market Street while teaching Yoga in SF

I lived in the Garden Cottage at 3632 Market St. from 1994-2001, behind a whole row of houses, and looking out in 2 directions on gardens. I only rode my bicycle in those years (as a Friendly witness for global warming even) and rode up Market Street with an early, little ZAP electric motor, and while both teaching Yoga, as well as hearing many great San Francisco Symphony Concerts while working there as well. Bill Roberts was my landlord living in front domicile of 3632, and we still occasionally share a meal together.

Goleta, Santa Barbara, California, USA

I moved to study at the university of California, Santa Barbara for a MA in sociocultural anthropology from 2001-2003, living in Goleta. After getting a Master's, I decided to go to Edinburgh to study for my Ph.D., but instead only wrote a M.Sc. thesis.

Studying Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara

I moved to study Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and received a MA in sociocultural anthropology in 2003, living in Goleta or Isla Vista. After getting the Master's degree. I wrote some anthropology theory papers there, which references you can find here - http://scottmacleod.com/papers.htm. I decided to go to Edinburgh to study for my Ph.D., but instead only wrote a M.Sc. thesis on St. Kilda, the island archipelago off the west coast of Scotland - as virtual place which one could visit online in new ways - and the networks of the Internet and UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Univ of California, Santa Barbara County, California, USA

I received my Master's Degree in 2003 from University of California, Santa Barbara in sociocultural Anthropology, which in turn lead to writing Naked Harbin Ethnography & http://www.tourismstudies.org/news_archive/SMacLeod2017.htm ~  

Stockbridge, Edinburgh, Scotland

I went to study at Edinburgh University in the school of Celtic & Scottish Studies (a project on St. Kilda & virtual place re networks, internet & UNESCO). I lived in Stockbridge, on St. Bernard's Row, near the Botanical Gardens (like Fettes)

Studying at the University of Edinburgh in the school of Celtic & Scottish Studies

I went to study at the University of Edinburgh in the school of Celtic & Scottish Studies (a project on St. Kilda & virtual place re networks, internet & UNESCO). I lived in Stockbridge, on St. Bernard's Row, near the Botanical Gardens (close to where I was living while studying at Fettes College many years before in 1977-'78).

Spring 2004
Harbin Hot Springs, Lake County, California, USA

I lived and worked at Harbin for about 4.5 months in early 2004, while having writing a ethnography about Harbin in mind (amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity), & before heading on Semester at Sea for the 2nd time in fall 2004 I think.

Harbin Hot Springs with writing an Harbin ethnography in mind

I lived and worked at Harbin for about 4.5 months in early 2004, while having writing a ethnography about Harbin in mind (amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity), & before heading on Semester at Sea for the 2nd time in fall 2004 I think. I worked in the Harbin office answering the phones "Hello this is Harbin Hot Springs, how may I help you" and taking reservations. I stayed in the Fern dormitory close to the pool area, and soaked often in those lovely pools, a kind of meditation.  

Pittsburgh, Alleghany, Pennsylvania, USA

I moved back to Pittsburgh, PA, for 2 yrs, to be with my parents, as my father was living through the effects of a subdural hematoma (+) from a brain injury he got on Semester on Sea in Belize in 2004. After he passed away on 11/25/07 I returned to CA 1/08

Living in Pittsburgh briefly again

I moved back to Pittsburgh, PA, for 2 yrs, to be with my parents, as my father was living through the effects of a brain injury, a concussion, and a subdural hematoma (and then a second one) from an injury he got while on Semester on Sea in Belize (on land) in 2004. Soon after he passed away on 11/25/07, I returned to California in January of 2008.

Death of Father Gordon Kenneth MacLeod MD(1929–2007)
25 Nov 2007 • Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania

Harbin Hot Springs, Lake County, California, USA

I did ethnographic field work at Harbin in 2008, 1 month in, 1 month away for 6 months, in preparation for writing "Naked Harbin Ethnography" (2016) (amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity). While away, I think I stayed in Berkeley, at 2909 Ashby

ethnographic field work at Harbin

I did ethnographic field work at Harbin in year 2008, 1 month in, 1 month away for 6 months of being at Harbin, and in preparation for writing "Naked Harbin Ethnography" (2016) (amazon.com/author/scottmacleodworlduniversity). While away, I think I stayed in Berkeley, at 2909 Ashby Avenue, Berkeley.

Canyon, Contra Costa county, California, USA

I moved into Canyon, California, 94516, in late 2008, either November or December, and live in a beautiful house-let on a ridge at 670A Ridgecrest Road (formerly 86 Ridgecrest Road) 

Residence in Canyon, California, 94516

I moved into Canyon, California, 94516, in late 2008, either November or December, and live in a beautiful house-let on a ridge at 670A Ridgecrest Road (formerly 86 Ridgecrest Road). It has near pristine views in 2 opposite directions, although it's a little hot in the summers.

Canyon, Contra Costa county, California, USA

I incorporated online World University and School in 2010 at this address (86 Ridgecrest Rd, at the time) in Canyon, CA, 94516, as a 501 c 3 non-profit in the USA. World University and School is like Wikipedia with CC-4 OCW https://ocw.mit.edu/ in 4 langs.


I incorporated online World University and School - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/ - in 2010 at this address (86 Ridgecrest Rd, at the time) in Canyon, CA, 94516, as a 501 c 3 non-profit in the USA. World University and School is like Wikipedia in its ~300 languages with CC-4 OCW https://ocw.mit.edu/ in 4 languages. World Univ & Sch is planning to offer free-to-students' online degrees - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, MD and IB high school in all ~200 countries' official languages, building on CC-4 licensed OCW (https://ocw.mit.edu/)

Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA

Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality and Virtual Harbin (Paperback) with index. 2016. Berkeley, CA: Academic Press at World University and School 
Prof Scott GK MacLeod (Author) ~ http://tinyurl.com/p62rpcg ~

Book Publication

I published my first book, a large anthropology entitled "Naked Harbin Ethnography: Hippies, Warm Pools, Counterculture, Clothing-Optionality and Virtual Harbin" (Paperback) with index. 2016. Berkeley, CA: Academic Press at World University and School 

Canyon, Contra Costa county, California, USA

I also incorporated the online WUaS Press in 2017 at this address (670A Ridgecrest Rd) in Canyon, CA, 94516 as a for-profit legal entity in CA. Both a) World University & School AND b) WUaS Corp are planned in 200 countries & 7,117 living languages

Academic Press at World Univ & Sch planned for all 7,117 living languages with machine translation

I also incorporated the online WUaS Press - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html - in 2017 at this address (670A Ridgecrest Rd) in Canyon, CA, 94516 as a for-profit legal entity in CA. Both a) World University & School AND b) WUaS Corp / Press are planned in 200 countries & 7,117 living languages. In doing so I officially began an Academic Press at World Univ & Sch planned for all 7,117 living languages with machine translation.

Berkeley, Alameda, California, USA

"Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry" (book) –

Book Publication

I published my second book, a first book of poetry entitled 
"Haiku-ish and Other Loving Hippie Harbin Poetry" (book) – 2017 -
Academic Press at World University and School, planned in all 8k languages, with machine translation - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html  ~

Stanford, Santa Clara, California, USA

Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering Poetry of Loving Bliss (book) –

Book Publication

I published my third book, my second book of poetry entitled "Winding Road Rainbow: Harbin, Wandering Poetry of Loving Bliss" (book) – 2018 - 

Stanford, Santa Clara, California, USA

To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality (book) – 2019 - 
Poetry Press at World University and School. http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ~

Book Publication

I published my fourth book, a book of poetry entitled "To the Dance or the Pools? ~ Virtually! How different it is to soak at Harbin Hot Springs, than to realize it in virtual reality" (book) – 2019 - https://www.amazon.com/Dance-Pools-Virtually-different-Springs/dp/0578625490 
Poetry Press at World University and School. http://worlduniversityandschool.org/AcademicPress.html ~


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