Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Lupinus stiversii: Dear Larry, (chair of the Board at World Univ & Sch, and MIT alumnus '69) * MIT Professors Wyn Kelley, Joaqin Terrones, "Nogueira talk" * * Am wondering too when WUaS can send out the July 18, 2020 WUaS Monthly Business Meeting minutes, and with the newly emerging WUaS Open edX PLATFORM, and hopefully even with a course or two * * Re this talk and anti-racism online, am wondering about how to bring together the web even with a wiki aspect to online MIT OCW-centric university degrees in Portuguese, and how Brazilians such as Nogueira, MIT Prof Terrones and academic colleagues, could help create this, on both wiki and degree sides * * Best STEM OCW-centric online World University and School Brazil and in Portuguese https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Brazil - and - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Portuguese_language - & could this great talk become a basis for Brazil WUaS, and since OCW has also been in Portuguese in the past? * * * * Bagpiping - "Stuart Liddell performs March, Strathspey and Reel at the Glenfiddich Piping Championship 2019" What's a Stuart Liddell sound in comparison with a Gordon Duncan 'sound' which Connor Sinclair played for me in a lesson not too long ago (amazingly in a way)


Dear Larry,
(chair of the Board at World Univ & Sch, and MIT alumnus '69)

- I started chatting 'privately' in Zoom video conferencing with MIT Professor Wyn Kelley, and added my email to one text message, and she emailed me, I'm glad to write. She's brilliant, receptive and engaging (see, for example, her 4 minutes' video on Moby Dick here - https://lit.mit.edu/people/wkelley/ - and she works with the New Bedford Whaling Museum in her Melville scholarship). I had emailed Yvain at MOOCit France the "Introduction to Fiction" MIT OCW course she created too - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-003-introduction-to-fiction-fall-2003/. Here's some of our conversation - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/07/lupinus-stiversii-mit-professors-wyn.html .

I haven't heard back from Yvain yet, but if MIT Profs like Wyn Kelley could do the 'migration' to the WUaS Open edX platform that would make our WUaS courses dynamically engaging. Am wondering too when WUaS can send out the July 18, 2020 Monthly Business Meeting minutes, and with the newly emerging WUaS Open edX PLATFORM, and hopefully even with a course or two. (Am wondering too what the conversation between Yvain at MOOCit France is with Open edX, and Ned and Anant, for example). In waiting mode!

Sincerely, Scott

* *

Nogueira talk


Wyn Kelley wkelley@mit.edu

Mon, Jul 27, 5:07 PM (15 hours ago)
to me
I’m glad to hear more about your program! Sorry, trying to listen to the Zoom talk as well.

Wyn Kelley
Literature Section
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Mon, Jul 27, 5:09 PM (15 hours ago)
to Wyn
Prof. Kelley, 

Fascinating video here about “Moby Dick” - https://lit.mit.edu/people/wkelley/ - and interesting to see that you work with the New Bedford Whaling Museum and which is near Cuttyhunk Island, where I’ve grown up since I was little, and with many Portuguese too ... and re MIT OCW-centric online World University and School Brazil and in Portuguese https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Brazil - and - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Portuguese_language - could this great talk become a basis for Brazil WUaS, and since MIT OCW has also been in Portuguese in the past? 

Let's follow up after the talk. Thank you!

Best regards, Scott 

I learned about this from Heather Paxson's retweeting of your - 

 for a lecture and conversation TONIGHT with Sidnei Nogueira, a leading Black queer scholar, activist, and community leader in Brazil. Free and open to everyone:  https://bit.ly/39vnFlg


- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor

- World University and School

- 415 480 4577

- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization. 


Joaquín Terrones


Wyn Kelley



Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Mon, Jul 27, 5:58 PM (15 hours ago)
to Wyn
Appreciating your literature expertise. WUaS is wiki, and also planning online accrediting degrees - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, and M.D. and I.B. - in all ~200 countries’ official / main languages, emerging from MIT OCW in 4 languages now .. so in Portuguese … and our first majors in English this autumn are English literature, EECS, Gen. Engineering, History, Gen. Science & Business - worlduniversityandschool.org. Would be exciting to stay in touch about the English literature degrees, at both Bach and Ph.D. levels! :)  

I'll email Joaquin (and you) soon - thank you! Nice to meet you in this Nogueira talk. 

Best regards, Scott


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@worlduniversityandschool.org

Jul 27, 2020, 6:01 PM (15 hours ago)
to jsterronWyn
Dear Prof Terrones, 

Thanks for this excellent Nogueira talk in Zoom. At Prof. Kelley's suggestion, I'm writing to inquire about beginning Brazil World University and School online, and out of MIT OCW (see our texting below) in Portuguese https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Brazil - and - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Portuguese_language . How might we talk about this?. 

Thank you, and regards, Scott 

Scott GK MacLeod

Re this talk and anti-racism online, am wondering about how to bring together the web even with a wiki aspect to online MIT OCW-centric university degrees in Portuguese, and how Brazilians such as Nogueira, MIT Prof Terrones and academic colleagues, could help create this, on both wiki and degree sides. Would this address some anti-racism issues of online academia, I wonder?

I would write Joaquin if you want to look into Brazilian universities and terreiros. jsterron@mit.edu

Will do. Thank you. Do you speak Portuguese re ‘tereirors’? Here’s the archived MIT OCW in Portuguese - https://web.archive.org/web/20180217213422/http://mit.ocw.universia.net/ … World University and school is also developing newly in WUaS Open edX and  seeking to offer Bachelor’s degree-oriented literature courses this autumn by migrating your OCW course for example - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-003-introduction-to-fiction-fall-2003/ - into Open edX. How could we talk further about this, I wonder? Here’s the idea - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/07/passion-vines-when-might-be-able-to.html - and where WUaS is now. Thank you!

WUaS has a translation focus - and eventually machine learning-wise (think Google Translate for all countries’ language, and eventually for universities) - am wondering when we’ll see translation in Zoom so that we can hear real time translations of the Portuguese (which could possibly address some of the implicit questions in this talk too)

How best, I wonder, further to ‘migrate’ or ‘adapt’ CC-4 MIT OCW into Open edX (at WUaS) via MOOCit France for 7-8 week long courses, and in English, and in Portuguese (as WUaS seeks to license in CA with BPPE and accredited with WASC senior, which accredits Stanford and UC Berkeley too), I’m asking myself? Education is a way to move away from racism (which may be a truism!). Thanks!

Sorry, not my expertise! But it sounds exciting.

Appreciating your literature expertise. WUaS is wiki, and also planning online accrediting degrees - Bachelor, Ph.D., Law, and M.D. and I.B. - in all ~200 countries’ official languages, emerging from MIT OCW in 4 languages now .. so in Portuguese … and our first majors in English this autumn are English literature, EECS, Gen. Engineering, History, Gen. Science & Business. Would be exciting to stay in touch about the English literature degrees, at both Bach and Ph.D. levels! :)  


passion vines: Upcoming WUaS Open edX platform - When might we be able to email out this new wuAs oPEN EDx platform, and the links to these 3-4 WUaS courses, for our WUaS prospective students to begin studying around September 1, 2020 even? ... https://open.edx.org/marketplace/moocit/ ~


* * *

Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Mon, Jul 27, 2:01 PM (19 hours ago)
to Taylor
Hi Taylor,

Just came across this Stuart Liddell Glen Fiddich 2019 performance (I think) - https://vimeo.com/371359345 - and since we're just beginning to explore Hornpipes and Jigs (albeit with not enough of them in your CoP Blue Tutor Vol. 3 compared with my Blue Tutor due to versions), I thought you might like to hear this 'perfect' MSR with 'perfect' drones too. What's the difference in words between the strathspey and reel for you? Gary West (my tutor at the Univ. of Edinburgh in 2003-04, & head of BBC Piping Live) introduces, and they're both performing Scottish-ness on the internet (I'm an anthropologist as well) in interesting ways. Am planning to play the reel on my upcoming "Honey in the Bag" album (and can play with Stuart here even on my B flat chanter on SSP:). And what do you think of the five piping forms on Michael Grey's M S R HP J in the 2010 Livingstone Invitational
https://youtu.be/NQ7E-hS0NGo compared with Stuart Liddell's MSR here (let's come back to Michael Grey's 'visionary' St. Kilda video and piobaireachd later)? I may explore listening to each of these again - the MSR and the MSRHPJ - and by kind of dancing to them standing up to get the forms further into my bodymind! :)

Re-posted the MSR on FB, and separately re-posted a related Stuart Liddell / Gordon Duncan blog post - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/2020/03/grey-seal-gordon-duncan-and-stuart.html - re what's a Stuart Liddell sound in comparison with a Gordon Duncan 'sound' which Connor Sinclair played for me in a lesson not too long ago (amazingly in a way). All of this, too, re expressivity (and per these Guidelines too - http://scottmacleod.com/GuidelinesPracticingMusicalInstrument.htm)

I now have space to set up my keyboard piano again (having cleaned my place yesterday) ... and will begin to explore on it the A and D chanters' 9 notes, and the B flat chanter, on sheet music (digital and paper), and potentially for writing harmony too. :)

See you Thursday  - and for the Hornpipe and Jig in the Scots' Guards' book (and let's explore the D chanter further here too:)!

Musical cheers, 

- Scott MacLeod


Scott MacLeod sgkmacleod@gmail.com

Mon, Jul 27, 7:01 PM (14 hours ago)
to Taylor
It's interesting to me that all 4 bagpipe forms - strathspeys, reels, hornpipes and jigs - are all dance forms ... may explore both dancing with each form differentially, as well as playing with Stuart Liddell's reel here metronomically :)


* *

Stuart Liddell performs March, Strathspey and Reel at the Glenfiddich Piping Championship 2019

Stuart Liddell performs March, Strathspey and Reel at the Glenfiddich Piping Championship 2019 from The National Piping Centre on Vimeo.


Michael Grey, MSRHPJ, 2010 Livingstone Invitational


* * 

Hi Taylor, 

Regarding Stuart Liddell's Glen Fiddich video, I see a meditative mind (possibly even learned in part from the drones) - so a Scottish meditation in a sense (and also re Sal Khan's Zen desk too) and remarkable mastery learning in Stuart. 

I tried 'dancing' experimentally last night with Michael Grey's MSR HP J - and while I could imagine myself slaloming to the HP, I didn't find the jig very danceable at all. He wrote this, and he also composes Scottish pipe music in interesting complex rhythms 12/8s or similar for example, - and the jigs I like and find danceable as dance tunes I hope to be able to share with you in one way or another at some point.  

As a heads' up, my smartphone died last Friday morning, and a new one is supposed to come on Thursday by around 5, and to a friends' house in Berkeley (since the shipper wouldn't send it to Canyon 94516, possibly because it might be risky). And my neighbor, and my landlady's fiance, wants to test mesh networking wifi tomorrow, Wednesday, afternoon. If something breaks, it's possible I won't have any connectivity on Thursday whatsoever. Will try to keep you informed in one way or another (but i'm letting you know here just in case). Am planning to be online on Thursday at this point.  

Musical regards, 

- Scott MacLeod

* * 
Edward Smyth
Jul 28, 2020, 9:31 PM (10 hours ago)
to me

That's great.  I'll be here!

Scott MacLeod
8:24 AM (2 minutes ago)
to Edward

Great, Ed! Thank you! 

I see a meditative mind (possibly even learned in part in conversation with the drones) - regarding Stuart Liddell's Glen Fiddich video - https://vimeo.com/371359345 - so a Scottish MEDITATION in a sense (and also re Sal Khan's Zen desk too - more about this elsewhere in my blog, I think) and remarkable mastery learning in Stuart. 

Just shared this above and this below with someone I'm giving Scottish small piping lessons to. 

(And I tried 'dancing' experimentally the other night with Michael Grey's MSR HP J - https://youtu.be/NQ7E-hS0NGo - and while I could imagine myself slaloming to the HP, I didn't find the jig very danceable at all. He wrote this tune, and he also composes Scottish pipe music in interesting complex rhythms 12/8s or similar for example, - and the jigs I like and find danceable as dance tunes I hope to be able to share with you in one way or another at some point.)

What do you think of meditation thinking here, Ed? And - https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/meditation ?  Will be learning further about bagpiping meditation from Stuart on my upcoming smartphone - Thank you! 

Fondly, Scott 
Have posted some of the above here too - 

- Scott MacLeod
- http://scottmacleod.com 



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