Scott MacLeod
Thu, Aug 6, 1:21 PM (5 days ago)
to Janie, David
So comic it'll bring tears of mirth to your eyes?
Do either of you know
By Henry Fielding - ?
It's so very funny, and is considered the first great English novel - and about 100 years before "Far from the Madding Crowd."
If Henry Fielding sets the 'program' in motion (the English novel), what does this entail, I wonder? And what's the 'comic program' about - engaging literary criticism metaphors adapted from the Information Technology age, and way beyond the significance of the 'city' in the Victorian novel - re psychology (Madding Crowd:) ?
How best also to extrapolate from "Tom Jones" to the 'comic' - in life, our lives even? :))) New book group is begun :))
- Scott MacLeod
Year 1749 -
3rd paragraph from end in letter introduction - files/6593/6593-h/6593-h.htm -
"For these purposes I have employed all the wit and humour of which I am master in the following history; wherein I have endeavoured to laugh mankind out of their favourite follies and vices. How far I have succeeded in this good attempt, I shall submit to the candid reader, with only two requests: First, that he will not expect to find perfection in this work; and Secondly, that he will excuse some parts of it, if they fall short of that little merit which I hope may appear in others."
I was half thinking I might see mirth in his face of the author of but not in these drawings ? Am partial to this painting of him - 155 - ...
" ... one of the "three most perfect plots ever planned,""(per Coleridge) - wiki/The_History_of_Tom_Jones, _a_Foundling - perfect plot is high praise indeed for a key first British novel, or a 'Bildungsroman' and a 'picaresque novel' !
Is Henry Fielding in 'Tom Jones,' writing from his experience? Could be ...
10 slide presentation
Fielding was a magistrate, and a satirist, too !
Fond regards, Scott
Ma, David,
I looked up 'funniest parts of Tom Jones foundling' - and this lit crit writes that it's pretty funny too -
And I just saw there's a 1963 Tom Jones' film - to extend this email book group into an email Tom Jones' film group too! (By someone named Finney - from Finland way back ? :) .. but while this isn't yet free on Youtube (with many full movies ' blocked in country' USA), the novel is free
By Henry Fielding -
On another note, am wowed by this video of a Bishopton, Scotland, dog, which someone wiki-added to Google Street View in my blog - - and its potential for conversion even into a 3D interactive realistic virtual earth, and into Google Poly (a library of virtual objects) too, regarding making the single realistic virtual earth even more interactive (than a Second Life virtual world for ex.) ... and even, for example, for veterinary telerobotics' surgery eventually :)
And in this blog post - - you'll find George Church's 2016 video again (which I just emailed to David) also exploring aging reversal (in new ways, for me); Also, regarding my vision for my upcoming Scottish Small Pipes' album, 'Honey in the Bag,' I think I found the compact disc's cover photo here ... and regarding vision further, I'd like to kind of 'beam down' teleport in such Scottish alien kilted garb - like in Star Trek ("beam me up, Scotty" ?:) - and then teleport my listeners with my ray gun Scottish small pipes to another world. :) (and also on the A, D and B flat chanters, with middle 'baritone' drone playing a fifth on some tunes).
So are we moving ahead with one of the most COMIC and greatest novels ever written, 'Tom Jones'? :) ... at least on Youtube video ... in our online booky-filmy-internety book group (since it all began with the pen on paper - and from Fielding's mind!)? :)
Fondly, Scott
Have explored the Scottish Small Pipes''beam me up' idea in both of these blog posts too:
- :)
- Scott MacLeod
Tom Jones tumbles across the opportunity for --- a tumble
Tom Jones Official Trailer #1 - Albert Finney Movie (1963) HD
Tom Jones 1963 Movie
Tony Richardson: "Tom Jones", 1963. The Hunting Scene
* * *
Ma, Ann,
Five horses just ran down from the top of the massif - first time I had seen them that high - across a beautiful golden hillside, and came up to me. The foal was first, and she and 3 others let me stroke their heads and necks. We're friends. The blond one is standoffish however. Then they started walking down the road, and I was behind them, and it was a bit like we were all going for a walk together, me way behind. But they're very responsive and friendly, but act as a herd. I'm learning from all the little things, and Youtube videos as well, about horse psychology, and wanna have some treats the next time I see them, but I don't see them every time. Time to get some horse cookies or similar! :) It's a beautiful sight to see them run together, and they're also beautiful creatures, but not as picture perfect horses as the ones I saw on Saturday, and blogged about in passing here -
Do you have horses at the ranch, Annie, these days? How are you both? I hope this finds you well!
Love, Scott
Jane MacLeod
Mon, Aug 10, 7:10 PM (16 hours ago)
to me
Hi Scott,
That was a lovely account of your walk with the horses. Sounds like you all have bonded, even while, as wild animals, they need to keep their distance.
I’m off to bed. Love, Ma (It was 92 today — another hot one but it’s cooling off now.
Love, Ma
Hi Ma,
Thanks for your email!
And thanks. They're domesticated in the sense of being raised on a beautiful ranch with range, by ranchers I'd think, and in a metropolitan area, if in open lands without buildings. We're beginning to connect but I give them space. And after all 4 came up to me earlier - a little forwardly (but I didn't have any food) - they seemed to take my message of getting on down the road. The foal's hoof as it moved away actually clipped my ankle, not so that it hurt, but noticeably - and they don't have the same sensitivity or proprioception that humans do with our limbs I'd think. Their hooves are great for this rough terrain and running over these golden hills. (I haven't been able to go onto the hillsides very much yet, but I may). And me and the horses seem to be able to leave each other space - and are doing so.
It sounds too hot in Pgh! ... this morning it looked like you had the sun room door closed, adn that your computer faces your kitchen. Is that right? Stay cool, and use AC. It was 81 today here, and pretty nice ,not too hot on the edge.
Am glad the horses and I have connected, and this may be the depth of it, until I try to ride one of them bareback or with saddle (with a rancher modeling this further ?::)))
Dr. Ann, Ma, (Ed),
Thanks for your nice email in this new thread, Ma, about the "Five horses just ran down from the top of the massif - first time I had seen them that high - across a beautiful golden hillside, and came up to me" email (below).
I'm no James Herriot, a Scot - wiki/James_Herriot - writing beautifully about his veterinary & surgery care and practice in the north of England published much in the 1970s, but how to get the 5 horses of Canyon 94516's Indian valley into the Oregon veterinary electronic medical records (as a backup in case of an emergency, - and brainstorming-wise) I wonder? What if these were million dollar race horses, and one got a major laceration requiring surgery and its owner flew in a vet from Oregon to perform the surgery in the field? And could avatar bot electronic medical records come to play a role here too, and for veterinary animals for surgery, for ex., and not just humans - AvatarBotElectronicMedicalReco rds?src=hashtag_click ? And regarding, too, my July 18 email to you, Ma, (part of which is below), I'm wondering about the possible "recreational cannabis - medical marijuana distinction - on US states' legal bases ... " and how this might be applied via electronic medical records even, - and also regarding the 'illegal sex trade' - since I'd think in this time of coronavirus pandemic 'clean up' that illegal behavior that's difficult for societies to regulate or control, but potentially harmful and damaging, could be newly controlled to prevent harm to others with electronic medical records. (Realism-wise, it's not easy to lessen, totally, the harm to others by illegal behavior, but with more information, it could be possible to regulate it better, for ex. ... and with implications for the next very serious global epidemic, or even pandemic, whatever meanings this word is taking on; seems likely that Nevada and the Netherlands already have electronic medical records for the legal sex trade, for example).
Dr. Ann, what are electronic medical records for veterinary animals like in Oregon, and how do these compare to electronic medical records for people in Oregon (in the EPIC system for example, and possibly newly in something emerging from Project Baseline), I wonder? But how to get the 5 horses of Canyon 94516's Indian valley into the Oregon veterinary electronic medical records? :) (And can I start this simply with a video from my smartphone and even into Google Poly, a library of virtual objects, for eventual tele-robotic surgery, - skipping the Oregon veterinary doctor flying in by helicopter :) ?)
Thanks, Ma, for this new 'The Horses' email thread and regarding "Five horses just ran down from the top of the massif - first time I had seen them that high - across a beautiful golden hillside, and came up to me" (below).
Your writing relative, :)
Is this the state of electronic medical records for veterinary animals, Ann? -
state of Oregon Vet Forms
July 18, 2020
I might be interested to learn about the test, its results, and how the information came out, and even in terms of medical anthropology questions. And, for example, how does one know there aren't multiple public health issues on Cuttyhunk that aren't being addressed either medically or legally? (Am wondering, for example, about the illegal sex trade, - and the inns on Cuttyhunk). As I've emailed David Thurston before, I wonder if the recreational cannabis - medical marijuana distinction - on US states' bases - could be applied to the illegal sex trade for example, and even with the new Google-Apple Coronavirus tracing App, for more than genetic virual epidemics. The law's the thing (and then sociocultural processes beyond this, societally), and newly with regards to such a Google-Apple Coronavirus tracing App for more than genetic viruses, and into even avatar bot electronic medical records (which I don't think is yet happening either in Massachusetts, since Covid-19 testing is such a mess, and also not in California.
August 10, 200
Five horses just ran down from the top of the massif - first time I had seen them that high - across a beautiful golden hillside, and came up to me. The foal was first, and she and 3 others let me stroke their heads and necks. We're friends. The blond one is standoffish however. Then they started walking down the road, and I was behind them, and it was a bit like we were all going for a walk together, me way behind. But they're very responsive and friendly, but act as a herd. I'm learning from all the little things, and Youtube videos as well, about horse psychology, and wanna have some treats the next time I see them, but I don't see them every time. Time to get some horse cookies or similar! :) It's a beautiful sight to see them run together, and they're also beautiful creatures, but not as picture perfect horses as the ones I saw on Saturday, and blogged about in passing here - https://scott-macleod. reyes-national-seashore- orange.html .
Do you have horses at the ranch, Annie, these days? How are you both? I hope this finds you well!
Love, Scott
Equine Emergencies
1) Colic and Acute Diarrhea/Colitis. The “C” word can strike fear into even the most experienced horse owner. ...
2) Lacerations and Puncture Wounds. ...
3) Sudden onset, severe lameness. ...
4) Esophageal obstruction a.k.a. “Choke” ...
5) Ophthalmic emergencies. ...
6) Fever. ...
7) Increased respiratory effort at rest. ...
8) Laminitis.
More items...
Equine Emergencies - Ocean State Equine Associates
http://www.oceanstateequine. com/client-education/equine- emergencies/
1) Colic and Acute Diarrhea/Colitis. The “C” word can strike fear into even the most experienced horse owner. ...
2) Lacerations and Puncture Wounds. ...
3) Sudden onset, severe lameness. ...
4) Esophageal obstruction a.k.a. “Choke” ...
5) Ophthalmic emergencies. ...
6) Fever. ...
7) Increased respiratory effort at rest. ...
8) Laminitis.
More items...
Equine Emergencies - Ocean State Equine Associates
* * *
Sri Lanka WUaS
Mon, Aug 10, 10:14 AM (1 day ago)
to me, WUaS, Rohit, india, Rohit, Scott, Nidahas, nidahasvidyalaya, livestream, Peter, mazumdarp, Marisol, Hostsave, Scott
Hi !
Sri Lanka WUaS will postpone enrollments to the next intake as the Open edX platform is not ready yet and the National High School Exams have been postponed due to Covid-19.
Hi Rifai, Sri Lanka WUaS, All,
If WUaS is fortunate, and as our free starter kit with MOOCit France ends around August 14th, on an emerging WUaS Open edX platform, I hope some folks at Open edX beyond MOOCit France (MIT graduate students of Anant and Wyn???) will help migrate a few CC-4 MIT OCW courses, cutting them in half too, for up to 50 WUaS students (per MOOCit France's terms) to begin studying at WUaS online in English. I think WUaS will be much further along for Sri Lanka World University and School students later in the year, or for the 1st of January, 2021, but if you happen to hear of anyone looking to matriculate before then (like Shahbaz in India has - and he wanted to matriculate in January of 2019), please let me know.
Hopefully WUaS can get further IT structure going from English, Sinhala and Hindi (and German and Quechua) translations soon - view/worlduniversityandschool - view/worlduniversityandschool/ srilanka - https://sites. worlduniversityandschool/india !
Just added this Google Sites' links to the August 5, 2020
Minutes for July 18, 2020 Minutes for 1) World Univ & Sch's Monthly Business Meeting, & 2) the WUaS Corp:
Regards, Scott
* *
Status of resignation from WUAS Board
Hello Scott,
I hope you are keeping well.
I am writing to confirm what exactly is my formal status at WUAS. A few years back, we had discussed that I would not be able to serve as a WUAS Board member and have not in fact participated in any recent Board meetings over the last few years.
In case our understanding has been different, please reconfirm that I am not any longer listed anywhere as a WUAS Board member, or otherwise, ensure that this is no longer the case, with immediate effect. My other commitments do not allow for taking on such assignments.
I will not be back in the USA till late this year. I hope you are staying safe and well.
Best wishes,
On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 1:32 AM Scott MacLeod <sgkmacleod@> wrote:
Dear World Universitians, and friends,
World Univ & Sch is developing toward free-to-students' online best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric universities and degrees in all ~200 countries - wiki/Nation_States - and wiki schools for open teaching and learning in all 7,117 known living languages, accessible from - https://wiki. wikidLanguages. Thank you too for your generous contributions to World Univ & Sch.
Here and attached are the Minutes for July 18, 2020 Minutes for 1) World Univ & Sch's Monthly Business Meeting, & 2) the WUaS Corp:I'm posting them in the body of this email too for the vision impaired.The next OPEN WUaS Monthly Business Meeting is on Sat., August 15, 2020, at 9 am PT (and email if you'd like to participate), Sincerely, Scott
- wiki/Nation_States - wiki/Languages Minutes for Sat July 18, 2020World University and SchoolMonthly Business Meeting1Via Open edX service partner MOOC-it France, World Univ & Sch has started its very first course - "WUAS 002 Circuits and Electronics Introduction" - on the emergent WUaS Open edX platform -WUAS 002 Circuits and Electronics Introduction - which you probably can't access above, but you can see further beginnings here: corniculatus-glad-to-announce- new.html (and about WUaS's 6 majors). "WUAS 002 Circuits and Electronics Introduction" is emerging also from courses/electrical- engineering-and-computer- science/6-002-circuits-and- electronics-spring-2007/ . 2World Univ & Sch seeks to matriculate 50 undergraduate students beginning 9/1/20 via the emergent WUaS Open edX platform & is like Wikipedia in ~300 languages, with the best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare (OCW) in current 4 languages - ~ with these 6 majors - 1) EECS, 2) General Science, 3) General Engineering, 4) English, 5) History, 6) Business - for free-to-students' best STEM CC-4 OpenCourseWare-centric Bachelor degrees. 1291131079785451521?s=20 1291131388649865216?s=20 1291131632133345280?s=20 More about the developing emergent WUaS Open edX platform via MOOCit France here - right-whale-wuas-news-1-1st. html ... Like with Open edX courses, WUaS students would initially simply sign up for their courses on something like the WUaS Open edX platform, in part. (You at WUaS - wiki/You_at_World_University - will eventually be part of this WUaS sign-in process). Students will potentially matriculate online from all ~200 countries in the world, first in English. 3World University and School in French (in the 29 out of 206 countries where French is an official language), and in Brazil in Portughese for example, will follow with time.For example, at France World Univ & Sch wiki/France (planned in French) at Brazil World Univ & Sch wiki/Brazil (planned in Portuguese) 4In addition to creating a realistic virtual earth for drawing (per the WUaS Agenda & News), WUaS is seeking to create a single realistic virtual earth for everything, including a realistic virtual earth for languages - ges?src=hashtag_click - in something like Google Street View with TIME SLIDER, Maps, Earth, Tensor Flow, Second Life for group buildable avatars and places, and Samsung Neons for realistic 'artificial humans.' Was glad to see newly Maps in Glottolog - glottolog?iso=cmn#12/40.0209/ 116.2280 (with its 8,515 entries in languages - glottolog/language). Another related big focus of World Univ & Sch is a GREAT Universal Translator for all 7,117 known living languages - wiki/WUaS_Universal_Translator -
and even a translator for all 8,515 entries in languages per Glottolog.5In developing WUaS Open edX, WUaS seeks at this stage to plan for all 7.5 billion people on planet earth as wiki-Universitians for open teaching and learning among speakers of all 7117 living language - wiki/You_at_World_University - as well as for matriculating WUaS students in 200 countries, and even for UBI experiments to distribute a single cryptocurrency backed by most of ~200 countries' central banks, and significantly to alleviate poverty. Here wiki-universitians would be able to wiki-create courses too in the emerging WUaS Open edX, and again in all 7,117 living languages. (WUaS seeks, also, to collaborate with sister wiki project, WikiTree, which is planning a single Family Tree presumably for all 7.5 billion people in these regards). 6Sri Lanka World University and School is helping to focus developing WUaS on Google Sites in 4 languages, Sinhala, Hindi, German and Quechua. M. Rifai at Sri Lanka World University and School is WUaS's first chancellor of about 200 chancellors in all ~200 countries' WUaS universities in those countries' official languages, and in order to communicate effectively with the Sri Lanka Minister of Education, and the Minister of Finance there, for example.7World University and School Youtube Livestreams and recordings have recently begun again on - - which is the main WUaS Youtube channel. * * * *Minutes for July 18, 2020 WUaS Corporation Board MeetingWUaS PressACryptocurrency of note needs stabilizing from risks of price fluctuation in a free market? 1-4k-in-minutes how best to plan for #SingleCryptoCurrency in 200 countries wiki/Nation_States
& official languages with #UBIexperiments to alleviate poverty among 7.5 billion people? 20 1289974137511763968?s=20 1289974351664562178?s=20 1289974258437722112?s=20 1289973630479167488?s=20 1289973930841608192?s=20 right-whale-wuas-news-1-1st. html BHow to go from genetic tests into the Google-Apple coronavirus tracing App into electronic medical records - and for people in all ~200 countries even via #AvatarBotElectronicMedicalReco rds - AvatarBotElectronicMedicalReco rds?src=hashtag_click - and even for #UBIexperiments for all 7.5 billion people on the planet to alleviate poverty - https://wiki. wiki/You_at_World_University ?
You at WUaS - wiki/You_at_World_University ( planned for 7.5 billion people) at worlduniversityandschool. org (which, again, is ike best STEM CC-4 OCW in 4 languages with Wikipedia in 300 languages)
and for 200 online Med Schools with online teaching hospitals too - wiki/World_University_Medical_ School - wiki/Hospital - wiki/Nation_States - wiki/Languages Cwith WUaS Robotics - #LegoRobotics - for #WUaSHomeRobotics specs-price in what ways can the #WUaSEducationalServicesStore begin to carry the Google Pixel 4a smartphone in all 200 countries' languages https://wiki. wiki/Nation_States - http:// AcademicPress.html
@WorldUnivAndSch - 20 1290364063743016962?s=20 1290365028411924480?s=20 1290365455740235777?s=20 1290366375446237185?s=20 --- Scott MacLeod - Founder, President & Professor- World University and School- 415 480 4577- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
Scott MacLeod
Sun, Aug 9, 8:15 AM (2 days ago)
to Larry, Govind
Dear Govind (and Larry),
Thank you for your email of resignation from the World University and School Board (which is the first I've heard of this). I've removed your name and this information from - :
Govindan ("Govind") Nair (USA, Australia; English, French, Spanish, Standard Malay, Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia):
(As you may have read in the July 18, 2020 email I sent to a Reed College group email, including you, regarding my 'whistle-blowing' about concerns with Reed and the illegal drug trade and the illegal sex trade - in a time when some universities have been seeming to dig themselves out of these deep morasses (eg MIT) - I'm interested for World University and School and its Board to be 'squeaky clean' models of a vision of the law-abidance, and the spirit of the law even, and internationally, in these regards).
And as you may have been reading, Sri Lanka World Univ & Sch in the Sinhala language is developing, and the head of Sri Lanka WUaS has recently become the first of about 200 chancellors at WUaS - (and search on Sri Lanka WUaS and similar) in order to be able to talk with the Sri Lankan minister of education, and the minister of finance and similar.
Regarding Malaysia WUaS I'm hoping something similar will emerge with time - - and WUaS newly in the WUaS Open edX platform is seeking English-speaking Malaysian students to begin matriculating at WUaS even as early as September 1, 2020, so please let Malaysian 18 year olds know of this free-to-student's best STEM CC-4 OCW Bachelor degree opportunity.
And, Govind, please let me know if / when WUaS, by way of thanks, can re-add your name to the WUaS Board Emeriti here -
I'll leave you on the WUaS Monthly Business Meeting email list until I hear otherwise.
Best wishes, Scott
July 18, 2020
Hi Amy, Govind, Konrad, All,
Can you please remove me from this email list? (My thinking for this is below). Other reasons include, Amy, besides the concern I shared with you in June 2019 at the Reed Alumni gathering in the Performing Arts' Center, I think, about Reed Alumni databases and possibly the illegal sex trade, internationally too, am also concerned regarding the email that came from Dave Brauer yesterday, about the possible illicit drug trade re Reed Alumni databases and communications (simply as I glance through the list). Am seeking to get CC-4 OCW best STEM-centric World Univ & Sch off the ground on good ethical footing. Thank you!
Friendly greetings, Scott
Hi Dave, (Govind, Konrad) and All,
Can you please remove me from this email list? (My thinking for this is below). Thank you!
Friendly greetings, Scott
CC-4 best STEM OCW wiki World University & School's open monthly business meeting Agenda for June 20, 2020:
Hi Amy,
Thanks for your email clarification. Reed sometimes seeks to negate networking when seeking to facilitate it at the same time.
I think I'm going to cancel my registration for the Reed meeting this Saturday because of this.
As you probably know, not only has the big free-to-students' educational project I'm developing not become financially operational yet (and WUaS became a non-profit in 2010, and a parallel for-profit in 2017) - so WUaS is very impoverished, but WUaS has posted every time on our open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting Agenda & News as well as Minutes the following:
"World University and School is sending you this because of your interest in free, online, higher education. If you don't want to receive these, please reply with 'unsubscribe' in the body of the email, leaving the subject line intact. Thank you."
And a number of FAR participants have asked to be unsubscribed, for example; I'm an appreciator of individual choice in these matters, especially when they could be interested in getting information about such a product, and even benefit from it significantly too (like an online free-to-students' Oregon Law School at WUaS, which Reed graduates could also matriculate at and graduate from, - and help create innovations-wise).
Also, WUaS is planning to code for matriculating students in all ~200 countries' official languages, native speakers in all 7,117 known living languages as WUaS wiki teachers and learners, and then for all 7.5 billion people on the planet - potentially for UBI experiments (in ~200 countries' languages, which our WUaS Law School would teach to) too, and significantly to potentially alleviate poverty, The Coronavirus tracing app, which Germans downloaded 6.5 million times in the 1st 24 hours - - may become a precursor to this. (WUaS, brainstorming-wise, is planning to code for 7.5 billion people for these 5 reasons - - and entrepreneurially too).
Some of the above could be considered entrepreneurially 'Reedpreneurs in the Pandemic Era' opportunities, but I'm somehow not feeling an opening toward connecting and networking with Reedies somehow in these regards. Alas. Thanks for your help, and I won't attend the meeting on Saturday.
Best wishes, Scott
Here are some brainstorming emails today and yesterday to mostly good Reedie friends from the first half of the 1980s - - ending with the email I included you on (re WUaS's 2 wings), and re my letting my Reedie friends know about this upcoming 'Reedpreneurs in the Pandemic Era' meeting. Thanks again.
Amy, Re the UBI experiments idea: ... so a listserv wouldn't work well re planning for matriculating students in all ~200 countries' languages, and speakers of all 7,117 and wiki Universitians. Best wishes, Scott
Govind Nair
Sun, Aug 9, 10:56 AM (2 days ago)
to me, Larry
Thanks Scott. You can leave me on the emeritus.list as you wish.
Best wishes,
Scott MacLeod
Aug 10, 2020, 4:35 PM (19 hours ago)
to Govind, Larry
Thanks, Govind,
Just re-added you here -
Best wishes, Scott
Here's today's WUaS News Q & A Livestream
and the August 5, 2020
Minutes for July 18, 2020 Minutes for 1) World Univ & Sch's Monthly Business Meeting, & 2) the WUaS Corp:
And here's the beginnings of our first WUaS Open edX course from MIT OCW - !
Let's stay in touch particularly about Malaysia WUaS - If WUaS is fortunate, and as our free starter kit with MOOCit France ends around August 14th, on an emerging WUaS Open edX platform, I hope some folks at Open edX beyond MOOCit France (MIT graduate students of Anant and Wyn???) will help migrate a few CC-4 MIT OCW courses, cutting them in half too, for up to 50 WUaS students (per MOOCit France's terms) to begin studying at WUaS online in English. I think WUaS will be much further along for Malaysia World University and School students later in the year, or for the 1st of January, 2021, but if you happen to hear of anyone looking to matriculate before then (like Shahbaz Sanjer in India has in enrolling in the WUaS English major for 9/1/20 - and he wanted to matriculate in January of 2019), please let me know.
Am curious too how MIT OCW economics' courses will migrate to WUaS Open edX - ...
* * *
| ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
I am a retired professor from the University of New Hampshire working for many years on global education with institutions such as ISSIP, Erasmus, Fulbright, and WEEF. I do believe we have talked to each other a couple of years ago. I am including my short VC for your perusal.
I would like to introduce Mr. Mariusz Sawinski, VicePresident of the Warsaw Linguistic University in Warsaw, Poland. The school is very ambitious working on different aspect of global education. I believe that this connection maybe in a mutual interest.
I hope you may start a direct dialog and if desired I would be more than happy to use my expertise and experience to make this new connection fruitful.
My warmest regards,
Andrzej Rucinski, Professor Emeritus
University of New Hampshire
From: Meeting WorldUniversity <meeting@>
Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 8:18 PM
To: Info WorldUniversity <info@>
Subject: Minutes for WUaS MBM on 7/18/20 - A
Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 8:18 PM
To: Info WorldUniversity <info@
Subject: Minutes for WUaS MBM on 7/18/20 - A
| Mon, Aug 10, 11:57 AM (1 day ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Dear Andrzej, and Mariusz,
It's very nice to hear from you, Andrzej, and thank you for your email. And greetings, Mariusz! I just attended an ISSIP meeting last week, and blogged about this here - https://scott-macleod. parakeet-bishopton-scotland- dog.html.
I also blogged, Andrezej, about our talks in 2014 here, with video -
And I just found this video, Mariusz, but unfortunately I don't speak Polish (although World Univ & Sch seeks to develop a great Universal Translator) -
[TG#01] Fireside Talk: Grzegorz Zwoliński & Mariusz Sawiński o rynku nanosatelit [PL]
[TG#01] Fireside Talk: Grzegorz Zwoliński & Mariusz Sawiński o rynku nanosatelit [PL]
(And I've found this - http://allianceforinnovation. - and this as well - http://allianceforinnovation.
And here's MIT OCW-centric wiki World University and School WUaS News Livestream Q & A from today -
World Univ & Sch News and Q & A 8/10/20 1) Seeking matriculating undergrads for 9/1/2020 MBM Minutes
(I'm the founder and head of WUaS).
Mariusz, would you (or both of you) like to meet in this to talk a bit further (or in some other way)? And what "very ambitious" "different aspect of global education" are you working on? We could meet next Monday or soon thereafter.
And here are the beginnings of Poland World University and School - https://wiki. wiki/Poland - planned in the Polish language (https://wiki. wiki/Languages) for free-to-students', online, MIT OCW-centric Bachelor, Ph.D.s, Law, MD and IB high school degrees. This autumn, potentially, WUaS is seeking undergraduate students to matriculate at MIT OCW-centric WUaS for free-to-students' Bachelor degrees first in English, if you know of any Poles who might be interested.
Looking forward to communicating further about this.
Warmest regards, Scott
Here are the Minutes, FYI, from last month's open WUaS Monthly Business Meeting (loosely in the manner of Quakers)
- https:// worlduniversityandschool. for-sat-jul-18-2020-world- univ.html -
- Scott MacLeod - Founder & President
- World University and School
- CC World University and School - like CC Wikipedia with best STEM-centric CC OpenCourseWare - incorporated as a nonprofit university and school in California, and is a U.S. 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt educational organization.
* * *
And I explore at some length in the WUaS News yesterday genetic testing (for mutating viruses even) into the Google-Apple Coronavirus tracing App into electronic medical records ... for all 7.5 billion people even, brainstorming-wise ...
World Univ & Sch News and Q & A 8/10/20 1) Seeking matriculating undergrads for 9/1/2020 MBM Minutes
* * *
Booky-groupy, filmy-groupy afficianados, David, Jane,
Some video Youtubes of Tom Jones (from 1963):
Tom Jones tumbles across the opportunity for --- a tumble
Tom Jones Official Trailer #1 - Albert Finney Movie (1963) HD
Tom Jones 1963 Movie
Tony Richardson: "Tom Jones", 1963. The Hunting Scene
- and a blog post this and much more - https://scott-macleod. epiphyllum-oxypetalum-so- comic-itll.html - with an ever-too-long title :)
Tom Jones tumbles across the opportunity for --- a tumble
Tom Jones Official Trailer #1 - Albert Finney Movie (1963) HD
Tom Jones 1963 Movie
Tony Richardson: "Tom Jones", 1963. The Hunting Scene
- and a blog post this and much more - https://scott-macleod.
Fondly, Scott