Channel: Scott MacLeod's Anthropology of Information Technology & Counterculture
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Ridgway's rail: 'Heat came to this land In summer California And dry inland driftwood Looked like bleached cattle skulls Lining the wAy to scorch. Time to head to Harbin At least #VirtualHarbin" * * * Add #JohnMcPhee's geology books into 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForGeology, text in sidebar in #StreetView w #TimeSlider + & for archaeology esp, & with #AvatarBots #ArtificialHumans eg as individual archaeologists ... with a #FilmTo3D app? & re a #RealisticVirtualHarbin too! :) * * * Greats from Oakland CA: #JimiHendrix #KamalaDeviHarris with #OaklandRadicalism & #1960s-informed too #LongHairLeadership ? * * * Would love to teach "Society & Information Technology" this fall to WUaS's 2nd online matriculating undergraduate class from ~200 countries * * * World Univ & Sch is seeking to begin matriculating undergraduate students


Aug 14
Heat came to this land
In summer California
And dry inland driftwood
Looked like bleached cattle skulls
Lining the wAy to scorch.
Time to head to Harbin
At least #VirtualHarbin
For online soaking
In #RealisticVirtualHarbin
From home
In fragrant waters
So cool



* * *

The Mind of John McPhee
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/28/magazine/the-mind-of-john-mcphee.html (in Tor?)
Begin McPhee's geology books into 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForSTEM, - text in sidebar in #StreetView with TIME SLIDER


Add #JohnMcPhee's geology books into 1 #RealisticVirtualEarthForGeology, text in sidebar in #StreetView w #TimeSlider + & for archaeology esp, & with #AvatarBots #ArtificialHumans eg as individual archaeologists ... with a #FilmTo3D app? & re a #RealisticVirtualHarbin too! :)


* * *
Greats from Oakland CA: #JimiHendrix https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimi_Hendrix -#KamalaDeviHarris https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamala_Harris with #OaklandRadicalism & #1960s-informed too #LongHairLeadership ? (am growing my hair long in developing @WorldUnivAndSch & am not from Oakland!)  https://scott-macleod.blogspot.com/search/label/1960s ~




* * *
Would love to teach "Society & Information Technology" - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html& am seeking to teach "Network Society, Information Technology & the Global University" @scottmacleod @sgkmacleod this fall to WUaS's 2nd online matriculating undergraduate class from ~200 countries



Would love to teach "Society & Information Technology" - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html @WorldUnivAndSch & am seeking to teach "Network Society, Information Technology & Global University" @sgkmacleod this fall to WUaS's 2nd online matriculating undergraduate class from ~200 countries


Would love to teach "Society & Information Technology" - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html @WorldUnivAndSch & am seeking to teach "Network Society, Information Technology & Global University" @scottmacleod this fall to WUaS's 2nd online matriculating undergraduate class from ~200 countries


* * * *
World Univ & Sch is seeking to begin matriculating undergraduate students

Hi Shahbaz, 

Monthly Business Meeting for World Univ & Sch just closed, and WUaS would like to ask if you have any credit for college courses? 
And how many courses do you want to take this semester?
And how many courses do you want to take this autumn 2020 (thinking in terms of full MIT OCW courses, but possibly divided into 2, and conceptually like ones on the edX or Open edX platform, but possibly from other platforms)?
Are there any specific courses you'd like to take?
(And, as WUaS begins to seek these courses out, in something like edX, WUaS would like to inquire if you have any specific courses you'd like to take at this stage, eg from here - https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/ or other OCW brainstorming-wise - https://ocw.mit.edu/). 

Please tell me immediately. 
(WUaS may recommend some courses after hearing from you ... including possibly Lego Robotics' English courses, as well as - http://worlduniversityandschool.org/InfoTechNetworkSocGlobalUniv.html ). 

Best regards, Scott

Hi Scott,

I don't have any credit for college courses in Humanities.

I would like to know about the courses that are available and how would they qualify me to earn a degree in English Literature.


Scott MacLeod
12:10 PM (10 hours ago)
to Larry, Shahbaz

Dear Shahbaz and Larry,

Thanks for your reply, Shahbaz.

Re your mentioning Humanities, and regarding an English major at World University and School as WUaS proceeds with CA licensing and (WASC senior) accreditation planning, I think it would be great if you have the time this autumn for you to take 2-3 courses that would lead to an online free-to-students' Bachelor's degree, with your taking approximately 40 semester-long courses - think 15-week long MIT OCW courses - over 4 years, with the MIT OCW courses potentially divided in half.

This degree would include your taking courses in your English major, as well as distribution requirements. As an example of distribution requirements, and which WUaS will seek to build upon, see these Reed College distribution requirements - https://www.reed.edu/registrar/pdfs/distribution-requirements-effective-fall-2019.pdf. (I graduated from Reed College in the first half of the 1980s).

Regarding your interest in majoring in English, WUaS will seek too to build from the English major requirements here - https://www.reed.edu/english/requirements.html . And since "The department strongly recommends that all majors take at least one course in each of the principal literary genres: poetry, drama, and fiction," here, I would suggest you explore taking some introductory courses in poetry, drama, and fiction from MIT OCW, and possibly this autumn, as well as perhaps a literary theory course. While WUaS seeks also to offer a required first year Humanities 101 - with many parallels to Reed's required Hum 110 course, but newly online so will be quite different too I hope that WUaS can have this happening for January 2021. This will inform WUaS's approach to teaching and learning even - facilitating online seminar for engaging in the conference method of teaching and learning - https://wiki.worlduniversityandschool.org/wiki/Conference_Method_of_Teaching_and_Learning - with implications for all of the courses you'll take over 4 years. And perhaps WUaS Hum 101 courses will emerge newly in edX with Riff Analytics even!

So while I found this MIT OCW course -
"Introduction to Literary Theory"
https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/literature/21l-451-introduction-to-literary-theory-fall-2014/ - which could be a good starting course for you,

it's not yet in this MIT OCW into MITx format -

And so, perhaps, with edX CEO Anant Agarwal's guidance, you could take courses from edX with the above in mind (from these courses):
Literature Courses
Learn about literature and more from the best universities and institutions around the world.

How does this sound for you?

And so, further, and as an example, here's an eight week long course from HarvardX at edX -

Poetry in America: Modernism
https://www.edx.org/course/poetry-in-america-modernism .

With this course in mind - and with Anant's guidance too - would you like to consider taking this course beginning September 1, and then after 4 weeks or so, we could begin to add another edX, or CC-4 MIT OCW into MITx, course - https://www.edx.org/course/subject/literature - of your choosing, so you'd then begin taking 2 courses beginning around October 1, 2020. All of this would allow you to begin gradually, and build up to studying a 'full load' of 3-4 MIT OCW into MITx (or similar) courses per semester (re becoming a full time student) gradually at WUaS. If you'd like me to recommend this approach to you, I'm happy to do so. Beginning with this "Poetry in America: Modernism" course - or another similar one from edX of your choosing, around September 1, 2020, would allow you to get your 'feet wet,' and begin to study toward your online English major Bachelor degree at WUaS. Please let me know your thoughts about this.


Scott MacLeod
12:58 PM (9 hours ago)
to Shahbaz, Larry

Shahbaz and Larry,

Shakespeare on the Page and in Performance: Young Love
Explore Shakespeare's plays of young love, Romeo & Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, to learn what makes them so compelling and magical.

- https://www.edx.org/course/subject/literature -

Seems like this might be a wonderful subject, as well as an amazing way to read and think about 2 of Shakespeare's greatest plays - in just 3 weeks. Studying the genius of Shakespeare is another remarkable opportunity.

This could be a good way to take 2 courses at the same time, with the Poetry in Modernism course, to see what this might be like. (WUaS would start figuring out what kind of units of credit toward a Bachelor's degree you'd received upon completion of this 3 week long course, and the 8 week long course).

Wellesley, like Harvard, is a great university!


Scott MacLeod
1:00 PM (9 hours ago)
to Larry, Shahbaz

But I just noticed that this "Shakespeare on the Page and in Performance: Young Love" course is archived, so Shahbaz, if you'd like to take 2 courses simultaneously, beginning September 1, 2020, please have a look further here - https://www.edx.org/course/subject/literature - at what you might be interested in.

Cheers, Scott


Scott MacLeod
1:36 PM (8 hours ago)
to Shahbaz, Larry

And, with Anant's guidance, if you want to begin today, here's a 5 week course on Shakespeare from AdelaideX, edX -

Shakespeare Matters
Learn about Shakespeare’s plays and their influence through a focus on emotions such as love, hate, and jealousy.

- for your consideration.

Sincerely, Scott


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